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Adventurous Me

Page 8

by Deanndra Hall

  Even though I’m trying not to, a tear escapes my eye and rolls down my cheek. “No, Sir, I won’t.”

  He puts his fingers under my chin and pulls my face up to look into it. “I hope this taught you something. You need to value yourself. No matter how your own Dom uses you, he has your best interests at heart. But someone who would do that to you is not worthy of your service or loyalty. Never forget that.” I try to smile my tears away and, to my surprise, he leans down and kisses my forehead. “Get in the shower. By the way, his name is Gary and he’s a really good guy. He said he thinks the next time he has a new sub he’ll ask me to do the same thing with her so she gets a lesson that will stick. Now go get cleaned up.”

  I rise and head down the hall, still in a state of disbelief. If he was looking to make an impression on me, it didn’t just work – it’s indelible.

  The hot water feels good on my skin, but I’m still in need. I’ve been fucked so many times already that I can’t count them and I still haven’t been allowed to come. As I wash myself, I start to take a few extra passes with the washcloth. Before too long, I feel an orgasm coming on, and I look toward the hallway. Clint’s nowhere to be found, so I go ahead and satisfy myself, careful not to make a sound.

  Once I’m showered and dried off, I wobble back out to the living room on my stilettos and kneel in front of the sofa. I have no idea where Clint is, so I just wait. In a few minutes he appears in the kitchen doorway and motions for me to come to him.

  I rise and stroll into the kitchen, if you could call it strolling. There, on a chair, is a strange-looking, rectangular thing covered in bristles and, whatever it is, it’s still got the tag on it. “I guess you’re wondering what that is?” he asks.

  “Yes, Sir. It’s weird, Sir. I’ve never seen one of those before.”

  “It’s a shoe cleaner. You put it on the ground, stand on it with one foot, and brush the other foot back and forth in it to get the mud off your shoe, then reverse.” He stands and seems to be admiring it. “Guess you’re wondering what it’s doing there?”

  “The thought had crossed my mind, Sir.” I get the feeling I’m not going to like this.

  “You’re going to sit on it.” He points at it. “Spread your pussy lips apart and sit down with the center ridge right down the middle of your slit.”

  At first I think he’s kidding, but then I realize he’s serious. There’s a raised row of bristles that look like wooden splinters right down the middle of this thing, and when I sit down, the lips of my cunt fall on either side of the bristled ridge and the bristles poke straight into my lady bits. It’s wildly uncomfortable. I try not to wriggle and squirm too much, because the more I move, the worse it starts to hurt.

  I’m blinking back tears when he says, “I told you that your sex belongs to me. And you defied me in the shower.” How in the hell did he know? I’m mortified. “This is your punishment. You will sit here until I tell you that you can get up.” He sets the timer on his phone, but for how long I have no idea.

  The more I settle into it, the more it hurts. Plus, with the height of the chair, it’s impossible to use my feet and legs to hover over it. Sitting on it is all I can do. With every second that passes it’s more painful. I can see the kitchen clock and I watch five, ten, fifteen, twenty minutes pass. At twenty-five I start to get really panicky. At thirty he says, “That’s enough. Would you like to go back to the shower and pleasure yourself right now?”

  “No, Sir, no way,” I say, eyes on the floor.

  “Good. I’m going to fuck your sore pussy. This is neither punishment nor discipline; this is a Dom using his sub as he sees fit. Reach down and grab your ankles.” When I do so, he backs me up against a wall and, quick as lightning, his prick is buried in my sheath. He pounds me so hard that my back is banging against the wall. After he’s come, he says, “Stand there just like that. I’ll tell you when you can straighten up.” I know it’s another ten minutes before he finally says, “Stand.”

  I’m stiff. I’m also dizzy from having my head down for so long, and he takes my arm until I get my equilibrium back. “Do not defy me again. I always know.” I believe him.

  “No, Sir. I will not.”

  “Good.” He points down the hallway. “Go and rest for about fifteen minutes. I’ll probably fuck you again after that.”

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you for the lessons, Sir, and for fucking me, Sir,” I murmur. As I walk, I fight a grin because the sluttiest thought is going through my head: I don’t want to lie down. I want to fuck you again, Sir. I want you to fuck me until my pussy is broken. I figure that would take forever, and that’s exactly how long I want him pounding into me.

  We’re together in his big bed. Instead of something vigorous, this seems more like lovemaking. On our sides, we rock against each other until we climax, then start again. It’s more like a beautiful ballet than fucking. Everywhere he touches me, I can almost feel his fingerprints being etched into my skin, and it gives me a thrill I’ve never felt before. I thought Dave was gorgeous, but Clint is something entirely different, chiseled features but not harsh, hair short and sexy but just long enough that the curl is obvious, muscled up but not muscle-bound. He’s a man, all man, sweetness and hard-edged passion, with the seriousness of an old soul. I know that somewhere in that super-heated, lust-driven package there’s got to be the playfulness of a child. I hope I can find it.

  He looks into my face with something that passes for tenderness. “I’ve got to come up with a name for you. I can’t just keep calling you sub.” He looks thoughtful for a minute, then says, “Would you like for me to call you Vännan?”

  “What does that mean, Sir?” I ask, kissing the side of his neck. He responds by nipping my earlobe.

  “It’s Swedish for ‘lover.’” He pulls my face to his and kisses me long and deep. I melt into him and kiss him back.

  “Have you ever given it to another sub?” I have to ask; I can’t stand not knowing if this is his standard sub name.

  He shakes his head, his eyes closed. “No. It will be yours if you want it.”

  “It’s beautiful, Sir. I’d like that very much.”

  He takes one of my hands and kisses the back of it. “Then Vännan it is.”

  Vännan. Lover. It’s precious. And so is he. I just wish I could tell him how precious he is. I’m sure he has no idea.

  I call Sheila and tell her where I am and what’s going on. Since I haven’t shared anything with her before, I think it’s about time.

  “You’re doing what? With whom?” she screams. “Are you kidding?”

  “No! You should see him. He’s gorgeous.” He’s gone to the dry cleaner’s to pick up some suits. I asked him if it was okay for me to call Sheila, and he told me to feel free. But he also told me to finger myself, take a picture, and text it to him while he was gone. So I’m talking to her on speaker and trying not to pant while I follow his instructions. I send the photo and get a text back:

  Nice. But a little more to the left. LOL JK

  “But I don’t understand. Is he spanking you?”

  I start to laugh. “Only if my behavior warrants. I have rules to follow. I get punished if I break them. And I get rewarded if I obey. Richly rewarded. I mean hugely richly. Enormously.”

  She giggles. “I get it, I get it! He’s hung.” I giggle like I’m fourteen. “Do I get to meet this guy?”

  My stomach knots. “I doubt it. It’s only for two weeks.” He’s given me a pet name when I’m only staying for two weeks. I find that kind of confusing, but I’ll take what I can get.

  “Oh. Well, I guess you should have fun while you can, huh?” Sheila sounds kind of down. “Just take care of yourself, okay? This all happened because of that incredible older guy at the bar that night?”

  “Yeah. And he’s the best, Sheila. Dave has turned into a really good friend.”

  I hear a sadness in her voice when she says, “I hope you won’t forget about your old friends.”

  “Never, sister
. Never.”

  I think things are going pretty well. He’s hot and cold, and I hate that, but so far things are pretty good. Sometimes he fucks me fast and hard, over and over, while I beg for more. Sometimes we rock together like we’ve always known each other, a sweet thing while it lasts. I’m never really sure what’s going to happen next, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to be amazing. At least the sex.

  On Wednesday he announces, “We’re going to the club tonight. I’ll pick out something for you to wear. Go shower.” When I get out of the shower, a pair of black stretch short-shorts and black seamed stockings are lying on the bed with a pair of black stilettos on the floor. The top he’s put out for me is more or less a bra, and it has little slits up the middle of the cups with ribbon tie closures. In other words, if they’re untied, my nipples will be completely exposed. That’s intriguing.

  I was hoping he’d give me a prettier collar to wear when we go out, but he doesn’t, just the training collar. Once he’s helped me buckle it on, we go to the door, where he gives me the once-over and says, “Mmmm-mmmm-mmmm; you’re a scrumptious kind of fuckable. Remember, eyes averted and no talking to other Doms.” I nod. With that, we head out and make it to the club just as it’s opening.

  There’s already a crowd milling about. He retrieves two drinks from the bar – Dave’s nowhere in sight – and we head over to watch the scenes. Clint brought a leash and snapped it onto my collar. He says it’s not to lead me, but rather to keep other Doms away. Looks like it’s working pretty well. No one will even look at me.

  I’m thrilled when he unties the cups of my bra. My nipples are hard, and they pretty much salute anyone who walks by me. Right outside the men’s locker room door, he says, “I’m going in the restroom. Stay right here,” and clips my leash to a ring on the wall. As soon as he disappears, who should turn up but Steffen. Imagine that – what a coincidence. I shiver because I’m pretty sure this won’t go well for me.

  “Hey, little one! How are things going over at Master Clint’s?”

  I shake my head. “Sir, you’re not supposed to be talking to me. You know that. Please don’t get me in trouble. Please?”

  “Don’t you wish you’d come with me? That they’d drawn our names together? I do; I still do.”

  “Sir, please . . .”

  “What the hell is going on here?” Clint walks out of the restroom and Steffen just smiles. I shrink and don’t say anything.

  “I was just telling your sub here that I wish they’d called our names together. I don’t think you deserve her.” Steffen leers at Clint, and I can see Clint’s hackles rise.

  “Is that right? That is now no longer an option, so just accept it, Steffen. By the way, where’s the sub you drew?”

  “Over at the bar. We’re going to scene in a few minutes, so she’s getting some liquid courage in her.”

  “You know you’re not supposed to be talking to another Dom’s sub. Thanks for following protocol.” I can tell Clint is furious.

  “Yeah, well, take it out on her. See you later, little one,” Steffen says with a grin and turns to go to the bar.

  “Sir, I didn’t . . .”

  “You know you’re not supposed to talk to another Dom without my permission.” He’s glaring at me.

  “I wasn’t, Sir! I was trying to make him go away.” I can feel myself start to tremble.

  “You were flirting with him. Admit it.”

  That really pisses me off. “No, Sir, I wasn’t! I was trying to get him to leave me alone. I said, ‘Sir, you’re not supposed to be talking to me,’ but he just kept on.”

  “Come with me.” He takes my leash and pulls me down the hallway to one of the private rooms. “You’re going to learn protocol. You’ll not be caught talking to another Dom again without my permission. I won’t have it.”

  When we get into the room, I realize there’s a huge frame sitting right in the middle of the space. There are eye bolts all around it and chains dangling from them. “Get in the frame. Hands above your head.” He puts a pair of cuffs on my wrists. Then he pushes a block of wood up. “Stand on this.” He clips the cuffs to the chains in the top of the frame and, before I can blink, he kicks the block out from under me.

  I’m hanging by my wrists, my toes barely touching the floor. The sound of a drawer opening hits my ears, and then he moves behind me. He unhooks my top so my back is exposed, then pulls my shorts and thong down and off. “You’ll learn to refrain from talking to other Doms. Count ‘em.”

  I hear a whir and the pop of leather against my skin as some kind of whip strikes my back, and I shriek. It makes contact again, and his voice knifes into me. “I. Said. Count.”

  “Two, Sir!” The snap sounds off again, followed by the pain, and I shriek again.

  “Three, Sir!” “Four, Sir!” “Five, Sir!”

  By twenty I’m exhausted, both from dangling and from the pain. He keeps going and I realize I’m not shrieking now, just counting. At forty, I’m barely counting anymore – I can’t make my voice work. By fifty, I’m trying to make sense of everything when I realize he’s undoing my chains. Next thing I know, I’m on the bed with him and he’s stroking my back tenderly with his fingers.

  “Will you speak to another Dom without my permission again?”

  “No, Sir. I will not,” I whisper.

  I feel him rubbing something on my skin, and he says, “Good. I expect you’ve learned that lesson on protocol.” With that, he wraps his arms around me. “You took that very well. It’s difficult to take a lashing with the flogger the first time, but you did it.”

  “Yes, Sir,” is all I can whisper out.

  In about ten minutes things are starting to make sense again. He helps me stand up and then pulls my top the rest of the way off. “No top. I want everyone to see your stripes and know you performed well. They’re a badge of honor, Vännan.”

  I stand there for a few seconds, then say, “Sir, could I have permission to speak, please?”

  He looks a little surprised. “Yes, Vännan. What is it?”

  I look down at the floor. “Sir, for the record, I was not flirting with Master Steffen. He was trying to get me to say that I wanted to be paired with him. And he couldn’t. I wouldn’t say it because it would be a lie.”

  There’s an unreadable look that passes over his face before he says, “Well, that’s good to know.” That’s all he says. He takes my leash and leads me through the big room and back to the car.

  Chapter 6

  “Elbows and knees. I want to take your ass. I’m hoping for all night. Do you want it, Vännan?” I climb up into the bed eagerly.

  “Yes, Sir! I want it very much, Sir.”

  “Good. You’re going to get it. Over and over. And don’t forget to let me hear your pleasure. If I don’t, I’ll assume you don’t want it. No telling what I’ll do then!” he chuckles and slaps my ass.

  After he’s come in me about eight times and left me hanging, he pulls out and lies down beside me. I’m still in the fucking position and he looks over into my face. “Come here, Vännan.” I drop and roll into his side and, when I do, he rolls to face me and begins to stroke my clit. I moan and close my eyes until he says, “Eyes open! Look right into mine. I want to watch your face when you come.”

  I feel it coiling and growing bigger and bigger, and then it’s on me, my body trembling and my hips churning, bumping against his hand as he continues to stroke my swollen bud. “Eyes open!” he barks again, and I stare straight into his, their heat making me blush as the climax overwhelms me. When he finally stops I’m a panting, sweating mess. And he surprises me by kissing my forehead. “I’m going to teach you something. Would you like that?”

  “Yes, Sir! I would, very much.”

  “Spread ‘em.” I spread my legs wide. He stares down at me and shoves two fingers into my pussy. “This will be uncomfortable until you learn what’s happening and how to let it go. Ready?”

  “It would help if I knew what I’m supposed to b
e ready for, Sir.”

  “Have you ever squirted?”

  Some of us subs at the club have whispered about it between ourselves. My eyes go wide. “No, Sir! Is it real? I’ve heard about it, but . . .”

  “Well, you’re about to. Try to relax.” I take a deep breath and blow it out. He starts to stroke into me with the two fingers, and I feel something, an unusual something, like I’ve never felt before.

  “Sir, what is . . .”

  “That’s your G-spot, sub. I’m ramping it up. It’s going to feel like you need to pee, but you’ll have to learn to let go.” He starts finger fucking me like crazy.

  A weird sensation takes me over. It’s like I can’t be still, my hips wiggling and bucking. I’m panting and writhing. “Let it go, little one. Come on. You can do it.”

  “But I don’t want to pee . . .”

  “It’s not pee, precious. Let it go.”

  I concentrate. It seems unnatural to just let loose of my bladder, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. It’s becoming unbearable, and he says, “Your gland is full. You’ve got to let go.” He increases the speed of the strokes, and I start to cry out. “Let it go, Vännan.”

  I do; it makes me hideously uncomfortable to do so, but I still do. I hear him yell, “Yeah! That’s it! You did it! Take a look.”

  The bed is soaked. My face is hot with embarrassment when he says, “Open your mouth.” I do, and he stuffs both fingers into it. “Suck.”

  It’s not urine. It’s kind of sweet and musky. “What is that?” I ask when he pulls them out.

  “It’s female ejaculate. You just ejaculated. How did it feel?” He’s put the heel of one hand on my mons and he’s pressing – hard. All the sexual tension I felt in my pussy is disappearing.

  “It was, I don’t know, weird but intensely erotic. I want to do it again.”

  “Not tonight, babe. I’ve got to clean this up. Now go and clean yourself up a little, take a leak, and get back here. You’re spending tonight in my bed.” When I come back, he pulls a chain from the side of the bed and puts a cuff on me – one with a padlock. “Get some sleep,” his lips murmur into the back of my neck, tickling me as he spoons against my back. “We’ve got quite a day ahead of us tomorrow.


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