Book Read Free

The Red Box

Page 32

by Laura Sgarella

  The first customers were a couple with a corgi. They entered the shop displaying fateful arrogance. The woman was fat, tall and with very blonde hair. The man was apparently younger and sexier than her.” Can we bring our pet with us?” was the first thing they said.

  “You are more than the welcome,” answered Samantha with an unusual elegance.

  “I’ll go around to see what fits me best,” said the lady who was not used to that touch of style. She picked a green dress size sixteen which was the right one for her.

  “I’m here to help you. I think you have picked the wrong size. You must be an eighteen,” said Samantha a bit ashamed.”

  “You are right love. What colour do you think suits me best?”

  “In my opinion pink and red are the colours that suit you best. At least this is my advice.”

  The lady chose to buy different dresses at the price of one thousand pounds. Samantha was already sweating. The job was more distressful than anticipated.

  “Hua, hua, hua!” a sardonic laugh disturbed the peace of the street outside.

  “Oh my God! He must be here,” the shop assistant said aloud.

  “What’s that?” asked Samantha who became immediately red because of the emotions.

  “They call him the lion of the lobby. He is involved in shifty affairs. He comes here to take kickback. He wants twenty per cent of the income from any customer he says he brings to us. We don’t need him to rake customers. Hopefully I cannot hear his voice any more. It was a false alarm. You can carry on your work without me for a while. I need to go to do some shopping before noon. See you later.”

  “OK. I’ll manage to do it by myself,” said Samantha, a bit worried of the responsibility.

  Customers from every part of the world entered the shop that morning. The job was definitely exhausting but there was a surprise for her: She had been asked to work there beyond the established eight months. There was nothing wrong with it and she accepted the proposal. At closing time, she decided to get a taxi home. Her priority now was to find the combination of the safe. She tried different numbers and it didn’t work. So she decided to try with a personal one: L1. a2. u3. r4. a5” Fantastic!” she exclaimed. It worked finally. It was the name one of her occasional lovers gave her as a nickname. He was a disturbing figure whose main characteristic was to have an erection at only the sight of her.

  It was half past seven and Lucia hadn’t called her yet. The phone rung eventually. “Hi Samantha. It’s Lucia. How was work today?”

  “Very exhausting but brilliant. They raised my wage to two thousand pounds per month and I have been asked to work beyond the six months established in the first instance. What about you? Have you concluded a deal?”

  “Actually, I have been at Sotheby’s all day long. We have a high possibility to sell all our jewels at the auction. I told the organizer of the event that all our precious stones are gifts from a former lover and that we want to get rid of them. I do not know if I succeeded in making the man trust me but he didn’t ask me further questions. We have to dispose of our precious stones as soon as we can. I can stay in London only for one week. Then I’ll fly back home. Of course I’ll keep in touch and we can still work together with other affairs. But now you must be tired. Have a rest, we will meet tomorrow after work. Good night.”

  “Good night, Lucia.” And she hung up. She went into the kitchen with inquiring manners looking for something to fill her empty stomach. There have been left some milk and biscuits, coffee, sugar, salt and pepper for her. A picture of a young lady with Dame Judy Dench was placed in the foyer. It was the surprise of the day. She wandered around the flat very thoroughly and prepared herself for a soothing sleep before facing the exhausting following day.

  Araon wake up with a start that night at four am. “Van der Baast” Was his silent thought. The doctor had told him that he would be at the hospital at six am. waiting for him with big news. Araon had a quick shower, dressed himself as well as he could and went out to his decided destination. When he arrived at the hospital, where the gates had been left open purposely for him, he went straight to Van der Baast’s office, making sure that nobody would see him. His friend looked forlorn.

  “Hi Araon. Thank you for coming on time. For a while I have to replace the doctor of the maternity department and I am definitely tired. Yesterday twenty babies were born and they were all delivered naturally. Concerning my department there are two terminally ill patients who don’t know that they are going to die soon.”

  “It must be very stressful,” interrupted Araon.

  “Quite a bit. But now I am nervous to tell you the reason I wanted to see you here. Yesterday I received a call from abroad as I could read on the phone. I contacted back to this number but nobody answered. I checked in the tabulator and I learnt that the call came from the mobile phone of a certain Robert Duval. It was a tragedy for me. Sure enough, the phone I had called previously is the one where I receive calls from women who want to feign an abortion. They take a drug called pelvix from the internet and they have abundant loss of blood from their menses. Usually they come here to be helped in the recovery of their blood loss and they want, of course, to be anonymous. I helped three women recently. They wanted simply to ensnare their partners in the trap of love. But now I’m anxious because I don’t know the condition of health of the woman who contacted me. She must be in trouble because her mobile is always off. She also must have changed her telephone number..’m sorry I haven’t mentioned anything about that story before. I didn’t stop thinking of it. But you know friendship becomes stronger with time and secrets and lies are replaced by good intentions. Please, don’t be angry with me. I hope this news can help you in your investigation. I haven’t been that good so far. Maybe we have a false lead. I’ll never stop keeping on reminding you this piece of truth,” said Van der Baast clearly nervous and all trembling.

  “You worry too much, my doctor. I’m sure there is a solution to this drama. Anyway, thank you for informing me of the latest news in your private life as a secret doctor. I am sure the woman who called you will come back to you as soon as possible. Now we have to work hard on our case. What is your advice so far? I’m kidding you, you know. I simply rely on you very thoroughly. Tell me, tell me,” said Araon to keep it short.

  “Well, tell me I give it back to you; the woman who was at the exhibition the other day is your Jill? She came here recently to book a room for the birth which is supposed to take place in February. She also asked me for an epidural. I guess she is frantic. I mean, it’s good never to be late but she booked the room and the epidural well in advance. I didn’t know what to do. She was so frail and I had the urge to comfort her. At the end she won: now there is already a room and an epidural ready for next February. When you came to tell me about the happy event I was on top of the happy pile. I’m glad to share with you these moments of joy. You are a very beautiful couple, very well matched.”

  “You are right: she was Jill. To be honest with you I am also frightened by her birth pains. I hope everything will be OK.”

  “I’m sure it will. Sorry now I have to go. I have to start working at eight, sharp. I’ll call you immediately when I have more interesting news.”

  “Thank you so much. And be careful, keep it quiet.”

  “Of course. Bye for now.”

  “Bye. See you soon.”

  Araon felt guilty because of his behaviour towards Jill. He remembered to contact her on the phone right now. “Hi, love. Are you still in bed?”

  “Actually, I’ve just woken up. Where are you?”

  “In my favourite place: the streets of Amsterdam. This morning when I woke up, I kissed you on the forehead without interrupting your sweet dreams and I put some omelets into the microwave for your breakfast.”

  “It’s awfully nice of you, but I think I’ll have just a cup of coffee with milk. I have my knitting course today and I don’t want to miss it.”

  “I’m sure you won’t. Anyway, I confi
rm I’ll be back home at noon as usual. See you later sweetheart.”

  “See you darling.”

  Araon caught the first train he could and went in an unknown direction. He needed quiet to reflect upon his case. He picked the underground newspaper and read a few lines: about former prime minister, Tony Blair is to visit Putin tomorrow. Privilege to low income increase. A teen shot by the police lies wounded in hospital. Araon had never considered the reading of the news a cure to his nerves. They had the effect of increasing the adrenalin in his body. Now that he was alone in the train, he considered how to manage the meeting with Albert and Sylvanus they had talked about beforehand. Actually, they had to hold a party. He remembered the day when at a friend’s party he lost a bet and was forced to join the Parigi Dakar. The bet also consisted of cutting a rival’s hair in five minutes. Araon failed in doing it and accepted the challenge. His thoughts drove him to a sad episode he shared with Jill. They saw at a fair a couple of embalmed pigeons. Pigeons had always been Jill’s favourite birds and it was a shock for her to see them stuffed.

  Now the train pulled up and Araon decided to get off. The exit was accidentally opposite a florist. He went immediately to buy one hundred roses for Jill. He asked the florist to send the roses to the given address before twelve am.

  Meanwhile, Jill was at the knitting course. She felt relieved the fat old lady was not there that morning. Jill was overwhelmed by all those useless gossips. But the teacher informed her that her companion would arrive in half an hour because of family commitment. “You have more time to concentrate on your work,” she said. “Let me see this: have you finished it at home?” she added.

  “Yes, it’s for my baby,” answered Jill.

  “I’m sure today you will be at your best at work. Now take a seat and start a jumper.”

  Jill worked silently until her mate arrived.” Hi Jill. How are you? I was missing you.”

  Jill pretended to be friendly.

  “I came here late because I was dealing with a chat with my niece this morning. She confessed she knows a colleague of hers escaped from the brothel to rebuild her life abroad. But my niece told me she doesn’t want to follow her friend’s example. She showed me her room, which is very nice indeed. She also told me that most of her customers are men in their sixties. They are all married but they face every day the brutish reality of their partners’ indifference to sex. To be honest with you I’m now at peace with myself. What about you? Are you enjoying your pregnancy?”

  “Well, sometimes I feel a bit depressed. I don’t want to go to a shrink because it is like going to a confessor. The last time I was at a confessional I didn’t do anything else than cry and cry. After all I don’t want to annoy Araon with all my fears,” said Jill.

  “I understand you. Oh, one last thing: I have been informed that the government has approved a new law according to which prostitutes are forced to wash their vagina with a brand-new product after each intercourse. My niece doesn’t want to abide by the law: she doesn’t feel at ease with it. I feel so stupid to have gone back to my previous subject of discussion. You are so loving and patient! Hey look: the teacher is coming and we have to shut up.”

  Jill was so happy because for a while she had not to hear about all those gossips. Time passed quickly. She was looking forward to going home and seeing Araon all soaked and sweating like a ghost. At her arrival there was a surprise for her. A guy was waiting on the landing with one hundred roses. He gave the flowers to Jill and he hurried up back to the shop. A note read: for the love of my life. Araon.. Jill was entranced by the gift. It was nearly time to prepare something for lunch. She had to do something really special. Her usual helpings didn’t satisfy her.

  Araon was finally arriving at his St. Luciensteeg flat when he saw in the distance Sylvanus gasping and panting as he had never done before. “Hi Araon. Nice to see you.”

  “Hi Sylvanus I was just thinking of you. What’ happened that you are all soaked in such a rush?”

  “Actually, I have good news. I didn’t want to contact you on the phone but to talk to you in person. As you know, Albert is in love and apart from this there is nothing new. The main news is that next Sunday we are going to have a party to toast the success of our first month’s activity. We are thinking to invite at least one hundred people and you are the first to know it. But what’s going on? Are you listening to me?”

  “Oh yes. I was just focused on the piece of paper you are holding tight in your hand.”

  “It’s the account of the debits and credits of the month. I have to show it to Albert once at home. Our activity is going like a bomb. Now let me finish: are you ready to join us at the party. I’m sure we are party animals. You have the chance to meet a lot of people.”

  “No gossips?”

  “Be sure there won’t be any. Why are you so demoralized?”

  “Your invitation prompted me to make comparison with Jill’s situation at her knitting course. She has to deal all the time with a fat old lady who wants to give vent to the misfortune of her prostitute niece.”

  “There will be nothing like that at all. I sincerely hope that you and Jill are willing to come. Your presence among all those people will make the difference. Now I’ll go back home. Albert is waiting for me. As soon as I know about the lodging of the party, I’ll inform you. Bye for now. I’ll catch the first bus and don’t forget to give a kiss to Jill’s tummy on my behalf.”

  “I’ll do it. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.”

  Araon went home thunderstruck. Jill was waiting for him with anxiety.

  “You are perfectly on time, darling,” she said when she saw him. “How was your day?”

  “Lovely apart from the fact that I was missing you so much. I have just met Sylvanus who said he and Albert are going to hold a party next Sunday and that we are the first to be invited. Guess what? There are at least one hundred guests. I have already decided on your behalf that we will definitely be present. We will be party animals. Is it true love? Think of the occasion to meet different people.”

  “You are mulish as usual but to make you happy I’ll come. But what are you doing on the landing? Come on, come home.”

  Araon entered the flat with his heart beating steadily. Jill hadn’t spoken to him about the roses, but he felt relieved when he saw them on the table of the sitting room.

  “Do you mind this odour darling? I’m doing a wax to be beautiful for you. And concerning these…” she pointed out the gorgeous flowers that Araon had sent to her. They entrapped themselves in a sweet kiss.”

  “These are the sign of my love for you sweetheart. I’m happy you appreciated them,” said Araon with a certain defiance and boldness as if he had caught a prey.

  “I love you Araon.”

  “I love you too, Jill. Now tell me: how was your knitting course?”

  “It was simply fabulous. There was the fat old lady as usual. She bombarded me with her story of her niece. By the way she talks it seems that working in a brothel is a privilege. Anyway, I was concerned with my work only. Oh, a fly! What an annoyance. I have to pick something to beat it.”

  “Don’t do it. It will go out of the window by itself.”

  “Don’t tell me you are the such and such animal supporter.”

  “Yes indeed. You remind me of a giraffe in a Polish zoo which has been killed in front of by standing children and has been given to feed the lions. The only thing wrong about the giraffe was her d. DNA. I cry over such misfortunes.”

  “I understand you perfectly. I hope you’ll appreciate the turkey I prepared for you.”

  “I’ll do it. This is another matter of facts. But to go back to our issue: are you ready to dance at the party?”

  “We can practice here,” said Jill picking a single of Paul Anka.

  “You are dreadfully romantic darling. But I’m more romantic than you. Today I was thinking of the name of our baby. Either it is a boy or a girl the most suitable name is Rokin.”

“Why not Amstel?”

  “Just make heads or tails. If it is heads, the baby’s name will be Rokin, if it is tails, the baby’s name will be Amstel.”

  “That’s fine,” said Jill sniggering a bit when she noticed the cat comfortably placed on the sofa. She and Araon burst out in a glad laugh.

  “Now it is staring to be late. Let’s go to have lunch. We have all the evening in front of us,” carried on Jill with an innocent smile.

  Meanwhile, Sylvanus arrived home. He saw Albert lying on the sofa with his feet covered with gel. “What are you doing with your poor feet, Albert?” said Sylvanus with a certain irritation.

  “Actually, I am in pain. I was wearing very tight shoes with extremely high heels. My vanity! I just wanted to be more adorable to the eyes of the girl and see the result now. I wanted to conquer her with my appearance of a 5’9 tall man. I know that my love is suitable to a man who is about 6 feet tall.”

  “What an idiot! Do you think your physical appearance is so important to her? And what is this book? Are you instructing yourself how to conquer a woman?”

  “Actually, I am. I was concerned with the sentence on the skeleton in the cupboard. Apparently, each of us has one. I am a sentimentalist and you know the meaning of this.”

  “And what about these sperm instigation? Are you interested in artificial insemination?”

  “Well I’m not sure yet,” said Albert blushing.

  Sylvanus went to the kitchen to relax himself before facing Albert again. “Where is the pizza I had left into the micro-oven? Have you eaten all it?”

  “I had to throw it into the dustbin. It was becoming too sour.”

  “Why don’t you mind your business? I would have eaten it for lunch. Now I do not know what to cook. We have to be ready to leave home by four pm. and start working at half past four.”

  “I apologize, Sylvanus. I acted like a child. But now let’s fill in the list of the invited persons. Do you remember: the party? There are all our customers included. What do you think of the man with the Celtic cross or about the dwarf woman?”


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