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In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

Page 16

by K. G. Reuss

  “Wow.” I gave a low whistle as I looked around, taking in all his football trophies and medals.


  “I guess I didn’t expect your room to be this clean.”

  He grunted a response and nodded to his bed.

  “Have a seat.”

  I quirked an eyebrow at him but did as he said. He grabbed a guitar out of his closet and sank down on the overstuffed chair by his bed.

  “Did you warm up before you got here, or do you need to?”

  “I warmed up a bit, but I can’t really when Dad is home,” I answered awkwardly.

  Fox crinkled his brows at me. “Why not?”

  “My dad hates me singing or doing anything related to theater. It’s pretty much a cardinal sin in our house.”

  Fox frowned at the information before letting out a sigh. He strummed the first chord to my song and looked at me. “Then I guess it’s good you’re over here sinning and not there, huh?”

  “Guess so.” I gave him a shaky smile.

  He didn’t return it. Instead, he continued to play through my song, his eyes never straying from me. I shifted uncomfortably on the edge of his bed, wondering what he was thinking. The conversation I’d had with Mona replayed in my mind. I shook my head, as if to clear it.

  A knock on the front door had me staring wide-eyed at him, saying a silent prayer it wasn’t Juliet.

  “It’s just Enzo,” Fox mumbled. A moment later, I heard footfalls on the stairs.

  “Hey, Sunshine,” Enzo greeted me, coming into the room with his guitar slung over his shoulder. His gaze swept over me, a smile curling his lips up. “Always so fucking beautiful.”

  I blushed at the compliment, catching the hard look on Fox’s face.

  Enzo sat on the bed beside me and grinned wider.

  “Looks like we’re working today, huh?”

  “Yeah,” I answered, glancing at Fox.

  He’d gone back to strumming my song on his guitar, his mouth turned down into a deep frown.

  “What?” he asked, reaching the end of the song.

  “Nothing. We should practice.”

  He leaned forward, his eyes locked on mine. “I know the guys have lengthened your leash, but I’m not them. I say when, not you.”

  “They also don’t refer to me as their dog,” I snapped back, hating how fast his moods changed.

  Enzo shifted beside me before resting his hand on my thigh.

  Fox narrowed his eyes at me. “I didn’t call you a bitch.”

  “You sure insinuated it,” I volleyed back.

  “Wasn’t my intention,” he muttered.

  It wasn’t an apology, but it was better than nothing.

  “We should get this song figured out,” Enzo said after a moment of silence while Fox and I stared one another down. He finally tore his gaze away from me and nodded, going back to plucking the strings on his guitar.

  “I was thinking we could switch up a few lines. Make it hit a little harder.” He strummed and sang the new lines, his voice in perfect pitch.

  “Wow. That’s good,” I murmured, nodding.

  He gave me a quick smile while Enzo made the changes on paper.

  “Now you sing,” Fox instructed. “From the top.”

  I cleared my throat as he started playing again. When it was time to sing, I belted out the lyrics. Fox kept tempo with me, nodding his head, his eyes fixed on me the entire time. When the song ended, I stared back nervously at him, waiting for his verdict.

  “Incredible, Rosie. I'm impressed.”

  “Really?” I breathed out, butterflies taking flight in my tummy.

  He offered me a small smile. “Really.”

  “Just like I said,” Enzo broke in.

  I’d been so fixated on Fox I’d forgotten Enzo was with us. He gave my hand a squeeze. When I turned to him, he was quick to press a kiss on my lips.

  His warm hand came to rest on my hip as he deepened the kiss. I parted my lips, giving him full access, my heart hammering so hard I could hear it roaring in my ears. With every soft caress of Enzo’s tongue, I waited for Fox to call out for us to stop. When he didn’t, I broke the kiss off and looked guiltily over at him, expecting to see his angry frown. Instead, I was greeted with him leaning forward in his seat, his eyes locked on me.

  “Fox,” Enzo called out.

  A muscle worked along Fox’s jaw before he rose and moved to sit beside me on his bed, sandwiching me between him and Enzo. My breath hitched when he reached out and cradled my face. So much turmoil rolled across his, it left me breathless.

  He leaned in, his blue eyes locked on mine. I sat frozen as his lips brushed against mine in a soft, tentative kiss.

  Fox blew out a shaky breath as he leaned his forehead against mine. Time passed by in thick sexual tension.

  “Fuck it,” he muttered, diving back into the moment and kissing me again with such force I had to prop against Enzo, who wasted no time in holding me in place as Fox’s mouth worked against mine in a violent frenzy.

  I kissed him back, my tongue dancing against his as his hands found their way beneath my shirt. He broke the kiss off long enough to ask, “Is this OK?”

  When I nodded, he pulled my shirt off, then dove back in. I leaned into his kiss. Enzo unhooked my bra. Fox quickly pulled it off and tossed it somewhere in his room, letting my breasts spill out into his waiting hands.

  Fox’s lips started traveling south, peppering my neck with kisses, then my collarbone before his hot mouth found my breasts.

  “Oh my god,” I rasped in a hoarse whisper.

  Enzo angled my head so he could take a turn kissing me, his tongue delving deep as Fox nipped and sucked on my breasts. The heat from both of them swept through me, increasing my heart rate. I moaned into Enzo's mouth as Fox sucked my hardened nipple into his mouth, his tongue swirling around it.

  Fox pulled back, causing me to stutter over his distance.

  “F-fox?” I breathed out, reaching for him. A muscle worked along his jaw again. “What's wrong?”

  “I—” He stopped talking, his eyes sweeping over my naked torso. His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he averted his eyes.

  “Fox, come on,” Enzo encouraged, pressing a kiss to my temple as he squeezed my breast from behind me. "She's here. She wants it.”

  “Do you, Rosie?” Fox asked softly, his eyes locked on mine.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  Fox moved back to me and cupped my other breast. A storm gathered behind his eyes. Finally, he gave in and pressed his lips to mine. Enzo let out a breath behind me.

  I released a soft moan as Fox moved lower, pushing my skirt up, his fingers skimming my panties.

  “Lie back, Sunshine,” Enzo instructed softly.

  I did as he said, watching as Fox positioned himself between my legs, his eyes dark. I swallowed hard as Fox leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to my abdomen before moving lower.

  I tensed as his warm breath blew over my most intimate area, his hands hastily dispensing of my panties. My face heated as Fox stared down at me, his lips parted.

  “You're so wet," he murmured, sliding his finger over my center.

  “Bet she tastes delicious," Enzo said, the sound of his zipper in my ear.

  “I’ll let you know.”

  I let out a soft moan as Fox swept his tongue up my slit.

  “Fuck, Sunshine, I love that noise,” Enzo growled, taking my hand in his and guiding it to his hard length, now free from his jeans. I moved my hand up and down with his guidance, causing him to breathe in short gasps.

  Fox’s tongue delved between my folds, finding my sensitive bundle of nerves and whirling over it. I arched my back in response, which only caused him to tug me by my hips back down to his mouth, where he ate like a man starving, his fingers threatening my slick channel.

  Enzo lifted my head as he moved forward.

  “Suck my dick, Sunshine,” he commanded softly.

  Eagerly, I obliged, parting my lips
for him and allowing him entry. He let out a soft hiss as I tried to take all of him into my mouth. I gagged as he hit the back of my throat.

  “Need more practice," he chuckled softly, fisting my hair.

  “She'll get it," Fox said from between my legs as he inserted a finger into me. “She's so fucking tight. Damn.”

  All their talk had me panting hard as I struggled once again to suck all of Enzo into my mouth. He thrust his hips, helping me out. I licked and sucked, wanting to impress him.

  “So good, Sunshine," he moaned as his length thickened in my mouth. “Faster.”

  I obeyed, sucking him harder.

  Fox picked up his pace, and before I could so much as moan, the tingles took over, my pulse roaring through my ears.

  “That's it, baby. Almost,” Enzo breathed, thrusting faster. With a groan, he spilled into my mouth.

  I swallowed it down as he pulled out, my eyes rolling back in my head as the sensations soared to new heights.

  “Fox,” I called out as euphoria slammed into me, sending me careening over the edge of a place I never knew existed.

  He growled his approval, his hands like vices on my thighs as he continued his onslaught.

  When I was breathless and boneless, Fox finally pulled away, his lips glistening with his accomplishment and his eyes shining with something I'd never seen in them before.

  “How was it?" Enzo called out, tucking himself back into his pants.

  “Everything I'd dreamed," Fox murmured back, his eyes locked on mine. He held his hand out for me. I took it and sat up.

  “What about you?" I asked nervously.

  “You’ve given enough, Rosie.” He placed a gentle kiss on my lips. “Let’s get you home, OK?”

  I nodded wordlessly, exhaustion taking over me.

  Enzo moved forward and handed me my bra and shirt. I quickly put them on.

  “I’m going to take off,” Enzo called out. “I have to go see Cole.”

  “OK,” Fox said easily from his spot next to me.

  “Sunshine, you’re amazing.” Enzo pressed a deep kiss on my lips before whispering in my ear, “You belong to all of us truly now.”

  He pulled away and grinned at Fox who managed to smile back.

  “Ethan’s. Tomorrow.”

  “See you there,” Fox said. They fist bumped. Then Enzo left, leaving me and Fox alone.

  Fox cleared his throat. “I hope that was OK, Rosie. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

  “I-It was amazing,” I said. “Thank you.”

  He gave me a tentative smile. He opened his mouth to say something else, but his phone rang. A growl slip past his lips as he looked at the screened. Stuffing it back into his pocket, he looked over at me.

  “I should get home," I said.

  “OK.” Fox stood, and I followed him downstairs and out the front door. Neither of us said anything until we reached my front door.

  “Thanks for tonight,” I said.

  He smiled at me. "It's probably me who should be thanking you.”

  “Why?” I crinkled my brows in confusion. “Um, you didn't get to… you know.”

  He chuckled softly and leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek. “You were more important, Rosie.”

  My face heated at his words. He reached out and squeezed my hand.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Bye, Fox,” I said as he stepped off my front step. He gave me one last smile before turning and walking back to his place

  I watched him go, deciding in that moment that Fox was the one I could lose myself in, and I didn't mind in the slightest belonging to him and the guys.


  “Good morning, Rosebud. Heard you have a good weekend,” Cole greeted me as I stepped onto the sidewalk.

  I cast a quick look to Enzo and Fox. I hadn’t heard from any of the guys after my evening with Enzo and Fox. Enzo winked at me. Fox stared at me with the same impassive look he always wore.

  “Yeah. It was OK.”

  Cole snorted, shaking his head. “Guess I’ll need to have a go so we fix that OK status.”

  “If you think you can.” I shrugged at him which earned a howl of laughter from Enzo. Even Fox cracked a small smile.

  “Is that a challenge, Rosebud?”

  “Take it how you want, Cole. I’m just saying you have a lot to live up to.”

  Ethan chuckled. I winked at him, feeling happy for the first time in a long time.

  “Listen, I’ll rock your world, baby. Just say when,” Cole growled.

  “When.” I peeked at Fox to see his reaction. A tiny smile played on the edge of his lips. He seemed happier than I’d ever seen him before. That relaxed me.

  I couldn’t get my night with him and Enzo out of my head all weekend. I kept replaying how it felt to have their mouths on mine. Their hands on my body. Even now, I could still picture us together. My mind traveled to thoughts on what it would be like for all four of them to be with me.

  Enzo winked at me like he knew my mind had gone into the gutter.

  “Fox!” Juliet called out as she stomped across the lawn. The smile on his face faltered, his eyes locked on mine. “Fox! Why haven’t you taken my calls all weekend?”

  “Yeah, Fox. Why haven’t you?” Cole asked innocently.

  “I had my head buried in other matters,” Fox shot back at Cole. “You know, the thing you haven’t gotten to do.”

  “Not for long,” Cole hissed, narrowing his eyes at Fox. “Come on, Rosebud. We have some work to catch up on.”

  Cole took me by the arm and dragged me away from Fox who now had Juliet poking her finger in his chest. He looked bored and slightly irritated as he stared back at her. Enzo stood with them, grinning and probably not making matters better. Juliet rounded on him, pointing her finger at him.

  “That won’t end well,” Ethan muttered, falling in step with me and Cole.

  “Good. Juliet needs to fucking get lost. She can’t take a hint,” Cole grumbled as he snaked his arm around my waist. “Why he ever got latched to her is beyond me. I told him she was a fucking nut job.”

  “He was just trying to take his mind off… things,” Ethan answered.

  I took the bait. “What things?”

  Ethan and Cole exchanged looks.

  “Nothing for you to concern your pretty, little self with, Rosebud,” Cole said, tweaking my nose. “Fox is dealing with them now.”

  I ground my teeth. I knew Fox was an enigma. But the dynamic had changed. I needed to know what was going on with him.

  I was just about to launch into asking for more information when we rounded a corner in the hall. Ian had Jamie pressed against the wall, whispering in her ear. She smiled as he squeezed her waist.

  “Asshole,” I hissed, starting to step forward.

  Ethan reached out and stopped me. “Leave it,” he said softly.

  “I say let her have him,” Cole countered. “Apparently his accident with a ladder didn’t teach him anything.”

  “I can’t just let him do this to her,” I growled, glaring in their direction.

  Ian glanced up at us, a smile curling his lips. The prick had the audacity to wink at me.

  “Rats like Ian always get what’s coming to them, sweetheart,” Ethan said. “In time—”

  “I don’t have a lot of time, Ethan,” I sighed and looked at him. “He’s going to hurt her if I don’t do something.”

  “If she’s fucking dumb enough to let him, then I say who cares,” Cole said.

  “It’s not about her intelligence, Cole,” I snapped. “He drugs girls. I would know.”

  Cole’s eyes darkened as he looked from me to Ian, who’d gone back to Jamie. I knew Ian was only doing it because he wanted the leverage to get me to finish what we’d started. Or rather, what he’d started.

  “I guess we’ll have to pay him another visit.”

  “No.” I shook my head at Cole. “I don’t want you involved—”

  I let out a
squeak as Cole tugged me into his arms, his lips brushing against the shell of my ear as he spoke. “No one touches what belongs to us, Rosebud. We went easy on him last time. Maybe he needs a friendly reminder.”

  I shivered beneath his words. My eyes shuttered closed as Cole planted kisses along my jawline before he found my lips. He kissed me deeply, stealing my breath as his hands tightened on my waist.

  “Jesus,” I stuttered out as he released me.

  He answered with a smirk. “Mine,” he said again.

  I glanced over at Ethan simply standing there. He was the only one I hadn’t done anything with. Not even kiss. He seemed to read my mind because he offered me one of his sweet smiles.

  “Meet me at the bleachers for lunch?”

  I nodded as Cole chuckled then resumed walking us in the direction of my class.

  “Careful of him, Rosebud. He’ll try to sweep you off your feet with sonnets and flowers.”

  “I like sonnets and flowers,” I answered, smiling at Ethan. We’d arrived at my class.

  “I’ve gotta jet. Rosebud, me and you later, OK?” Cole said as he planted a kiss on my cheek.

  “OK,” I answered breathlessly.

  “Bad girl,” he chuckled in my ear before pulling away and sauntering down the hall like he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, turning to Ethan.

  “For what?” He cocked his head at me, a tiny grin on his face.

  “You and I never—”

  He pressed a finger to my lips. “I’m going to stop you right there. Don’t worry about it. Good things come to those who wait. I’ll see you on the bleachers.” He dropped his finger from my lips. I nodded wordlessly at him.

  “Bye, Rosalie.” He pressed a sweet kiss to my temple and left me standing with shaky legs. A few people cast me strange looks but screw them.

  Everything was really starting to look up. To hell with what Mona said. This was different. It had to be.

  If it wasn’t, it would devastate me.


  When lunch rolled around, I made my way to the bleachers like my shoes were on fire, eager to see Ethan. I hadn’t seen Fox all morning, but I wasn’t surprised. I never tended to. Something about that bummed me out. We’d had a good time together recently. Maybe if we ran into each other, he’d at least talk to me more or something.


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