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Seducing The Nanny

Page 6

by Amanda Martinez

  It was the first time in a long time that I actually looked forward to coming home. Before, I didn't want to because of multiple reasons, but things were different now. The house ran smoothly, Donna was happy, it was like how it should have been. It was like how it was when my life was normal.

  I got home early, and I didn't call like I usually do. Instead I got to walk in and see Donna talking excitedly to Ashley while she made dinner.

  “I love pot roast, but I think you're making it for daddy.”

  “That could be Donna. I want to make his favorite meal for him, just like I make you omelets every morning. It makes a person feel better when you cook for them, especially something they like. My grandmother taught me that.”

  She smiled at the nanny and I could tell that she cared. I could tell that both women had created a bond together and it was good to see you after Donna had shown out so much. She was doing better in school and I didn't even get any calls anymore like I used to. She was doing better in so many ways and I knew that it was because of Ashley.

  I listened to them talk a little bit longer and all it did was make me fall for Ashley a little bit more. There was so much more to her than a hot body that I thought about most of the time. She had a spirit about her that made everyone feel good around her. I was drawn to it, just as much as my daughter was. Even if it was in different ways.

  Finally saying something, Donna smiled and ran up to me saying daddy. It was literally one of the best moments that I had in a long time and I knew that it was all because of Ashley. She was healing my family, and she didn't even know it.

  “It is good to see you home so early, Sir. Dinner won't be ready for a little while, If I would have known that you were coming back so early, I would have started it earlier.”

  I told her that it was fine. I hadn't even expected her to cook and clean like she did, but she had just taken it all over so seamlessly that it was hard to imagine any other way. I couldn’t see this going any other way than it was. Everything was just working out perfectly.

  “That is totally fine Ashley. It smells good in here already though. I was thinking about taking Donna out to get some ice cream, would you like to go?”

  Ashley said that she still had work to do in the house and I had a feeling it had to do with the mess we had made on Sunday. Me and Donna had a great time, but I hadn't had the energy to clean it all up when I was done. I had left the house in a mess when I left this morning, and it was already almost back to normal.

  I tried to tell Ashley that she didn't have to do it, but she insisted. Half of what she did, she didn't have to do. But I was thankful for it either way.

  Donna was already getting her coat on, and putting her shoes on. She certainly wasn't going to miss the chance to get some ice cream because I didn't allow that to happen too much. I had thought that sugar was the cause of her meltdowns and the way she'd been acting, but I should have known that it was something else. I should have known that it was because of losing her mother. We had both responded in so many different ways. I had buried myself in work, and she just buried herself in an attitude. I think between the both of us, we were just trying to hide from the world for a while.

  “Do you need anything while I'm out?”

  Ashley smiled in the heart-stopping way of hers and told me that she didn't. I wanted to stay and talk to her, soak in her aura and the relaxed look on her face, but I knew that I needed to get out with my daughter. I had to stop thinking about the nanny that way, or it was going to be too much, too soon. I don't even want to think about what would happen if she left now. After a week, Ashley had changed everything for us. I didn't want to go back to the way things used to be.

  After living with Ashley for just one week, I knew that I didn’t want to go back to how things were before. I never wanted to go back to that dark place and I was attracted to the light that Ashley had brought back into our lives.

  I told myself that we would have time tonight to talk after my daughter went to bed. Then I would get those quiet moments with her that I wanted so much. I needed those quiet moments with Ashley to recharge after the insanity of the day.

  Chapter 14


  Donna was asleep. Frank and I were in the kitchen talking. It is the same thing that we had done for some time, but it felt different now. I thought way different. It felt like there was something between us now, and neither one of us knew what to do with it. I knew that he was my boss, but I also know that I wanted more from him. Ever since seeing him with the blonde he had brought home, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was already thinking about him to begin with, but now is even worse.

  “Did you guys have a good weekend?”

  “I think so, Donna has changed so much in the last week. It's like she's a child again. It is like she went back to childhood. For so long, I think she was being so brave for me. Putting on a face, but it also seemed to backlash in everything that she did. She started to talk back again, got in a lot of trouble at school. Donna was never like that before...”

  It was the information that I was looking for. I was still trying to figure out what had happened at this house, this family. I was still wondering what happened to the woman in the picture, what happened to Donna's mom.

  I waited for a moment before I said anything, hoping that he would keep going. It was obvious that the two of them had something that they were grieving over, and it was starting to make sense to me, even though I didn't have the details.

  “Sometimes things happen in children lives and it takes time for them to process it. It takes longer than it does for some adults, though it looks like both of you are grieving.”

  “Is it that obvious?”

  I told him that it was, but I didn't get into the why. To be honest, I wasn't sure of the why. All I knew for certain was that something bad happened.

  It wasn't unheard of for a woman to leave the family, but it was unlikely. I couldn’t imagine anyone leaving Frank and Donna. There had to have been something that kept her away and the obvious answer was something more permanent.

  Well when Evelyn died in the car accident, both of us needed some time. I had been working all the time, trying to make partner and focusing on that, but after that happened, I had to figure out how to be a dad. I mean, we did things together as a family, but I didn't even really know my daughter. Evelyn had done such a good job that she never made me feel bad for being gone all the time, but I realize now that I was. I know this might sound horrible, but me and Donna have never been closer. That is the silver lining.”

  “She doesn't even talk about her. I brought up parents one time and she kind of got this look in her eyes, but she didn't say anything else. She's going to grieve her for a while, but I will do my best to keep her mind off of it. I don’t think that is something that you ever forget about or get over. I am sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “I don't know what it is you're doing Ashley, but you have really turned her around.”

  I told him that I hadn't done anything at all. I just listened to her, talked to her, that was it. I made her an omelet every morning for breakfast and we played together and did things, but we never really talk about anything important. I think she was naturally trying to keep your mind busy.

  “She knows that you love her Frank, but I think both are you just need time. How long ago was it?”

  By the way they both acted it seems to be rather recent. They both seemed raw about it and it surprised me when he said that it had been almost a year.

  “You know the funny thing is, that was the first person that I brought home the other night. She was the first one since, and I can't say that it was all that satisfying.”

  I found that kind of funny because it certainly didn't look like it was unsatisfying for him. He seemed to be having a good time, and I never would have guessed that it had been so long for him.

  “Just like Donna, you're going to have to take your time too. Maybe you should pick someone that you know a
little bit better, so that it will be more than just physical. I have never found much satisfaction in the physicality of a relationship if there weren’t any feelings behind it. It is most likely why me and Duane weren’t going to work out. He is fine, we do things together, but there really isn't any feelings behind it. We are vastly different people.”

  “Well that makes me feel little bit better, because I was worried that it was because of you staying here.”

  “It was, but maybe it's for the best. I try to see the bright side of things too. There is always a silver lining if you look hard enough. I didn’t used to be that way, but a friend of mine Denise is rubbing off on me apparently.”

  “I know that I will do anything to make Donna happy, and you have really done that. Her and Maria got along well, but they didn't have the same relationship as you and her do after such a short amount of time. You really do have a knack with kids.”

  That was the first time that I heard anything like that, because I was never really around kids. I avoided them like the plague because I don't think I ever want any. I would never say that out loud, but it was the truth. In less than a week though, I knew that I wanted children of my own. I realized that I had been thinking about it all wrong.

  “I would have never thought that Frank, but it's good to hear. I never did look at myself very maternally.”

  “Whether you do or not, it is definitely there. You just have a way about you that draws everyone in, including me.”

  I was silent for a minute because I couldn't believe what he was saying. Was he finally saying what I wanted him to talk about? Was he admitted that there was something between us, even though neither one of us has said anything out loud about it?

  “Drawn to me huh?”

  “Yeah, it is only thing that makes sense. I know that it is wrong for me to say it, and it is wrong for me to feel it, but I can't help it. There is just something about you and I can tell you now, that Duane is an idiot for letting you go.”

  It was the sweetest thing I'd heard in a long time and it made me melt inside a little bit. I knew that Duane wasn't the one for me, not by far, but it was good to hear it from someone else. I was a little upset about the whole Duane situation, but it wasn't for the fact that I was in love with him or anything like that. It was more for the fact that I didn't want to go without sex long enough for me to find someone else. It would be even harder now in the situation I was in.

  “Well thank you Frank, I think. I'm sure that both of us feel something for the other that we shouldn't. It was likely happening because we are living with each other. There is an intimacy there that shouldn't be with a boss and employee. You don't really feel like my boss, and you guys have welcomed me into your home. It makes us feel more.”

  “Yes I do feel more than I should.”

  Chapter 15


  There was a moment, while we were sitting next to each other that I had to wonder what was going to happen next. She had this look in her eyes, like she would go with anything that I wanted to do, and there was only one thing that I could think of. There was only one thing I wanted to do with Ashley at the moment, and I knew it was wrong.

  I took the moment, even though I was wrong too. I leaned in and brushed my lips across her. It was only for a moment, and then I sat back to see what her reaction was. It felt good, better than it should have. It could have been wrong to everyone else, but between me and her, it just felt right. How can anything be wrong when we both felt like this?

  She move towards me a little faster and it was Ashley’s tongue that slipped in between my lips. It's really surprising for a minute because I wasn't expecting the fire that came with it. It was becoming crystal clear that I wasn't the only one that felt like it would be right to push it to the next level. It seemed like she was as ready as I was, and I had to wonder if it was because of the other night. Was it only because her boyfriend had left her, or was it something else?

  I tried to push those thoughts out of my head because it wasn't helping anything. I wanted her, she wanted me and that seemed to be enough. With each twist of her tongue in my mouth, and soft touch of her hand on my skin, I became more and more needy. I pulled her onto my lap and started to touch her with my hand on her side. I let my fingers brush against the side of her breast ever so slightly and I liked the way she gasped in my mouth. It was the perfect sound.

  The feelings that I had for Ashley were starting to come out in a way that I wasn’t able to control or understand. She clung to me like I was the last man on earth and it made me feel even more powerful. Everything about her, made me feel like a better man. There was just something about her that I wasn’t going to be able to handle. If I wasn’t going to be able to have her, right now, I was sure that my whole body was going to combust. It was just that simple.

  “Why don’t we go up to my bedroom?”

  She shook her head as she pulled away. Her lips were red from my kiss and I was afraid that I had read everything wrong. Maybe I had just gotten too into it, I don’t know. The last thing that I needed was to mess this up and I set her down, getting her off of my lap. She didn’t need to know how hard I was for her.

  “Look, sorry Ashley. I thought… hell I don’t know what I thought. It won’t happen again.”

  I was embarrassed for thinking that she wanted me. Was she really kissing me back, or was it all in my head? Was she pushing away from me when I thought she was trying to get closer?

  I couldn’t even look her in her eyes because I was humiliated. It doesn’t really matter what I found there. I was wrong, and I got up, starting to make my way to the bedroom.

  “Where are you going?”

  “What do you mean? I am going to sleep. I have an early day and I don’t want to bother you anymore.”

  “I was the one that kissed you back Frank. You thought right, I just don’t want to do it up there. I get loud sometimes and the last thing I want to do is wake up the rest of the house.”

  Of course, I hadn’t even thought about Donna on the other side of the wall. I had thought about that when the blonde had come over. I didn’t want to be caught with her, but Ashley was different. I didn’t have that worry with her. All I was worried about was how it was all going to work out. With Ashley, at the moment, all I was thinking about was showing her how much I did care about her. It wasn’t something that I could fake anymore.

  “So, then what are we supposed to do?”

  I was hopeful, even though I told myself not to be. It was easier said than done apparently. And what did she mean that she could get loud? That had my brain working in a whole other way.

  “I was thinking that we could just go into the living room. I wouldn’t mind the position that you had that girl in the other night.”

  I went from doubting everything, to doubting nothing. I wanted her so badly and I pulled her back to me after I shortened the distance between us. If that was what she wanted, I could certainly give her what it was that she needed. She didn’t have to say another word.

  “Well then come here and I will make you scream just the same.”

  “I thought it wasn’t satisfying that way.”

  I kissed her and then pulled back for a moment to gauge her look. I was afraid that I was going to get that look again, telling me that I was wrong, that I was hearing and seeing what I wanted to and not what was actually in front of me.

  “It wasn’t satisfying because it wasn’t you Ashley. I went and picked up a blonde that sort of resembled you, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I wanted you. Nothing more, nothing less.”

  I pulled her into my arms and hugged her to me. She was all I could think about and the more I tried to pretend like this wasn’t what I wanted, the harder it was for me. I knew that I was going to have to figure something out in the morning. But the morning didn’t matter, nothing did, but this moment right here. This second was all that I cared about.

  Although I liked the idea of having Ashley in my arms and doing all of
the things to her and her body that ran through my head, another part of me knew that it wasn’t going to be enough. It wasn’t enough for me to have her once, I wanted her for keeps, something that I knew was so wrong because of the circumstances.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go into the bedroom and we can figure out a way to silence you?”

  She shivered in my arms. “If it is anything like what I seen last night, I know that there is no way that I am going to be able to keep it together, even if you gagged me.”

  “Is it wrong for me to think that is a good idea?”

  She giggled at me, “Kind of.”

  “So be it, I’m wrong.” But then again, who would want to be right in the situation? I was into that sort of thing, but if it meant that I would be able to be with Ashley, I might consider it.

  Chapter 16


  The way he grabbed me up, pulled me against him and kissed me was all the answer that I needed. I didn’t want to think about Frank with anyone else, but it was near impossible for me to think about anything else. It was all I could think about, him pleasuring another woman, but quickly that was pushed from my head. All I could get my brain to pull in now, was the fact that nothing was ever going to be the same again. I had met Frank for a reason and I was starting to see what that reason was.


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