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The Red Box

Page 45

by Laura Sgarella

  “Well, she is still complaining about her ups and downs. But she is not sick any more. She is not taking medicines as you suggested to her. She lives the Miami dream with open elations. I’m sure she will benefit from the sun and not just to her bones. She is always listening to the baby growing into her womb. She is sure it will be a baby girl.”

  “I’m happy everything is fine. Don’t forget to contact me when you are away in case you need it. I am always your doctor. I never deny my interest even for the most trivial things. Now I have to hang up. My wife will be here soon. And don’t forget what I told you about Heidi Itch. Never stop tracking this path. Bye for now. Have a nice day and a nice holiday.”

  “Bye, Van der Baast. You will hear from me very soon.”

  As soon as Van der Baast had stopped chatting with Araon, his phone rang. But nobody answered. He tried to dial the number that appeared on the screen but an answer machine answered that the number was not existing. Somebody must be in trouble but he or she hasn’t got the courage to confess. I feel responsible for what might happen. I hope that that person will open himself to me. During my career I have dealt with sleazy types from everywhere, he thought.

  Betty arrived very quickly. She looked at the newspaper on the floor. “Are you enjoying foreign politics as usual?” she said.

  “Of course I am. I consider current affair an absolute nonsense.”

  “Who is the Italian Prime Minister?”

  “He is Matteo Renzi. He has been appointed as prime minister recently. He is a great man though magazines criticize him a lot. This is what I call envy for the power.”

  “I see. I had a quick glance at the newspaper this morning and, to my regret, I read a lot of gossip as well. They were talking about an Italian actor Terence Hill and his wife Lory. They have been together over thirty years and they have never thought of splitting. This is terrific, isn’t it?”

  “It is darling. But you should omit all this gossip and read something more cultural. By the way: how many overalls are over there ?I need some change for tomorrow.”

  “I have washed only one. For one day it will be enough. It is in the wardrobe. Go and have a look..

  “What are you doing? Are you kidding me?”

  “No. Why should I do it? You see there are two big toothpicks. I need them to attach the bacon to the chicken. But be careful, don’t drop all the clothes on the floor. I ironed all them today.”

  “Sorry darling. I will help you to tidy it up. I am nosey to know what you have prepared for lunch. It will become my dinner. I guess the table is still set. I feel peckish. Can I have an ice-cream?”

  “Of course you can. Here it is: it’s chocolate with cream on it.”

  “It tastes terrific. Do you want to try it?”

  “No really. I am on diet. How can I wear a swimsuit with a chubby figure?”

  “This is incredible. I love your self-discipline,” said Van der Baast.

  “Can you tell me what time is it?” said Betty.

  “It’s half past five. It’s still hot outside. Would you like to go for a walk? I’ll have a tiring day tomorrow and I must be strong enough to deal with the distress.”

  “Yes honey. Let’s go out now.”

  “I’m ready. I let you decide where to go.”

  Betty had no clear in mind where to go. She simply brought a book with her she didn’t know why.

  “What are you reading sweetheart?” said Van der Baast.

  “The Selfless. It’s a tricky story of a family in England in the Victorian era. The author is from Canada but he shows to know England’s history very well. The plot is dumb but the book is very well written. You should read it,” said Betty.

  “Sure. Where are you taking me now?”

  “To the end of the street, at the park over there. It’s like having a soothing bath,” she said.

  “I love your candour. To wander in a park is something very romantic even for a couple in their fifties like us.”

  “That’s true. But I like to sit in a bench and read.”

  “I won’t let you do it. You have to listen to my trivial issues,” he said.

  “My heart is open to you. Here we are. We are already in the entrance of the park. Look at these. There are very lewd couple kissing and touching each other in front of everybody. I remember when we were just engaged we used to pretend to wash dishes in the kitchen to kiss each other in a way that my parents wouldn’t see us. Nowadays youth is definitely too lewd.”

  “Pretend not to see them. It’s just for your health and wellbeing.”

  “Can you see this syringe?”

  “Oh yes. It’s nothing dangerous. It’s empty. I refuse to believe that this is a place for drug addicts. There is a coffee shop nearby where guys can go and cuddle themselves. They don’t need to jettison a syringe in the park. Now have a look at this big oak. There is written a warning not to put cigarettes on the trunk. It’s not a bad idea at all. I cannot believe people could go so far.” he said.

  “Here it’s wonderful darling. We can sit and look at ourselves deep into our eyes or, maybe, listening to each other,” she said.

  “Actually I want to walk. But I surrender to your command. You are my queen.” he said.

  “You are loveable. Look at this: there is a magazine cutting with a picture of a naked breasted woman on the lawn. She is one of the firemen. They are very famous now,” she said.”

  “Just leave it. We have better issues. I was reading the newspaper recently. There were a lot of lies. I read that young people leave school early because they aren’t able to find an appropriate job. The unemployment rate is not very high here. I think the government wanted to justify the choice of chasing foreign workers to be employed in the recently-built skyscraper for offices which would give a job to three hundred people. Sometimes I think that reading the newspaper is just a waste of time. I should abandon myself in the realm of whims and be encouraged by my wellbeing. I have a quick look at the newspaper when I am alone in my office,” he said.

  “That’s interesting. You never allow me to phone you at working time,” she said.

  “Is this a complaint?” Van der Baast watched silently two young black guys passing by. They were the clear images of the aggressors of Heidi Itch as he had imagined.”

  “Darling.,” said Betty.”

  “Nothing love. I simply don’t want to argue.”

  ”What arguments? Don’t be silly,” she said.

  “I really need some holidays. It’s not scrounge nor a form of protest. I want to be far from my place of work. I have always in my mind the image of that poor elderly guy who underwent an operation to the heart. Sorry darling. My anger is bursting in the wrong moment. The other day I had to deal with a woman who was concerned with her dangerous mental health. She said that it was the consequence of the break with her boyfriend. She wasn’t able to have emotions. What went wrong? I just said to her that there is an appropriate therapy for her case. She was amazed at my eloquence on devices that reveal the emotional state of people. Sorry: I don’t want to annoy you with these stories. Tell me about your day when I am out at work,” he said.

  “My life is boring sometimes. The housekeeper has gently asked me for a raise of her salary. She let me know that her colleagues get twenty euros per hour while she gets just fifteen euros per hour. I had to pay her as much as she asked. She is not the best housekeeper in the world but, at least, she is not lazy or nosey. She always minds her own business. Do you want to know what I do with my credit card?” she said.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  “I had the astounding idea of booking a one week holiday, at Mali for two. I was thrilled when the travel agent gave me the tickets and package of the travel. We will be there in the middle of August. Sun, sea, excursions... What a delight. We will be as happy as we have ever been. I see you are changing colour since I mentioned the whole affair. You don’t look pale any more and this is not a good sign. Just kidding, of course. You look lovely when
you blush. It’s a kind of second honeymoon that attracts you, I guess. We earn a lot of money but we haven’t the occasions to spend it all. My idea of flying away just dismantles this sort of depravation,” she said.

  “You speak wisely. I am glad you are my wife. You are still unique for me. Unfortunately, we have not been blessed by the joy of parenthood. Children simply didn’t arrive. You found the right remedy to the situation: to adopt a child. A sponsorship. He is waiting for us to visit him in his country. He wants to graduate and invite us to his party,” he said.

  “ A good chance, isn’t it? Have you heard of your friends Jill and Araon any more?”

  “Sometimes they contact me. Jill is still suffering her ups and downs while he keeps quiet. They are in their early thirties, too young to surrender,” he said.

  “But where did you meet in the first place?” she said.

  “Araon entered the hospital to send new medicines. We had a nice chat and we decided to keep in touch from then on. Jill came afterwards. She contacted me to book an epidural for her birth. She was so frightened. Only after a coincidence I found out she is Araon wife. That’s it. “”I would like to meet them. Through Jill’s pregnancy I see my hopes reflected into a mirror. Do you think is time to go back home now?”

  “Sure. I am still waiting for the surprise. I need a big dinner tonight.”

  “You will have it.”

  A roasted turkey and a chicken with bacon was revealed to Van der Baast once at home. A happy moment, sure, especially when you risk feeling blue.


  “Come on, come on. We will miss the plane,” shouted Jill at Amsterdam airport. “Our flight is due within half an hour”

  “Don’t panic darling. We are already in,” said Araon. They found it incredible to be on board a 747. The flight started on time. While the steward was showing the means of safety of the plane Araon was warding off ill luck.

  “You will never change,” said Jill amazed.

  “ The fact is that I’m very anxious. I refused to take relaxing pills this morning and now I have to cope with taking off in my own way. With the safety belt well tight I feel more confident,” Araon said.

  “I don’t know how you could stand a fourteen hours flight. I wish you good luck.,” said Jill. “I am already hungry. Do you know when the hostess will come with the lunch? It’s already twelve am.”

  “But we have just started our flight. They will come within an hour. I’m sure. Come here. Have a look. We can already see clouds below. Isn’t it amazing?”

  “It’s wonderful. You want to provoke me. But you know my anxiety lasts just ten minutes, the time it gets to go up, up in the sky. The rest of the flight is tranquil for me,” he said.

  “What are you doing now? Are you reading about foreign politics, as usual?”

  “I’m reading about the brain activity from the point of view of a shrink. Sounds interesting but I will deal with this reading later on. Now I want to enjoy the travel by looking around. I can see the plane wing out of the window. It makes me feel confident. I even don’t know where the life jacket is. If the plane lands on water I will drown.”

  “Don’t be silly and enjoy yourself. In the sky I feel fine. A sense of peace overcomes me. Even my ups and downs have reached a compromise. I am in seventh heaven.”

  “Lucky you. I feel stupid when I think I can have trouble as a consequence of the jet lag. I have to think positive and leave anything behind me. Now I see they are bringing lunch. Do you want to start before me?”

  “Yes, but with a cup of coffee with milk and two sweeteners.”

  “It’s here for you my lady.”

  ”Thank you,” Jill said. “Darling, would you like something to drink?” she said to Araon.

  “No really. I prefer to get the lunch they are serving in a while.”

  The hostess arrived with the meal. “Which one do you prefer?” she asked with a smile.

  “I’ll take the mixed salad with chicken wings and a cup of diet Coke,” said Araon.

  “The same for me,” added Jill.

  “Enjoy your meal,” the hostess whispered while going away.

  “Now you are happy you are filling your stomach. Isn’t it true Araon?”

  “It’s simply a delight. This salad is excellent. I forgot to ask for some vinegar. But now it is too late. They are already coming to take away all the waste.”

  “They are really quick. Does that affects your state of anxiety?”

  “Not really. We have to deliberately abide by the rules. I mean, they are just doing their job,” said Araon.

  “Oh, my belly,” said Jill with a tremor.

  “Let me guess darling. The baby is kicking your stomach, isn’t he? I’m looking forward to what will be the most beautiful day in our life. In a couple of weeks you will be able to know if it is a baby boy or a baby girl.”

  “Yes, but I do not want to know it. Whether it is a boy or a girl, the name will be Rokin.”

  “I know it. We have already decided it.”

  “Now stop kidding. Do you know what time is it in Miami now?”

  “I have no idea. I’ll ask the personnel on board. But I won’t change the time on my wristwatch until we are landing.”

  “It was just a way to kill the time. I have with me something to read: The Days of the Storm.”

  “What is the book about?”

  “It is the story of a happy couple who were planning to marry and they found out only a few days before the marriage that the guy was mortally sick. They decided to marry anyway. Death arrived faster than expected. The plot is dumb but I love this kind of ancient English,” she said.

  “At least you enjoy yourself reading. I don’t know if I’ll watch a movie or not. Eyes Wide Shut. This is what they have. I have seen this movie at least six times. But it will be a pleasure to watch it again,” he said.

  Araon started sleeping at the beginning of the movie. “Honey are you O.K?” said Jill.

  “Yes. I just need to have a rest. Wake me up before landing. I’ll be still fast asleep.”

  “Fine. I was just concerned.”

  Right now the captain warned about a due air pocket. People were invited to fasten their safety belts. But Jill saw Araon blissfully asleep. A man who was a few rows in front of them suddenly felt sick. A doctor who was in the plane considered how to cope with that fainting. “Are you frightened of flying?” he asked to the patient.”

  “I’m afraid I am. But I don’t think this is the cause of my fainting,” the man answered.

  “Well. Keep quiet. I will gauge your pressure. OK, you are fine. Now just look around and your anxiety will disappear. A huge breath will do.”

  Jill checked the time on her wristwatch. There were still three hours before the landing. A sense of peace pervaded her deeply. Araon woke up just on time for landing. “Are we already in Miami my dear?”

  “Sure. You slept well, didn’t you? Now be quick. I’m looking forward to seeing the hotel we are going to stay at.

  The Monthy Hotel was a beautiful resort with a piscine with dolphins and all the comfort of a VIP hotel. Araon and Jill went to their room where they realized it was a heavenly place. Carpeting, silken curtains, fridge filled in with drinks, coffee, tea, phone and iron. There was even a packet of condoms with the notice: safe sex. They both laughed with candour. They opened the suitcases and took out they nightclothes. It was not time to have a sleep. Araon had slept nearly ten hours in the plane. Memories of carpooling arrived when the two looked at the walls. Pictures and posters of funny races embellished the luxury vibe of the place. Jill was never satisfied enough with her coffee. She prepared the one she found next to the bedside table and sipped it divinely. Araon nodded at her request to have a soothing wash. He was filthy and all sweaty.

  Majestic figures of animals adorned the tiles of the bathroom. Bubbles of soap were very hilarious to Jill. Araon waited for her to finish in order to do the same. “Do you think is it a male thing to
have a wash in the bubbles?” he asked Jill who was so absorbed by the beauty of her ablutions that she didn’t hear him. He kept quiet though. He went out on the terrace and adored the landscape. Miami was a blend of nature and modern buildings. His lovely sensation of belonging to a foreign world didn’t disappear until late in the night. Yes, it was already night, time to go to sleep. Jill and him had to be at their best at their awakening on the first day. So many hours of plane and the difference of time from Amsterdam were welcomed by him with some regret. Jill came out of the bathroom all refreshed. She took their pyjamas from the suitcase and pushed Araon to set the alarm clock at half past seven for the following morning. They had an appointment with a continental breakfast before going straight to the swimming pool. “Good night, darling,” she said.

  “Good night love,” he answered.

  The first day was a delight to Jill and Araon’s senses. After a continental breakfast they went to the swimming pool under the rays of the sun. “Look: this is fantastic, isn’t it?” said Jill pointing out a bathtub with some dolphins inside.

  “They are men’s best friends but I am not sure if I would trust them at the point of having a bath in their company. I would rather immerse myself into this tide and water,” he said watching the swimming pool.

  “We have to wait a bit before we can have a swim. It will take at least three hours to digest our breakfast,” she said.

  “I had the continental one. Good point,” said Araon.

  “I had my usual coffee with milk and two croissants but I’d wait a bit before enjoying the lukewarmeness of the water. My heart beats steadily with our little Rokin inside my womb. He or she will enjoy our holidays all together. My one-piece swimsuit hides the little belly from the bystanders.”

  “But you are so tiny.”

  “Probably. What are you doing now? You look so bored,” she said.

  “No really. It’s a question of organization. I’m looking forward to...” he said.

  “You are looking forward to... ?” she replied.


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