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My Russian Stepbrothers: Reverse Harem Romance

Page 15

by Marian Tee

  “So we have a deal?” Maximilian asked.

  “Yup.” She grinned, and because she was feeling absurdly happy at having escaped an epic disaster, she clenched her fist and raised it to him.

  He arched a brow. “What?”

  “Umm, fist bump? You know how to do it, right?”

  Ah. He obliged, knocking his fist with hers but saying, “Wouldn’t it be better if we sealed the deal with a kiss—-” She pulled away quickly, and he laughed. “What a little prude you are.”

  She reddened. “You obviously know I’m not.”

  He grunted. “I still think you’ve fallen for the wrong one.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You don’t know my brothers well if you think that. Misha’s the biggest jerk of them all. He just doesn’t care enough most times to show that side of his.”

  When she fidgeted on her feet, he knew right away what was bothering her and he said quietly, “I give you my word. I won’t tell anyone about you two, not even Misha.”

  “Thank you,” Seri said simply. “You don’t know how much that means to me. To us. Family’s the most important thing for Vassi—-”

  Unable to stop himself, Maximilian asked sharply, “More important than you are to him?”

  Seri’s smile faltered at the unexpected question, but she forced herself to tell the truth. “Yes.”

  And that was okay, she told herself. She didn’t need to be the most important thing to Vassi. She just wanted to be important enough for him not to ever let her go.

  Chapter Five

  Seri’s family was in full force that night, as it always was every time one of Seri’s films was playing in the States. The fact that Seri had only voiced for a bit role in the animated period drama didn’t make a difference to her boys. For them, everything she did was an achievement to be proud of. It was one of the things she loved the most about her family, but at that moment, she would have given up everything she owned if she could just have a few precious moments alone with Vassi.

  It was just too hard, Seri thought, groveling in public.

  The cocktail area outside the theater was crowded, with the guests mostly made up of die-hard otaku fans that had willingly shelled out almost a hundred dollars each to watch the exclusive premier of their favorite Japanese film. Since the majority of them had also come in cosplay attire, with the women dressed in kimonos and the men in ninja uniforms, Seri’s family easily stood out, with all four Grachyovs looking drop-dead gorgeous in their suits.

  As soon as she finished signing an autograph, she turned back to Vassi, asking hopefully, “Do you want me to get you some popcorn?”

  He smiled dazzlingly at her. “No thanks.”


  “Thank you, but no.”

  Observing his two youngest offspring in amusement, Fyodor drawled, “This is certainly a first. Seri’s the one wooing you this time?”

  “He’s probably holding a grudge,” Misha commented. “He’s unable to accept the fact that Seri kept her boyfriend a secret even from him.”

  Both Fyodor and Sergei scowled.

  “A boyfriend?” Fyodor asked grimly. “This is the first time I’ve heard of it.”

  “Do you know him?” Sergei asked Misha.

  Misha nodded. “He’s a good man, but whether he’s good enough for our little dove...” He arched a brow at Vassi. “What do you think, brat?”

  Seri gulped, and when Vassi put an arm around her shoulders, she gulped again because she could almost feel his desire to squeeze the life out of her.

  “I think,” he said softly, “as long as Seri’s happy, then I’m happy, too.”

  Riiiiight. He sounded very convincing, and she might have believed him if not for the cold glitter in his gaze.

  He was definitely still mad at her.

  When it was time to enter the theater, she immediately took hold of Vassi’s hand, saying, “Let’s sit together?” When Vassi seemed to seriously consider her question, she said hastily, “Actually, I’m not giving you a choice.” Tugging him towards the doors, she waved at the rest of her family, saying, “Hope you enjoy the movie!”

  The theater was divided into several rows of cubes, with each cube consisting of a pair of recliner seats. She tugged Vassi towards one of the cubes at the back row, knowing that Fyodor and the other boys preferred to sit closer to the screen.

  The lights went out as they settled in their seats, and she pressed the service button to order popcorn and soda. Glancing at Vassi, she said nervously, “It’s best to order them beforehand so we don’t get interrupted later on.”

  “Interrupted doing what?”

  The taunting note in his voice made Seri flush, and she stammered, “It’s not that! I mean, I just want us to talk.”

  “A pity,” Vassi murmured in the dark. “Because if we did that, I might just forgive you.”

  Oh. Wetting her suddenly dry lips, she mumbled, “But we’re in the movies.”


  “The other boys are here.”


  She fell silent, unable to believe that he truly meant what he was implying. Would he really try to touch her here? Even when their family was in the same place?

  The thought was terrifying and exciting, and Seri bit her lip hard when she realized that the idea alone was enough for her to make her wet.

  Bo zheh moy.

  Vassi leaned towards her, murmuring under his breath, “Are you wet now?”


  More moisture flooded out of her, soaking her panties, and knowing that Vassi was aware of her arousal only made her nipples pebble hard against her dress.

  Before she could answer, one of the service crew came to them, placing popcorn and soda on her side table and then another pair on Vassi’s.

  “Anything else, miss? Sir?”

  Clearing her throat, she croaked out, “N-no, none, thank you.”

  Vassi leaned back against his seat as the service crew left, and Seri leaned back against her seat as well, torn between relief and frustration. He was bluffing, wasn’t he? She should be happy about that, shouldn’t she?

  The opening credits flashed on the silver screen, and everyone started to clap, with even a good number of fanboys yelling their appreciation. It was pandemonium, the nice kind, but for Seri, she could hear nothing of it.

  How could she when at that same moment, Vassi had calmly swooped her off her chair and transferred her to his, placing her between his legs?

  Panicking, she tried to get up, but he forced her back down, causing her to lean against his chest even as he reached for the blanket under the side table and placed it over her body.

  “Vassi,” she whispered nervously under her breath. “Are you seriously—-”

  “Asking for your boyfriend’s forgiveness?” he finished for her.

  She froze.

  Behind her, she felt his head move towards her ear, causing her to shudder as he murmured, “Are you serious about it, solnishka moya? Do you want your boyfriend to forgive you?”

  Boyfriend, she thought dazedly. He had called himself her boyfriend twice in one minute, and she knew it was silly, but it just made her so happy she knew she would do anything for him.

  She heard herself say, “Yes.”

  “Then spread your legs for your boyfriend.”

  Aaah. The third time now...

  And somehow, Seri found herself spreading her legs open under the blanket. Heart beating fast, she waited for him to touch her, but instead he took hold of her hand and slowly brought it over her pussy.

  She stiffened. “V-Vassi?”

  He whispered into her ear, “I want you to touch yourself.”

  Her eyes flew open.

  “You’ll do it for me, won’t you? You’ll do it for your boyfriend?”

  She swallowed. “But it’s too...”

  He bit her ear. “It’s the only thing I want, the only thing that can make me forget you’ve chosen to date another guy.”

  Oh. />
  “So what’s it going to be, solnishka moya?”

  When she started to move her hand, he released his hold on it, and her trembling fingers gradually found its way under the skirt of her dress. She swallowed convulsively as she felt the wet silk of her panties, and her body jerked when she moved her fingers over it with a few, light strokes.

  Oh God.

  She couldn’t believe she was really doing this, touching herself while everyone watched her movie – and with the other boys in her family just several feet away.

  It should make her frozen with fear and embarrassment, but instead her body was even more aroused, her pussy quivering hard as it awaited her next move.

  “Rub your clit,” Vassi ordered softly.

  The command almost had her moaning, and the sound of her thundering heartbeat filled her ears as Seri slowly did as asked, her finger rubbing her clit. Her arousal spiked at the motion, and her thighs trembled hard.

  “Faster, solnishka moya.”

  And so her fingers moved faster, her nub of pleasure stiffening under the movement, and she could feel her body tightening and her pussy quivering even more.

  “Make yourself cum.”


  Her eyes squeezed shut as she moved her fingers furiously over her clit, doing what she could to draw the pleasure out. Her breasts started to ache as she got closer and closer to the zenith, her lips parted, a cry rising out of her—-

  Vassi’s mouth slammed down on hers, his tongue driving in, his kiss absorbing her cry as she came hard. He kissed her deeply, his tongue mimicking the movement of her fingers as she continued to rub herself, with Seri mindless save for one thought, and that was to prolong her orgasm any way she could.

  Vassi wiped her clean with his handkerchief when it was over, and after gently placing her back on the recliner seat next to him, he took hold of her hand under the blanket.

  And kept holding it until the end of the movie.

  When the movie ended, she and Vassi met up with the rest of the boys, Seri quite unable to meet their gazes, fearing they would guess what she had been up to. As if sensing her dilemma, Vassi curved an arm around her shoulders as she yawned. Pulling her close, he murmured wryly in explanation, “She fell asleep during her own movie.”

  Jerk, she thought as she heard Fyodor and her other brothers chuckle. But because the excuse Vassi gave was better than the truth, she kept her eyes closed and only opened them when Vassi told her their car had arrived.

  Inside the limousine, she pretended to continue sleeping, leaning against Vassi while listening to the boys talk among themselves. At one point, the conversation became about Maximilian, and she felt Vassi’s chest stiffen against her.

  D’err mo, she thought. Just when everything was going well, they had to bring that up again.

  “What do you really think about that friend of yours?” Sergei was asking.

  “He’s no idiot,” Misha said. “I’ve only known him a few days.”

  “And you, Vassi?” Fyodor asked. “What can you tell us about the man?”

  “Nothing,” Vassi said, and his voice turned steely as he continued, “Because I’m sure dating him was something Seri had only done on a whim, and she’ll get rid of him soon enough.”

  Right, Seri?

  She could almost hear Vassi asking her that, and she thought for maybe the thirteenth time that day, I’m dead.

  When they made it home, Vassi was the one who shook her awake, and she pretended to yawn as she opened her eyes.

  “We’re home,” Vassi said dryly.

  Pretending not to notice the gleam of amusement in his gaze, she gave him her hand and allowed Vassi to help her out.

  “Congratulations again, little one,” Fyodor murmured as he drew her into a hug.

  “Thanks, Papa, but...” She made a face as she pulled away. “I only spoke two lines in the film.”

  He patted her head. “I’m still proud of you.”

  She kissed everyone good night before heading to her room. After taking a quick shower, she paced the carpet while waiting for Vassi to send her a text. When ten more minutes passed and her phone remained silent, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

  Leaving her room, she looked around furtively before tiptoeing to Vassi’s room. She knocked on his door, and he opened it a moment later.

  “What is it?”

  His cold voice startled her, and she stammered, “But I thought you told me if we—-”

  “I lied.” Vassi only wanted to punish her for the shock she had given him earlier, but when her lip started to tremble, he knew he wouldn’t be able to keep up the pretense a second longer.

  Cursing under his breath, he took hold of her arm and yanked her inside his room. He closed the door, and when their gazes met, he spread his arms wide open.

  With a sob, she threw herself at him, and Vassi closed his arms around her.

  “Mudak,” she sobbed.

  “Says the girl who actually dared to kiss another guy while she’s dating me.”

  At Vassi’s words, she wound her arms around his neck, mumbling, “Sorry.”

  “Forgiven.” He rested his chin on top of her head and waited patiently for her sobs to subside. When he felt her start to relax, he drawled, “So tell me, solnishka moya. What’s this about you dating two men?”

  Chapter Six


  “I’m t-trying.”

  “Not enough.” And as if to emphasize his words, Vassi firmly pulled her closer, forcing Seri to lean back against him. They were seated on the rug in front of his bedroom’s TV, Seri positioned between his legs while his arms were locked loosely around her waist.

  A romantic position to be in, Seri thought uneasily, and something she could and would have enjoyed – if only she wasn’t aware of the fact that Fyodor and the other boys were sleeping on the same floor.

  “I’ll hear the door open, and I can have you sitting beside me normally in a second,” Vassi said patiently.


  He cut her off, saying mildly, “You don’t exactly have the right to argue, leech, with the stunt you pulled earlier.”

  “I know,” she admitted in a small voice. “But I’m just worried we’re taking unnecessary risks.”

  A pause, and then Vassi murmured pensively, “Maybe I should start worrying, too. Maybe I should date someone else, like you have, to avoid any suspicions—-”

  Recoiling at the idea of Vassi dating any other girl beside her, she backtracked hastily, saying, “On second thought, I think you’re right, after all. There’s totally no need to worry.” And she even leaned back against his chest, suiting action to words.

  Vassi’s chest vibrated with his chuckle. “I thought you’d see it my way.”

  “You didn’t really leave me with any choice,” she mumbled.

  His arms tightened around her waist. “How do you know that guy?”

  “I, umm, bumped into him the first day, after you left.”


  “He...uh...asked me out?”

  “The moment he met you?” Vassi asked skeptically.

  Her gaze narrowed at his tone, and she retorted defensively, “Are you saying that’s too hard to believe?”

  “Not at all.” Vassi’s eyes met hers straight on. “But what I don’t understand is why you’d actually say yes when you’re supposed to dating me.”

  Guilt swamped Seri at Vassi’s tone, but even so, she knew she could never tell him the truth. If Vassi found out that Maximilian knew about them, she was sure he wouldn’t hesitate to end things.

  And then her dream would be over, she thought, and reality would then be inescapable.

  Vassi was her stepbrother, and – given a choice – he would rather be her stepbrother than her boyfriend.

  He loved their family that much, and who was she to blame him?


  Realizing that Vassi was still waiting for an explanation, she stammered the
first thing that came to her mind. “I, umm, decided dating him would be a smokescreen.” When Vassi shot her a frowning look, she hurriedly added, “I just thought it would make everyone less likely to think about us...doing...things...if I was dating another guy.” She trailed off lamely afterwards and as she waited for Vassi’s reaction, she made a mental note to keep track of her lies, which she seemed unable to stop spouting every few seconds.


  She jerked up. “Y-yes?” Whenever any of her boys called her by her first name, she knew it could only mean one thing.

  “Get rid of him.”

  She was in trouble.

  More to the point, she had done something her boys didn’t like, and they never hesitated to make her pay for it.

  Like now.

  She thought about the deal she made with Maximilian. Even if he did seem to be a nice guy after all, she also knew that he still wouldn’t hesitate to make good on his threat if she backed out.

  Gulping, she told Vassi weakly, “Umm...I can’t.”

  Vassi turned her face towards her, demanding, “What do you mean you can’t?”

  “’t want to hurt him.”

  “So you’d rather hurt me?”

  Her eyes widened.

  A moment later, Vassi’s eyes widened, too, and it was as if he had only realized what he had just said. “Actually—-”

  She shook her head vehemently, not wanting to give him a chance to take the words back, and murmured unevenly, “Vassi, are you’re jealous?” She waited with bated breath for his answer, but when he only smirked, she knew that what she thought she had seen – what she thought he had been tacitly admitting – was merely a product of wishful thinking.

  And when Vassi drawled offhandedly, “If you want me to say I’m jealous, I will,” it was like having salt rubbed in her wound.

  “You could have just lied,” she grumbled.

  When Vassi suddenly cupped her face, she stiffened, and when his captivating gaze sought hers, her heartbeat started to race again.

  “I am jealous, solnishka moya. More than you think possible.”


  Her body shuddered at his words, and she could almost – almost – allow herself to believe him, if not for the mocking gleam in his eyes.


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