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The Jouster's Lance

Page 11

by A. J. Marcus

  The hot guy in the kilt walked up to the counter, carrying two of the replicate muzzle-loaders they stocked. “Do these work?” he asked, his long fingers sliding along the metal barrel and mother-of-pearl handle of one.

  Austin shook his head. “No, they’re just replicas. We carry them for folks wanting to add to their costumes.”

  The man lifted one of the guns and aimed it toward the door like he was about to fire it. “They might make a good addition to my pirate outfit… my girlfriend might find them sexy.” He pulled the hammer back and squeezed the trigger. The gun clicked. Austin glanced in the direction the gun was pointed. His heart stopped: Rick walked into the store with a dark, tired look on his sunburned face.

  “I think I’ll take them.” The hunk in the kilt set the pistol on the counter. “Do you take plastic or just cash?”

  Austin wanted to duck under the counter before his ex saw him. He gulped as he replied to the customer, “We accept both.”

  He pulled his wallet from his sporran and handed Austin his bankcard. He swiped the card almost robotically and began wrapping up the two muzzle-loaders while the transaction processed, but he never once took his eyes off Rick, who was thumbing absentmindedly through a rack of T-shirts.

  When the guns were wrapped up and handed to the guy in the kilt, Austin turned toward Rick, dread settling into his gut.

  “So, you really do work at the Renaissance festival.” Rick sneered as he stepped away from the T-shirt rack. “Do you have any idea how long it took me to find you out here? I feel like I’ve been walking up and down hills all day long, in this wretched heat, no less. We live in Colorado; it’s supposed to be cool. Luckily this place has beer, or what passes for it, even though it is watered down to the point it’s almost piss.”

  “Rick, I really don’t have time right now. I’m at work,” Austin said, hoping the man would take the hint and go away. He knew better. Rick had probably sat in the car and gotten stoned before he’d worked up the courage to come into the fair. Plus he’d just admitted to drinking his way around the place.

  “You don’t have time?” Rick’s voice rose a couple octaves, revealing how much he’d actually had to drink. “So you didn’t have time to actually break up with me either, did you?”

  “Austin, is there a problem?” Phillip, his boss, asked as he hurried across the shop.

  “Rick, this isn’t the time or the place to talk right now,” Austin said, shaking his head at Phillip.

  “Don’t shake your head at me, bitch,” Rick roared, slamming his hands down on the counter in front of Austin. “We had nine months and you just walk out. Then you sneak back in while I’m at work and take your stuff. You didn’t even bother leaving me a note.”

  “I left a note.” Austin stepped around the counter, hoping to get Rick to move outside so their argument wouldn’t disrupt things too much for Phillip. “It was on top of the TV.”

  “But you took the TV!”

  “I took my TV. I left yours. It was in the bedroom.”

  “I can’t watch TV in the bedroom. It hurts my neck. Why would I look there for a note?” Rick stepped closer to Austin as he rounded the counter. He towered over Austin.

  “Where else would you have me leave a note? The fridge? You only open the fridge to put in beer or get out things when you’re so stoned you have the munchies.”

  “I can call security if you want, Austin,” said Phillip, moving away from Rick and pulling out his phone.

  “I only got stoned because of you!” Rick screamed. “You’re so damned hard to be around. You live in a fantasy world. Look at you, the fluffy shirt, the leather vest. What the fuck do you think you are? A pirate? My God, do you have any idea what it’s like to live with you? I have to stay stoned to stay sane around you!”

  Austin’s mind reeled around the strange workings of Rick’s thoughts as he tried to come up with some kind of response to him.

  “You’re sick,” Phillip said before Austin could come up with anything.

  “God, you’re just like him,” Rick slurred. “What kind of sickos are you people?”

  “Rick, go home!” Austin shouted. People were leaving the shop while others were stopping to stare. “Take this home. Go sleep it off. Look on the TV for the note. See I’m telling the truth.” He reached for the man’s arm to turn him out of the shop.

  “Get your hands off me, you little shit!” Rick jerked away from him. The rancid smell of beer rolled off him.

  Austin knew that by now, someone had gone for security. He really didn’t want Rick arrested for causing a disturbance. “Rick, please go before security gets here.”

  “What will they do? Make me walk the plank? I can’t believe you are sicker than I ever dreamed. I was the best guy you ever had. And you threw it all away! For what? This crazy make-believe place full of crazy fuckers?”

  Austin grabbed Rick’s hand and started dragging him from the shop.

  “Come on, you’re out of here.”

  Rick swung at him. “I said, take your hands off me!”

  A fist covered in black leather passed by Austin’s head. It contacted with Rick’s jaw, spinning the blond man around and knocking him to the ground. Austin glanced over his shoulder. Dale stood there, a dark glare plastered on his rugged features. His face softened as he looked at Austin.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah. I was hoping it wouldn’t come to that.” He glanced down at Rick, who struggled to get back to his feet.

  “Is there a problem in here?” Two Larkspur police officers charged into the shop.

  “Yes, Officers,” Phillip said. “This man came in and started fighting with my employee.”

  “Do you know this man?” asked the first officer, a huge black man.

  Austin nodded. “Yes, he’s my former roommate.”

  “Roommate?” Rick slurred as he staggered to his feet. “I was your fucking lover!”

  “Sir, you really should be quiet and let them explain,” said the second officer, a burly redhead. “Then you’ll get your chance to explain.”

  “He’s the one that needs to explain!” Rick screamed, pointing at Austin with such vehemence that he backed up into Dale.

  Austin wished they weren’t in public so Dale could fold him in strong arms and kiss this whole horrible scene away. Dale didn’t step back as he could’ve but put a hand softly, almost protectively, on Austin’s shoulder. It was the most he could hope for right now.

  “Sir, I really need you to be quiet,” the second officer repeated.

  “We’ll have a few questions for you in a minute.”

  “No! You need to be asking him the questions, not me!” Rick lost all semblance of sanity. He surged at Austin again.

  The burly redhead caught him from behind. “All right, sir, you’re coming down to the station with us. You have the right to remain silent….” He dragged Rick out of the shop.

  “We’ll need to talk to the three of you as well,” the huge officer said to Austin, Phillip, and Dale.

  “Can it wait until this evening?” Phillip asked. “I don’t have anyone else to watch the shop. It’s a busy day.”

  The officer nodded. “We understand.” Then he looked at Austin. “From what we heard, if you would like to file assault charges, you can.” He looked up toward Dale. “But you better hope he doesn’t counter-file on you.”

  “I was defending Austin,” Dale replied.

  “That’s how it’s going down in my report. I’m just warning you.” The officer pulled out a notebook. “Now I’ll get your names. Please stop by this evening. If you can round up any other witnesses, bring them along.”

  After he took their names and phone numbers, the officer left, along with a good number of curious onlookers.

  “We need to get back to work,” Phillip said as a woman walked up to the counter with a T-shirt.

  “Just a minute,” Austin replied. He glanced at Dale and nodded toward the back room.

  As the door closed, Au
stin threw himself into Dale’s arms. He hugged him tightly.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Dale murmured into his hair after kissing his forehead.

  Austin nodded. “I will be. He’s totally off his rocker now. I wouldn’t doubt he’s used something more than pot and beer.” He turned Dale’s face so they could kiss. His lips were the sweetness he needed. If only they could stay like that, locked in each other’s arms, and let the crazies of the world pass them by.

  “Thanks for the timely punch back there,” said Austin as their lips parted.

  “Catherine and I were just stopping in to confirm dinner.” Dale ran a soothing hand down Austin’s hair.

  “Guess it will have to wait until after we talk to the police tonight,” Austin replied.

  “That’s fine. I’m just happy you’re safe.”

  “Austin, I need a hand out here!” Phillip called from the counter.

  “I need to get out there. I’ll find you after work?” Austin said, reluctantly stepping out of Dale’s arms.

  “Tell you what, Cat and I will come by here right after cannon and we can all go together. Then we’ll find some dinner.” Dale gave him another quick kiss.

  “Sounds good.” Austin opened the door. Several people stood at the counter, waiting to check out. Spotting Catherine, who was a radiant pool of blue by the door, he gave her a quick wave as he dashed for the counter.

  Chapter 21

  Dale held the door as everyone filed out of the Larkspur police department. They’d been there a lot shorter time than they had expected. When they arrived they’d been informed that while their statements were needed, Rick would be staying in jail for a good long while. Austin had inquired further and been informed the man had several outstanding warrants, including drug possession and domestic violence against a man he’d lived with several years before Austin met him. That, on top of being in possession of unidentified pills, which the police were still investigating, meant he was going to be locked up until several judges got done with him.

  “You guys get a good night’s rest,” Phillip said on the sidewalk. They’d offered to take him to dinner, but he declined, saying he wanted a shower, a beer, and bed.

  “You too, Phillip,” Austin said. “Sorry for all the fuss.”

  “Not your fault he’s a lunatic. Luckily it didn’t hurt business.”

  After they’d all piled into Dale’s truck, he reached over and took

  Austin’s hand. “You still okay?”

  Austin nodded. “Yeah, a little shook up, but basically okay.”

  “I always told you he was a nut job,” Jasmine said from the back seat as she clicked her seat belt.

  “But domestic abuse on a former boyfriend?” Austin shook his head. “That could’ve been me. Glad I got away from him when I did.” “I am too.” Dale squeezed his hand.

  “You two are really cute and all, but I’m hungry,” Cat said. “Get this truck moving.”

  “Where to?” Dale asked, starting the vehicle.

  “How about that burger joint in downtown Denver?” Austin asked.

  “That one that serves Sunday breakfast in drag?” Jasmine replied.

  “That’s the one.” Austin locked eyes with Dale. “That way he can stay close and folks won’t stare.”

  Dale’s heart beat faster as he pulled the truck out onto the street, driving north. He’d been worried about Austin all afternoon. He’d known about the ex, but Rick had been a little farther out in left field than he had imagined. If they hadn’t had jobs to do, he would have taken Austin back to his trailer and curled up with him, held him tight until all thoughts of the crazy had gone away. It was a new feeling, being this protective of someone. His knuckles had hurt from the punch, even if his black leather glove had absorbed a good bit of the impact. It had been years since he’d struck someone like that. The last time had been in a bar fight in San Antonio.

  “That sounds good,” he agreed as they stopped for the town’s single stop sign.

  “If it’s where I’m thinking, they have good food,” Cat replied. “And fast service too. We need that tonight.”

  “Well, sweetie, is there anything you left at the apartment?” Jasmine asked as they rolled onto the interstate. “You know, it’s safe for you to go back and get things now.”

  Austin shook his head. “Naw, I got everything I wanted out when we went back last week while he was at work. You know, I might have avoided today if I’d actually faced him instead of just moving out while he was at work.”

  “Maybe, but it still would’ve been very dramatic,” Jasmine said. “You’ve said for months now, he’s nothing but a drama queen. So, it wouldn’t have happened in public, but I bet the neighbors would have called the cops when he started screaming. Dale wouldn’t have been there, and you might have ended up hurt. Phillip isn’t mad at you over this, so don’t worry. Besides, when was the last time you had a handsome jouster rescue you?”

  Thankful the dashboard lights weren’t bright enough to show his blush, Dale squeezed Austin’s hand. “I can’t say as I’ve ever rescued anyone before.”

  Austin squeezed back. “I’m glad you did. I don’t think I’ve needed rescuing since high school.”

  Dale chuckled as he sped past a sputtering Honda. “Just glad it could be me.”

  “Okay, guys, don’t go getting so sweet here I go into a diabetic coma before we reach dinner.” Cat tapped Dale on the shoulder.

  Dale sat on his bed and watched Austin peel off the tight red T-shirt. The lights in the trailer didn’t do his body the justice the sunlight at the lake had, but it was still an enjoyable sight. The dark-brown hair that covered the firm curves of his chest caught the light just right.

  The clock had chimed eleven when they came in. The four of them had chatted through dinner and gotten back to the site later than they’d planned. Dale had hoped he and Austin would hit the bed early enough for sex before they had to go to sleep.

  Austin yawned as he laid his jeans over the back of the chair. “I hope you don’t mind just a bit of cuddling and then sleep. I’m all done in tonight.”

  Dale lay back on the bed and opened his arms. “Of course not, come on over here. I understand it has been a hard day for you. I’m just glad I could be there for you and that you’re here now.”

  The bed groaned a little as Austin slid into Dale’s arms. They kissed as they wrapped their arms around each other.

  “Thanks for being there and here for me,” Austin said, settling his head into the crook of Dale’s neck. “It really means a lot. I’m used to being the supportive one. Jasmine’s about the only one in my life that’s ever been supportive of me.” He ran his fingers through the thick black hair on Dale’s chest. “What is it about you that feels so comfortable?”

  Dale stroked Austin’s hair, enjoying the silky feel of it. “I was going to ask you that same question. I really enjoy having you in my arms.”

  Rolling slightly, Austin kissed the hollow of Dale’s neck. It was a soft kiss. “Me too. I like holding you and having you hold me. I can’t remember being this secure with another man, ever.”

  Their lips met again as Dale hugged Austin as tight as he dared; he didn’t want to break him. When Austin hugged back just as tight, he squeezed. After a couple minutes of hugging, Austin laughed.

  “Well, we can handle each other’s bear hugs too.”

  “That’s good, I like getting big hugs like that,” Dale replied as Austin settled once more with his head in the crook of his neck. Austin sighed, his warm breath blowing tingles across Dale’s chest where it danced through the hair there.

  “Lots of hugs, lots of kisses”—Austin’s fingers curled around the fat, semi-flaccid shaft of Dale’s cock—“and lots of this.” He stroked the member a couple times before releasing it. “I just wish we had more energy tonight.”

  Dale stroked Austin’s hair. “Don’t worry about it. We’ll have plenty of time for that.” He almost stopped petting for a moment. Again, he’d
inadvertently suggested this was the start of something long-term. Was his heart getting ahead of the rest of him?

  “Good.” Austin yawned. “I want more of it, but I’m sleepy.” He kissed Dale’s neck again, took a deep breath, and fell asleep with his head cradled on Dale’s shoulder.

  Continuing to run his fingers down Austin’s hair to his strong back, Dale relaxed. The worries of the day were sinking away with each gentle steady breath Austin took. Slowly, Dale sank into his own slumber, content with the man in his arms. Even though they hadn’t had sex, it was a fitting end for the day. A happy smile crossed his lips as his heavy eyelids closed for the last time, and his hand resting on Austin’s shoulder.

  Chapter 22

  Austin tried not to glare at Jasmine as she continued their argument.

  “You’re absolutely sure you want to do this?” she asked for the third time in five minutes.

  “Yes, I’m absolutely sure I want to go. I checked with Dale at lunch, and he and Catherine are going with us.”

  “Yeah, but last year nearly everyone who went to the party came home with crabs,” she objected.

  “So? None of us are planning to sleep with anyone at the party… well, unless you or Catherine finds someone to hook up with.” He pulled off his white fluffy shirt and reached for the black silk shirt he’d brought along just for the party.

  “Gods, but I hate these themed parties,” she said in such a way he could tell she was changing the subject. “Why can’t we just wear our fair garb? It would make things so much easier. Then we could just close up shop and go straight over.”

  “Are you two done in there yet?” Phillip hollered from the front of the shop. “I need to get changed too, you know.” “We know!” Jasmine shouted back.


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