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The Pale War

Page 19

by Max Jager

"Damn, word travels fast!"

  Another crocodilian smile from the commander. "The Red Firius is well respected by the migzights. Not as much as you but…" Rathus giving a slight shoulder shrug. Yellow Korzen knew what he meant.

  "Well, are paths seem to cross in opposite directions."

  Commander Rathus looked at him confused.

  Korzen kind of got annoyed at the commander's lack of understanding his metaphor. "Him and me are enemies now."

  Rathus still had that confused look on his face. "Yeah, I knew what you meant. What I'm trying to figure out is how?"

  Korzen leaned in. "I switched sides."

  Commander Rathus let out this huge laugh. It sounded like a bomb going off it was so loud. "I was wondering when you were going to come to your senses!"

  Now it was Korzen with the confused look on his face.

  "Damn, I always knew those petty humans would bore you someday."

  Korzen kind of let out a snicker. "No, I just got offered a better retirement plan from the other side."

  A short, monster-like, chuckle from Rathus. "Well, human history is loaded with great warriors who didn't get their 'just rewards'. I hate to imagine what would happen if the human race did give you a horrible deal. Actually, no I wouldn't!"

  "Well then. They did."

  Another booming laugh from Rathus. "End result is you joined the other side? Bad omen for the bastards of apes!"

  "Hey, I still fit into 'that' category."

  "True. So, back to the matter at hand. What's your problem with The Firius?"

  "He's my last mission. If he dies I can finally retire."

  Rathus again got that confused look on his face. "You need us to do that for you?"

  Korzen about blasted over the table! He kept his composure though and with a quite anger said, "No! I need him found! I figure your men could find him faster then I can. You know the terrain better."

  "Well, not really. We haven't really traveled too far. Even though most of the ground forces of us are working together - were not really cooperating with each other. Most of the other squadrons want to fight one another. We were sent here to find a decent enemy. Sadly though, I think Traxus's becoming a lot like home. However…"

  Korzen cut him off with a simple hand gesture. "Can you do it or not?"

  "Oh yeah, we can find him for you. Not right now though. I have more oppressing matters to attend to. I assure you though that the hunt will begin in about three days."

  Korzen flew over the table this time! He slammed both of his hands down on the wooden table and got right in Rathus's face "Three days? What makes you think I want to stay here for three days?"

  Commander Rathus got a little intimidated. Not really scared just a little uneasy. He knew he was one tough creature but he knew that he was probably nowhere near the Korzen's skill level. He wouldn't mind finding out though if he had to. "Your going to have to Korzen! I'm sorry but I have to make arrangements about this." From under the table, Rathus pulled out a small staff. It was no longer then a forearm. It was pure diamond and had a circular top. It was a ring more or less at the top.

  Korzen looked at it strangely. "What is that?" He knew it was okren made, that he knew for sure. The diamond material was hard to ignore.

  "This?" Rathus kind of looked it over. "This is something that I believe the hellion forces will pay richly for."

  Korzen gave Rathus this somewhat crooked smile. "Since when did you guys go to the 'dark side'?"

  Rathus returned the crooked smile. "We didn't."

  Korzen's smile increased. "You guys are playing both sides of the fence? Shame."

  "It's a lot more fun that way. We always have been. I believe you knew that."

  "I had suspicions."

  Rathus put the small diamond staff back under the table. "So, in the meantime Korzen, why don't you enjoy some of are hospitality."

  Yellow Korzen walked outside. He really wasn't to keen on finding Firius this way but if it was his only choice then he figured he better take it.

  Korzen was about to walk back into Rathus's hut but he didn't have to. Rathus accompanied him outside and took in a big inhale of Traxus's odorous air. It smelled of swamp gas and moist gunk. Rathus enjoyed it.

  Korzen sneered at him not enjoying the smell of the planet or Rathus standing at least a foot taller then him.

  Rathus patted him on the back and said, "So, which would you like to do first? In one of these hut's I know we have some gambling going on. Some drinks maybe? Perhaps you would enjoy some pirated 'exotic' enjoyment broadcasted from Benjamin's Saloon on Scalobore?"

  Yellow Korzen knew that last option was not an option at all. He turned to Rathus with piercing eyes and then asked, "What is that bone on your neck?"

  Rathus touched his necklace and asked, "You mean this one in the middle?" His voice was solemn and low tone. More then usual. He was remembering back to something. "I suppose you already know that the rest of these are volcanis trophies?"

  Korzen nodded.

  "Well, this one in the middle is very special to me. I was on planet Krang-Cor about several years back."

  Korzen knew the place. It was a hellion base world. Not as guarded as Wrath Burn or others but it was still a bad place for any ally to humanity.

  "Me and an elite few were there to cause some chaos. What can I say? We were bored. We killed so many hellions that day. Good times. Anyway, we were pinned down in a small, empty lava tube. We killed at least forty of them alone and they were all armed with rifles.

  That was when this nebron decided to show up. Him and me went toe-to-toe. We fought for at least half-an-hour. Until, finally, I broke his back and tore his head almost completely off. His black blood emptied from his severed neck like a flowing river. It was grand!

  I took him back and skinned him taking one of the four vertebrae bones that I had broke. This is the one." He said pointing to the bone. He then continued on saying, "I'm sure for you that is not some grand feat but for me, it was the hardest fight of my life. That big demon was so strong."

  Korzen figured it had to have been a young nebron. He had taken on plenty and a veteran nebron was almost impossible to beat one-on-one. Not that he hadn't done it.

  Korzen's thoughts returned to the Red Firius. Korzen didn't realize that he was starting to change. Before, his focus would have been mostly on the war story he had just heard and wouldn't have jumped so quickly back to the mission at hand.

  He wasn't about to scour the landscape trying to find Firius. Who knew what kind of dangers this planet inhabited. Korzen wasn't really scared of anything just cautious. He wasn't stupid and about to throw himself in a dangerous situation. He had his own way of doing things. Easy, smart, and patient. Not to say though that this time he didn't like it. He would go with the party that Commander Rathus was sending and when he found The Firius, he would take great pleasure in snapping his spine in two! Maybe he would make a necklace all his own.

  Planet Traxus: Back In Action

  Two days had passed since Alerius had met up with the calsins. His leg was fully healed and he felt better then ever. The calsins were excellent healers. Probably because of their diamond knowledge. They had uncovered secrets of diamond essence that no human could ever dream of. To humans, diamonds were just pretty things to look at and sell for more money. To the calsins, they were a whole way of life and more.

  Alerius got up from sleeping and felt rested up. He was ready to get off Traxus. Aurela was right by his side and he looked at her kind of surprised to see her. "Have you been there the whole time?"

  Aurela smiled this warm, loving smile and nodded her head that she had been. Alerius rolled his eyes and harshly walked off. Not being hurt or tired anymore he had regained full consciousness and stubbornness to Aurela's charms. He was walking away from her when she caught his attention. "You know Firius, you talk in your sleep."

  Her voice slightly conniving in a way but didn't lose one ounce of it's pleasantness.

us stopped and slightly turned an ear to her. "What do I say?"

  He knew he shouldn't have asked but his curiosity was getting the better of him. Or at least, he was trying to convince himself of that.

  "You say sweet little things. Things you want to do to me."

  Alerius turned around harshly and drove his finger straight in Aurela's face! "Let's get one thing straight here, shall we? I am not in love with you! I am no where near even attracted to you! My mission is to protect you and that's what I intend to do! I know your in love with me but it is a dead end! For the both of us! I mean my god Aurela, your so…" He stopped himself right there because he felt his lie starting to slip away. He was more then attracted to her he was, indeed, in love with her! He couldn't let that show though. Not for a moment! Letting his emotions rule his way of thinking would get them both killed! He knew all too well what happened to men who took their minds off the battlefield even for a moment. This was probably the roughest thing he had to do.

  Aurela just somberly walked up to him in a very seductive manor and lightly kissed his face. "Yell all you want. I still love you and I won't stop until…"

  She slowly snaked her hand down to his thigh and began caressing the inside of it. "Until you love me."

  Alerius began to melt into her again but this time he wasn't tired. He pulled away harshly and walked violently away. He was trapped! This temptress would not stop until she was satisfied! Alerius's love for her grew more intense for her with every word she spoke, every breath she took, every loving thing she did to him. Trying to get him to love her. He would not have it! She must live! The mission! That's what he kept repeating in his head. The mission! It was his only hope, stay loyal to the mission!

  As he walked away he was cut down by the sights that flooded his eyes! The diamond city sparkled his eyes and shined brightly. Aurela came up behind Alerius. "Isn't it beautiful?"

  Alerius didn't even try to argue with Aurela on that point. "Yes it is!"

  Aurela put her hand on his shoulder. Alerius made no attempt to knocked away. He was too entranced with the sights of the okren civilization and besides, he kind of wanted it there. They both stood for awhile gawking at the amazing sights.

  Both were kind of ecstatic to see such beauty. So much blood and agony. It was nice, for once, to see something so calming. To see just peace and order. Alerius didn't even have a weapon and for once, in a long while, he was quite comfortable without one.

  Aurela, she was just happy to be out of the cave! The okren city was just an overly pleasant bonus. Both let themselves fully enjoy the moment. Because both knew the rarity of such extravagant tranquility.

  Soon, came this okren that was different from the rest. It had this strange, tiny diamond crown on its head. At first, to Alerius, it looked like a crystal bandana. It was escorted by about four other calsins. Alerius recognized the four from the holes in the cave wall. This time though, the calsins from before seemed to have these small diamond sticks on their backs. They looked like staffs with circular tops. Alerius had never seen them before but Aurela had. She knew a little bit about what they were.

  The one with the diamond crown crawled right up to Alerius's feet. It was a lot younger then his escorts. Alerius could see that clearly on its skin. He looked down at it and it looked up at him.

  Suddenly, this strong confident male voice entered Alerius's ears. "Are you the Red Firius?"

  Alerius noticed that the others did not repeat him. The others hardly even moved. "Yes, I am."

  Alerius could've sworn he saw the small lizard's mouth smile.

  "Good. I believe I can use your help with something."

  Alerius got this cold look on his face. "You have to help me."

  "I, nor my people, have to do 'jack' for you!"

  Alerius stepped back in surprise. "What?"

  "I do believe you heard me. You do not have to do anything for us either but I believe we have something you want. No, let me correct myself, something you need."

  Alerius's frustration was about to hit its peak. This okren seemed to have an attitude and had quite the educated mouth to back it up. Most of the others seemed polite enough but this little rapscallion was getting on his nerves, bad!

  "Now you listen to me!" Alerius started. "I am not in the mood for a damn gecko with a bad attitude! I need that ship!"

  The okren with the diamond crowned started yelling up at Alerius, "You also need a reminder as to who's city you are in! This is my kingdom, my rules!"

  Alerius's temper hit the boiling point. That comfort that he was feeling, not having a weapon, was completely eradicated. No way was he letting this little lizard yell at him for no apparent reason. "I don't care who in the hell you are! There is no reason to scream at me!"

  Alerius bent down a bit wanting to get in the small reptiles face.

  "Don't scream at me human! You have no idea who I am! Nor the power I can unleash on you if you don't kindly shut-the hell-up!"

  ""What if I step on you? You little mutated iguana! Let's see you use that power then, obnoxious piece of frog vomit! You damn chameleon afterbirth!"

  "What? What did you say to me you son of a…"

  Aurela stepped in between the two. "Please, stop this!"

  Alerius saw deep into her eyes and he went numb with love. He tried not to show it. It was hard for him but he harshly turned his head.

  Aurela then looked down at the crowned okren and said, "Please."

  The okren's tail swung back and forth, as if he was happy about something. She then heard the same male voice Alerius heard only this time it was gentile and almost romantic sounding, "Okay. King Karion, lord of the okren peoples at your service."

  Alerius gave this slight muffled laugh.

  "What? We going to have another problem? I can just as easily put you right back on that medical slab. Out and helpless!" Karion's voice irrupted into his ears.

  Alerius's balled up his fist and gritted his teeth. It was taking almost everything in him not to destroy the little snake with legs!

  Karion calmed down and tried to remain civil. "Please, come this way. I think you both will be pleased with what I'm going to show you."

  Karion and his escorts crawled away. Alerius and Aurela both followed them but Alerius was a little reluctant at first.

  Both of them were still in awe at the okren city as they were taken deep into the heart of the city. They finally came to a stop when Karion and his elder counterparts crawled into this megalith of a structure. It was as big as a human size house. It was a castle! By okren standards it was humungous! It protruded out of this huge diamond wall that was about fifty feet high standing taller then the castle itself! It was circular in shape and looked more like a fortress then a castle. Kind of like a fortified glass bubble. It wasn't transparent in any way though like glass or a bubble. Just like the rest of the diamond structures in the city.

  It seemed to have seven floors. Alerius and Aurela could both tell were the floors stopped and began by the positions of some of the windows and balconies. Also by these protruding, drop-off walkways. They were like the balconies except not as wide or elaborate.

  They both were in a stunned silence until Karion showed himself once again. He was on one of the balconies on the third floor. "Welcome to Castle Varggan. Located in the okren capitol city of Varggan." He kind of chuckled at his own joke.

  Alerius just looked at him with this disgusted look on his face.

  Karion started again. "Now, onto business. We need you're help Firius."

  Alerius kind of gave this snicker. "Oh, now you 'need' my help as oppose to ten seconds ago when you 'believed' you could 'use' my help."

  Karion wanted to say something back! Anything to defend himself but he figured he should stay on track. His situation was dire and he needed help, badly! If he didn't get help the entire universe would be at stake! "There is an artifact that I need you to get."

  Alerius looked at him sideways. "You want me to go play fetch?"

>   Karion kind of smiled. "Yes."

  "Forget it! There is no way I'm going to be your mongrel!"

  Karion looked at him strange. "What's a mongrel?"

  "A dog, okay!"

  "Never heard of that kind before."

  "Never mind! So what's this artifact?"

  "Well, during Traxus's more green and fertile time period known as the Lush Age; there was a okren warrior named Malaphus."

  "No, no. The artifact."

  "This is the story."

  Alerius began rubbing his forehead with anguish. "I don't want to hear any damn story! I just want to know what the thing looks like. The sooner I get it, the sooner we can leave."


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