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Fire Glow

Page 17

by Linda Ladd

  "Come, Caitlin. Samuel has already stowed your things aboard the coach."

  Caitlin looked up at Trey, who had come up beside her, then away as he put his hand on her waist and led her toward the lowered gangplank. A hired conveyance stood waiting on the bricked wharf beside the ship, and Caitlin waited at the rail as Trey strode off to give his last instructions to Richard.

  Her legs felt like blocks of ice despite Samuel's leggings, and her teeth chattered, and she looked at the men working around the deck, amazed that they remained impervious to the freezing temperatures and biting winds.

  "Do you not think it would be a wiser move to take Caitlin with you and go to the Queen before she settles at Worth House?" Richard asked Trey a few yards down the deck.

  "Nay, it will be best for you to sail the Glory to the Hole and present my letter to the Queen. Once Caitlin is safe in Sussex, I will follow by coach and plead my case. "Twill be less than a fortnight, I should say."

  Richard shook his head, afraid Trey's arrogant confidence in the Queen's goodwill might eventually be his downfall. Although Anne was truly fond of Trey and his family, she was not one to be pushed too far. He cringed at the thought of being the one to face her wrath after she had read the sealed letter he carried on Trey's behalf.

  Trey did not notice his cousin's concerned face, his eyes intent on his wife as he raised the collar of his greatcoat and pulled it close around his neck. He wished that Caitlin had met a better day for her arrival in England. He knew that she had suffered terribly from the cold, as would anyone who had lived their entire life in the warm paradise of a West Indian island. Even since they had anchored the night past, the temperature had plummeted to new lows, making it unusually severe even for late January. In spite of the dreary weather, he was very glad they had reached port after such a long and problem-ridden voyage. It had taken twice as long as was usual to cross the Atlantic, and he was eager to be off to his home and family. Time was of the essence now—he knew that as well as Richard did—and the sooner he could travel to Hampton Court and deal with Anne, the better. He only hoped his letter would placate her, giving her anger time to subside before he faced her.

  Trey shook Richard's hand and bid him goodbye, then hurried back to Caitlin, leading her quickly down the gangplank to the coach and four. The horses stamped and snorted, blowing frosty breaths in the icy air, and Trey spoke to the heavily bundled driver before assisting Caitlin inside. He climbed aboard after her, settling on the opposite seat. The coach jerked into movement, the horses' hooves clopping loudly along the cobblestone street.

  "Here, let me wrap this around you. ‘Twill keep you a good bit warmer," Trey offered, taking a heavy woolen wrap from the seat beside him and tucking it over her lap. Caitlin immediately pulled it up to her chin, tucking her cold feet beneath her. When she finally began to feel warm, she watched Trey furtively as he stretched out his long legs, his blue eyes intent on her face.

  "Tell me, sweet, what do you think of England?" he asked, smiling, and Caitlin's unenthusiastic expression answered his question.

  "Is it always so cold and gray?" she queried in so morose a voice that Trey laughed.

  "'Twould appear ugly to you now, no doubt, but it is a nasty day we chose for our journey. You will change your mind when you gaze upon Sussex in the summertime, with its lush green meadows and honeysuckle vines. Then you will know why Englishmen always long to return home."

  Caitlin did not answer. Summer seemed an eternity away, and it was demoralizing to contemplate living in such a disagreeable place for so long. And it was Trey who had brought her to this . . . had tricked her into traveling to this forsaken land. As much as she loved him, she could not forget what he had done. She turned her eyes coldly from his to watch the stark gray houses and alleyways streaming past outside her window.

  Trey sighed and leaned back, admiring her delicate profile. Her cheeks were flushed pink from the cold, and he had never seen her look more beautiful. But he had seen the anger return to her golden eyes, as it had so many times during the voyage. He was beginning to wonder if she would ever totally forgive him and allow them the happiness he knew they could have together if she would but let it happen. At times he truly regretted what he had done to her but whenever Caitlin let down her guard for a moment and smiled or gave him a kind word, he was only glad that she was with him. He'd rather have her cold and aloof beside him than an ocean away.

  He shifted uncomfortably as time passed, growing cold with only his wool coat for warmth. The interior of the coach was chilly, and he looked longingly at the woman across from him, knowing how warm he would be if he snuggled beneath the fur cape with Caitlin. Such imaginings did alleviate his chill with the utmost effectiveness, and his blood heated at the thought of kissing her, of holding her warm bare flesh pressed tightly against him. Their wedding night had been very long ago, and the last months at sea had been an agony of self-restraint for him. When she had continued to shun him, he had intentionally spent most of his time out of her company, if for no other reason than to preserve his own sanity.

  The coach rocked onward, the driver keeping the horses at a fast trot. The road left a good bit to be desired, heavily rutted and uneven, but Caitlin gave little consequence to the bumpy uncomfortable ride, since her furry wraps kept her warm and comfortable. As time went by, her lids grew heavy, and she relaxed in one corner, leaning her head against the upholstered seat.

  It was a long time later that she awoke with a start, sleepily opening her eyes. The windows were dark now, and she did not move, giving a sigh of contentment because she felt so very warm and comfortable. It took her several moments to realize that she was cuddled quite intimately inside the circle of her husband's strong arms. She gasped and pulled away, but Trey's grip tightened, gently but effectively holding her in place.

  "I was cold," he whispered, his lips moving against her temple. "Surely you will let me share your blanket until I am warm again."

  Caitlin raised wary eyes to his face, so very close, and her heart sped out of control.

  "Then perhaps you should take the blanket and I will make do with my cape," she murmured, angry at the pleasure she took in his nearness.

  Trey smiled when she remained in his embrace, his eyes dropping to soft full lips that trembled slightly.

  "I would hardly be a gentleman if I took your wrap and left you shivering, now would I? Besides, we are both comfortable this way, and I will do nothing to compromise you. I only wish to share your robe until we arrive at Worth House."

  His innocuous words bore little resemblance to the truth, since he had taken advantage of her sleep to hold her and even steal a few soft kisses. He grinned as she gave him a suspicious stare.

  "Surely you did not nurse my fever only to let me succumb in my weakened state to pneumonia?" he added, and Caitlin gave a haughty sniff.

  "You are as strong as a field ox, and well you know it," she retorted with an upward tilt of her slim nose, but she made no effort to push him away, and Trey grinned in triumph.

  He kept his arms draped casually around her slender shoulders, more content than he had been in many a month. It was not long, however, before the blazing desires that Caitlin roused so easily in him sent one hand to toy with a silky lock of her red gold hair. When Caitlin turned, his blue eyes smoldered with such passion that she wet her lips nervously, only making them appear softer and moister and more devastatingly tempting to the man deprived of them for so long.

  His long brown fingers left her hair to gently caress the satin-soft contours of her cheek, and his infinite tenderness and husky whisper took Caitlin's breath away.

  "I need you, Caitlin. I have wanted you for so long. …"

  Caitlin's heart skipped a beat. "Nay," she murmured without much conviction, and all thoughts of resisting him died as his lips met hers. His kiss was tentative at first, but warm and knowing as he savored the honeyed nectar he had long missed, Caitlin tried to remember the resentment she had harbored for so lo
ng, tried to remember Christian and Winds-way and how he had taken her away from them, but her mind seemed suspended, centered only on what his mouth was doing to her as he shifted, pressing her slowly backward against the seat.

  Caitlin moaned with inarticulate protest, but his kisses made her words melt into mere murmurings of pleasure. His mouth demanded more of her as the passion he had held in restaint for months came bursting free.

  "Caitlin, Caitlin," Trey groaned incoherently. His finger deftly released the tiny buttons of her bodice, and Caitlin shivered as his hand entered the opened neck of her gown, his lips touched her bare shoulder. It was as if a fiery iron branded her as his, and she pulled his head against her breast, wanting more, wanting all she had denied herself.

  Trey was nearly trembling with desire, having hungered for such a response for endless days and longer sleepless nights. He fumbled with her skirts, pausing in surprise when his fingers touched breeches, then quickly moving to unfasten them.

  Caitlin moaned when the laces of her breeches snapped with a sharp jerk, and Trey's warm palm finally slid over the naked flesh of her hip. She was no longer able to fight her feelings, and she slid eager hands beneath his shirt, kneading the rippling muscles of his back, welcoming his weight above her.

  When the carriage jolted to an abrupt stop, both Trey and Caitlin were thrown forward, and only Trey's tight grip on his wife kept her from falling to the floor. He groaned aloud as he realized they had reached Worth House at the most untimely moment possible. He grimaced, knowing he had no choice but to release Caitlin and allow her to straighten her clothing before a servant arrived to open the door for them. Never in his life had he approached a task with more reluctance, and Caitlin's face flamed with embarrassment as she struggled upright and quickly worked to fasten her bodice.

  I am sorry, my love," Trey whispered, pulling his cape tightly around her to hide her dishabille as the door was pulled open.

  Caitlin could not look at him, and Trey gritted his teeth, thinking the fates were surely against them. He swung out of the carriage to greet the aged manservant, who had been with the Cameron family since Trey was a small boy. Old Hancock beamed with pleasure at the sight of his young lord, bowing in courtly fashion as Trey assisted Caitlin to descend.

  Caitlin's heart still beat in an erratic cadence as Trey led her up wide stone steps to where a shivering young maid stood holding a candle to light their way. The maid dropped into a respectful curtsy as they passed through the heavy wooden doors to the Great Hall of Worth House. Caitlin stopped, awestruck by the sheer vastness of the room, as the girl quickly shut the door behind them. A gigantic fireplace dominated one end, its opening taller than Trey stood. A roaring fire blazed there, but the rest of the room was dusky with deep shadows shrouding the walls. Trey took her arm and led her toward a massive staircase of carved oak that rose to the second floor.

  "Mother and the girls are probably in the receiving room," he told her as they climbed the steps, and they had barely reached the top when two young girls caught sight of them from where they sat before yet another magnificent fireplace. Both girls squealed his name, their slippers clicking in staccato cadences as they ran across the black marble floor. Trey laughed and stepped forward, grabbing each of them by the waist and swinging them around. Caitlin had to smile at their delighted shrieks. Trey laughed again as they clung to his arms.

  "We have been waiting for you to come back forever!" cried the tallest one, her black eyes glowing with excitement. "Mother has been particularly eager to see you!"

  The smaller girl nodded agreement, her pixyish face wreathed in happy smiles. Caitlin watched quietly. It was strange to see Trey acting so relaxed and affectionate with members of his own family. He seemed less imposing and more vulnerable here, but she couldn't afford to let that alter her vow to keep a distance between them until she could go home again.

  "Come here, girls," he said, glancing back at Caitlin. "I want you to meet Caitlin."

  He turned, his eyes warm and possessive as he looked at his wife, but before he could say more, a soft and refined voice sounded from the wide hallway behind them.

  "Megan? Grace? Is that Trey?"

  Trey turned to smile at his mother, and, to Caitlin's shock, he moved to the small elegantly attired woman and twirled her around in much the same manner as he had done with his sisters.

  "Stop that, Trey, and let me look at you!" Beatrice Cameron scolded with a laugh, hugging her only son. Her tone held only affection and relief at finding her son whole and well after so long a time away. It was a dangerous life her son, like his father before him, had chosen to pursue. Her pleased smile faded gradually as she noticed the young girl standing to one side watching their reunion. The girl's face was exquisitely lovely, but her expression was detectably wary. Beatrice knew her at once.

  "You are Margaret's child, are you not?" she asked, glancing at Trey in surprise. He had explained his mission to the Indies to her before he had left England, but she had no idea that he meant to bring the child home with him.

  "Yes, Mother, this is Caitlin Alexander," Trey answered, drawing her with him toward Caitlin. He hesitated, knowing he would no doubt shock both his mother and his sisters with his next pronouncement. "We were married before we left Barbados."

  As he had thought, his words brought gasps from all around, and for the first instant his mother could only stare at him in blank astonishment. Her good manners quickly returned, however, and her smile was warm and gracious.

  "Please allow me to welcome you to our family, my dear. I have often wished for Trey to marry, and it is wonderful news indeed that he has chosen to wed the daughter of one of my dear old friends."

  Caitlin looked at her, then at Trey. She had no desire to offend the woman who was bestowing such a kind smile on her, but neither did she wish to allow Trey's family to have any misconceptions about her feelings. The incident in the coach had shaken her considerably for she knew now just how much she wanted to be with Trey. But she had no intention of acting the lady here in England and she had no doubt that was what he expected of her.

  "I appreciate your kindness," she said softly, but with a firmness that did not go unnoticed by Beatrice, "but I must tell you that I was tricked into marrying your son and forced against my will to accompany him to England, I will not rest until I am allowed to return home."

  Trey gave a sheepish shrug as his mother's piercing blue eyes turned to him asking unuttered questions. Caitlin never had been one to mince words, he thought, feeling rather like a fool. His mother re mained unruffled in the light of Caitlin's condemning statement, and he breathed easier when she spoke.

  "I am afraid I do not understand," she said to Caitlin. "But I am sure my son will explain everything to me in time. But now I know that you must be very tired from your long journey. If you would like to retire, I will have a bedchamber readied for you."

  Caitlin said nothing, thinking of Trey's attempt to seduce her in the carriage and how very close she had come to forgetting all he had done to her, but Beatrice was astute enough to discern the reason for her hesitation.

  "Perhaps until you settle your differences the chamber next to Trey's would be suitable," she added, bringing relief to Caitlin's face and a frown to Trey's.

  "I am very tired," Caitlin said then, truly grateful for her understanding. Beatrice smiled and took Caitlin's hands.

  "Then come with me, and I will show you the way." She gestured to the maid. "Hurry, Frieda, and light the fire in the green room."

  The maid scurried away, and Beatrice spoke over her shoulder to Trey again as she moved off with Caitlin in tow.

  "Wait for me in my private sitting room if you will, Trey. I believe we have much to discuss. Come, girls, it is time for you to retire as well."

  The young girls had been watching with a great deal of interest, and they whispered excitedly to each other as they followed their mother out of the room.

  Trey watched them go, then looked around at the
familiar furnishings of the receiving room. Despite all the problems that he faced in the coming days, it was very good to be home; if there was anyone who could help win Caitlin's trust and goodwill again, it was his mother. He smiled as he made his way to his mother's small sanctuary beside her bedchamber, suddenly more hopeful that things might work out in time. Caitlin had revealed much to him about her real feelings while in his arms during the coach ride, but he was not at all sure he had the patience to wait for her to come to him again.

  Chapter Twenty

  Caitlin opened her eyes very early the next morning and lazily stretched her arms over her head, but the chilly air of her bedchamber made her bring them hastily back beneath the warm coverlet. She stared up at the canopy of heavy crimson velvet, thinking it seemed very strange to be in one of the elegant chambers of Trey Cameron's ancestral estate. She let her eyes wander about the richly appointed room. She had been so tired the night before that she had barely given thought to the bedchamber she had been given, but now, in the dusky light of morning, she found it to be most impressive.

  It was very large, much larger than the night chambers of Windsway. The windows were of leaded glass and were hung with royal blue velvet draperies edged with gold braid and held back with red silk tassels. An immense carpet covered the floor with its Oriental design of pale blue and gold. Handsome dark furniture stood against walls covered with ivory damask, and just across from her, a cushioned settee of blue velvet and a high-backed chair were positioned before a marble fireplace. The fire had dwindled to glowing embers, and Caitlin stayed in her warm bed, loath to leave such comfort. A knock brought her attention to the door, and the young maid called Frieda entered and bobbed a respectful curtsy.

  "Good morn, milady," she said, smiling, and Caitlin watched as the young girl dressed in a black gown and white ruffled apron moved quickly to the bed, carrying a tray holding a silver coffee urn and a plate of sweet buns.


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