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Montana Ranger's Wedding Vow

Page 6

by Elle James

  “Thank you. Dallas will need all the help she can get.” He grinned. “She probably doesn’t know taffeta from satin. And neither do I, for that matter.”

  “Is there anything else I can help with?” she asked.

  “As a matter of fact, there is.” Viper studied the actress. “You’re shorter than Dallas, but you might have the same waist size.”

  Sadie laughed. “And you need to know this because?”

  “Dallas doesn’t even own a dress. I thought she might want to look a little fancier to apply for the marriage license.”

  “That’s sweet of you. I bet I have something that will fit.” She handed Emma to Hank. “I’ll be right back.”

  “Hey, my little honey bunch.” Hank kissed Emma with a loud smacking sound, and then he tossed the baby into the air, catching her expertly.

  Emma giggled and waved her hands high, indicating she wanted him to toss her again.

  Viper watched, his chest tightening. His baby girl would have been five by now. He’d never gotten the chance to hold her.

  Hank’s cellphone buzzed. He kissed Emma again and fumbled to answer. With a glance at Viper, he asked, “Do you mind holding her?”

  Before Viper could think of a response, Hank handed over Emma and stepped away to answer.

  “Hank here.”

  Viper held the baby at arm’s length, his body stiff, his heart racing.

  Emma stared at him, her bright eyes rounding. Then she batted a chubby hand at his face and giggled.

  The sound melted Viper’s heart, and he hugged Emma to him.

  Emma tugged at the collar of his jacket and patted his cheek, gurgling and cooing. Her grin infected him, and he found himself grinning back, though his eyes stung. “You’re a charmer.”

  He couldn’t admit, even to himself, how much he wanted this exact situation. A child of his own, a woman to love and a home to go to. All of this shined up at him through Emma’s eyes.

  “Oh, sweetie, let me take her from you.” Sadie hurried into the room, a garment bag looped over her arm. “She can be a handful.”

  Viper held onto Emma. “No, really. She and I are getting to know each other.” He smiled down at Emma. “Aren’t we?”

  Emma giggled and pulled his ear with her tiny little fingers.

  Sadie frowned. “If you’re sure?”

  “Yes.” Viper nodded toward the garment hanging over Sadie’s arm. “You found something for Dallas?”

  “I did.” Sadie beamed. “I think this one will go wonderfully with her glorious red hair.” She pulled an emerald-green dress out of the garment bag and held it up. Made of a flowing material, the dress would drape Dallas’s body beautifully.

  “That should do it.” Viper smoothed a knuckle over Emma’s soft cheek, reluctant to release his charge. But he had a job to do, and he needed to get back to the rehab ranch.

  Sadie zipped the dress into the garment bag and laid it over the back of a sofa. “I’ll take Emma. I’m sure you’ll want to return to Dallas.”

  As he handed over Emma, Viper whispered, “Be sweet for your mama.”

  “Come here, sweetheart.” Sadie lifted the baby into her arms and kissed her cheek. “Thank you for holding her.” She cast a glance at Hank, who’d walked to a far corner of the living room to take his call. “Hank loves her to the moon and back.”

  “As he should. She’s amazing.” A lump lodged in Viper’s throat, and he turned toward the hallway leading to the bedroom where he’d left his bag. “I’ll get my things and go.” He hurried to the room, stuffed his toiletries into his kit, jammed it into his duffel bag and looped it over his shoulder. The walls seemed to close in around him as he headed back down the hallway to the exit.

  “Don’t forget the dress,” Sadie reminded him as he passed through the spacious living area.

  He grabbed the garment bag and nodded toward Sadie. “Thanks. I’ll see that you get it back soon.”

  “No worries. She can have it. I have so many clothes in my closet from the movies I’ve been in. Tell her to keep it. It can be my contribution to her wedding trousseau.” She winked and then her face sobered. “I wish you two all the luck.”


  Hank glanced up from his conversation and ended the call. He hurried after Viper as he left the house.

  “I’ve had my contact in cyber security looking into the wedding disaster case. So far, he hasn’t found anything that jumps out in the area. He’ll keep looking.”

  “I can’t imagine anyone going online as a wedding day saboteur,” Viper said.

  “You’re right. However, I spoke with Sheriff Barron earlier today,” Hank said. “He’s had his deputies questioning all the victims. So far, he’s discovered they all used the same services.” He handed Viper a sheet of paper with names of businesses written in bold ink. “They all used Daisy’s Wedding Planning, Mel’s Catering & Fuller’s Rental.”

  “We’ll follow the same path.”

  Hank nodded. “Good. In the meantime, be careful. The last attack almost killed the bride and groom. I don’t want you and Dallas to be victims of this lunatic.”

  “We’ll be careful. If you need me, I’ll be at the Brighter Days Ranch.”

  “Glad to hear it,” Hank said. “You two will have each other’s six. And any time you need additional support, all you have to do is call.”

  Viper held out his hand.

  Hank shook it.

  “Thanks for this opportunity to be a part of Brotherhood Protectors,” Viper said. “We won’t let you down.”

  “I have no doubt you and Dallas can handle this mission.”

  “We’ve got it,” Viper assured his new boss. He hoped he was right. He’d never participated in a mission disguised as the groom for a fake wedding. He was feeling way out of his depth. But he’d do anything needed to prove himself and Dallas as competent additions to the Brotherhood Protectors. Even if it meant going through with a fake wedding to a woman he’d just met.

  As he climbed into his truck, his lips twitched upward. Dallas wasn’t anything like Emily, but he wouldn’t find it hard to pretend he was in love with the spitfire. No, she wasn’t the girly type of woman who enjoyed having her nails done and shopping for clothes. But she could hold her own in hand-to-hand combat and didn’t need any man to stand up for her.

  He also sensed that behind her badass façade lurked a woman with all the same needs as anyone. The need to be accepted and loved for who she was. What got to Viper was that Dallas probably didn’t think she needed anything but a paying job.

  Viper had learned, through his own loss, that everyone needed to be loved.

  Chapter 5

  Dallas hurried through her morning chores, mucking stalls, feeding the horses and chickens, and worrying about her ability to perform her first assignment as a member of the Brotherhood Protectors.

  Percy Pearson, the white-haired ranch foreman, stepped out of the barn office into her path. He planted his hands on his narrow hips and pinned her with his piercing blue eyes. “Hey, what’s this I hear about a wedding?”

  Her body stiffened. Holy hell, news travelled fast around the ranch. “I don’t know,” she hedged. “What did you hear?”

  “Got a call from Hank Patterson asking if we could use a little help around the ranch. One of his buddies from the service needed a place to stay while he planned his wedding to one of our guests.” Percy’s brows lifted. “Imagine my surprise when I found out that guest was you.”

  Heat rose in Dallas’s cheeks. She’d never been a good liar, but this act would be her first as an undercover bride. She had to lie to a man she respected in order to keep the fakeness of the pending wedding from getting to the person responsible for sabotaging other weddings. She sucked in a breath and figured the wave of warmth blooming on her cheeks could be attributed to the blushing bride syndrome, of which she had no experience. “You heard right. I…uh…I’m getting married.”

  Percy’s brow furrowed, and he stared through
slitted eyes. “You are? You don’t sound convinced.”

  She swallowed hard and forced a smile to her face. “It’s all so new and sudden.” Not a lie. “I’m having a hard time believing it myself.”

  “We didn’t know you were engaged to be married.”

  “Because I wasn’t when I arrived a couple weeks ago,” she admitted. Again, the truth. “Hank Patterson showed him how to find the ranch today, and he came to…pop the question.” Again, not really a lie, but the statement still stuck in her craw.

  “I take it you said yes.” Percy’s frown deepened. “That’s kind of sudden, isn’t it?”

  “Not as sudden as the wedding date.” Dallas cringed inwardly. Who would believe anyone would want to get married a week after the proposal?

  “So, when is the wedding?”

  “Next weekend.” There. She’d said it.

  Percy’s eyebrows shot up. “A week? You’re getting married in a week?” He shook his head. “Girl, what are you doing mucking stalls and feeding the animals? Shouldn’t you be planning a wedding?”

  Dallas gave a nervous laugh. “I suppose, only I don’t have a clue where to start.” Again, it didn’t hurt when she was telling the truth. She really had no idea what went into a wedding.

  “Do you have a dress? What about the cake? Where will it be held? Hell, if I’d known you were getting married next week, we could have left all the tables and chairs in place from Hannah and Taz’s wedding.”

  Another nervous laugh and Dallas held up her hands. “My f-fiancé will be back in a while, and we plan on starting today. Hank’s wife will help me find a dress. And the rest…I guess will fall in place. If the event were just up to me, I’d hire a Justice of the Peace and call it done.”

  Percy’s frown slipped back over his forehead. “Are you sure about this wedding? I mean, I don’t get the feeling you’re keen on the idea. Do you even love the guy?”

  Dallas bit down on her tongue, the pain reminding her she had to hold true to the operation, or she could be setting up herself for failure before it had even begun. “Yes. I l-love Viper, I mean, Vince.” She shrugged. “I’m just not used to all the touchy-feely stuff most women experience.”

  “Hell,” Percy said. “I’m not a woman, but I know a marriage won’t last if you don’t love each other.”

  “You’re right,” Dallas agreed, glancing to the side, praying for someone else to interrupt their conversation, or looking for an escape route, but finding neither. “We know we love each other and want to start our life together as soon as possible.” So we can catch a murdering son of a bitch who preys on newlyweds.

  “Have you told anyone else on the ranch?” he asked.

  “Not yet. I can barely process all I have to accomplish before the big day.”

  “Then let me be the first to congratulate you.” He held out his hand.

  When Dallas took it in hers to shake, he pulled her into a hug.

  “I wish you a truck-load of happiness.” He set her to arm’s length. “And I’ll remind you that if you decide he isn’t the right man, you can back out of the wedding up to the moment you stand in front of the preacher. I’ll have your back and get you out of the church or wherever you plan on having it. No questions asked.”

  Dallas’s eyes stung. “Thank you, Percy. Knowing you care means a lot.”

  “I just know you deserve the best. And if he’s not the best…well, you know where I stand.” He dropped his hands from her arms. “Now, go get cleaned up. Your fiancé is on his way, and I want an introduction.”

  “You’ve got it. I think you’ll like him. He’s retired Special Forces.”

  “I don’t care if he’s a retired garbageman as long as he’s good to you and treats you like the princess you are.”

  Dallas snorted. “I’m no princess. Ranger training kicked anything resembling princess out of my system.”

  Percy smirked. “You like to think that, but I’ve been watching you. You might be all tough and hardcore, but inside, you’re as feminine as they come.” He held up a hand to stop her from commenting. “And that’s not a bad thing. The toughest people I know happen to be female. You don’t have to be able to kick everyone’s ass to be strong. You have to be smart and know when to kick ass and when to ask for help. Take Hannah, our boss…she’s one of those people. She takes in a lot of strays, but she has the strength of heart and mind to make their lives better. You’re like her.”

  Dallas’s chest swelled. “Thank you. That’s the nicest compliment anyone has ever paid me. I think the world of Hannah and all she’s done for the veterans and horses here at Brighter Days.”

  Percy’s face softened. “Yes, she’s done a lot. We all love her and wish her all the happiness her heart desires with her new husband.” He grinned. “Now, we get to do the same for you.” Percy hugged her again. “Congratulations.”

  At that moment, a truck pulled into the drive.

  Percy stepped back and shaded his eyes with a hand. “This your man?”

  Dallas’s pulse kicked up, and her breathing became a little more ragged.

  Viper stepped down from his truck and headed their way.

  “Good. I want to meet the man who has stolen our girl’s heart.” Percy waited for Viper to close the distance between them.

  Dallas’s gaze connected with Viper’s. She prayed she’d given a sufficient performance to the foreman who was now acting like a protective father.

  Again, her heart swelled at Percy’s concern. Her own father would have done the same, if he knew she was getting married. Only he hadn’t lived long enough to see her graduate from Ranger training. He also hadn’t been around to help her pick up the pieces when she’d been discharged from the Army.

  Percy took half a step in front of Dallas and crossed his arms over his chest. “You looking for someone?” he demanded.

  The corners of Viper’s lips twitched, but he didn’t let loose with a smile. “As a matter of fact, I am.” He tipped his head toward Dallas and winked. “I’m looking for my fiancée.”

  “Is that so?” Percy remained planted between Dallas and Viper.

  Dallas fought the urge to giggle.

  “I understand you two are planning to get hitched,” Percy said.

  Viper nodded, his face poker-straight now. “We are.”

  “Then what’s the all-fired hurry that you have to do it within a week?”

  Dallas couldn’t resist the smile forming on her lips. It was Viper’s turn to be interrogated. She was curious to see how he handled the older man’s questions and prayed his answers matched hers.

  “Sir,” Viper started. “When you know exactly who you love, you don’t want to wait another day to start living the rest of your life with her.” He held out his hand to Dallas. “Isn’t that right, darlin’?”

  Dallas stared at his open hand for a moment before she took it and stepped around Percy, her cheeks heating and her pulse pounding so loudly against her eardrums she could barely hear herself think. “Uh-huh,” she muttered.

  Viper slid his arm around her waist and pulled her close against his side. He then held out his hand to the foreman. “You must be Percy Pearson.”

  “Maybe I am…maybe I’m not.” Percy didn’t take the extended hand. “I’m not sure I approve of a wedding taking place so quickly. We didn’t even know Miss Dallas had a boyfriend.”

  “I didn’t talk about him because I didn’t know he felt the way he did,” Dallas added quickly. “When he showed up at the ranch and proposed, I couldn’t believe he came to do what he did.”

  Percy snorted, apparently not ready to concede. “How do you two know each other? Did you meet in the Army?”

  Viper and Dallas answered as one, “Yes.”

  Viper went on to add, “We met while deployed.”

  “Ain’t it against regulations to hook up when you’re both deployed?”

  “Yes, sir,” Viper answered. “I said we met while deployed to…”

  “Afghanistan,” D
allas finished. “We were both at the same base. We met in the—” She scrambled in her head for where they could have met.

  “—chow hall.” He smiled down at her. “She was frowning at the mystery meat. I offered to take it off her hands.”

  “The meeting was love at first bite,” Dallas finished, laughter bubbling up inside her. Yes, she’d been in chow halls with what the cook called meat that looked more like shoe leather.

  She gazed at Viper with more interest. They shared common experiences, having been in the military and deployed to places that served reconstituted food no one knew what it was originally.

  They’d both been in chaotic combat situations and knew what losing members of your squad was like. They’d both worn the uniform proudly.

  Pretending to know each other shouldn’t be much of a hardship.

  Finally, Percy took Viper’s hand and shook it. But he held on longer than necessary, his eyes narrowing. “You hurt my girl here, and you’ll have me to answer to.”

  Viper met the older man’s gaze straight on and answered, “I’m glad to know she has someone else looking out for her. Rest assured, I’ll do my best to keep her safe and happy.”

  Dallas had always prided herself on her independence and her ability to look out for herself. But she had to admit, if only silently, that the protective tug-of-war between the two men made her feel cherished. The only other person who’d ever made her feel that way had been her father.

  Her chest swelled with something she didn’t want to put a label on. Not yet. Both of these men were relative strangers to her. She hoped to remedy that situation and get to know them better over the course of her mission.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse us,” Viper said, “we have a lot of planning to do if we want to get married next weekend.”

  Dallas touched Percy’s arm and leaned close to whisper, “Thanks for looking out for me.”

  Percy lifted his chin. “We watch out for each other at Brighter Days.”

  “I’ll be back later to help with chores,” Viper promised.


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