Book Read Free

Lawfully Indulged

Page 7

by Ginny Sterling

Things seemed to be a bit easier between them and not as strained. She felt like a normal person, not some persona she portrayed at events or at the office. There she was Sienna the billionaire fashion mogul, but here in this quiet tiny shop having hot wings and a beer with a man she admired…she felt like herself, someone she’d not known for a long time. Sienna felt comfortable in her skin, easy in her surroundings and most of all – she felt like she belonged because Harper made her feel that way.

  He was smiling, chatting and telling corny jokes as they ate. After dinner, he held out his arm and they walked together down the streets, pausing at stores to look at the windows, or occasionally darting inside so Sienna could take a look at a display. He didn’t seem to mind, rather she got the impression that he was enjoying being there with her. That idea made her feel strangely warm inside, thinking that perhaps there might be something there after all growing between them.

  As they arrived at the ‘Will Call’ window, Sienna flashed her driver’s license in order to get the tickets. They were escorted down to the court by ushers and taken down to their seats. Harper flagged down a vendor and bought two beers, handing one to Sienna.

  “Here’s to enjoying ourselves tonight.”

  “And to a good game,” she chimed in quickly before gently tapping their plastic solo cups together and smiling at him. Sienna felt herself blush as she felt Harper’s eyes on her and glanced at him only to see him look away. She didn’t have long to wonder about what he thought or how she felt as the excitement of the arena started to build. Players jogged out onto the floor and practiced throwing around the basketballs.

  Cheerleaders were jumping and dancing around not far from them, causing Sienna to glance at Harper. She expected to see him watching the girls, but instead Sienna caught him watching her. Before she could say anything, fireworks exploded from the rafters causing large booms as the music cued up loudly in the speakers.

  Sienna began to clap and dance for a moment before remembering she wasn’t alone. She saw Harper was also clapping in rhythm with the loud music and getting to his feet. Grinning, she jumped up and relaxed as his easy smile matched hers with a silent nod of understanding. The mood was infectious and it made you want to move or get to your feet.

  Seeing the game with Harper was better than she’d ever expected or realized. They were both hollering at the court and fell into an easy camaraderie when it came to the calls by the referee. When their team got a three-point shot, Harper would turn to her and high five quickly before watching the game again. It was so much fun and had Sienna grinning like a loon most of the night.

  “Knock, knock,” Harper leaned down and hollered over the din of the crowd.

  “Who’s there?” she asked, taking a sip of her beer.


  “Kiss who?” Sienna said breathlessly, knowing that he would never hear her over their loud surroundings. As if he knew, Harper leaned down towards her and softly kissed her lips. It was the briefest, most tender, innocent kiss she’d ever had that spoke so many volumes. Her heart jumped into her throat as she knew now that he was interested in her. Any questions, any doubts were gone – melted away like snow under the summer sun. He’d initiated it and he had kissed her of his own will, not because Joel might see them.


  Sienna savored the slow change between herself and Harper since that kiss at the basketball game. For a moment, she doubted the sincerity as she saw their faces plastered all over the news channels and kiss-cam replayed on ESPN – but Harper had kissed her again when they got to the car at the parking garage with no cameras around. The touch of his firm, warm lips had made her heart pitter nervously, as the catch of his breath just seconds before they touched, made her knees weak. His beautiful eyes would take on this intensity just moments before he would duck his head towards her and she could read the intent in his gaze. The look of conflicted torture would roll into a molten desire and then helplessness – a heady combination to her. It was like he’d been fighting with his internal demons, struggling not to cross the line, and couldn’t help it any longer.

  Neither wanted to address the fact that they were employer/employee. They didn’t discuss it at all, instead focusing on the fact that there was a relationship in its budding infancy. He was completely polite and professional but would occasionally slip. For instance, Sienna was making their coffee one morning and he surprised her with a rose. As she turned to tell him good morning, it resulted in him pulling her into his arms and kissing her there in the kitchen – making it a great morning in her eyes!

  Another time, he’d been washing the dishes while she was listening to the news and heard him humming. Sienna tiptoed in the kitchen and wrapped her arms around his stomach, laid her face against his shoulder blades, and simply hugged him – enjoying having him there with her. He’d stopped and she heard him whisper her name in a reverent tone that made her toes curl with happiness. As she’d released him from the impromptu embrace, he’d turned and cupped her face tenderly- kissing her once again.

  Today would be a hectic day and one she’d been looking forward to: tonight was the charity gala she’d arranged to raise money for a cause near to her heart. She’d had Harper fitted for a tuxedo as her gown had been adjusted. She would be spending a good portion of the morning at the salon in order to be ready for the paparazzi that was sure to be there. This gala had grown by leaps and bounds over the last three years.

  She was also certain that Joel would make an appearance there and Harper confirmed as much. It was too good of an event for him to miss. Joel was certain to be there and they would be ready for him. She wanted to look her very best, be confident and secure in herself and know that Harper would protect her from anything.

  Sitting there in large rollers under the hood of the hair dryer, she glanced over her magazine to see Harper reading as well. He happened to glance up and smiled at her before going back to his reading. That simple, sweet smile made her feel incredible – like she could do anything.

  “Haley?” Sienna called out suddenly. “I don’t want to redo my hair, but I do want to do something fun, bold and spicy.” The young lady with the platinum blonde hair tinged pink at the ends, grinned broadly at Sienna- reminding her of the Cheshire cat.

  “How do you feel about a brilliant ruby color to match your dress?”

  “For my hair?”

  “It will be awesome!”

  Sienna walked out of the salon about an hour later with perfectly coiffed hair that was securely wrapped in a satin handkerchief to protect it from any mist, drizzle or snow before the event. Her dress tonight was a fitted gown from the shoulders to her mid-thigh that flared outwards in ruby colored ruffles with a pearly satin chiffon underskirt. It glittered with beads and sequins that made Sienna shimmer as she walked. Harper’s tie and cummerbund were a glorious evergreen color that made his eyes glow brilliantly.

  Melinda was finishing up the final touches on the slew of tables that surrounded the stage. Sienna’s dressing room was behind the curtains, and her dress on the hanger waiting as she observed the set up for tonight. Tonight’s theme was a winter wonderland. Icy, shimmering, tinsel silver snowflakes were hanging from the ceiling, catching the lighting just right. The tables were covered with white linens and silver liners. The centerpieces were blue, silver and white ornaments among boughs of evergreen that had been flocked artificially. Everything was elegant and majestic. Sienna walked over to Harper as he looked around the room with a trained eye.

  “How does it look?”

  “It’s beautiful.”

  “Then why do you look so worried?”

  “Because crowds make me nervous.”

  “I have absolute faith in you.”

  “I know,” he admitted tenderly. “I don’t want to let you down or anything ever happen to you.”

  “It won’t...but I do need to get ready.”

  “You aren’t wearing that?” he teased softly, pointing at her sweat pants and button up smock she’
d worn to the salon. It was an atrocious get up but one easily designed to be removed without messing up her hair or stockings underneath.

  “No silly, but I do need help with the zipper…Melinda?” she said turning only to feel Harper take her hand.

  “I may have a hard time preventing myself from kissing you, but I don’t think I’m comfortable with anyone else seeing that beautiful creamy skin of yours. I can zip you up without losing control.”

  Sienna nearly swallowed her tongue at the thought of Harper zipping up her dress but she could see the desire in his eyes as well. “That might not be a good idea.”

  “It will be fine. I promise.”

  Nodding, she walked back to the dressing room and shut the door behind her. Harper stood silently outside of the room, waiting patiently. Sienna’s pulse fluttered at the thought of him touching her with something as simple as the small zipper on the back of her dress. She disrobed carefully and hurried into the heavy beaded gown. Pulling it upwards and holding it in place, she zipped the back as much as possible. Walking in her stockinged feet, she padded over to the door and pulled the handle slightly causing the lock to pop. “Harper?”

  “I’ve got you, Cactus,” he said tenderly, opening the door the merest crack and carefully pulling the zipper upwards. “There.”

  Stepping forward, she tugged at the bodice for a moment and turned to look at him. “How do I look?” He grinned and pointed at her head, making Sienna roll her eyes as she remembered her hair was wrapped in the handkerchief. Looking in the mirror, she saw her makeup was untouched and removed the pins holding the gauzy material in place. As it fell away, Sienna marveled at her hairdresser’s work. Haley had clamped in a ruby red hair extension into her hair, creating a brilliant red stripe of hair that she then twisted to form a large flower with it, pinning it in place. Her hair had been sculpted into a glorious waterfall of curls looking like artwork.

  “Now how do I look?”


  “Truly? I look okay?”

  “Cactus, you look decadent and I think red is my favorite color on you,” he breathed softly, gently touching her cheek as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.

  “My butt doesn’t look too big?”

  “Oh, sweet mercy,” he groaned and shut his eyes, swallowing hard. “Don’t make me think about your succulent bottom, Cactus. I’m having a tough enough time keeping my hands to myself. You look absolutely beautiful tonight.”

  Sienna couldn’t help the squeal of happiness that erupted from her as she threw her arms around his neck happily. “Thank you, Harper! You say such sweet things to me.” She heard him laugh deep in his throat as he hugged her carefully.

  “I’m really glad you think so.”

  “I do. That was just what I needed to hear,” she admitted, leaning back and looking at him. “Thank you for being you,” she whispered, stepping on her tiptoes and kissing him gently as to not muss her lipstick.

  “Knock, knock.” Harper asked softly, taking a step towards where Sienna stood.

  “Who’s there?”

  “De Niro.”

  “De Niro who?”

  “De Niro I am to you, the more impressed I am by how beautiful you are inside and out.” Harper cupped her neck and softly ran his thumb across her jawline. Sienna fanned herself as her eyes began to water at the tender moment.

  “Miss Angelica? Everyone is starting to arrive and you are needed at the receiving line.” Melinda interrupted softly, looking sheepishly at the couple. “I am so sorry to interrupt.”

  “It’s okay. We’re on our way.”

  Sienna released Harper and tugged at the bodice of her dress again, causing his eyes to dart immediately to the area before he looked away. She found herself smiling happily as they left the dressing room and headed to the entryway. Sienna took her place and she ushered Harper next to her. He glanced at her in surprise.

  “I’ll stand behind you,” he protested. “All bodyguards stand behind and watch.”

  “I think we both know you are more than that,” she argued, pulling him forward and smiling widely as the first person entered the ballroom. “Good evening James and Katherine. Thank you so much for coming…”

  Sienna began smoothly greeting everyone and introducing them down the line, including Harper. As the evening wore on, she became more comfortable with introducing Harper as her personal, dear friend and he seemed to be more receptive of it. Calling him a boyfriend sounded so odd because he was far from a boy – Harper was all man to her.

  Once the stream of people had slowed down, Sienna linked her arm in his and they made their way around the room making small talk with the other guests yet again. She felt so confident and secure having Harper there, being able to touch his hand or his arm. Soft music played in the background as the caterers entered the room with wheeled carts containing covered dishes. Hearing a chime, Sienna nodded to Harper and took the stage.

  “If everyone will have a seat, please – we’ll begin serving dinner as our guests take the stage,” she announced, watching from the side as Harper sat down at the front table reserved for her and her guest. Several people took turns speaking about the charity that they were supporting today. Emotional abuse was the subject this year and for the first time, Sienna felt strong enough to discuss her own experience with it. She’d been an advocate for the charity gala for years, a silent supporter, but this year she felt compelled to share. As the stage cleared, Sienna stepped forward and cleared her throat at the microphone.

  “As you know, I have always enjoyed hosting these galas and they have come to mean so much to me, but this one has a special place in my heart. You see, I myself was dealing with emotional abuse several years ago from someone who I thought would support me and help me along the way. What I found was that he was breaking me down, destroying me and my confidence in order to be able to control me. It took hitting a low, a rock bottom, to realize that I loved me…for me.” Sienna took a deep, shaky breath and looked out among the crowded tables in the room.

  “I didn’t need him anymore and it was both terrifying and liberating. It took years to learn that I’d been damaged by him – as well as time to become ready to open myself up again. What I have discovered is that if a person cares for you, they lift you up and support you- not belittle you. You should feel confident, knowing they have your back – not worried they will stab you in the back. Tenderness and feelings for someone should bring joy, making you feel like you could take on the world – not despair or hopelessness.”

  Sienna met Harper’s eyes and then glanced up and saw Joel watching her. She would not give him power over her ever again! Without blinking an eye, she locked her gaze on Harper’s tender one and continued on.

  “Thankfully I have someone like that in my life now that has taught me what strength, freedom and caring for the right person could do for you. That when you are emotionally abused, you cannot let them have power over you. They will do everything in their might to grind you back down, so they can control you – but you have to be stronger than that. You have to ‘spin’ it. You have to find the silver lining, the positive in your life and grow from there.” Sienna smiled tenderly at Harper who was gazing up at her with a proud look plastered across his face.

  “I have learned so much from an incredible, wonderful, positive influence in my life that I hope and pray that people who are suffering, find their own light, their own strength, and gain their confidence back to know when caring for someone is right…and when it’s wrong.”

  “Harper, thank you so much for being there for me,” Sienna said boldly, blowing him a kiss as a round of applause surged in the room. Harper got to his feet and walked over towards the stage steps where she descended, shakily. He took her hand and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “You were already strong, my little cactus.”

  “You gave me the courage to know that I could be,” she admitted, and turned her cheek upward as he kissed it. Harper than leaned down, kissing her hand in fr
ont of everyone, causing another uproar of applause until Sienna finally took her seat and the next speaker took the stage. Harper removed the lid to her dish for her and she saw his hand shook, but less so than what her hand seemed to be shaking. She was trembling something fierce! She hated speaking engagements in front of so many people but tonight seemed to be drawn from her very core, it needed to be said – she just wondered how Harper would receive it…and how Joel would.


  Sienna had thought Joel would confront her after her speech at the gala but he’d disappeared from the crowd when she’d looked back to the table he’d been seated at. She felt both relief and trepidation knowing he was gone. They both knew her words of mental abuse had been directed at him, the hateful, controlling things he’d done over the years she’d dated him- and how she’d freed herself from it. Looking back now, not only did she have a target on her back but she’d painted one boldly on Harper’s as well.

  “I’m sorry,” she’d told him during the car ride home and he had shaken his head, surprising her. He claimed it was the perfect bait to draw out Joel from the shadows and push him into doing something stupid, something the police could catch him on. Sienna hadn’t thought about that; she’d been inspired to pour out her heart and soul- surely Harper realized that?

  Lost in thought, Sienna looked up from her computer monitor in her office to see Harper sitting comfortably on the couch in the waiting area near the entrance. He glanced up from the magazine in his hands and gave a small wave as he caught her staring at him. He was always there, watching out for her or noticing her. Sienna smiled back and went back to her excel spreadsheets on the blinding computer screen.

  Sometime later, as Sienna finished up with her tasks, she stood up to stretch her legs and shoulders. She saw the floral delivery man walk into the offices and her heart nearly stopped as a sense of de-ja-vu hit her. It was like watching the cactus being delivered to her once again. She glanced at Harper’s face and saw he remembered it too – as well as their missed kiss. Sienna felt her face flush in memory and at the intimate smile he gave her knowingly. There was something about Harper’s expression that fell and had her walking forward towards the glass door of her office just as the delivery man put the plant down on a desk nearby.


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