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The Dirty Dozen: Alpha Edition

Page 12

by Kay Maree

  By the time Friday had come around, Alaina was a bundle of nerves. She was apprehensive about the party and what she would see, she hoped that everything she had planned would go off without a hitch. She had made sure to ice bottles of expensive champagne and clean the house to a sparkling state. Alaina had spent all morning making tiny slices to serve. She had spent the afternoon polishing glassware and putting on the finishing touches.

  Alaina still had no idea what she was expected to wear to the party or if the brothers even wanted her to be seen. She was lost in thought over that dilemma when Morrisey came into the kitchen wearing a big smile.

  “The food smells and looks delicious, and the house has never been cleaner, you’ve done an amazing job,” he gushed.

  Alaina smiled and felt her chest puff out with pride as she blushed, “thank you, I just hope that I’ve done enough.”

  “I’m sure you have,” he said, as he held out a gift bag to her, “I’ve bought you a gift, something I would like you to wear tonight to the party if you would be willing.”

  Alaina looked up at Morrisey with wide eyes. His face was filled with excitement as she took the gift bag and looked inside. The first thing she saw was white lace. Alaina gasped as she reached in and pulled out the expensive piece of lingerie. It was the most exquisite item of clothing she had ever owned. Alaina never bothered with expensive lingerie, it was just bras and panties from the department store. Whatever was on sale. However, this piece, this was a luxury.

  “I made sure that it covered enough so that it will still be modest, but with your silky skin and beautiful dark hair, it will look gorgeous on you,” Morrisey enthused.

  “You really want me to wear this? Are you sure?” she asked, she didn’t believe that she would look any good in the lingerie. When she held it up, she could see that it was a one piece, that was sheer on the back but, heavy lace decorated the front, so that her nipples and vagina would be covered. Along the sides ran silk ribbons. It really was beautiful; however, Alaina didn’t think she could give it the justice that it deserved. She would look like a cheap body clothed in gold; it just wouldn’t work.

  “I do really want you to wear it, Alaina. You are so beautiful, and I want to show all of our friends, just how beautiful you are and how lucky we are to have you here,” Morrisey said with a smile.

  Alaina dipped her head, as her face bloomed with embarrassment. She didn’t believe that she was beautiful. She didn’t think she was ugly, but she was no supermodel. Alaina didn’t kid herself that the Caldwell brothers had some gorgeous women that came to their house, and she knew that she would never be able to compare to them.

  Morrisey touched Alaina’s chin gently, just like he did that first night and lifted her face to look in her eyes, “Alaina you are beautiful, I don’t know why no one told you this. I don’t know why you feel that you are less than what you are. You are one of the most classically beautiful women I have ever seen, and I would be so honored if you would wear the lingerie that I chose for you and sit with Cash and I during the party.”

  Alaina gasped and searched Morrisey’s face to see if he was telling the truth. “You want me to sit with you and Cash? Who will serve your guests?” she asked.

  Morrisey chuckled and ran his thumb along her jaw, “they are grown people, who I’m sure can serve themselves.”

  Alaina swallowed and sucked in a shuddering breath before nodding. She was going to sit with her bosses while they hosted a party for sex. Her life was about to get interesting.


  Alaina’s hands were shaking as she stepped out of the steaming shower and wrapped the towel around her body. She couldn’t believe what was about to happen. Morrisey and Cash, her reclusive, billionaire bosses, wanted her to wear a lacy piece of lingerie that only covered her vagina and breasts. Her ass was going to be showing to the world, and instead of serving the guests like a housekeeper should, they wanted her to sit with them while their guests partook in all manner of sex.

  If anyone had told Alaina this was where her life was going to be last year, she would have laughed so hard that she snorted. She could hardly believe it herself. She swiped over the mirror and looked at herself. Her long dark hair hung down over her shoulders, normally in bouncy waves, but wet it was a mass of curls. Her dark eyes were almost black in color, her tanned skin came from her father’s Mediterranean heritage. Her nose was slightly larger than what was considered normal. Something that also came from her father. Her brows were thick, and her eyes were shadowed by long dark eyelashes.

  She couldn’t see what Morrisey saw in her. He said that she was beautiful, but as Alaina looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn’t see it. She didn’t think she was ugly; she knew that she wasn’t repulsive, she had, had enough interest from boys in the past. Alaina just wasn’t interested in them. She had been painfully shy as a teenager, and kept her wall high, to prevent anyone from seeing her weaknesses. The dyslexia made her feel like she was stupid, and she didn’t want people to know.

  However, there were boys that showed interest despite her high walls she kept around herself. They would tell her that she was hot, they would tell her about how sexy her long legs were and how much they wanted her body. They soon got bored though, when Alaina showed no interest in return. She looked down over her body, her breasts although not huge, were still a good handful, and were perky due to her age. Her legs were long, she stood at five foot ten, another thing she had been self-conscious about when she was a teenager. Alaina had grown fast and early, by the time she was fifteen she was at her full height and towered over some of the boys. That then became another way for girls to tease her.

  Morrisey and Cash though were well over six foot, they towered over Alaina and made her feel small and delicate against them. She sighed and shifted her attention to the small piece of lingerie that Morrisey had asked her to wear. She held it up in front of her, the sheer silk on the back felt so soft against her skin, and the lace was beautiful. It highlighted her olive skin.

  Determined to let go of her insecurities, Alaina placed the lingerie on the bench and began to get ready for the night. She made a conscious effort to dry and style her hair so that the waves that she normally wore were softer and bouncier than before. Her makeup was smoky, and she stained her lips bright red. When Alaina slipped into the lace lingerie, she started to feel sexy. The feeling of the silk on her back, and the ribbons that ran down her side allowed a new feeling to emerge, something she had never felt before.

  Alaina turned and looked at herself in the mirror. Her ass was encased in the sheer fabric and looked good, the material ran high on her hips and over her flat stomach. The lace bralette held her breasts tight and made them sit up even more. Alaina ran her hands down over the fabric, twisting and turning to take in what she looked like. She couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face as suddenly she felt sexy, grown up and womanly.

  A knock at her bedroom door shook Alaina out of the study of her body. When she opened the door, she saw Morrisey standing in a dark fitted suit on the other side. He gasped when he saw her, his startling green eyes darkening as he took her in.

  “You are beautiful,” he said with a growl, his voice was husky and instantly made Alaina clench her thighs together to help ease the ache that seemed to be ever present when Morrisey spoke or was in close proximity to her..

  Morrisey looked out of this world in his suit, that she knew would have cost more than her weekly pay. His shirt was fitted tight across his muscles, showing off the abs and pecs that were underneath. His pants were tailored to fit beautifully. She wanted to tear off his shirt and lick every inch of his body. Alaina shook her head and looked back up at Morrisey who was watching her with bemusement on his face.

  “Are you ready to come and join us, our guests will be here shortly,” Morrisey said as he held out his hand for her to take.

  Alaina slipped her fingers between his and allowed him to lead her out of the be
droom and down the hall into the kitchen, where she had left all the finger food that she had spent the day preparing. When they got to the kitchen, she saw Cash standing against the bench, with a beer in his hand. His blonde hair was tied back in a man bun, and he wore the same fitted suit that Morrisey wore. Together they were enough to almost cause an orgasm at the sight of them. How women could ever resist she had no idea.

  Cash looked over at Alaina and Morrisey as they entered the room and sucked in a sharp breath. He slowly walked towards Alaina and placed his hands gently on her hips. She could feel Morrisey standing behind her, his body pressed against her back, and his hard on pressing against her ass. Cash bent down and ran his nose along Alaina’s neck, eliciting a moan from her throat.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered huskily into her ear.

  Alaina couldn’t help but to press back against Morrisey, as her eyes slipped shut. Cash’s hands gently glided up her sides, as he continued to run his nose and lips against her neck. Morrisey pushed his erection harder against her and grasped Alaina’s hips in a bruising hold. Alaina’s breaths were coming in short sharp gasps as the two brothers continued to work her up.

  “Are you sure that you want to be our pet tonight?” Cash asked.

  Alaina looked up at Cash through hooded lids. She couldn’t think beyond the heady feeling of the two men that encased her. Her core was throbbing, and she desperately needed to quench the ache that was like fire between her legs.

  “Yes,” she said. Alaina had no idea what being a pet to two men would involve, however at that moment she would agree to just about anything.

  “Very well. When our guests arrive, they will go directly to our game room. There you will be kneeling between mine and Morrisey’s chair. You only speak when we ask you a question or direct you to. You don’t move unless we tell you to. Do you understand?” Cash asked, growling into Alaina’s ear.

  It was a strange request to have her kneel and not tend to their guests, but she was prepared to let go and enjoy the night. When Alaina was in the shower, she had made the decision that she would just go with the flow. If that flow meant that she was to kneel and not speak for the evening, then that is what she would do. Alaina worried what it would mean once the night was over, but she made the decision then and there that she would deal with tomorrow when tomorrow came.

  “Yes, I understand,” she said.

  “One more thing, you will address, Morrisey and I as sir. Do you understand?” Cash spoke again.

  Alaina looked up at him through her eyelashes, she couldn’t believe what his demanding tone was doing to her. She had never felt so turned on before in her life. “Yes sir, I understand,” she said just above a whisper.

  “Very good. If at any stage you want this to stop, you say red, if you want us to slow down, you say orange. However, if you say red, you must understand that we stop completely, there will be no going back after that. You will still have your job here, we will not treat you badly, however, there will be no more relationship between the three of us. Do you understand?” Cash explained.

  “Yes sir,” she said again, feeling more confident with the knowledge that she had an out if it became too overwhelming for her. Cash’s reassurance that she would still have her job should she not want to continue with the night helped her to feel empowered in playing along with his requests.

  “What are the words?” Cash asked.

  “Red to stop, orange to slow down,” she repeated.


  “Sir? Can I ask you a question?” she asked timidly, remembering the rule that she wasn’t to speak unless directed to.

  Cash raised an eyebrow and shared a look with Morrisey who was still holding her hips in a bruising hold and grinding his erection against her ass.

  “Go ahead,” Cash said.

  “What do you expect of me tonight?” she asked.

  “Tonight, will be an introduction into our life. You won’t be expected to participate in anything if you aren’t wanting to, this will be a chance for you to watch and see what we expect. I can guarantee that Morrisey nor I will ever do anything that will physically damage you. If you agree then there will be an element of pain, however, it comes with immense pleasure and we will only ever go as far as you want to go. We will ask that you try things in the future, that you will step out of your comfort zone. However, tonight, is not about that, tonight is about you watching and deciding if this is a relationship you want to enter,” Cash explained.

  Alaina was happy that they were giving her the chance to decide if this was something she really wanted, before she jumped in with both feet. Alaina nodded her head and sighed. “Thank you, sir,” she said quietly.

  Cash gave Alaina’s waist a squeeze and smiled, “let’s get this food to the room and the champagne poured it will only be a few more minutes before our guests start arriving.”


  Alaina’s eyes widened as she entered the room, she didn’t want to sound all fifty shades about it, but she didn’t know what else to call the room other than a pleasure room or a playroom. However, in that moment, it had changed from when she had seen it with Morrisey. Where Alaina had first thought there was a wall, she now realized that it had been a petition of some sort, that was now folded back to reveal two large, almost throne like chairs against the back wall that was draped with dark red velvet curtains. Between the two thrones was a large deep ruby red cushion.

  Cash led Alaina into the room where they placed out the food trays on a table beside the door. Glasses sat along a buffet that was covered in various alcohol while champagne sat in deep ice buckets around the room. The large Saint Andrews cross took up the middle of the room, and two long love seats sat pushed up against the left side. On the other side of the room was the wall of what appeared to be torture devices. Beds that almost looked like massage tables were lined against the right side of the wall under the various equipment.

  Alaina saw that to the left as they walked in, there was shelves that she hadn’t noticed before that were covered in all various bottles of lube, condoms and massage oils. On the top shelf were unlit candles as well as unopened sex toys. From the roof hung a large chandelier that lit the room in a low light, creating a moody shadow. And from an unseen sound system low instrumental classical music played. The only words that Alaina could find to describe the Caldwell brother’s playroom was opulent debauchery.

  Cash led Alaina over to the thrones, where he stood in front of the cushion, “this is where you will kneel for the night. A lot of masters expect their sub or pet to bow their head and keep their eyes lowered, Morrisey and I don’t expect that of you. We want you to watch. However, should someone approach you, that is when you will lower your eyes, do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir,” she answered.

  “Very good, let’s get you settled then,” he said as he guided her towards the cushion, that was surprisingly comfortable. Alaina had wondered how she would be on her knees for the length of the party, but as she lowered herself onto the cushion, she realized that the fabric was soft and there was plenty of stuffing to keep her knees from aching.

  Cash and Morrisey took their seats in the large darkened thrones. When she looked at them, she realized that they were built from a dark oak wood, and the seat was a black cushion that was built into the chair. They looked like they had been handmade and carved, the workmanship that went into the chair was astounding. Alaina almost snorted as she realized she was kneeling on a cushion, acting as a pet to these two men, about to watch a bunch of strangers have sex and she was busy taking in the workmanship of two damned chairs.

  Movement by the door took Alaina’s attention and she noticed a small man with a long beard, dressed in nothing but a collar and lead, being led into the room by the most beautiful leggy woman she had ever seen. He was on his knees as he crawled towards where Alaina was knelt between Cash and Morrisey. The woman was dressed in a long leather skirt and corset, he
r dark hair hung down over her bare shoulders. She looked like she was a Brazilian model. Alaina noticed that the woman also held what looked like a riding crop in one hand.

  “Venga, it’s wonderful to see you, and you have brought with you a new pet I see,” Cash called out cheerfully.

  “Cash, yes, this is my latest pet, his name is Jacob,” she replied as she walked toward the chairs.

  Once Venga was standing in front of Cash and Morrisey, Jacob rubbed his face against Venga’s leg as if he were a cat or dog seeking affection. Venga’s hand unconsciously ran through Jacob’s hair, causing the small man to mewl with contentment. Alaina noticed that as he turned, he had a tail coming from between his ass cheeks. Alaina blushed as she realized that the tail had to be somehow inserted into Jacob’s ass.

  “Venga’s kink is what we call puppy play,” Morrisey explained, leaning quietly over to Alaina while Venga and Cash spoke. “It means that Jacob likes to play the part of a puppy or dog, and she is his handler, so he is submissive to Venga.”

  “May I ask a question sir?” Alaina said quietly to Morrisey.

  Morrisey smiled and nodded his head, “I like that you have grasped onto calling us sir so easily, many people don’t get that so quickly, but sure what is your question?”

  “Is puppy play a sexual thing?” she asked, in her mind she couldn’t decide whether it bordered on bestiality. Did it mean that Venga liked to have sex with real dogs, which was disturbing to Alaina and if that was the case, that would be a hard red for her?

  “It can be, Venga doesn’t have sex with her pups, she just likes the dominance to have them do as she commands. However, others in the kink do have sex with their pups,” Morrisey explained. As he took in the frown on Alaina’s face he chuckled, “it’s not the same as bestiality, they don’t want to have sex with real animals, well some might, but none of the ones I’ve met do. It is more about having that unconditional obedience and submission. Venga is a rarity, in the fact that she is a female handler, most handlers are male, puppy play tends to be more common in the gay kink community, than hetero kink community.”


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