In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

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In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1) Page 10

by K. G. Reuss

  We stopped at my locker, and I stuffed the books from my bag inside. I was acutely aware of Cole’s eyes locked on my every movement.

  I spotted Jamie coming toward us, her movements slowing, apprehension on her face. I was about to point her out to Cole, hoping we could all get along since it would be a long year if I was stuck to the guys for however long, but he had other ideas in mind.

  “Come here,” he demanded softly, drawing me to him. “This is about to get really public, Rosebud.” It was all the warning I got before he pressed his lips firmly to mine, his tongue sweeping inside. If there was one thing Cole Scott could do, it was kiss.

  “What was that for?” I gasped when he broke the kiss off.

  He only gave me that smirk of dark things to come which I was becoming familiar with.

  “Um, Rosalie?”

  I pulled away from Cole and peered at Jamie, whose gaze volleyed between me and Cole.

  “Hey.” I plastered a fake smile on my face.

  Jamie raised an eyebrow at me, totally not buying it. “What’s going on?”

  “Uh, nothing.” I winced, my voice an octave higher than normal. I sounded like an idiot. She gave me a pointed look.

  “Baby, come on,” Cole cooed. “You shouldn’t keep secrets.”

  I shot him a glare to which he responded by smirking back at me, the devil in his eyes.

  “Are you two seeing each other or something?” Jamie locked her stare on Cole. I had to hand it to her, she came off as tough, not backing down from him as he returned her gaze.

  “Something like that,” Cole answered. “Rosalie likes me so much that she just does what-ever I tell her, huh, Rosebud?”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “You like it,” he shot back, tightening his hold on me. His lips brushed against the shell of my ear as he whispered, “Play nice.”

  I forced a smile on my face.

  “We’re just having fun.”

  “Mm, bad girl.” He chuckled softly. “Is that what we’re calling it?”

  Jamie blinked rapidly, clearly floored by our little display. “O-kay,” she muttered. I could practically see the questions zipping around in her head.

  “Give me your phone.” Cole turned to me.

  I shook my head at him. “No.”

  His stare hardened. He definitely didn’t like to be told no. “It’s not a request. Give it to me.”

  I nearly told him no again, but the look on his face had me digging into my bag and handing it over. He snatched it from me and typed something out before his own phone buzzed.

  “Perfect. Now I can reach you whenever I want.” He handed my phone back to me.

  “Great,” I muttered, trying to keep the brittle smile on my lips. “It’d be terrible if I were unreachable.”

  Cole winked at me before turning to Jamie. “So, Jamie, right?”

  She nodded mutely.

  “How about you and Rosebud do your morning ritual tomorrow instead? It’s a bit crowded right now.”

  “Cole—” I started, anger coursing through me.

  “It’s fine, Rosalie. I only wanted to tell you the signups are posted for the fall musical. I figured I’d let you know since you said you were interested in trying out.”

  “Oh!” I let my excitement show. “When are tryouts?”

  “Next month.” Jamie glanced between me and Cole.

  His expression darkened considerably. I knew he was close to letting his inner jerk out more, so I quickly bid Jamie goodbye, promising we’d talk later. She nodded slowly, confusion and hurt warring on her face.

  “If I have to do this, could you at least be nice to my friends?”

  We started our walk to my first class, Cole snagging my books out of my arms and carrying them in his, his other arm wrapped around my waist.

  “You mean friend. Singular.”

  I shot him a glare. “Yes. She’s the only one I have, and I’d like to keep her if you don’t mind. I thought that was obvious considering I’m now your bitch.”

  He chuckled. “Sure, but you have us now. We’re your new friends.”

  I snorted. “Bullshit. You guys aren’t my friends. You don’t care about me. You’re my tormentors. That’s not even close to the realm of friendship. And stop kissing me and touching me,” I added as an after-thought.

  Cole laughed, tightening his hold. “I’m claiming today as mine, so I do what I want.”

  “Is that what happens? You guys just calls dibs?”

  He shot me a smile and shook his head. “Not really. It’s pretty up in the air. I’m sure you’ll be hearing from everyone else soon enough. Maybe you should anticipate being bent over a desk with me buried inside that tight little pussy.”

  The heat raced across my skin at his words. He smiled knowingly at me as I tried to be tough. “Great. Can’t wait for that,” I said with an eye roll, but deep inside, butterflies flapped to life.

  “You’re so fucking sexy when you’re turned on,” he growled, stopping outside my classroom. “Just appreciate that we found this to be more enjoyable than releasing the video. I think if you open your mind, you’ll find this could be a hell of a lot of fun.”

  I swallowed hard, looking away from him.

  He was quick to bring my attention back. “We’re only getting started. I’ll be sure to let the guys know to go easy on you until you’re more comfortable.”

  “Really? You’ll go easy?”

  He smiled down at me and thumbed my bottom lip, hunger burning in his baby blues. “I didn’t say I would. If there’s a hard truth about me, it’s that I don’t go easy on anyone.”

  “You’re a jerk,” I managed to say as he leaned in, his eyes locked on mine.

  “From here on out, I’m your jerk, Rosebud. But I think you’re going to enjoy how rough I am.”

  “You think so?” I rasped, leaning into him.

  His lips tilted up into that dark smirk I’d become accustomed to. “If there’s one thing I know, it’s when a woman is interested in me. And you are most definitely interested. You think you shouldn’t be, so you’re playing hard to get. And baby, you definitely got me hard. I just need to make my move. It’s coming.”

  “And let me guess,” I said, feeling brave as I rested my hand on his chest. His heart beat fast beneath my fingers. “So will I.”

  “You can fucking bet on it.” He brushed his lips gently against mine, heating me straight to my core. “I’ll see you later.”

  I took my books from him, lost for words. His wink said it all as he backed away into the throng of students.

  I was in so much trouble.


  “So what’s going on with you and Cole?” Jamie tapped her foot at me, hand on her hip.

  I knew this would happen. I couldn’t avoid the subject for long.

  “Nothing. We hung out at that party. I guess he’s OK.” The bland excuse did nothing for my cause.

  Jamie gave me a look of disbelief. “I thought you hated those guys?”

  I shrugged. “I do, but I’m trying to make this year better.” I forced a half-assed smile onto my face. “It’s our last year and all.”

  “Is something going on? You can tell me—”

  I bit my tongue before the words tumbled out. Instead, I fixed the smile on my face better. “Everything’s fine. Promise.”

  She gave me a skeptical look before finally nodding. We made our way into the cafeteria where we sat at our usual table in the back. Jamie brought a lunch. I had nothing and going to grab something didn’t seem like the best idea since people had been whispering behind their hands about me and Cole all morning. I scanned the room, breathing out a sigh of relief when I didn’t spot Ian. The last thing I needed was him.

  Jamie was yammering away about yearbook committee when Cole’s deep voice cut into my thoughts.

  “Why are you over here?”

  Jamie stopped mid-sentence and darted her eyes between me and Cole, apprehension on her face.

sp; “Uh, because this is where I sit.”

  Cole glanced at Jamie before locking eyes with me. “I wanted you to sit with me today.”

  While his words seemed pleasant, his eyes gave away his irritation.

  “What if we sat here?” I asked hopefully, glancing at the table where all the jerks sat. I’d seen Juliet come in with her evil wenches earlier. The last thing I felt like doing was breaking bread with the bitches.

  “Not part of the plan, sweetheart. Come on. Jamie, I’m sorry, but I’m stealing Rosalie.” Cole held his hand out to me.

  “It’s cool. I have some things I need to do anyway.” She stuffed her half-eaten sandwich back in her bag, her lips turned down into a deep frown. “We still on for tonight?”

  I nodded, taking Cole’s hand. It was movie night at my place.

  Jamie smiled and got to her feet.

  “Sounds good. We can, uh, talk then. See ya.”

  I waved goodbye, watching as she left with her head down and allowed Cole to pull me to my feet.

  “When I tell you to do something—”

  “I didn’t know the kings required my presence at their table,” I snapped at him. “You never told me I had to sit with you.”

  “When you belong to us, you sit where we sit. You do what we say. It’s not that fucking hard to grasp.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I forgot. The answer is always yes, master. I just didn’t want my friend to eat alone.”

  Cole sighed and led me through the cafeteria. “Where’s your lunch?”

  “Don’t have one.”

  We stopped at the table the crew occupied, and Cole pushed me down into the seat he usually sat in.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait, Cole—”

  He didn’t pause. He turned on his heel and left me sitting there feeling like a total loser. Sighing, I turned to face the crew, most of who stared at me like I was lost.

  “You need to tell Cole to stop leaving his trash laying around.” Juliet glowered at me from Fox’s lap.

  “I’ll be sure he gets the memo,” I muttered.

  “How’s your day been, Sunshine?” Enzo asked, scooting closer to me.

  “I’ve had better.”

  “Are you and Cole dating?” Melissa butted in.

  I stared at her in surprise as the table fell silent. “Uh, no.”

  “Jeff Gaston said you and Cole were kissing in the hallway by your locker this morning,” she pressed.

  Juliet and Tara both leaned forward. A few of the other cheerleaders stared avidly at me, waiting for a response. I glanced around at all the eyes on me. Terrence, James, Brent, Brandon, the others from the football team were looking at me like I’d sprouted a second head.

  “It’s nothing.” I swallowed hard, my eye catching Fox’s.

  “That’s what I thought. I told you.” Juliet smirked at the girls. “Cole isn’t that stupid. He likes the nasty girls. Maybe freakshow is just an easy lay—”

  I was ready to pounce on her. Being called freakshow was getting old.

  “Juliet,” Fox scolded in his deep voice as I contemplated launching myself at her from my seat. “That’s enough. Not here.”

  I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I hoped his stepping in didn’t mean I’d owe him more. It certainly hadn’t been my idea to sit there.

  “She doesn’t belong here, Fox.” Juliet pouted, jutting her bottom lip out at him. “Make her leave.”

  I expected to see him give in to her, but he gave her a hardened glare, his body stiffening.

  “She stays,” he ground out, a muscle popping along his jaw.

  Juliet’s eyes widened in surprise at his declaration. “Either she goes or I do.”

  Fox’s blue eyes traveled over to me. I was already on my feet, ready to get the hell out of there, but he shook his head at me.

  “Rosalie, sit.”

  I sat awkwardly while the rest of the group looked like they were watching a tennis match, all eyes volleying back and forth between Fox and Juliet.

  “Juliet, if you can’t handle sitting at the same table as her, then maybe leaving isn’t a bad idea.”

  The stunned silence from the table made my heart race. All because of me. No way. This would make her torment a million times worse.

  “Um, it’s really OK. I don’t actually even want to be here, so I’ll go.” I stood up again, but Fox shifted his glare from Juliet and focused it on me.

  “I said sit, Rosalie.” The way he said it made shivers race through me.

  I sat once more, deciding staring at my hands seemed like the best option.

  “Are you kidding me, Fox?” Juliet’s voice shook.

  I chanced a glance at the two of them.

  “Do I look like I’m fucking joking?” Fox lifted her and placed her on her feet. Her eyes darted around to everyone at the table. No one met her gaze.

  “Her over me?” She balled her hands into fists.

  “No, Juliet. You were given the option of dealing with it. You’re the one throwing out ultimatums. I’m only answering. Cole brought her to sit with us. I have it on good authority this may turn into a regular thing, so either deal with it or leave. Pretty fucking simple.” Fox sat back in his seat, not looking the least bit perturbed as Juliet loomed over him, her body trembling. She drew in a deep breath before settling into the seat next to Fox.

  “I’m staying. But if she does anything—”

  “She’s never done anything. I think it’ll be fine.” Fox glanced over at me, a steely glint in his eyes. “You good, Rosalie?”

  “Yeah,” I muttered.

  Enzo reached out and patted my hand while Ethan offered me a reassuring smile. No one else dared look in my direction. The moment I saw Cole approaching, I darted out of my seat, practically running to him.

  “Didn’t expect you to be so eager to see me,” he greeted me as I stopped in front of him. He held a tray with two sandwiches on it along with apple slices and two cartons of milk.

  “Cole, please. Please, can we leave here? Don’t make me sit with those people.”

  Cole looked over my shoulder for a moment before his eyes darkened. “I know they don’t like you, but you need to understand something, Rosebud.”

  “What?” I whispered, silently pleading with my eyes for him to have some sort of sympathy or understanding for my situation.

  “I like the torment.”

  I choked down my cry of despair as he widened his dark smile at me and led me back to my own personal hell.


  Jamie let out a gasp as Ian walked toward us in the hall a week and a half into my servi-tude. I’d just arrived at my locker with Jamie, grateful Cole had said I could drive myself for the day. It was the first day I’d been allowed to drive myself since this whole thing started. He’d also taken great pleasure in making me do his laundry. He sat on the dryer, annoying me and pointing out each time I wound up touching his underwear.

  “What happened to him?” Jamie murmured, her face scrunched in worry.

  “Looks like he tangled with some dudes he shouldn’t have,” Enzo said.

  I hadn’t heard him come up behind me.

  He winked at me. My guts twisted at his words, my mind darting back to the day in the locker room when Fox said Ian would be taken care of.

  Jamie looked at us for a moment before turning back to watch as Ian passed by, his head down, probably as both a means to hide from Enzo and hide the black eye, split lip, and purple cheek he sported.

  “I have to see what happened. I’ll talk to you later, Rosalie!” Jamie didn’t wait for my an-swer. She shot off down the hall, calling out to Ian.

  “Did you do it?” I whispered.

  Enzo leaned against the locker next to mine, his dark eyes sweeping over me as I pulled my books out. “Do what?”

  “You know what. Did you guys beat him up?”

  Enzo shrugged and pushed off the locker. “A magician never reveals his secrets, Sunshine. Come on. We’re wasting t
ime talking about things that aren’t important. I want to have some fun while I have you.”

  I swallowed thickly, looking up at him. “I’m with you today?”

  “Do you not want to be?” He cocked a brow at me.

  I shook my head, blowing out a breath. “Honestly? All of you are a pain in my ass that I wish I could be free from. Seeing as you all hate me and want my misery, I don’t see my freedom coming up any time soon, so it’s whatever at this point.”

  “Ah, Sunshine. You wound me.” Enzo clutched at his heart in mock pain.

  I studied him for a moment as he dropped his hands from his chest. “Did you guys really hurt Ian?”

  Enzo stepped closer to me and leaned down. “My little ray of Sunshine. Why does it matter?”

  “Because, you can’t go around hurting people—”

  “Who says we did? Maybe he just mouthed off to the wrong guy.” There was a dark glint in his eye as he pulled away. “It’s really not important. Come on. We need to get you off to class.”

  Sighing, I fell in step with him as we traversed the halls.

  “I heard you want to try out for the school musical.”

  I shrugged. “Yeah. I was thinking about it.”

  “Can you sing?”

  “I don’t know,” I mumbled, knowing damn well I could probably give anyone in the school a run for their money. Admitting it made me feel self-absorbed and egotistical, so I dodged the question.

  “You don’t know if you can sing but want to try out for a singing part?” Enzo gave me a look of confusion. “How does that work?”

  “I figured I’d get into the chorus or something.” I glanced at him. If I tried out for a chorus part, it would keep my dad off my back. Getting a lead part would make my home life difficult because Dad would accuse me of ignoring my academics for a pipe dream.

  “You’re too damn pretty to be singing in the background. Come over to my place tonight. We’ll work on your audition.” It was my turn to look confused.

  “What? Why?”

  “Why what?”


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