Book Read Free

The Red Box

Page 51

by Laura Sgarella

  “The same with you. I’m looking forward to hearing from you again.”

  Mark was so obstinate to come to a resolution soon. Anyway, now his priority was the riding school. He had to make sure that everything would be ready at the due time. Once at his work place, he started mumbling and muttering shameful words because of the weeds he had to get rid of. He went to the little shed and found a lot of weird items. A portrait of himself that showed only half his face to the public. “This because you have to keep alive your sense of mystery”, a note said. It was from the parents of the autistic boy. Another item was a puzzle book. It was from anonymous.” This is to keep you informed about any news all the time”, a note read. And then there was a diary with empty pages. He always took notes of everything that happening during the lesson and there were also spare pages for him to write down his feelings toward Rose.

  It was soon time to start. A bus with dozens of people arrived. They entered the gate one by one. They were his pupils. “Hey guys, I was waiting for you. What does that bus mean?” he asked.

  “We asked the council to provide us with a bus from twenty past nine in the morning until ten past seven in the evening in order not to be forced to use cars. In this way we have room enough to ride in your field,” they said.

  “You are crazy guys. Luckily I am in a very good mood today to let you start.”

  He saw the autistic boy accompanied by his dad only. His mum, as they said, was at a meeting for parents of autistic children, so she couldn’t be present at the riding school. “You look grey today my boy,” said Mark.

  “I am in a rush,” said the autistic kid.

  “So start mounting your pony. Help yourself with your feet. All right. You can start cantering,” said Mark.

  “It’s such a joy to see all these improvements. I don’t know how to express my gratitude to you,” said the dad of the boy.

  “I’m simply doing my job,” said Mark humbly.

  The place was so crowded that he couldn’t see everybody during their trials. “Look at this lady. She is sixty-seven years old and she rides like an Amazon. She is totally crazy. She also defies the obstacles,” Mark said giving a glance elsewhere.

  “She is your pupil, isn’t she?” a man said, joking.

  Mark looked visibly confused. Probably he was not used to seeing all these people at the same time.

  And time passed quickly. It was lunch break when Rose phoned him.

  “Hi sweetheart, it’s Rose.”

  “Hi grace. I was supposed to call you first,” he said.

  “Don’t worry. I am so exhausted. Today my boss called the police on the grounds of a theft attempt. But the police realized immediately that the door wasn’t closed properly yesterday and somebody came in clandestinely. All fears went away immediately. What do you think of my boss? He is the one who needs an IQ test.”

  “I simply think that I love you no matter about your boss. As far as I’m concerned there is bad news. The police phoned me earlier to tell me that the murderers of my horses have escaped from prison. But I’ll discuss this this evening when I come to pick you up. Bye for now.”

  “Bye love. I miss you.”

  Mark went back to a safer reality. He watched with enthusiasm people galloping divinely. Definitely that was the right job for him. Each person deserved the right steps to success no matter the reason for why they were there. They were all different and similar to each other in the same way. Ambition was the key word for all that. He never thought to hide himself behind a bossy mask. He was a friend of all of them, that was it. He also didn’t forget he was so much in love with Rose. It was a pain to wait until half past seven. Time without Rose was eternity. He also coveted to see his belle mounting one of those precious creatures. He had a large amount of esteem for his madam. He considered her intelligent enough to undertake successfully any situation she was willing to face. Last, but not least, she was the only Amazon in his heart. All the sweetness of the world filled Mark up when he thought of Rose. And all the jockeys around were not blind. They considered it a blessing to work on behalf of such a happy man.

  Time passed quickly even for them. They proposed Mark go for the next lesson the following day which pleased our man so much. Sure Rose would be there as well. No, stupid guy. She had to put her work duty first. Eventually it was seven pm. Everybody was ready to take the bus to go back home. Mark gave a resolute answer to one of his pupils who confessed he needed him closer to him during the lesson. “I’m here for all of you,” he answered. But it was time for everybody to go. Mark went to his car and drove towards his dear destination singing aloud. He was not the same man who had bad news from the police early in the morning. A subtle vein of optimism pervaded him. Yes he saw the two felons in jail again. Victory was the word that occupied his mind when a cat crossed the street before him. Accidents of that kind could be avoided perfectly by whoever. Now he slowed down. Dark and majestic was the Van Gogh Museum in the distance. And Rose, his pearl was there fresh and tidy for him.


  Jill’s breakfast was a blend of turmoil and strong emotions. What to say about Araon? He had left the flat earlier in the morning leaving Jill to her own dreams. “This coffee is special,” she said to herself. “Not to talk about the croissants.” But Araon was not there, he was enjoying his usual stroll in the streets of Amsterdam and Jill was not missing the point. She had to face a reasonable choice: whether to go or not to the knitting course. Sometimes she missed the old fat lady with her astounding gossip. But that day she was extremely lazy. She even didn’t start preparing lunch for Araon. They could eat the food from the previous day. She finally dressed and left the flat calmly. It would take some time for the lesson to start so she decided to take the cabriolet and go whenever she liked randomly. The cemetery, this what came up into her mind. It was the ideal place to have some peace and pray for the souls over there.

  She arrived at the burial place very quickly. She parked the car properly and bought some tulips. She wanted to place them on the tomb of her dead grandparents. The keeper of the place went to talk to her bizarrely. “Be careful,” he said. “Some guys came here last night and desecrated the tomb of a teenager who died during a vacation. They have defaced it by writing: we miss you.”

  “What does that mean?” asked Jill.

  “There is nothing wrong with you. We are just informing all the visitors to keep an eye on their own tomb. Felons are around all the time. Sorry if I have disturbed your quietness. Carry on praying.”

  Jill listened to the man astonished. She was praying in peace next to the tomb of her relatives when a voice called her: “Jill, Jill.”

  She turned and saw Araon. “Araon what are you doing here?”

  “What are you doing here?” he answered her back.

  “Well it was too early to go to the knitting course so I decided to come here and pray at the tomb of my grandparents.”

  “Some tulips. They are wonderful. I had the same idea. I am attracted by the sense of quietness this place gives to me. Can you see that tombstone over there? It’s my family tomb. I’m supposed to be buried there when I die. But this is not my wish. I want to be buried next to you.”

  “I have the same wish Araon,” said Jill.

  “Two crazy guys in search of quietness that met each other accidentally in the same place. This is what we are Araon.”

  “What’s so weird in adoring a tomb?”

  “Nothing. Really nothing. Now I have to go. The knitting lesson will start in a while.”

  “Hey, Jill, wait a minute.”


  “This.” And he gave her a kiss in her lips.

  Jill hurried to her car. The anguish of being late possessed her like a thunder. Hopefully the car had been parked perfectly. She left the place in tune with Araon’s sense of glamour. Not that he had to sell a lie in such a prosperous place. He had to keep silent after a prosperous gale.

  When Jill arrived at the lesson, she
found a surprise: closed for bereavement. A note said. What shall I do? she thought. It didn’t take long for the old fat lady to arrive.

  “Jill: God bless you. It’s such a long time since I’ve seen you. You are so tanned. You look so gorgeous. I have no words to praise you properly.”

  “You are very nice,” answered Jill.

  “So what’s wrong? Why don’t you go in? OK. It’s closed for bereavement. We are only two of us here. Probably all the other ladies already knew it. Why don’t we stop to have a chat somewhere? Would you mind a cup of coffee?”

  “No thanks. I already had my breakfast this morning,” said Jill.

  “Do you want to know the big news? My niece told me that she wants to marry and leave her dreadful job. But I see she is still there and happy with it. She told me about the defaced wall of a pub saying: L. A. U. R. A. give me back the jewels. My niece had heard through the grapevine that a prostitute was playing revenge on a guy who paid her with his wife’s jewels and then menaced her that he would bring everything back with him. But these are only rumours. We have to be quiet and think of our own business. But now tell me something of yourself. What was Miami like?”

  “Only one word: gorgeous. Above all I beat my depression. I don’t suffer for my ups and downs any more. Now I’m approaching the third month of my pregnancy and some tummy is going to show itself up soon…” said Jill.

  “It must be fantastic. I’m looking forward to seeing your baby soon,” said the lady.

  “You are very nice. If you don’t mind, now I go. There are a couple of things I have to do.”

  “Don’t worry. Have a nice day.”

  “The same to you.” Jill was cocksure. She had nothing else to do than go to the park and read her book under the shade of an oak. She was enjoying the story of Henry 8th and Ann Boleyn. But in the park, something disturbed her quietness. She was struck by the presence of twelve guys playing soccer and with twelve-year-old girl in a miniskirt in the surrounding, screaming and shouting at every move of the soccer players. They were the pupils of an A level school who had reunited there to celebrate the end of the year. as they explained to Jill. They wanted to forget the bizarre way the examination had been held. They happily asked Jill to cheer wildly for all of them. One day it was the time for the right scores, the other day was the time for the left ones. Even if Jill didn’t understand what right and left score meant she decided to be involved in the game as the guys begged her to do. They were crude but polite. They didn’t want to cause any annoyance to Jill. Sue enough they left the place not far too late leaving Jill to the reading of her book.

  Sure enough, she left the park after a while. But the tremor of the day didn’t finish there. A parade of cars following the spouses’ cars making noise with horns appeared in the sight of an ice-cold Jill. The feast reminded her of the most beautiful day in her life when she and Araon became one flesh only with the bond of marriage. “I’m lost in translation. Gosh! Why am I talking nonsense? Maybe I cannot decipher the joy of the bride and the bridegroom.” Strange thoughts took possession of Jill who had nothing left to do than going back home and waiting for Araon to arrive.

  Jill was yawning while enjoying herself with a puzzle. Araon was distant from her activity. If she couldn’t sleep because of that hot temperature, Araon was fast asleep. She found it tedious to spend the day doing nothing. Laziness was the key to a spoilt life. Good Araon. Why don’t you get up? Jill thought. She hadn’t the courage even to urge him into action. He was in bed like an angel. The cat was purring in the chair next to her when the doorbell rang. She went to open the door and, surprisingly, she saw Sylvanus. “Sylvanus: what brings you here?” she welcomed him.

  “Well, I feel a bit awkward. Albert detracted to me the license to stay in our flat. I explain it better. He is going to live with Ravina today and he told me to look for other accommodation for a couple of days. He will look for a brand-new flat for me meanwhile. Since I have no other friends, I ask you if you can offer me hospitality during those days. He also asked me to close the shop for this evening only. Bye the way; I have some fillet for you,” said Sylvanus.

  “Sylvanus you are more than the welcome. But you have to sleep on the sofa in the sitting room. You know this flat is too small for three people,” said Jill.

  “It will do, I’m happy with this. You are kind. I see you look gorgeous, fresh and tanned. What was the trip to Miami like?”

  “We enjoyed ourselves a lot. It’s a pity that now it is simply a beautiful time from our past. Hopefully now I can cope with my mood very well,” she said.

  “I see. As far as I’m concerned, my holiday consists of the Monday trip to our countryside mansion. There is no trick over there. I mean, Albert hasn’t forbidden me to go to our countryside house at all. Ravina, Ravina. She is frightened of getting pregnant. She wants her own freedom and teaches Polish to her pupils. She doesn’t want to have a try to be mum until she has a ring on her left hand. What a fuss. Luckily I rarely fall in love and I have not such a burden to carry.”

  “You are crazy my dear. Falling in love is the most beautiful thing in the world. I feel so blessed I have Araon. Listen he is snoring now. Apparently, he is under the effect of the jet lag even if quite a good time has passed from our flight. I don’t want to wake him up. Oh, how stupid. I haven’t asked you if you want a cup of coffee or something else.”

  “Yes, some coffee please with some milk and two sugars.”

  “It will be ready immediately.”



  “I see two masterpieces over there. A jumper and a baby suit. Are they the product of your art?”

  “Oh, yes, my knitting course. I’m learning slowly. By the arrival of the autumn I’ll have a jumper for you and Albert as well. Knitting is so soothing,” she said.

  “The coffee. Be careful about the stain.”

  “Sure: here it is. I think is time to get Araon out of bed now. Never mind he is coming.”

  “Jill why didn’t you wake me up? It’s five pm. Oh Sylvanus what a joy. You aren’t working this evening?” said Araon.

  “Not really. Albert wanted the shop closed this evening because he is going to live with Ravina. I cannot stay in our flat any more. He asked me to find a lodging for a couple of days and then he will provide me with a brand-new flat. Jill has kindly offered me your hospitality.”

  “Sounds good. We will enjoy ourselves a lot during your stay here.”

  “Yes, but I have to work all day tomorrow.”

  “Never mind,” said Araon. “By the way: Jill, are you still on antidepressants? I found them in that drawer. Let me see. Oh! How many pictures of ourselves when we were young,” said Araon.

  “What are you doing darling? I think it is very unkind of you.”

  “Yes, you are right. But I am a bit concerned.”

  “There is nothing you have to be worried about. I have stopped taking them. You can throw those tablets in the dustbin,” said Jill.

  “Easy to say, easy to do. What do you think of having a picture of us three? Here is the camera and the automatic release. So come on. Let’s get on the sofa,” said Araon.

  Jill and Sylvanus started to lose confidence and they found themselves as obedient dogs. “One, two, three. done. Another one. Here are three pictures of us. One each,” said Araon.

  “Araon you’ll never stop surprising me. By the way, do you want some coffee?”

  “Yes, darling.”


  “Yes Araon?”

  “Are you considering spending your spare time drawing here? Here are the pastels and the brushes for you,” said Araon.

  “Sounds interesting. I have already in mind what to draw: sunflowers like the ones of Van Gogh. He is my favourite painter. Don’t let me think he committed suicide.”

  “We will never know it. Jill thank you for the coffee. It’s as bitter as I like it. But now guys don’t you think it’s good to have a walk outside?”
  “Yes Araon. I have a secret. In one week on the catwalk of east Amsterdam there will be a show parade for pregnant women’s collection. I signed on behalf of Jill to make her join the parade. Are you happy Jill?”

  “I feel a bit embarrassed but I won’t turn down the proposal. What do you think Araon?”

  “I think it’s great. So I guess Sylvanus wants to show us the place of the parade.”

  “Exactly. It’s not far from here. I will show you the way…”

  The three guys got in the cabriolet “Go straight on, turn left and turn left again. Here we are in Paleistrant. You can see the pavilion over there. I hope you will like the place,” said Sylvanus.

  “It’s fabulously easy to find a place to park over there. Is it true Jill?”

  “What do you mean? I don’t drive well?”

  “No darling, you are a bit pessimistic. Now let’s go,” said Araon.

  “So guys, follow me,” said Sylvanus.

  And the three entered the building with a certain nonchalance.

  Jill and Sylvanus found themselves face to face the following day. Strangely enough, Araon was not there any more. Despite his guest he decided not to give up his habit of wandering around the streets of Amsterdam with the thought of the murderer at the Van Gogh Museum constantly in his mind. Of course that didn’t replace Jill; she was the number one thought. Sylvanus and Jill, in their turn, were facing a compromise whether to keep each other company or go about their own businesses. Sylvanus had just learnt that Albert decided to close the shop for one week but he observed his pledge to find a flat for him. “My dear Sylvanus what shall we do now?” said Jill forgetting Sylvanus’ icy eyes of the past moments.

  “I have a fantastic idea: why don’t we take the cabriolet and go to my countryside mansion right now? I’m sure that Albert and Ravina wouldn’t be there. Anyway, they wouldn’t mind our companionship.”


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