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My Redemption: Second Chance Series

Page 11

by S. K. Lessly

I tried to think, tried to figure out how she got inside my room. The last thing I remembered was getting shitfaced in the lobby bar and swearing up and down I heard Lauren’s familiar laugh. I looked around the bar, desperately wanting it to be her. But it wasn’t her. It couldn’t have been her. Could it?

  I felt her throat vibrate around the tip of my dick and my hips inadvertently shot up from the bed.

  Oh, fuck this! Who cared how she got here. It was too late to stop her anyway. I couldn’t stop even if I tried.

  I laced my fingers through her dark tresses and gripped her hair tight.

  I narrowed my eyes, fighting my eyeballs from rolling to the back of my head, and concentrated on what she was doing to me.

  “Shit baby, you are…” I started to say but hell I couldn’t find the right words to properly compliment her. She was blowing me with skills that I never felt before in my life. She controlled my body, made my head spin, my breath choppy and erratic, and made my soul to cry out for more.

  When she hallowed out her cheeks, I groaned my approval. I could feel my balls growing heavy, my body tensing preparing to blow right down her throat. But I didn’t want this to end.

  I had dreamed about this moment, dreamed about having her, being with her like this for weeks now, fucking months. The sight of her on her knees between my thighs was the best fucking sight I had ever seen. I needed more. I wanted to see her naked before me. I wanted to feel her writhe underneath me as I slid in and out of her, claiming her as mine. I wanted to touch her, to fuck her into oblivion and show her what it’s like to be with a real man. To…

  “Oh shit, baby, that’s right. Take all of me. Yeah, just like that. Damn, you’re so beautiful, baby, So damn sexy… gotdamn you own this dick baby… fuck…”

  I started to move my hips using short shallow strokes. She looked hot as fuck taking my length deep inside her mouth. Her eyes watered from me hitting the back of her throat but she never stopped milking me with her lips, her fist.

  My balls started to weigh heavy again and I couldn’t stop what was about to happen even if I wanted to. I wasn’t going to last much longer.

  “Baby,” I called through gritted teeth. “I need to be inside you. I need to feel your hot, tight pussy, Lauren. I need to fuck you. I need to fuck you. Ahhh shit…”

  I pulled her hair back forcing her to release my dick before I came. For some reason I felt if I did, this night would be over and I didn’t want it to be over. Lauren grinned at me and wiped the side of her mouth with the back of her hand. She backed up off the bed, stood in front of me and started to slowly undress. I propped myself on my forearm, breathing fast and hard and watched the show. I didn’t want to miss a thing.

  The woman was so gotdamn beautiful, stunning. Her body was perfection. I licked my lips as she removed her top and shimmied out of her tight as fuck jeans.

  Standing in front of me with just a pair of black lace panties and bra had my mouth salivating to touch her, taste her. And I would. I would claim every part of her body. Fill her with every inch of my dick. I couldn’t wait.

  I had no idea how she got here. Clearly, I had too many shots of whiskey to remember anything. Maybe that was her I heard laughing at the bar and I somehow, someway talked her into coming up here with me.

  Hell, maybe I told her about Sebastian cheating on her. Or, I don’t know, maybe I was just honest with myself and her and told her just how much I wanted her.

  Whatever the reason I wasn’t going to waste a second of this moment.

  “Get over here, baby. Now,” I demanded, making my impatience known.

  Lauren slid a knowing smile on her beautiful face and slowly slid her panties down her generous thighs. I watched the movement, gripping my now pained erection, fisting it tight, desperately waiting to crawl inside her warmth.

  “Lauren,” I warned on a growl.

  “Boy Scout,” she cooed softly and I grunted.

  “Yeah. I’m about to show you just how much of a boy scout I am. Now, get over here and swallow my dick with your pussy.”

  Fully naked, she slowly climbed on the bed and crawled over my body. She was trying to tease me but I was beyond that shit. I gripped her arms and pulled her over me until she straddled my hips.

  I sat up, grabbed her face and brought her lips to mine. The moment her taste hit my tongue I was lost. My world was consumed by her taste, her touch, her scent. Our tongues caressed each other, fondled and danced.

  I kissed the hell out of her, dominating every inch of her blessed as hell mouth, and doing everything I could to imprint my soul on hers.

  Lauren moaned and I damn near exploded all over her before I could get inside her heat. She was undoing me, unmanning me and I was helpless to stop her.

  I released her lips but I didn’t go far. “Put me inside you, baby,” I demanded, my voice guttural and low.

  She nodded, her blazing brown eyes transfixed on mine. I saw the hesitation in her eyes but it didn’t last long. We both understood that we were crossing a bridge we couldn’t come back from. I didn’t give a fuck and I hoped, since she followed me back to my room tonight, that she didn’t either.

  Lauren sat up on her knees to line the head of my cock with her opening. I gripped her hips and bit the fuck out of her nipple before I slammed her down on my dick.

  “Fuckkk…” we both cried out in soul-binding, salacious bliss.

  A cry of ecstasy echoed all around me and I sat up abruptly, breathing as if I had just run a marathon. A cool breeze skimmed past my sweat soaked chest, causing a shiver to rack my body. I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to get my heart back under control; it was beating on my chest like crazy. The moment I felt myself calming I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. My vision started to clear as dread and disappointment settled in my gut.

  I was in my hotel room, lying across my bed with my shirt off, jeans unbutton but still on. I looked down at my sock covered feet and grunted. At least I had the sense to toe off my shoes before I fell into bed.

  A hint of daylight seeped through the sides of the heavy hotel curtains, allowing sunlight to filter through the otherwise darkened space. I inhaled deeply hoping I would smell the remnant of her perfume but all I got was the acrid smell of the alcohol I had consumed. It was proof that one, I needed a shower. And two, I had a rough and dreadful night.

  Despite that reality, I stayed still and searched the room for any signs of her. The bathroom was way on the other side of the room, closer to the hotel door but I could see from here that the lights were out and the space unoccupied.

  The room was as I had left it when I went down stairs for a drink. I was alone. I should be thankful, considering how many drinks I put down. Sadly, I wasn’t. I was miserable.

  Fuck my life.

  I groaned and fell back on the bed. I rested my arm over my eyes and tried to get the visions of a naked Lauren out of my head. Yeah, that was damn near impossible. It was as if I could still feel her lips wrapped around my cock, feel her folds collapse around me as entered her. The dream felt so real, she felt real. But I knew it was a dream. My luck wasn’t that good.

  Truthfully, this wasn’t the first time I dreamed about being with Lauren. However, this was the first time my dream became so vivid and explicit.

  Typically, after our couples’ get-togethers, I would find my wayward thoughts gravitating to Lauren. I wondered what it would be like to be with her. To touch every inch of that chocolate skin of hers. To feel her lips on mine, on every inch of my body. I wanted to know what it would feel like to have her in my arms. To make love to her all night long. I even wondered what it would be like to have a life together, married with kids.

  I had it bad and I knew that. I also knew the way I felt wasn’t good for either of us. I needed to put those feelings away. Regardless of my failing marriage, she was happy in hers. Even if she wasn’t happy, there was no guarantee she would even give me the time of day if she was single.

  No, I needed
to take my mind off of Lauren and put it on Sabrina and my so-called marriage.

  Sabrina had called and texted me nonstop last night. I didn’t answer any of her calls or messages. She even stooped so low as to call my mother on me. I ignored her too. There wasn’t shit anyone could say or do to get me to speak to my selfish, ungrateful wife.

  I did remember Samson texting me last night. I was shocked when I saw his text come in. It was short and to the point, which brought a smile to my face.

  Stop being a bitch and take your ass home.

  I chuckled to myself, but put my phone away, choosing not to answer my best friend. I knew he had only texted me because Melissa, who’d probably received panic calls from Sabrina, had told him to. I was sure they had expected me to call him back, in which case, he’d talk me into going back home. And if I was being honest, if I did answer his call and we talked, I would have gone home.

  That was why I didn’t reply to his text last night. I was done with playing these mind games. It was time for me to either piss or get off the pot, sorta speak. Yet, right now, I didn’t feel like getting off the pot just yet. I was tired, slightly hung over and still gotdamn horny. I needed more sleep like I needed a hole in the head but I was glutton for punishment. I knew the second I closed my eyes, she would appear in my dreams.

  I was just about to close my eyes and let my mind wander, when I felt my phone began to vibrate. I started not to answer it, but decided against it. It was probably Sabrina calling me again. She would continue to blow my phone up if I didn’t talk to her.

  I reached in my back pocket and pulled out my phone. I blindly answered, preparing myself for the waterworks, but received the shock of my life instead.

  “What?” I answered tersely.

  Even though I had decided to talk to her, it didn’t mean I had to be nice about it.

  There was a slight pause then a warm, low, and sexy-as-fuck chuckle caressed my ear. “Wow, aren’t you pleasant in the morning.”

  My eyes shot open and I stared up at the ceiling. My heart rate picked up and I could feel my dick stirring in my jeans, something that always fucking happened whenever I heard her voice. She had never called me before, so I didn’t know what to fucking do. Plus, that damn dream I had was still vivid in my mind.

  Shit. What was I supposed to do? This call was supposed to stamp down my desires not set it a flame.

  “Um… Hello?” she greeted more hesitantly this time.

  Fuck, she sounded so gotdamn sexy.

  I cleared my throat to get rid of the gruff in my voice, but when I spoke, it was still there. “Yeah, hey Lauren. I’m here. What’s up?”

  Please don’t tell me Sabrina had stepped up her manipulation games and gotten Lauren to call me.

  “I see you’re not a morning person or did you have a rough night? Shit, I’m sorry, your truck isn't outside. I thought you were off today.” She began to panic and I couldn’t help but smile. It wasn’t lost on me that she knew my schedule enough to know today was my day off.

  “Nah, it’s cool.” I replied. “I did have a rough night of drinking last night, so you caught me at a bad time. What’s up? Is everything okay?”

  She sighed through the phone. “Yeah, everything’s fine. I was calling because I wanted to hire you.”

  “Hire me? For what?” I asked confused. Humor me. I’d had a rough night.

  Lauren chuckled again, and again my body reacted to the sound. “Uh, yes. I’m in desperate need of a contractor. I was hoping to hire you to do a job.”

  “Oh, okay.” I said and I had to admit, I felt a bit disappointed, again don’t ask why. I couldn’t tell you. “Tell me what you have in mind.”

  She and I spoke for at least an hour on what she wanted done to her house. She mentioned replacing carpet with hardwood floors, and a complete overhaul of the kitchen. We bounced back ideas just so I could get a feel of the material I would need, cost and the labor. We set up a time tomorrow for me to come over her house. I needed to get some measurements and shop materials so that I could give her a price on how much the job would cost.

  We grew silent again after that and I felt the call was about to come to an end, but that wasn’t something I wanted.

  I asked quickly, “So, did you hear from my friend at Montclair State?”

  “Oh, yeah, I did actually. I called him last week and we talked a bit about the job opportunity. They're looking for someone to teach English 101 and 201.”

  “Okay, is that something you can do?” I asked.

  She laughed. “Yup, it’s what I taught at Drexel. I also reached out to my mentor and he said he’d write a recommendation for me and speak to the department head too. Hopefully, with his help and your friend's, I should at least get an interview.” The excitement in her voice was infectious. I couldn't help the stupid grin on my face as she spoke about her dream job. I wanted her to get the job. I wanted to be the one to help her continue her dream of teaching. Fuck, I just wanted to be the one to make her happy. So fucking dangerous, but I didn’t care.

  “Soooo…” she began, her voice dragging out the syllable. “What’s going on?”

  “What do you mean?”

  She cleared her throat and said, “Okay, I confess. I uh, overheard the yelling yesterday and saw you leave. Is everything okay?”

  My chest tightened at the thought that she’d heard Sabrina and me arguing. And then, I wondered if this call was just a front and Sabrina did get her hands on the one person who I was weak over. But what she said next eased the tension a bit.

  “Look, I know it’s none of my business so you can say so and I won’t be offended. I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need a friend to just talk, I’m your man… er…girl… I’m your girl.”

  A half smile begrudgingly curled into my cheek. “Well, thank you. I appreciate that.”

  “No problem. It’s the least I could do, considering I unloaded on you before. Just… I know you have Samson and Tyler. But if you wanted a fresh perspective, I’ll be happy to listen.”

  I grew quiet and allowed her words to soak in. I even started to tell her everything that had happened, but I decided against it. There was no way I was unloading my shit on her. Before I could thank her and let her down, she spoke up.

  “So, what do you think about us starting a fantasy league next year with just the four of us?”

  I laughed and we fell into another comfortable conversation. We talked about the upcoming football season and started talking trash and it wasn’t even summer yet. I didn’t want to admit this out loud, but just talking to her and hearing her voice did more for me than she could ever imagine.

  We ended the call after another hour of running our mouths and for at least two minutes after I hung up, my smile stayed on my face. That call did nothing but make me realize just how amazing I thought Lauren was and reveal the truth that she would never be mine.

  But if she was… God I would do anything to make her the happiest woman on this planet. The woman was God-sent. She was sexy, funny, smart, and fucking beautiful. She had a mouth on her that would probably rub some men the wrong way, but it only made me long for her even more. I couldn’t deny I wanted her and if our situations were different, I would have her. No doubt, she would be mine and instead of me sleeping in this hotel, I would be balls fucking deep inside her pussy.

  I groaned as the dream I had come back to mind. Fuck… I ran my hand over my face and willed my dick to calm the hell down. It’s been a few weeks, hell months since I’d had sex. Maybe that was all I needed to do, get laid and I would stop thinking about fucking my neighbor.

  Yeah, if only it was that easy.

  Deciding I had slept enough, I slowly sauntered my way into the bathroom, shedding clothes as I walked. There were decisions I had to make. If I went home and Sabrina was there, I had to make a choice. Either I stayed and we worked this shit out or I was done. Being the boy scout, as Lauren called me, was overrated. Doing the right thing may be letting Sabrina go
. We both were miserable. Shit needed to change.

  I turned on the shower and stepped inside, first blasting myself with cold water to calm my raging hard-on. Once I felt somewhat under control, I turned the water to almost scalding and lathered up.

  As I washed, I put a plan in motion. Admittedly, what I did next would depend on Sabrina. If she was home waiting, we'd talk. If she took my advice and left, then that was that. I wouldn’t reach out to her but to serve her divorce papers.

  I drove home in a quiet calm. When I pulled into my driveway, Sabrina’s car was still there. I climbed out and grabbed my bag out of the back seat. I shut the back door and came around the back of the truck to find Sabrina standing in the doorway. I stopped in my tracks and waited for her to make the next move. She didn’t waste any time. She ran down the few steps of our front stoop and launched herself into my arms.

  I dropped my bag and caught her easily. She kissed me frantically, apologizing in between kisses. I carried her into our house and straight into our bedroom.

  And well. I fucked my wife.

  I couldn’t resist. She threw herself at me, and I was too weak to deny her. Did I feel guilty for fucking her after my X-rated dream about Lauren? Nope. Actually, if I was being completely honest, I was glad it happened. It made so many things clearer for me. It gave me the drive to see things through with Sabrina. I know that sounded weird but it was the truth.

  She and I talked about our future. We decided to stop the counseling sessions, these were her words not mine. I didn’t disagree with her, I just thought it was odd that she suggested it. She also promised to spend more time doing things as a couple and coming home at a decent hour. That all sounded good.

  Did I believe her? No.

  Don’t ask me why, but something was off.

  It wasn’t just her, although the unease vibe was coming from her more than me. But I felt a shift between us after we got our groove on. I couldn’t put a finger on what it meant. Maybe I was self-consciously searching for closure and found it after finally busting a nut inside a condom, or I was the idiot and my wife was creating a way out for herself.


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