In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

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In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1) Page 9

by K. G. Reuss

  “I’m not your whore,” I snarled back.

  Cole chuckled softly in my ear as his hold on me tightened. “You’re whatever the fuck I say you are. We run this place.”

  I ground my teeth, itching to plant my foot in his groin as his hard-on brushed against my backside. Despite being angry, I couldn’t ignore the rush of tingles which shot through my body at his nearness.

  As if knowing that, he whispered in my ear again, sending a flurry of goosebumps through me. “I fucking love that you love it. We’re going to have so much fun with you.”

  “Agree to our demands, Sunshine. We’ll make sure everything else is taken care of.” Enzo leveled his dark gaze on me, pulling me away from Cole’s madness.

  “I’m scared,” I choked, admitting out loud what I was sure they already knew. Maybe they’d find an ounce of compassion in their hearts to let me be.

  That hope tumbled to the ground and shattered at my feet when Fox spoke. “Then you’re already halfway there.”

  “Fear is an excellent motivator,” Cole added, giving me squeeze.

  Fox pulled his phone out and thumbed through it for a moment before glancing up at me.

  “What do you want with me? What do I have to do?” My voice shook again. “What makes you go away?”

  “Depends on our mood. Maybe some homework. Maybe a blowjob.” Cole’s lips brushed the shell of my ear with his words. “Or maybe I bend you over a chair and fuck your tight little ass. It varies depending on what sort of day I’m having.”

  “You’re a pig. Are you trying to compete with Ian for the douchebag of the year award?” I tried to break away from him, the fear and lust warring inside me, both fighting for supremacy, but he tightened his hold.

  “And you’re turned on by the idea of it.” Cole growled again.

  I shook my head, hating that he was right.

  “We can start off slow.” Ethan cleared his throat, shooting a quick look at Fox who was glaring at me, phone in hand. “Since Fox isn’t interested in being too close to you, maybe Cole could get you for a week—”

  “I’m not a toy, Ethan! You can’t just pass me around!” I snapped at him.

  Ethan winced and looked down at his hands. “It’s not like that, Rosalie. We can switch off so you don’t feel so overwhelmed. I promise you I’m not going to make you screw me or suck me off, but I could use some help in calculus and chemistry.”

  Enzo and Cole snorted at Ethan’s words. I scowled before leveling my gaze on Ethan.

  “You want me to be your homework bitch?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  He flushed before muttering, “Among other things.”

  “What other things?” I demanded.

  “Show her,” Enzo said, a dark glint in his eyes. Before I could whip out a response, Cole knocked my legs out from beneath me, sending me careening painfully to the hard locker room floor. I let out a cry of agony as my knees connected with it. Tears filled my eyes.

  “Keep that mouth open,” Cole instructed darkly in my ear as he reached around to grip my face painfully.

  Horror and disbelief flooded my body as Enzo stopped in front of me, his crotch inches from my face. I tried to turn my face away from his groin, but Cole forced me to continue looking at it.

  “I want you to suck my dick, Sunshine.”

  Shivers innundated my body as my heart thudded uselessly in my chest. I clamped my mouth shut, despite the war inside that kept kicking up dust in my mind about wanting to taste him.

  “Just open your mouth and put his cock inside, Rosebud.” Cole let out a soft laugh.

  I caught Fox’s eyes as he stood only a few feet away, surveying the scene with narrowed eyes.

  “Fox?” I whimpered. Whether I wanted a command, permission, or freedom, I didn’t know. All I knew was that whatever his answer was, it would determine the outcome of the moment.

  He moved forward and knelt beside me.

  “Have you ever given a blowjob before?” he asked softly, his voice husky.

  I shook my head as much as Cole would allow. Ethan stepped forward and looked down at me, a frown on his face.

  “Well, to start, you’ll need to unzip Enzo’s pants.”

  He was serious. I looked up at Enzo, whose eyebrows were raised, clearly waiting for me to make my move. Cole released my arms. With shaking hands, I reached forward and fumbled with the buttons on Enzo’s jeans. The lust inside me landed a right hook to fear’s face, knocking it into a quivering mass of nerves on the floor of my mind.

  My shallow breathing and the zipppp of Enzo’s zipper coming down were the only sounds in the room. The massive, bulging outline of his hard-on could easily be seen through his dark boxers.

  “Now, all you need to do is take his cock out and put it in your mouth,” Fox instructed in a gruff voice.

  “Fox,” I whispered, looking over at him. My heart fluttered in my chest.

  “Would you rather it be me?” he challenged softly, his eyes locked on mine.

  I didn’t even hesitate with my answer. “Yes.”

  A tiny, wicked smirk tugged the corner of his lip up. “Do you think I’d let your nasty mouth on my dick?”

  The heat of embarrassment flooded my body before anger took over. I reached out to slap Fox, but Cole grabbed my arms and tugged me roughly to my feet. I barely registered Enzo zipping his jeans up.

  “You’re a prick,” I ground out at Fox, my heartbeat roaring in my ears.

  “And you’re the little whore Cole said you were,” he shot back. “That’s how we prove our point. The next time, you will have a dick in your mouth. It’s obvious you want one.”

  “No I don’t,” I hissed at him, the lie making me feel like I was sucking on a cotton ball.

  “Liar.” Cole laughed.

  I ground my teeth and glared straight ahead.

  “So, back to negotiations since my dick apprently isn’t getting sucked,” Enzo broke in. “In exchange for your servitude, we can keep Juliet and her girls off your case, or at least have her ease up.”

  The idea of being free of Juliet made me pause my anger. “You’d call off your dog?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at Fox. He shrugged.

  “Sure. Until you screw up again.”

  I snorted bitterly. “What constitutes me screwing up?”

  “Pretty much breathing, freakshow.” Fox smirked at me.

  I broke free from Cole and moved to Fox, jamming my finger into his chest. The smile slid off his face. “Call me freakshow again, and I’ll rip your testicles off.”

  “Are you in?” he growled down at me, his blue eyes flashing.

  I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and stared up at him. Maybe I was screwed up in the head, but a tiny, niggling voice in the back of my mind hissed at me to scream yes and fall to my knees again. I pushed it away and stared defiantly up at him, my hands on my hips.

  “Promise you’ll tell Juliet to back off.”

  “I promise not to release your sex tape.”

  “Fox,” I snarled. “Please. You just said—”

  He rolled his eyes at me and unlocked his phone screen. I let out a gasp as he opened the share tab and starting adding people to an outgoing message with the video attached.

  “Stop!” I squealed, reaching for the phone. He held his other hand out, stopping me from getting closer. “Fox, please! Please, don’t! I’ll do it. I’ll do whatever you want. Just please. Please don’t send that!”

  The bigger part of me which wanted my freedom would have to suffer. I could lie to myself all night long, but I was at their mercy. I knew it the moment Cole forced me on my knees. Running, begging, crying, none of that would change what was happening to me. They owned me. I did the only thing I could do.

  Willingly, I fell to my knees in front of him, clinging to his pant leg as I wept and pleaded with him not to send the video out. I could only imagine the horror and disgust on my parents’ faces. The disappointment when Pendleton got it and revoked my scholarships and acceptance le
tter. The embarassment of people seeing me almost be raped while not fighting Ian off. And Jamie. My guts twisted.

  “What do I have to do?” I sobbed. “I’ll do it. Whatever you want.”

  Fox put his phone away and stared down at me.

  “Say it. Say you’re mine.”

  “I’m... yours,” I choked out, defeat ebbing from me in the form of tears. Who the hell was I kidding? I wasn’t strong enough to fight them. Despite feeling a strange desire for the guys, I still knew I shouldn’t. But I also knew I had to join them or risk losing everything.

  Fox’s warm fingers lifted my chin up so I stared up at him, tears freefalling down my cheeks.

  “I told you the next time you were on your knees begging it would be for me.”

  He released me as I rocked forward, completely at his and his friends’ mercy.

  “We’re going to have some fun, Rosie. Cole, take care of her.” Fox moved away from me, only for Cole to take his place.

  “Come on, Rosebud.” Cole held his hand out to me. I placed my palm in his and let him pull me my feet.

  “What are we doing?” I whispered in a choked voice.

  “I’m taking you home. Your parents aren’t there. I’ll decide what I want once we’re in your bedroom.”

  Enzo removed the chair from against the door as Cole led me to it. I cast a backward look at the guys, my heart plummeting.

  “Have fun,” Fox murmured as Cole opened the door and pulled me out into the hallway.


  Much to my surprise, Cole rummaged around in my closet before pulling out a black off-the-shoulder dress with little pink rosebuds printed on it. He grabbed a pair of tan suede boots out of my closet next and placed them on a chair next to the dress.

  “I want you to wear that tomorrow.”

  “Does the king require anything else?” I muttered, watching him from my perch on the edge of my bed.

  He nodded to my vanity. “Lip gloss. I love your lips. I find chicks who wear lip gloss sexy. Cherry if you have it.”

  I nodded dully. I had it. “Is that it?”

  Cole moved to stand in front of me and tipped my chin up.

  “This won’t be so bad. Remember how good I made you feel that night?”

  A rush of heat swept through my core as I remembered kissing him. Had I known it would result in me being their slave, I may have said no and fled like I’d planned.

  You’re not a slave to them if you want it.

  I pushed the terrifying thought out of my head and focused on what Cole was saying to me.

  “I can make it happen again. Would you like that?”

  “No, because I don’t need another video to deal with.” My voice sounded strong through the lie as I glared up at him. He grinned and backed away.

  “I’ll pick you up tomorrow for school. Make sure you’re wearing the outfit I’ve chosen. If you’re going to be seen near or with us, you can’t look like you crawled from a trash bin. Take the rest of the day to rest. You’re going to need it.”

  “Like I’d dream of defying you.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Maybe you should. I could give you a spanking.”

  My breath hitched in my chest at his words. He winked at me.

  “You’re a dirty girl, Rosebud. I’ll see you in the morning.” And with those words, he left me alone in my bedroom, my mind in all sorts of dirty places despite my hatred of him and his friends.

  I showered after Cole left and crawled into bed, worry setting in. When the sunlight streamed in through the slit in my curtains the next morning, I let out a groan. The phone ringing had me on my feet and shuffling to it. My parents put a landline in my room. I had no idea the purpose for it other than my dad’s need for nostalgia.

  “Hello?” I yawned.

  “Rosalie, where have you been? We were worried sick!” My mother’s voice wafted over the line, making me grimace.

  I should’ve called them.

  “Sorry, Mom. I didn’t feel well last night. So I decided to turn in early.”

  “It’s a good thing Fox lives next door! Dad had to call him to go check on you.”

  “Gee, thanks,” I muttered, playing with a piece of lint on my pajama bottoms. I knew Fox had simply told them a lie since he knew I was home. I cast a quick peek at my curtains, my eyes narrowed. I imagined if they were open, I’d see Fox’s curtains instead.

  “Well, don’t do that again. You had me nearly loading your dad onto a plane and heading home!”

  “Sorry,” I apologized again. That seemed good enough for her because we went through the pleasantries before her telling me to be good, despite the fact I was eighteen and could take care of myself.

  When we hung up, I went to my chair and hurriedly put on the outfit Cole chose. It actually looked nice on me. Mom had picked it out a few months prior, citing a sale she couldn’t resist. I did a quick twirl, braiding my hair and letting it rest over my shoulder. My green eyes didn’t look so sleep deprived, thankfully. I dotted on the cherry lip gloss and some mascara before I went downstairs.

  A knock on my door made me groan. Pulling it open, I found Cole on my front steps, looking like he’d just stepped off a cover of Heartthrob Magazine.

  “You’re early,” I grumbled, not bothering to invite him in but not closing the door on him either. He stepped inside the house.

  “I’m on time. I told you to be ready.”

  “Just getting my bag,” I said, coming back with my book bag slung over my shoulder.

  “You good?”

  “The best I can be considering the circumstances.”

  “That works for me.” He escorted me out to his car. I climbed in the front seat, impressed he’d opened the door for me. Cole still didn’t seem like the chivalrous sort.

  “Thanks,” I murmured, pulling my seatbelt over myself and snapping it into place. He nodded and moved around to climb behind the wheel.

  “I’m sorry about yesterday.” He cleared his throat as we pulled out onto the street. “I know how scared you are.”

  I shrugged. “Not like that matters, right?”

  He glanced at me, a rare non-cocky smile on his face that lit up his eyes. For a moment, he looked every bit the sweet, doting heartthrob girls dreamed about getting the attention of. “It matters, Rosebud. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  I nodded, not saying anything. Being blackmailed into becoming a puppet wasn’t something I looked forward to.

  He made a left turn onto the main road wordlessly.

  “So what do I have to do today?” I shifted uncomfortably on his leather seats, wondering if I’d find myself on my knees again.

  “Haven’t decided.” Cole shrugged. “Maybe we’ll just have some fun. I don’t need help with homework or anything like that.”

  “So you’ve mentioned.”

  His laughter wasn’t the usual cold bark. Warmth seemed to radiate from him. He was in a rare mood. Usually, Cole was dark and scary. Today, he appeared the polar opposite.

  “I still can’t believe it.”

  “While you see the player and party guy, there’s also a studious side to me. My parents would kill me if I didn’t do well in school.” He scowled at the mention of his parents. This conversation turned deeper than last time. I found myself interested.

  “I heard they aren’t around much.”

  He tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “Hardly ever. I was raised by a nanny until I turned fourteen. Then I was on my own. My older brother Colten left when he graduated four years ago.”

  I nodded, vaguely remembering he had an older brother.

  “What does he do now?”

  “He graduated with a degree in engineering. He works for a company in New York. He travels a lot.”

  “Do you get to talk to him often?”

  “Not really. He’s calls me about once a week to see how things are and remind me to keep my grades up so I can get the hell out of here. I guess he’s getting married next summer.”<
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  “Oh, that’s cool.”

  Cole shrugged. “I haven’t met her. Her name’s Clarissa. He wanted to bring her home to meet our parents, but Mom and Dad were too busy doing whatever shit they do, so Colt decided to cancel. I’ll probably meet her at their wedding, if he even bothers with one. Knowing Colt, he’ll just jet off to Vegas and get it over with.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Cole frowned at me as he parked the car.

  “Why are you sorry? It’s not your life.”

  I scoffed. “But this is, and I know how much things can suck.”

  For a brief moment, he looked sympathetic.

  “I’ll make sure you enjoy this then. A couple crazies together can only produce the best results, right?”

  “I don’t think that’s how this works.”

  “It’ll work. I know it will.” He got out of the car and was at my door, pulling it open for me and offering me his hand. I took it hesitantly, waiting for him to let go so I’d topple to the ground. I was surprised when his grip tightened, and his arm wound around my waist.

  “Look at everyone stare, Rosebud,” Cole murmured as he led me through the parking lot to the sidewalk.

  He was right. It was worse than the party. Cole Scott never stuck with a girl. And as far as I could remember, he’d never pranced around campus with one on his arm like he was doing with me. But he was guiding me like a show dog through the grounds, nodding and high-fiving people when appropriate.

  “I don’t like it.”

  “Why not? On my arm, you’re untouchable. Eat it up, baby.”

  “Except by Juliet—”

  Cole pulled me to a stop and angled my face up at him. “You’re tough. You’ll be fine. You’ve impressed me so far.”

  I blushed, looking away. He let out a soft chuckle before we started walking again.

  “Aren’t you going to stop and see the guys?” I asked as we veered to the front doors of the school, bypassing the guys who were watching us.

  “Not this morning. I’m more focused on you. That dress is perfect on you.”

  I couldn’t believe this was Cole Scott talking to me. I imagined me saying yes to the guys would have me on my knees again, scrubbing their football jersies, doing their homework and sucking their dicks until my jaw wanted to fall off. But this? It was beyond my wildest expecta-tions.


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