Real Men Bite (Soren Pack | Paranormal Werewolf Interracial Romance) (Real Men Shift Book 4)

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Real Men Bite (Soren Pack | Paranormal Werewolf Interracial Romance) (Real Men Shift Book 4) Page 15

by Celia Kyle

  Arousal coiled and built within her, need stoked by his touches that were so good but not nearly enough. She needed more. She needed all of him.

  Valerie arched and rolled her hips, wrapping her legs around his waist while she struggled to pull him closer—pull him into her.

  But the big bad werewolf was too strong to be moved by her.

  Just wait until I have my own wolf, buddy.

  Then she didn’t have any thoughts at all. Not when Zeke pressed the head of his cock to her center and eased forward. He pushed into her, inch after thick inch spreading her pussy wide as he impaled her. He shoved his cock deep into her cunt, going further and further until she was stretched taut around his hardness—their hips finally meeting.

  “Zeke,” she whispered when he finally possessed her fully. Just his name. Nothing more.

  He stilled, amber eyes locked on hers, his wolf peering out from behind human eyes. “Mine.”

  Val shivered, a spike of arousal and desire making itself known. Yes, she was his—a fact she’d come to accept. But he was just as much hers. Hers forevermore.

  He withdrew and pushed forward once more, a gradual slide of his length against her inner walls. The slow caress had her moaning low, eyes rolling into the back of her head. Pleasure consumed her with that single thrust and she wasn’t sure how she’d survive the coming claiming.

  He didn’t give her much time to wonder. That thrust turned into another and then another, a sensuous glide in and out of her body that touched every nerve ending within her. His dick caressed her with his every stroke, and she cried out each time their hips met. Thrust, retreat, thrust… Over and over he moved in and out of her wet sheath. She shuddered and twitched with each new wave of pleasure he caused.

  Val cried out with his next thrust, the slap of their hips and the press of his pubic bone against her clit. That sent a new wave of ecstasy to slide through her veins and she ached for him to do it again.

  Just one more time.

  As if he heard her plea, he repeated that fierce thrust, but not only once. No, he did it over and over and over… Driving her desire and wanting higher with every meeting of their sweat-slick bodies.

  Valerie cupped her breasts, kneading her flesh and plucking her nipples—adding to the bliss Zeke gifted her. She pinched the bits of flesh, relishing the pain that joined the pleasure he caused to bubble and grow within her. She let her legs drop from his waist and placed her feet on the ground, pushing up her hips to meet his every thrust.

  The wet slap of their bodies filled the air, the scent of their sex permeating everything around them. Nothing existed beyond them—beyond the passion they shared in their own little world.

  Zeke increased the fierceness of his passion, turning their lovemaking into fierce rutting, a hard and rough plunging in and out of her wet pussy. And Val loved it. Loved that he knew what he wanted and wasn’t afraid to show it. Most of all, she loved how he so physically adored everything about her.

  It was one thing to hear the words, but staring in his eyes, she saw the truth that lingered in his gaze.

  With Zeke pounding in and out of her, giving her more and more pleasure, she absolutely knew she was utterly lost to the werewolf alpha.

  “Valerie,” he growled, and she realized that his canines were no longer the blunted, short teeth of a human’s. They’d lengthened—sharpened. “Do you want this?” His pace never faltered. “Me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered back—no hesitation at all.

  It was as if she’d held his restraints and now her agreement had shattered them. He had no control, nothing holding him back any longer. He lost it then, his pace turning into a rapid, punishing rhythm. He fucked her faster and harder than before. There was something bestial about the way his hips moved with such a determined ferocity—a ferocity that sent waves of pleasure through her blood. It sank into her bones, suffusing every inch of her body between one breath and the next.

  Her nerves were sparkling with ultimate bliss, ecstasy consuming her from head to toe. Her orgasm loomed closer and closer, his every movement pushing her nearer to release. It drew nearer, hard and fast and almost overwhelming her in its intensity and strength. She trembled and soon lost control of her body, muscles twitching and tensing without her control. She shook with the growing tension, her body vibrating as the pleasure inside her grew beyond imagining.

  She danced on the edge of release, the razor sharp precipice taunting her with what was to come and she couldn’t wait to embrace the ultimate bliss. So close. So very close.

  “Zeke.” Jut his name. A plea living in that single word.

  “Do it. Come for me and I’ll claim you. Come.”

  As if she was already a wolf and he was her alpha, she was powerless to agree. She shattered in that moment, in that split-second that his order washed through her like a tsunami. Wave after wave of pleasure followed, consuming her and lighting her aflame with the joy that filled every inch of her body. She was a growing ball of blissful flames, stoked higher and higher by Zeke’s attentions.

  She clenched around him, her pussy milking his length and begging to be coated in his come. Yes. That was exactly what she craved—him, his release. She wanted to be painted in his scent and nothing more. His shaft somehow thickened inside her, his own pleasure on the horizon and after that would be…

  His bite.

  His pace stuttered, one thrust then another and then a jerky third before he sealed his hips to hers. The telltale pulse of his shaft announced his release and she smiled with the knowledge that they now shared a scent.

  The claiming came a split-second later. Pointed teeth sliced through her flesh, burning pain suffusing her nerves and scraping her muscles. But with that agony came another wave of pleasure, another orgasm that stole her breath in an instant. She shook and trembled, body no longer her own as she simply reacted to whatever Zeke had done to her. Fucked her. Claimed her.

  The delicious truth caused her orgasm to continue, both of them lost in the sensations caused by their mating.

  Mating. She had the alpha’s bite—her mate’s bite—which meant she was well and truly claimed now. She was the alpha’s mate.

  And Val… had never been happier. Even if Zeke had been wrong. Even if death lingered on the horizon. She’d never been so filled with joy in her life and she’d cling to that forever.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A couple of days had passed since their mating in the Wolf Woods and Valerie was antsy to shift into her wolf form for the first time. The changes in her body had begun immediately after Zeke’s bite, but he’d insisted she wait to try shifting until the full moon, when the pack would be gathered for their monthly run. Patience wasn’t one of her stronger traits, so her heart was thumping double-time with anticipation as she watched the crowd grow on the front lawn of the pack house.

  Or maybe the double-time was actually her new wolf’s heartbeat inside her. Whatever the cause, she wished her mate would hurry up and get the run started already.

  Dozens of people milled about, chatting excitedly as they counted down the minutes until the full moon rose over the trees to signal the start. The barely restrained energy of the pack hung heavily in the evening air, reminding her of the frenetic, shared energy among soldiers getting ready to parachute out of a plane. Nothing put people on edge and bonded them more effectively than waiting to take a leap of faith.

  Zeke had explained that pack runs were meant to cement each member’s place in the pack and reaffirm their bond. It also gave everyone a chance to exercise their wolf and release any pent-up emotions they might have stockpiled over the previous month. It sounded like a blast to Val and she couldn’t wait to feel that bond grow. If it actually did, as Zeke had claimed.

  Val and the other wolves weren’t the only ones excited. Fang acted as if she’d been given a syringe full of adrenaline. Obviously, she was simply attuned to Val’s restless vibe and her tiny Pomeranian body couldn’t hold it all inside. She ran circles a
round the yard, yipping and yapping and leaping as far as her little legs could carry her.

  “Fang,” she hissed, kneeling down to call the dog to her. “Come to Mama.”

  She wasn’t as worried about Fang irritating the others as she was with the way a handful of them kept glancing at the pooch like a fluffy, fun-sized Scooby Snack. Judging by the lack of pets wandering around the compound and the fact they were all wolves, they probably were more inclined to eat an animal Fang’s size than cuddle it. All Val knew was that if anyone tried anything shady with her little princess, she was more than willing to gut them, family or not. Hopefully no one would because that wouldn’t make a very good first impression.

  The tiny dog skidded to a stop in the damp grass, spun around and barreled toward Valerie, her tongue flapping in the breeze she created. She all but leapt into Val’s arms, wriggling with pure manic energy and trying desperately to lick her mama’s face. Valerie chuckled and snuggled the dog close to her chest before Fang wiggled free and resumed her zooming around the yard. Valerie shook her head and tried not to burst out laughing at how silly the little creature looked.

  Suddenly, Fang stopped mid-bolt to swivel around and stare alertly at something behind Valerie. She let out a yelp of excitement and then dashed right past Val and directly to Zeke, who scooped her up with one hand and carried her under his arm like a football. Val returned his smile as he handed over a new, strangely calm version of her dog and then draped a possessive arm over her shoulders.

  “Is it time?” she whispered, hoping with every cell it was. He smiled his answer.

  Clearing his throat and raising his free arm, Zeke called out in a deep, authoritative voice, “Hey, y’all!”

  It took a minute for everyone to settle down enough for him to continue. “Nice to see such a good turn-out tonight. I suspect there’s another reason for that other than the promise of a great run.”

  The crowd murmured their agreement, most of them turning smiles on Val. She wasn’t used to so many people watching her every move, and while it made the introvert in her want to hide, a bigger part of her felt a profound gratitude they seemed to be accepting her.

  “That reason is standing next to me,” Zeke said, smiling at her with infinite love pouring from his gaze. “I’d like you all to meet my mate and your new alpha mate, Valerie Logan.”

  Cheers and applause erupted from the crowd, and everywhere she looked, Val saw happy faces and welcoming smiles. Her heart swelled with pride and delight at having finally found a place where she belonged. It had seemed impossible before arriving in Tremble that she could ever find a more accepting community than the Army, but it had happened. She’d found her true family and her place in the world.

  “A handful of you have already met Valerie,” Zeke continued, “but for the rest of you, I know this is a new development in the story of our pack. I’ve been your alpha long enough to command your respect, and I am certain you will extend the same courtesy to my lovely mate. Not only is she a great asset to our pack, but she is an amazing woman. You can all learn a lot from her, and I hope you will have the patience and time to teach her everything about being a wolf, as well. Our family has gained an amazing new member, and tonight’s run is a celebration of that. Of family, of togetherness, of love.”

  Zeke pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek, flooding her body with warmth and light. Fang, who was squished between them, wriggled out of Val’s arms and resumed showing off to the crowd.

  People had just started chatting about the new development when Zeke called them to attention again. “One more thing. This dog is not for eating, no matter how tasty she might look. She is our second new member of this pack, from this day forward. If anyone so much as licks their lips in her general vicinity, they’ll have to answer to me. Understood?”

  Despite a few despairing glances from a couple of bloodthirsty, young males, everyone else laughed and nodded their agreement. Meanwhile, Fang bolted under legs, tore around stumps, and bounded over such major obstacles as clumps of grass, completely oblivious to the fact she’d just been inducted into a wolf pack.

  Energy was high as pack members lined up to congratulate them on their mating and to introduce themselves to Val. That kind of meet-and-greet normally left her feeling awkward and uncomfortable, but with each new friend she met, she grew more at ease. It was almost like her relationship with Chloe—they could go months without talking, but when they did, it was as if no time at all had passed. She could have happily chatted for hours with every single person who greeted her, such was the instant bond between them. After a lifetime as a square peg trying to fit herself into the rest of the world’s round hole, Val finally belonged.

  Even Newman approached them, cautiously and looking like death warmed over with two black eyes, a puffy nose, and a big circular scab on his forehead. Val winced at her handiwork while Zeke narrowed his flashing gaze and let out a low warning growl. Fang scurried up between their feet and echoed Zeke’s growl, though hers was much less terrifying. Val silenced Zeke—and consequently, Fang—with a touch of her hand on his arm. He had nothing to worry about with Newman. Or anyone else, for that matter. Her heart, soul and body belonged to Zeke. Forever. But she did need to apologize to the man she’d hurt.

  “Newman, I’m really sorry—”

  He held up a hand to stop her. “No, I’m the one who needs to apologize, Valerie. And to thank you.”

  “Thank me? For what?” She tried not to laugh, but she’d never had a man thank her for handing him his own ass on a platter.

  “For teaching me a lesson I should have learned a long time ago. Never, ever touch a woman without her permission. I’m sorry and… thank you.”

  Not wanting to piss off Zeke by hugging another man, Val settled for a gracious smile. “My… pleasure?” They all chuckled, and Newman hurried off before Zeke got too growly.

  By the time the stream of well-wishers dried up, the energy on the front lawn had shifted from joyful to excited. More and more people started stripping off their clothes in preparation to shift into their wolf forms.

  “You okay with all of this?” Zeke asked quietly so no one would overhear.

  She forced a smile. “Yeah, of course. I’m no prude, Zeke. I can’t count how many communal showers I’ve been in.”

  “Then why am I smelling tension coming off you in waves?”

  Damn the mate bond! She’d never be able to hide anything from him again. Strangely, the thought gave her comfort.

  “It’s getting naked in front of everyone just seems so… intimate. I’ll be so damn vulnerable, and that doesn’t sit well with me. Not sure if you figured this out about me, but I don’t trust easily.”

  “You?” Zeke gasped theatrically, mocking her in the most loving way. “I’m sure it will take some getting used to, but I think you know you’re safe here. Safe from danger, safe from ridicule, safe from pretty much everything you hated about the human world. We’re all on the same page here, Val. You can trust us. Or at the very least, you can trust me.”

  And she could. She knew that deep in her bones. And so she trusted him. By the time she’d shed her panties and folded them in with the rest of her clothes, she marveled at how free she felt. Something inside her pressed against her chest, also wanting to be freed. Her wolf, it had to be. It was the first time the beast had really made itself known to her, and the sensation was out of this world weird. But also amazing. She couldn’t wait to release her and discover everything about her new body.

  Gasps and shouts heralded the sliver of bright white cresting over the trees, and suddenly Val had no control over her own body. Not fully, anyway. Her body vibrated with strength and energy she’d never believed possible before. Her face twisted and lengthened as her arms grew impossibly hairy. She tried to control her breathing, to slow the shift so she could relish every sensation, but it was beyond her control. That wasn’t a sensation she liked, but with Zeke by her side, she knew she’d make it through. Relinquish
ing command to her wolf, she let nature take its course.

  Her humanity slipped behind a curtain and her animal instincts came forward, taking center stage. She fell to all fours as her muscles bunched and expanded while her human features receded to nothing. The sheer multitude of scents in her small bit of the world assaulted her, nearly overwhelming all of her senses. Zeke’s massive coppery brown wolf pressed its side against hers, soothing her and keeping her tethered to reality.

  Focusing on her own body, Val inspected her furry forelegs. They were long, stocky, and as black as her human hair. God, what I wouldn’t give for a mirror! Stretching each leg to its limit, she discovered that every part she could see was black, which suited her just fine. It would have been even weirder than it already was if her wolf had turned out to be blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Just for fun, she gave her tail a wag and marveled at how cool it felt. With every passing second, she became more at home in her new beastly form, and much to her surprise, she liked it.

  Once Zeke was sure she was ready, he let out an ear-splitting howl to mark the start of the run. The entire pack stampeded into the forest as fast as they could, and Val leaped forward to follow her mate, her pack.

  Poor Fang did her best to keep up, but after the first few bounds, she quickly fell behind. Still, Val’s precious princess continued following them, despite the fact she would get hopelessly lost in the woods if she did. Sprinting back to the dog, Val nudged her toward the pack house. At first Fang sniffed and barked her annoyance, but then she finally dropped her head and slowly plodded away, looking for all the world like a pouting child. Only once Fang was safely seated on the porch, looking glum and left out, did Val finally bolt into the tree line to find Zeke. She didn’t need to look very hard—he’d waited for her.


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