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In Ruins (A Black Falls High Novel Book 1)

Page 19

by K. G. Reuss

  “Stay away from Fox. If I catch you near him again, it’ll be worse. Got it?” She didn’t wait for an answer.

  With a cackle, they all left the locker room, leaving me on the floor. I had to get out of there. I climbed to my feet and went to the sink, hoping to scrub it off my face. My heart stuttered as I stared at the word on my forehead in big, ugly, black letters.


  Sobbing, I turned on the faucet and scrubbed furiously at my head, whimpering as it barely faded.

  “Shit,” I hissed, scrubbing until my skin was sore and red, the black still bold. “Shit!”

  I couldn’t miss classes. I stared at my red, swollen eyes, tears still trickling out. I couldn’t tell anyone about Juliet and her posse. It would only make matters worse. I had to push through. Not that telling anyone would erase the ugly letters on my forehead anyway. And if Fox and the guys did have something to do with this… my guts twisted at the prospect.

  I couldn’t let them win. I didn’t want to believe it of them, but Mona’s words still rang in my ears. How this was a game to them. How they didn’t really care. I swallowed down another sob, forcing myself to focus.

  Through the mirror, I spotted the lost and found bin. I went to it, sorting through old shirts, shoes, and random odds and ends until I found a black beanie.

  “Yes!” I released my hair from its ponytail and let the wild waves cascade around me. Then I tugged the beanie low over my head, hiding the ugly scrawl. I studied myself in the mirror. I had a study hall and a physics lecture left. I could get through it. Then I’d go home for the weekend and lock my doors, ignoring the world.

  Getting through study hall wasn’t hard. Mr. Ballard, the teacher, didn’t care about my beanie. I sat in the back, my head down, working on homework. When the bell rang, I was on my feet, racing out of the room, my head ducked low.

  While I didn’t want to see the guys, I at least thought one of them would walk me to class like they’d been doing. But nothing. I never even spotted them in the hall. It only solidified that they’d something to do with Juliet’s attack. My heart ached at the thought.

  When I reached my physics class, I sank down in my seat, keeping to the idea if I couldn’t see people, they couldn’t see me.

  “Miss Bishop,” Mr. Hines called out. I stiffened in my seat as I stared at him. “Is there a reason you’re in my class with something on your head?”

  “Um.” I glanced around, my cheeks heating as all eyes were on me. So much for the no one seeing me concept. “I’m cold?”

  “You know the rules. Hats off.”

  I stared down at my notebook, knowing exactly what would happen if I took it off.

  “Miss Bishop, the hat? Now, please.”

  With shaking hands, I pulled the beanie off. Snickers shot out around me as people saw what was scrawled on my forehead.

  “Freakshow!” Cameron Deacons, one of the guys on the football team, cackled loudly, setting off peals of outright laughter from the other students. Mr. Hines stood, staring stupidly at me, his mouth agape at a loss for words.

  “Juliet was right. Now Freakshow is even advertising!” Jenna Elkins, one of the cheerleaders, snorted, pointing at me to more raucous laughter.

  I didn’t bother grabbing my books. I raced from the room like a streak of lightning, wanting to get the hell away from everything about the place.

  “Rosalie?” Fox called out to me. His timing was perfect as he came out of a classroom with a bathroom pass in his hand. I shoved him away and raced down the hall as fast as my feet would take me. “Rosalie!”

  Sunshine blanketed my face as I slammed open the door. I let out a sob as I got into my car and flew out of the parking lot. I pulled into my driveway in record time.

  My parents weren’t home, having left again for another of my dad’s trips. When I got inside, I ran straight to my room and threw myself into bed, squeezing my eyes closed and counting, the only thing I could think to do to try to calm myself. Eventually, it led to me finally falling asleep.


  When I finally woke, hours had passed, and it had grown dark out. Thunder rumbled in the distance. I shivered and decided I wanted something sweet and warm, so I made my way downstairs and dug around in the kitchen until I found everything I needed to make a mug of hot cocoa. I let out a groan when my doorbell rang. Considering I was on the outs with everyone, there shouldn’t have been anyone at my door at nine at night.

  Sighing, I jerked it open to find Fox staring back at me.

  “Go away,” I said in an even voice.

  “Christ, Rosalie, your face—”

  “Oh, this?” I let out a bitter laugh as his brows crinkled. “Tell your girlfriend thanks. Now that you’ve had your look, run along and laugh about it.” I made to close the door, but he held his hand out and stopped me.

  “What the hell? Let me help you.”

  “You can help me by going to hell, Fox.” I tried closing the door again, but he wasn’t having it. He pushed me aside and stepped into the foyer.

  “I told you to get the fuck out,” I snarled at him. All the anger I’d been harboring came bubbling out. “I’ll call the cops.”

  “You can call an army. I’m not leaving here until I help you.” He didn’t wait for my answer. He strode past me like he really wanted to help. I stared dumbly at him for a moment before letting out a grunt of frustration. Whatever. I’d go up to my room and lock the door. He could sit downstairs by himself.

  I ambled into the kitchen, but he wasn’t there.

  What the hell? Where did he go?

  Figuring I didn’t really give a damn, I went back to making my hot cocoa, telling myself I probably would call the cops if I couldn’t get him out of my house in the next ten minutes.

  “Sit.” He came back in the room carrying rubbing alcohol and a washcloth. I eyed the items nervously and shook my head.

  “I don’t take orders from you. I want you out of here—”

  “I’m not playing around, Rosalie. Sit your ass down before I put you down.” The way his blue eyes flashed told me he wasn’t playing.

  I already knew how very serious he could be. Rather than fight more with anyone, I sat at the kitchen island, eyeing him nervously. He shuffled beside me and uncapped the alcohol as he faced me.

  “Tell me what happened.”

  “You already know—”

  “No, I don’t. If I did, this would be a different conversation. Who did this to you?”

  “I told you already. Juliet and her plastic patrol.”

  A muscle in Fox’s jaw tightened as he dabbed the alcohol on my forehead. “When?”

  “After gym. In the locker room.”

  “Did she do it alone?”

  “No,” I mumbled, telling him about Melissa and Tara. He dabbed more on my forehead, scrubbing slightly.

  “Did she say why?”

  “Does she need a reason to be a bitch?” I countered. “But if you want to know the reason, she said you sent her. That it was part of the game you guys were playing. Somehow, I’d lost, so she got to have a little fun.”

  “Fucking bitch,” he growled. “I had nothing to do with this, Rosie. I swear to you. I’d never do this to you. Never.”

  I grew quiet as he continued his work. My throat ached as I tried to push away my feelings.

  “She said I was trash. A whore. She said she knows about me, you, and Cole. She saw us earlier this week at school. She said that I needed to stay away from you. This was my warning.”

  Fox nodded tightly, his eyes darkening as he continued dabbing alcohol on my forehead.

  “She won’t bother you again, Rosalie.”

  I snorted and looked away from him.

  He was quick to grab my face and turn me back. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  I scoffed. “Right, just like you already promised. Twice!” I threw my hands up and got up from my seat, all my emotions pouring out of me. “If you’d have just let me be that day in the c
afeteria with her, none of this would be happening right now! It’s all your fault!”

  “You know damn well when someone wants what they want, they will find a way to get it,” Fox snapped back, getting to his feet. Thunder rumbled louder outside. The lights flickered in my kitchen as the wind picked up. I could make out lightning streaking across the sky from the patio doors behind Fox. This was going to get nasty in more ways than one.

  “I wouldn’t know shit about that,” I snapped. “I’ve never gotten what I’ve wanted.”

  “Didn’t you want us? Didn’t you want me?” he demanded. “Because the girl I’ve spent time with these past few weeks, sure acted like she did!”

  I glowered at him. “I was forced into it, in case you forgot! You were mean to me. Just awful. Then you bossed me around. And then to gain leverage to make me do your bidding, you filmed me almost being raped and blackmailed me to keep you from showing the video. And now that you made me feel more for you, more for all of you, you decided to have one more fucking laugh at my expense by siccing your psycho girlfriend on me.”

  A muscle popped along his jaw, and he shook his head in disbelief. “I thought we were beyond that. I thought you knew we never intended to actually use the video. We just wanted… I just wanted…” He chuckled wryly, rage and sorrow warring on his face. “I’m sorry. But haven’t you ever wanted something enough to actually fight for it? Have you ever fought for anything in your life? No, wait. I can answer that for you. No, you haven’t. You don’t even fight for your dreams, Rosalie! I know damn well you don’t want to go to Pendleton. I saw how happy you were when you were singing in my bedroom. You’re settling so you don’t have to fight—”

  “Get the hell out of my house, Fox. I’m not fucking kidding. Don’t come in here acting like a white knight after everything, thinking you can play these mind games with me. I’m not letting you in anymore! Whatever sick game you’re playing with me is done! So get the fuck out and don’t come back!”

  He stared me down, a vein pulsating in his forehead. His mouth opened to say more, but I wasn’t finished yet.

  “You don’t fight for what you want either. Our failed friendship is a shining example! I hate you, Fox. I hate you so fucking much it hurts!” I pounded my palm against my heart. “You’ve done nothing but ruin my life. But that’s what you wanted, wasn’t it? To leave me in ruins? It’s what you vowed. To make me pay for whatever the fuck you think I did to you. I was a kid, Fox. A fucking child. I didn’t have shit to do with your mom dying. I know you blame me for it! It wasn’t my fault! The only thing I ever did was love you. I loved you even when you hated me. But now, that shit is over. This is over. Get out. And don’t fucking come back.”

  He pushed passed me and went out the front door, slamming it so hard the windows rattled. Torrents of rain came down, and the storm intensified outside.

  But it had nothing on my heart. I fell back onto the stool, sobbing. I caught my reflection in my mom’s China cabinet and let out another sob.

  Fox had gotten the words off my forehead.


  I sat sobbing on the stool five minutes later when the faint sound of the doorbell rang through the air. Before I could stand, there was a pounding on my door. The storm outside was so intense, the power had gone out only minutes before. I hurriedly wiped at my eyes and went to the door and yanked it open.

  A whoosh of air escaped my lungs as a soaking wet Fox came rushing back inside. He captured my face in his hands, his lips crashing against mine. I let out a whimper as his tongue delved into my mouth, his desperation at my acceptance of him screaming frantically as he cradled my face.

  “I didn’t do what she says I did,” he choked out, his gaze searching mine. “I’d never do that to you, Rosie. I fucking swear on my life I wouldn’t. Please. Believe that.”

  The way his eyes locked on mine, wavering in desperation, made me nod, accepting that he didn’t have a hand in it. I guess I’d known it. Or at least thought it. Hurt over being embarrassed had been what bubbled all the emotions inside me. I tossed aside all reason. He came back. That’s what I focused on. He let out a breath, and his lips collided with mine again.

  Every current of electricity flowing through me told me despite everything, this kiss was the key to mending bridges we’d set fire to and watched burn. I parted my lips for him, letting the pain at truly missing him in my life take over. Years of anger and desperation came out through that kiss as he held my face in his hands, his tongue dancing against mine.

  When he finally pulled away, he rested his forehead against mine.

  “Please don’t hate me, Rosie,” his voice shook with his words. I stared up at him, tears rolling down my cheeks as he tangled his fingers in my hair. “I fucked everything up. I should’ve told you how I felt a long time ago. I should’ve showed you so much more than what I did. I should’ve kissed you in the cafeteria that day instead of yelled at you. And I should’ve made love to you instead of what I’ve been doing. I’m so fucking sorry.” He kissed the tears gently away, whispering his apologies over and over as he ran his fingers through my curls. “Tell me you believe me, Rosie.”

  “I believe you,” I whispered back, seeing the truth in his eyes and hating myself for not believing him in the first place.

  When his lips found mine again, I fell back into him just as easily as I had moments before. He lifted me into his arms and carried me upstairs to my room and laid me down on my bed, his lips never breaking from mine.

  I let out a soft moan as his fingers moved beneath my shirt, his hand finding its way to my breast. His hands shook as he moved away from me, taking my shirt with him.

  My breath hitched as he stared down at me in my black bra. He didn’t move. He didn’t speak. Fox wanted to see me. His eyes drank in every inch of me, his lips parted. It was like he was trying to memorize every bit of me he could. I sat up and tentatively ran my hands along the taut muscles beneath his wet shirt. His eyes were hooded as he stared down at me, still speechless. Feeling brave, I pushed his shirt up, bringing it over his head so we were both shirtless.

  My fingers fumbled with the button on his jeans as he silently watched me, the only sound the storm outside and our heavy breathing.

  Once I had his button and zipper undone, I swallowed hard and stared up at him. His hands landed on my waist as he tugged me to him, his lips finding mine. A moment later, he shoved my pants down my thighs and laid me back on the bed, his own pants gone.

  I didn’t know what the hell we were doing. In that moment, nothing but us together mattered. Positioning himself firmly between my legs, he gazed down at me, so many emotions flitting over his face it made my heart clench.

  “I’m sorry, Rosie. For everything.” He pressed a kiss to the edge of my lips, his voice cracking. “I hurt you. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “Make it up to me,” I answered breathlessly, shifting my hips beneath him.

  “I want to.” His thick erection pressed against my damp panties. “I have a lot to apologize for.”

  “We have all night.”

  A tiny smirk cut across his sad face before his lips met mine once more. His hands found my breasts again, this time making sure to remove my bra. Before long, we were naked, our hot bodies pressed firmly against one another’s.

  Fox trailed his lips down my neck, to my collarbone, before making a path to my breasts, where he licked and sucked each pebbled bud with such fervor, the tingles in my center grew hot, my toes curling. I was certain I was going to explode around him as he nipped at a nipple, drawing it into his hot mouth before sucking on it.

  “Fox,” I moaned. He murmured my name in return, moving lower on my body, his mouth leaving behind a trail of fire from every kiss he planted on my skin. When he reached to the apex of my thighs, his blue eyes locked on mine.

  I parted my legs, giving him permission. It was all he needed to press a kiss to my most intimate area before darting his tongue out against my slit, languidly run
ning it up it. I arched my back beneath his hot tongue, my heart pounding against my chest. With a strong grip, he latched onto my hips and tugged my center to his mouth, his tongue disappearing inside of me.

  “Oh god,” I choked out as his tongue whirled and swirled around my tight bundle of nerves. On instinct, my fingers where in his hair, pulling his face closer to my wet center, my hips rocking in time with his licks and sucks. Fox’s buried his face in me, eating like a man starving.

  I tensed as he inserted a finger into my tight channel, never breaking his rhythm on my clit. The feelings were so intense that I neared my breaking point. He must have sensed it because his movements sped up, his tongue working over my quivering button until I was crashing down around him, his name on repeat on my lips.

  I laid, feeling boneless, as he scooted back up to me, his mouth glistening from my orgasm. He licked his lips, staring down at me, still not satisfied.

  “Can I return the favor?” I managed to whisper up at him.

  “You don’t need to, Rosie,” he whispered back, nuzzling my neck, his warm breath sending goosebumps through me.

  “I want to.” I boldly reached down and grasped his thick cock, my heart stuttering in my chest at how large it was. He closed his eyes as I stroked him up and down.

  He moved onto his back for me, and I was quick to find myself between his legs, his massive length in my hand.

  His breath came in small gasps as he watched me lick his shaft. His eyes rolled back in his head as he relaxed his head against the pillow. I kissed the tip, licking up the drop of salty sweetness.

  “Fuck, Rosie,” he moaned as I sucked him into my mouth, swirling my tongue over the head of his dick. I bobbed up and down on him, licking and sucking, his fingers tangled in my hair, pulling my head down until I had all of him down my throat.

  I let out a yelped as he tugged me off him and rolled me onto my back.

  “I don’t want to make a mess in that pretty mouth,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to my lips. “I’d much rather make it somewhere else.”


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