Book Read Free

The Red Box

Page 11

by Laura Sgarella

  “Actually, I was out for a walk. I needed to burn calories so I strolled in the city at a speed pace,” he answered.

  “Are you sure you are telling the truth? You are too sweaty and agitated.”

  “I would never tell you a lie as if I was a naughty boy. There is only one thing of which I am ashamed. I had to have a sauna before coming here, but apparently you don’t see its effect. I will go to have a shower if you don’t mind.”

  “Of course you can. You are a member of our family now and you must feel at ease here. We were simply scared that something awful had happened to you. Go now before it is too late to start.”

  Albert and Sylvanus accidentally ended up in a dive where they mingled with people who used a very coarse language. Initially they believed they were in a betting place where everybody had his winning combination. But they soon started to understand that they were in the wrong place. There was just something they could do: to play briscola. They approached one of the men present to have a chat and ask him to play briscola with them. The man, a Belgian in his forties, didn’t hesitate to offer the two friends some good help. They were asked if they wanted to drink some beer or a cup of wine, but they turned down the kind offer. They were looking forward to playing cards. They had a nostalgic memory of that game. Jeff, the Belgian, told them politely that they could play cards on their own since nobody else would be interested in that game.

  “It’s the first time we’ve come here,” said Sylvanus. And we found a warm environment. We didn’t introduce each other. I am Sylvanus and my friend, is Albert.”

  “My name is Jeff. How do you do?”

  “How do you do?” Sylvanus and Albert answered together. “We came here with a specific purpose. We have a friend, a very fond friend, who seems very troubled these days. We don’t know what’s going on in his life. He had had a sort of quarrel with his wife but now they are more united than ever. We want him to stop being so agitated. The best solution we had in mind was to bring him to this tavern and have some fun.” They carried on.

  “You are more than the welcome but I’m afraid we cannot guarantee any success. The degree of enjoyment here is something very personal. By the way: what is his name?” answered Jeff.

  “His name is Araon. You will see he is a very nice guy. He is very obedient to his religious beliefs and he wouldn’t be able to harm a fly. He is very much in love with his wife and he has suffered a lot for having been separated from her for at least three months. He seems to be very nosey about other people’s lives. Apparently, he has no hobbies but he is able to organize his days to enjoy himself and to make other people enjoy themselves. We don’t need to add that we are very proud of him. It is a half an hour walk to come here from his house. We don’t know what he is doing now. We wish not to disturb him for this moment,” said Albert.

  “I see, you are very happy guys. I’m afraid I have to interrupt your giving vent and to offer you a pint of beer each. I’m sure you will enjoy it. Let me show you the barman. He is that short and slim man at the desk. He always dominates the discussion. I’m sure he will have a different approach to you. You are too smart and prettily dressed for that place but it will do. Come on, come with me,” answered Jeff while escorting Albert and Sylvanus to the desk of the bar.

  Albert and Sylvanus were very astonished by the way things were going on. They didn’t want to drink but that would be rude and impolite. The barman, Crox, was very gentle. He glanced at the two friends who had arrived with a warm smile without stopping working. On the contrary to Jeff he was speechless. He wasn’t able to share a single word with the two guests. He seemed to be annoyed by something but he didn’t dare to complain. A fly on a glass made him shriek reluctantly. Albert and Sylvanus did their best to calm him down. It was just a fly. Nothing to be worried about. The pints of beer they had been offered tasted delicious. They had nothing else to do than staying speechless in the company of Jeff and Crox. After that ecstatic moment they had been introduced to the rest of the place. A cosy billiard table at the corner of the room shook the two friends up. They were not used to such surprises. Nobody was using it at that moment, being a throng of people in front of the television to watch a soccer game. For Albert and Sylvanus it was enough. But they wouldn’t nurse any grudge against anybody. Their desire to spend more time with new acquaintances seemed to vanish. Araon and Jill were always close to their heart even in the apparent hassle of the tavern. The place was almost familiar to them. A sort of deja vu reminded them of sweet memories about a day in a posh drive with their two best friends. But it was past time now. They felt that they had to inform Jeff that they had to go now. They congratulated him over the service and said goodbye.

  Once out of the tavern they started to consider if they could give an appointment to Jill and Araon over there. They meditated a lot over the issue. But what were Araon and Jill doing now? It was a long time they had seen each other and they decided to be the first ones to break the ice. On their way home, Albert and Sylvanus stuttered and made a pledge. They decided to invite their two close friends at home very soon and to send their anger against the odds. It was a difficult task but not impossible at all. They realized they did not have their cell with them. Never mind, they would find it soon in their beloved dwelling.


  Araon and Jill’s relationship was marked by a vein of certain mystery. Jill was as meek as a lamb while Araon was like a domineering male stallion. They had reached a rich balance in love. They were able to match their privacy with their staying together. They joined, occasionally, other friends, which didn’t mar their relationship. Albert and Sylvanus entered their life like thunder. But the couple of spouses had never made any objection. They were nearly their only acquaintances even if they noticed something fishy about them. Jill had just woken after an agitated night. She had a nightmare she was trying to remember. She had dreamt of mountains, of a masterpiece, of sand. She didn’t know what interpretation to give to her dream and she talked about it with Araon. He exonerated her from a lie. He was not a keeper of other’s misfortune and he didn’t know how to comfort his own companion. That was a special day for them. It was the first anniversary of their coming back together after three months of separation. They had not made special plans to celebrate their recurrence and it was likely they would stay at home until lunch time between cuddles and whispers. “You know, darling,” started Araon, “You are a special gift to me. My life would be very different to this without you. I drink a little loneliness every day. You are the queen of my dreams. Please don’t be annoyed if sometimes I’m very harsh. I love you deeply and I want to give you proof of my love by all means. Do you mind if we go to an Italian restaurant to celebrate our happy anniversary?”

  “I would be very happy. My life without you would be very plain. You are my source of joy, the tempest of my lonely mind. Look at this little drawing over there. I did it as an experiment. I let my hand move by itself to draw this mysterious picture. It came out the shape of a heart. You know I haven’t brought you breakfast in bed today, but I didn’t do it on purpose. My feelings for you haven’t changed so far. But now let’s go to prepare ourselves to go to the nearest restaurant.

  “Our mutual love is almost insane. Don’t you think?” muttered Jill.

  They finally reached the restaurant. It was a sophisticated place that served traditional Italian cuisine. “I hope you’ll enjoy your meal,” said Araon. Just let’s sit next to the first window. This place is very sultry. The smell of roses creates a special vibe, though. Forgive me if I have picked first the menu. Oh, here we are: smoked salmon with butter as a starter. Then macaroni and broccoli with French fries. What about you?”

  “Well I’m still on a diet, but I think I’ll have the same as you,” Jill answered still amazed by the beauty of the place.

  They were able to enjoy their lunch and to manage an inspiring conversation all the time. “You know, darling,” started Araon. “It’s not an accident that we met e
ach other several years ago. It was written in the stars. It was given by the horoscope. I used to read it every day even if I never mentioned it to you. But at the end I recognize you are a gift from God for me. I’m sorry if I have upset you so much recently. I promise that won’t happen any more. I am so romantic. I will ask the waiter if they can sing a song for us.” he carried on.

  “Don’t worry too much sweetheart,” answered Jill, “I am in love with you as much as you are with me. I don’t believe in the horoscope, but I am very fascinated by it. Oh, sorry! Do you want some wine?” she said.

  “Of course I do. It’s Brunello di Montalcino. Have you ever tried it? It’s absolutely fantastic,” exclaimed Araon.

  Araon and Jill enjoyed the meal so much that they didn’t realize that other people present were watching them. In particular two of them; actually, they were Albert and Sylvanus. “Guys, what a surprise!”

  They didn’t allow Araon and Jill to talk first. “It’s a surprise for us,” said Araon and Jill in disbelief. They were half happy and half sad to have met their two best friends. They couldn’t help but find something fishy about them.

  “I see you are enjoying your meal. I don’t want to disturb you too much,” dithered Albert.

  “You don’t disturb us at all. Have a sit and enjoy the meal with us,” said Jill

  “We are reluctant to burden you, but you are so kind,” answered Sylvanus.

  “So, what do you want me to ask the waiter to bring you?” said Araon

  “For us it should be OK to have the same as you. If you don’t mind,” said Albert.

  “So, what were you doing here so far?” asked Araon.

  “We were looking for a place to find something special to eat. Nothing sounds better than the Italian cuisine. What about you?” said Sylvanus.

  “Well, we were looking for a place to celebrate the first anniversary of our reconciliation,” said Araon.

  “Araon had had a very nice idea to bring me here. The food is brilliant and the environment is fantastic. You know, sometimes I believe in destiny. What weird circumstances have let us meet here right now?” said Jill.

  “What was life recently?” asked Araon.

  “We have been to a tavern to enjoy some spare time together. We were thinking of contacting you recently but, as you see, the weirdest circumstances worked for us. We were a bit bored. Life is not always very easy. It’s nice to see you two get on very well together. As far as I’m concerned, we have both had some difficulty to find the right person.” said Albert.

  “It can happen in the queerest way.”

  “You are both very young and very eligible. I’m sure fate will be kind to you,” said Araon.

  Laugh after laugh, the four enjoyed their day at the restaurant where they remained until closing time. It was a time spent together never to be forgotten. Albert and Sylvanus went away to their home with a certain nonchalance.

  “It is time to be rescued now,” thought Jill.

  The Van Gogh Museum was clean and tidy in order to welcome hundreds of people the following day. It was something special that couldn’t be ignored. The man of the Crystal Palace (that was the nickname of Frank, the man who was responsible for the exhibition of a fifteenth century painting collection) entered the museum half bowed without the company of bodyguards. He was used to going out with an escort of three men but it was not the case that day. Araon and Jill were of course informed of the exhibition and they were looking forward to attending it.

  The museum was so crammed with people that Araon and Jill were frightened to loose each other in the middle of the crowd. Van Gogh paintings were hidden in the shade of their room and they were not the biggest point of attraction that day. Araon couldn’t help but remember the day he found some blood next to the Sunflowers and how could he cope to take the blood with him, cleaning the place even from the imprints of the murderer. He spoke to Jill about that painting with joyful enthusiasm. He had been at that place several times to make sure that everything would be OK waiting for the painting exhibition. “Jill.”

  “Yes, sweetheart?”

  “Are you as thirsty for knowledge as I am? These fifteenth century paintings add glamour to the other paintings by Van Gogh without overshadowing them. The exhibition will last one month and we are most lucky to be at the premiere. I was trying to count, one by one, all the people present but that was an impossible enterprise. I nearly forgot how lovely you look today. You took that stunning dress from the bedroom furniture. I just hope that you have done it for me only. But this is not the right moment to be facetious. I remember very well your mood this morning when you went to have a shower before picking the best dress you could pick from the armchair. We went out hand in hand; this is what matters most. After all we are a young couple. I see your mood has changed because of the enthusiasm for the occasion,” said Araon when a resonant clap from the guests of the exhibition enhanced the already beautiful vibe. Frank was quiet and nice to everybody trying unsuccessfully to hide his inner emotion to the group of tourists he had been chatting to. He introduced himself aloud to everybody present that day assuring that the exhibition would be a success. Jill was still concerned with the dress she had picked from the wardrobe. It was clear that Araon was mad about her. The paintings were a secondary matter. Clap, clap, clap. People never stopped encouraging Frank to be at his best for the occasion. Araon and Jill could enter the main room of the museum where the smell of sandwiches captured their attention and appetite. They grabbed a sandwich each with a can of diet coke. They then decided to make a tour of the museum in the middle of the throng. Frank was a very experienced man. He didn’t need to make a big effort to win the heart of his guests. Araon and Jill submerged themselves in his explanatory performance of the occasion even when they found themselves to be in the wrong room. They could still hear Frank talking with a faltering voice. It was a pity they couldn’t understand any single word from him. Anyway, his speech finished and everybody was free to enjoy the day at their best. Two Japanese approached a portrait of an angel. What a stunning piece of art! But there was more. Baskets with fruit, Lady Madonna with the child, Wildlife. These were the themes of the masterpieces that struck a chord with the attending spectators. Araon and Jill were looking forward to end the day with a glance at every work of art. Only Araon was willing to go to the Sunflower room to meditate upon it a bit. Jill was totally unaware of what was happening in her companion’s mind. “A secret is a secret.,” she had said to herself several times, but she wasn’t so suspicious that the secret found its place in the room nearby. She considered a duty towards Araon to chase him everywhere. And this was what she did in those disorganized moments. It was up to Araon to disclose part of the truth to his spouse or not. Of course he had not changed policy. He was the only one, with the help of Doctor Van der Baast, to go ahead with the investigation over the bizarre case. Jill could wait a lot before she could glimpse something that would make her fragile about the circumstances. She was a guest in Araon’s mind, nothing else. Sad thoughts chased her while she was inside the museum. For her, a quick look at every masterpiece was enough to consider the day finished right now. But she was a slave of Araon’s desires. She simply did what her partner wanted her to do. A siren outside frightened them all. But it was sorted out immediately. Poor Jill. now there was even a headache. A better place wouldn’t do. Araon’s nervousness was unusual. It was as if he could betray himself and reveal a particular of what he had found four months before in front of the Sunflowers. He relived his scenes in New York City when he was meditating his situation concerning Jill. A sense of guilt overwhelmed him. Anyway, Jill was there. Nothing mattered any more. The blood of the floor was safe and resting at Van der Baast’s hospital. The permanence at the museum was exhausting. They had a tape and a recorder to record the words of Crystal Palace during the paintings’ illustration. Frank didn’t show particular emotions and this was strange. He was dumb in front of the interest shown by the crowd for those masterpieces
. He noticed immediately that his performance was a huge success. Araon and Jill were now experiencing the stream of people around them with a certain strength. They both laughed when it came to their mind that Albert and Sylvanus were not there even accidentally. Araon was struck by a painting of fruit. Apparently its colours were faded but later on Araon realized it was just the light of the room that made it appear so. He was absolutely dazzled by that masterpiece. The wonder of that masterpiece was hidden somehow. It was supposed to stay there for a limited period of time. Araon didn’t show the same interest in the other paintings. He was shocked by the portrait of a nude. It was an advanced mentality for that century. “What a fool!” he thought.” Nude is a subject of all time.” Jill made no sign of vitality. She just followed Araon step by step without the slightest interest in those wonders, the ultimate outcome of the day.


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