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Ember: Next Gen (Snakes Henchmen MC Book 12)

Page 8

by Alivia Grayson

  “You don’t think it’ll be a squeeze?”

  I nod my head at Bob. Of course, it’s going to be a squeeze. However, we’ll make do in order for Ember to be comfortable. She’s a member of this band now. That means she has every right to a room like the rest of us.

  “It will, but it’s the right thing to do.”

  “To be honest, we were just saying the same thing.” Saint runs his hand over his face. “I mentioned it to Matt, but he didn’t seem too keen.”

  Selfish prick!

  I walk away from Saint and Bob and into the next room. Matt is on the phone, but his conversation halts when he sees me standing there. “I’ll call you back,” He ends the call. “You shouldn’t creep up on people like that.”

  “We’re moving into the room next door. There’s space for all four of us. Ember needs to sleep in a bed, not out there on a damn couch.”

  Matt raises his eyebrow and folds his arms around himself. “You share with the others, I’ve made other arrangements.” He picks up his bag and slings it over his shoulder.

  “What arrangements?”

  “None of your business, arrangements,” I roll my eyes at the prick. “All you need to know is that I won’t be traveling with you. I’ll meet you in Oklahoma tomorrow. Have fun,” He sing songs as he walks past me and off the bus. He didn’t even tell the others that he was leaving!

  “What’s that all about?”

  I smile while looking at Ember. “Matt decided not to travel with us, which means,” I take her hand in mine and lead her to the now spare bedroom. “This is all yours.”

  Ember throws me a confused look. I smirk, leave to retrieve her case, and take it back to the room. I dump it on the top bunk. “There’s room for me with Bob and Saint.”

  “You don’t have to do this, Marco. I would have been fine on the couch.”

  I shake my head, kiss Ember’s cheek, and leave.

  * * *

  I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t help myself. Ember left another one of her notebooks on the couch, and I picked it up. I had no intention of looking through it; I was going to take it to her room and drop it on the bed.

  However, while everyone else is sleeping, I’m drinking beer and reading Ember’s lyrics. I swore that I’d never do that again without her permission, but I couldn’t stop myself. I’m a terrible person for doing that.

  Some of these songs are so emotional. I have to wonder who hurt Ember and why. No one could write songs like this without experiencing heartbreak. It has to have been Toby. He’s the one who hurt Ember. I don’t know what he did, nor why, but I know he broke Ember. Why else would she have walked away from him and not mentioned him since? Okay, this is only the first night, but from the way Colin told it, Ember was deeply in love with Toby.

  Why do you even care, Marco? If Ember left Toby, then the way is clear for you to make your move.

  I care because Ember is my friend, and I don’t want her hurting.

  I’m lost in reading, and I don’t hear anyone enter the room. Traveling on a tour bus with the engine, purring will do that to a person.

  “Wanna tell me what the hell you think you’re doing reading another of my notebooks?”

  “Ember,” I snap the notebook shut and hand it to the beauty in front of me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to read it.”

  “Then, why did you?”

  I sigh and shift in my seat. All I’ve done since we picked Ember up is annoy her. I’m not sure what it is about me that’s pissing her off, but it’s not my intention to do so.

  I run my hand through my hair and look at Ember. “Curiosity,” I shrug my shoulders. “Look, I don’t know what I’ve done to upset you, but I’m sorry that I have.”

  “You haven’t.” Ember cuts me off with a shake of her head. She sits down on the couch beside me. “Marco, I’m sorry if I’ve given you that impression. I’m just having a bad day, and I’ve taken that out on you. That was so unfair of me,”

  I chuckle and take her hand in mine. Maybe I shouldn’t have, but she doesn’t pull away. “It’s okay, Ember, I understand.” She smiles sweetly at me. “The lyrics you wrote are amazing, Ember. Some of them are heartbreaking.”

  Ember lowers her head. “No one was meant to see them.”

  “The most painful things in life, make the greatest songs.”

  She laughs and nods her head. “Is that how you write songs? Do you draw from painful experiences?”

  I nod my head and take a deep breath. “I’ve done many things to block out pain, Ember, including writing song lyrics.”

  I don’t elaborate and nor does she. “Maybe we could write something together?”

  I smirk because that’s not a bad idea. “Maybe we should.” I wink in Ember’s direction.

  I can see the start of a beautiful friendship forming between the two of us.

  Keep it that way, Marco. Don’t fuck things up by going after this woman. For the love of God, try not to fall in love with her.

  * * *

  This morning, we arrived at the hotel we’ll be staying at for the next three days. We only got the damn hotel because Saint wasn’t keen on sleeping on the tour bus when we didn’t have to.

  Matt seemed to be okay with it and went ahead and booked rooms for everyone. The idea of sharing a room with Bob and Saint did not appeal to me, especially as we’re sharing on the bus.

  Matt gave me a lecture about there being no money for extra rooms. I politely told Matt to go fuck himself and paid for my own damn room. I’m not sharing with Bob and Saint on and off the road; I’d end up killing one of them.

  We have a lot to get through, as tomorrow we need to get to the venue and practice our set for our first live show. I’ve got to admit that the excitement is starting to boil over.

  Canyons Reef is one of the biggest rock bands in the world right now, and we’re two days away from supporting them. This is massive, but I don’t think it will hit me just how big a deal this is until I’m on that stage. It’s going to be crazy, but with Ember by my side, we’ll smash it.

  As soon as the show is over, we’re heading to Colorado. Tonight, however, there’s a party with our names on it. It’s been a while since I had some fun, though I won’t be looking for a woman or drugs tonight. I’m going to try having fun without any of that.

  Good luck with that, Marco.

  I didn’t plan it, but Ember’s room is next to mine. I asked for another room, but the hotel is fully booked, and I was lucky to get the room that I did.

  Ember wasn’t too pleased when I told her, even though she said it was fine. I think that had more to do with the fact we have an adjoining door, to which we both have a key. Ember said she’d be keeping her key in the lock to stop me walking in on her when she comes out of the shower. I laughed because that was beyond offensive, but she laughed also.

  I check myself in the mirror and run my hand through my unruly hair. The black jeans I’m wearing with the black button-down shirt, the top three buttons open, look good.

  I’m a vain motherfucker at the best of times, but I have to admit that I’d do myself looking like this.

  Vanity on the level you’ve acquired is not attractive, Marco.

  I chuckle to myself while splashing on a little aftershave. Time to party!

  Chapter Ten


  “We formed in 1997, the year my first son was born. Of course, leaving him to go on tour was hard,”

  Marlon Sombes is a friendly enough man, but he sure knows how to talk. Sure, at first, I was interested in how Doubtful Calling made it big. Hearing how other artists got started is interesting to me. However, this is a party, and I want to meet some of the others in attendance.

  As soon as I walked through the door of Canyons Reef’s penthouse suite with Hannah, Marlon was all over us. He’s the typical ladies man, even though he’s married.

  Marlon was smitten with Hannah because she’s beautiful, and in her tight little black dress, all of her natur
al curves are emphasized. Colin was soon by her side and telling Marlon that Hannah is his wife and to stay away. Colin then pulled Hannah away, leaving me alone with Marlon. He instantly commented on my body and how the short, red dress I’m wearing makes me more fuckable than any woman her.

  I don’t see how when there are far hotter women here tonight. Nevertheless, I rolled my eyes at Marlon and asked him not to make such comments again. I’ve heard it many times in my life. I was raised around bikers. They may be vigilantes and respect their women, but those unattached are all foulmouthed. It comes naturally to them to tell women how hot and fuckable they are.

  Marlon chuckled and apologized before asking me to join him for a drink. I’m not a rude person, and I’m here to make friends, so I said yes.

  Marlon is easily in his fifties, though he looks years older than my dad. Years of drinking and drug abuse have taken their toll on his body and face.

  While Marlon is still talking, my eyes scan the room. There are so many people here that I can’t spot Marco, Bob, Saint, or Colin and Hannah. They seem to be lost in the crowd, though I do see Matt. He sees me looking at him and crooks his finger, beckoning me to go to him. The man has made no secret of the fact he doesn’t like me, but he is my manager, so I make my way over to him.

  “Ah, Ember,” I narrow my eyes slightly at the overly friendly way Matt greeted me. “Nate, this is the newest member of Dun’s Dungeon, Ember Marshall.”

  “Nice to meet you, Ember.”

  The tall drink of water in front of me holds his hand out. I take it and shake his hand. “You too,” I pull my hand away and look at Matt.

  “Nate here is the lead singer of Canyons Reef,”

  “Yes, I know,” I chuckle. I’m sure Matt thinks I’ve lived under a rock my whole life. I know as much as the rest of the world about the band of three. Tommy Wheelen is a twenty-six-year-old drummer, and British. Tommy moved to the US ten years ago with his family. He’s also a party animal with a drug addiction and has been in rehab three times, all unsuccessfully.

  Travis Colton is the bass player and also twenty-six. He’s Canadian, finished top of his class, and is an all-around good guy.

  Nate Rigby is the twenty-seven-year-old lead singer and guitarist of Canyon’s Reef. Nate is also Canadian. He’s a ladies man who gets what and whom he wants, whenever he wants them. Apparently, nobody ever says no to Nate. Every woman wants him, and they all drop their panties for him.

  Standing this close to Nate, I can’t see the appeal. Sure, he’s handsome to a fault, but the cockiness that radiates off of him is too much. There’s nothing wrong with being confident, but believing you have the right to take what you want is not attractive to me. Nate is not my type, but I can tell that he thinks he is.

  Matt narrows his eyes at me, and I can tell that he’s annoyed by what I said. I roll my eyes at him and turn away. “The guys and I are really looking forward to supporting your band.” I might not want to jump into bed with the man, but that doesn’t mean I have to be a bitch.

  Nate smirks. “I’m certainly looking forward to it,” He shamelessly looks me up and down.

  I’m used to men doing that, and I usually don’t care. However, this man suddenly gives me the creeps. I’m pretty good at reading men. It’s a gift my mother gave me. Right now, that gift is telling me to steer clear of the vampire in front of me.

  I chuckle inside my head. Vampire, that’s what my mom always referred to men who believed themselves to be God’s gift. She also said that a man who thought that of himself would think nothing of taking what he wanted by force and damn the consequences. A man like Nate could do what he wanted to a woman, and because he’s famous, his manager would find a way to cover it up. Even if the girl did manage to report the crime, she’d be made to look the lying groupie, out to get a large payout.

  Welcome to the world of show business, Ember. It’s seedy and can be dangerous, so don’t let your guard down. Not everyone is underhand, but people will do whatever it takes to get to the top. They’ll do even more to stay there.

  Be careful, girl, and stick to those you trust like glue.

  I plan to!

  I make my excuses to leave. I need to make the rounds and introduce myself to people, as no one else will.

  I’m having so much fun. I haven’t laughed so hard in such a long time. I never imagined I’d meet so many famous people in one place. I have to pinch myself a couple of times because this is my life now, and it’s only just beginning.

  “Hey, you,”

  I startle and laugh while clutching my chest. “Marco, you startled me.”

  I spent an age trying to find the bathroom in this huge place. Thank God I peed before walking into Marco; I might have peed myself.

  Marco reaches over and tucks a loose string of hair behind my ear. The act was so tender that it made my spine tingle and my pussy pulse. God, I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. I don’t know if It’s just the alcohol making me feel this way, or if I really do have a connection to this man. I do know that I can’t act on whatever I’m feeling. If I did, it would ruin everything with the band.

  It’s so hard, though, when Marco is standing this close to me. He looks so devastatingly handsome dressed the way he is, and I just want to kiss him. Just one kiss and I’ll walk away. Jesus, I’m so weak right now, and all I want is for someone to show me that I’m worth something. Toby broke something inside of me, and I’m scared it will never be mended.

  “Nate is looking for you. He seems to have a thing for you,” I stare at Marco for a moment. My fingers are itching to touch him. “Be careful, Ember. Nate is not the good guy he pretends to be.”

  “I don’t want Nate, Marco. He gives me the creeps.”

  I take a step back as Marco takes one toward me. I swallow hard. “Then what do you want, Ember?”

  My heart is pounding so hard, and I’m scared to give in to what I’m feeling. At the same time, I’m terrified of never feeling this man’s lips on mine.

  It’s too soon to be feeling anything for another man, Ember. You just got out of a relationship with a cheat. You may think you feel something special for Marco, but it’s just physical. If you have sex with Marco right now, nothing will ever be the same.

  Marco Russo is a man whore, and you will merely be another notch on his bedpost. He’ll break your heart, and when that happens, things will become too awkward, and the others will want you out of the band. Don’t throw away your dream on one night, Ember.

  I won’t, but I have to be honest with Marco, he doesn’t deserve to feel as though I’m leading him on.

  I look either side of me, making sure no one is watching. They aren’t, so I grab Marco’s hand and drag him into the bathroom. He chuckles while locking the door. “The bathroom, really?”

  “I didn’t bring you in here for that, Marco.”

  Marco stops smiling and slides his hands into the pockets of his jeans. “Then what did you bring me in here for, Ember?”

  “Because I need to be honest with you, Marco.” He nods his head for me to continue. “I think it’s pretty obvious that you and I are attracted to each other,”

  Marco smirks, and I roll my eyes to ward off the need to slap that smirk off his face.

  “Right now, all I want is to kiss you and have you make me feel…” I stop, sigh, and fold my arms around myself.

  “Ember, I can give you whatever you want and need, but you’re with someone. As much as I want you, I couldn’t do that to someone.”

  My heart starts to beat loudly in my ears. After being cheated on, what Marco said means everything.

  “I’m not with anyone, Marco. Toby and I ended things the day I called you guys and accepted your offer. The reason why; doesn’t matter, the point is, I’m single. However, if you and I were to sleep together right now, it would ruin everything with the band. This is my dream, and I won’t do anything to jeopardize that before we’ve even begun.”

  Marco takes a step toward me, an
d I’m praying that he doesn’t touch me. There’s only so much I can take before I crack, and I can’t crack. “I would never do anything that would put you in an awkward position, Ember. We have a mutual dream,” He winks at me, and I smile because I can’t help it. “You’re important to Dun’s Dungeon, Ember. Whatever you want to do is fine with me.”

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath. I don’t believe for one second that Marco would try and force something between us, but it’s good to hear that we’re on the same page.

  I open my eyes and smile at Marco. “What I really need right now is a friend. Someone on my side, someone who’ll be there for me when I need them, the way I’ll be there for them.”

  I want that because I realize I lost that when I lost Lydia. In the past, we were inseparable. No matter what, we were always there for each other. Whatever the reason, big or small, Lydia was my rock.

  I know I’ll never again have a best friend like Lydia, but if I’m honest with myself, I don’t want one. She turned out to be the worst kind of friend.

  Colin is my friend, but Hannah hates me. That witch will keep Colin away from me as much as possible because she thinks he wants to sleep with me. He doesn’t, Hannah is just paranoid.

  I don’t know Bob and Saint all that well, but I know we’re becoming friends.

  I don’t really know Marco, but maybe this connection between us is that of a close friendship. I hope so, at least.

  Marco smiles at me and taps my jaw with his knuckles. It makes me laugh because my dad used to do the same things. “If a friend is what you need, then a fined is what I’ll be.” He winks before wrapping his arms around me.

  I gasp and swallow hard before slowly wrapping my arms around his back. I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of him. Marco smells good, and my body aches to feel his touch, but I won’t give in. Marco is my friend, and I need that now more than ever.


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