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The Rock Chamber Boys : The Complete Series

Page 6

by Daisy Allen


  “And the school.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “You know we’re here for a few months right?”


  “Well, we are, for about ten weeks. We’re here to work on the arrangements and record our next album.”

  I wait for her to nod before continuing.

  “Well, we need a pianist for a few of our tracks. We didn’t bring one with us, but over the last few days we’ve been wanting to open up the sound to about three or four of our new tracks.”

  “No.” She knows where I’m going and she shakes her head.

  “Hang on...don’t say no yet. It won’t be a huge commitment, but you’ll be perfect for it. And when we’re done... when it’s done, I will donate $50 000 to the school’s music program. That should get you to Canberra and back. For the next few years, I imagine.”

  She gasps.

  I need to hit while the iron’s hot. “For a few hours a week rehearsing and recording over the next ten weeks. For $50 000. What do you say?”

  She just shakes her head and I can’t believe she’s refusing.

  “Don’t say ‘no’ without seriously thinking about this Cadence.” I warn her.

  She just stares at me, openmouthed. “But, why? Why would you do this?”

  “Because we need someone like you to remind us why we’re all in this, and why we got into this in the first place.”


  “Look, you don’t have to answer right away.” Especially if your answer is going to be no, I tell myself.


  “How ‘bout now?” I ask again quickly.

  She gives me a look that probably has her kids shaking in their school shoes. The effect on me is higher up my body, and I have to bite my tongue to stop it.

  “Just think about it.” I hand her a piece of paper with my number on it. I ignore the spark that shoots up my arm when she takes it from my fingers. I don’t expect any less now when I touch her. “And let me know, Mary.”


  I lean in and whisper in her ear, “You’ll have to call to find out.”

  And stealing one last look, I walk out the door and wonder if I’ll ever hear from her again.

  Chapter Nine


  “I have conditions.” I say when he opens the door to his hotel room three hours later. He sent a car when I called to say I wanted to talk and it’s brought me here.

  I try to ignore the fact that he broke out into a huge grin as soon as he saw me. Fixating on that’s just going to make the swarm of butterflies in my stomach take flight. And I have to remind them, that this is just about the school and the kids.

  “Come in and have a drink,” he reaches his hand out, and I pull back.

  “Um, is there somewhere else we can talk? A little more out in the open?” I’m not sure which one of us I don’t trust when it comes to us being alone.

  “Sure, but you can pay for the drinks then. In here, you can have anything, everything you want. And trust me, I have everything.”

  Something about him makes me constantly want to challenge him, so I ask “What about some Choyo?” I name a rare Japanese plum wine.

  “You want that heated up or cold?” He asks, without missing a beat, and turns back into the room towards a drinks cart.

  I follow him, as if lured into the room by a magnetic force drawing me to him. “You have it?”

  “Cadence, when are you going to stop questioning me?” He winks and pours a glass of wine and brings it over to me, taking my bag and jacket and laying them down on the couch.

  The lounge of his suite is almost as big as my entire apartment. An entire side is windows and looks out to the Sydney city skyline. It’s a view I don’t see often, and it’s breathtaking. I walk over to press my hand against the glass, it’s cold and I pull my hand back, knocking the glass in my other hand over.

  “Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” I bend over to pick up the glass but he’s already there, taking it from my hands and pushing them away as I try to mop up the spill with the napkin he’d slipped under the glass.

  “Don’t worry about it! It’ll just blend in with all the other drink spills I leave behind.”

  Something about the opulence of the room has me a little unnerved and it takes me a little while to notice he’s still holding my hand.

  I pull it away, and he looks a little surprised, hurt.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, you just looked a little shaken up. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “It’s OK. Um, let’s just get back to those conditions?”

  “Yes, ma’am!” He sits down on the couch and gestures to the seat next to him.

  I grab my bag and settle down in the settee across from him, and try to sound as confident as I can negotiating a deal that’s more money than I’ve ever had to handle.

  “So, I have four conditions and I want them in a signed contract –“

  “Ok, name ‘em.”

  “Firstly, the rehearsal and recording time can’t interfere with my normal work at the school, which is mostly school hours and some Saturday time.”

  “Done. We are night owls, we can practice at any time.”

  “Oh. OK, good. Um, two. I imagine that you normally would pay a musician for playing on your record, an hourly rate or fixed rate or whatever –


  “But since you’ve agreed to the donation amount to the school, that will be the entirety of my fee.”

  “Hang on a minute – that’s not fair to you.”

  “No discussion. Yes or I walk right now.”


  I cock an eyebrow. It’s a well-weathered teacher’s ‘don’t cross me’ eyebrow, and it seems to work on cocky musicians as well.


  “Three. I want to audition for the rest of the band and make sure they’re going to be OK with this.”

  “They’re fine. I wouldn’t make this deal if I didn’t think they’d be OK with it.”

  “Well, good. Then they can tell me themselves when I audition.”

  He just shrugs.

  “And four. This is a purely professional transaction. We are not going to fall madly in love or lust. I told you before, Sebastian. I am not interested in anything personal with you. If you pursue anything, I’m out. “

  He gets up from the couch and I can’t figure out if I’ve offended him or amused him. He turns toward the view for a moment, running his hands up and down his legs and then back to me.

  “What did he do to you?”

  “Who he did what?” I ask, confused.

  “Who made you so afraid of men that you need to put it in a legal contract to ensure you’ll stay away from me?”

  I stare at him openmouthed. I can’t believe the audacity of this guy. But I can’t deny it...he’s got style.

  “It’s to make you stay away from me!” I tell him, not without a little hope it’ll bruise his healthy ago.

  “A contract’s not going to do that, Cadence. You know there’s something here between us. Words on a piece of paper aren’t going to make that miraculous feeling fade away.”

  “No, but it might ensure that we don’t act on it.” I’m hardly even convincing myself at this point.

  “Are you really that weak? Do you think that I am?”

  “Do you agree to the terms or not, Sebastian?”

  There’s a pause, and I wonder if I’ve pushed him too far. I don’t know this man, I don’t know his limits, I don’t even really know his motives. I want this deal. I just want it on my terms. Unfortunately, I think I’ve come to the wrong man for that.

  “I will, if you answer the question.” He makes sure I’m looking at him before he repeats the question, “What asshole thing did your last partner do that has you running so scared?”

  I know I have to give him some answer. But he hasn’t earned the right to the whole story yet.

  “Everything you�
��re doing now. And more. Charmed me, chased me, then made me regret I ever laid eyes on him.”

  “I won’t do that.” He shakes his head as emphasis.

  “He said that too.”

  “You want to put it in the contract?” He grins, finding the ridiculousness of it all.

  “That we’re not going to pursue a personal relationship? Yes!” I throw my hands up, frustrated.

  “No, that I won’t turn into a dick-knuckle.”

  I can’t help but spit my drink out as I guffaw.

  “What? I won’t!” He insists.

  “That’s because...because... dick-knuckle is not a thing!” I can barely get out over my laughter.

  “Fine, I won’t be a dick, asshole, sleazebag. Whatever boring word you want to use.”

  “Yes,’s not going to come to that. I won’t let it. And ... the deal’s off if it does.” I glare at him, and for a moment, our eyes battle for a win.

  Then holding my gaze he walks up so close to me, I’m afraid he can hear my heart thump. He reaches around my back and pulls me into him. My face is almost buried in his chest so I tip my chin and rest it against his sternum, forcing my eyes to lock on his. I’ve spent so much time trying not to stare at him, it’s the first time I notice the swirl of brown through his bottomless jade green eyes. His eyelashes are ridiculously thick and lush and I bite my lip trying not to reach out and touch them with my fingertips.

  He’s not smiling but his lips are slightly open and up close I can see how far the scar on his upper lip dips into his top lip. It’s quivering a little and I wonder what the point of all this is.

  But I don’t have to wonder for long.

  “Deal, but only if you let me kiss you. Just once.”


  If there was ever a moment I belonged in a straitjacket, it would be this moment right now.

  What am I doing, giving her an ultimatum to kiss me?

  I’m not sure what came over me, but I just couldn’t bear the thought that there might never be something between us. It’s not what I had planned when I’d gone to see her today, and definitely not what I had expected would happen if we spent ten weeks together. But she hadn’t given me a chance to explain about last night, and the only way I could think of to get her to spend more time with me, was through this deal.

  So here we are.

  And she is looking so goddamned fuckable I want to just press her against the window and have the whole of Sydney watch me make her mine. But she’s not having it. So fine, I will agree to her plan, but I’m going to make her remember this moment for the next ten weeks. I want it keeping her up at nights, like I know it’s already got me up.

  Her body stiffens as I pull my face away from her, even as my arms come around to circle her waist and I nudge my hips against her.

  “Just one kiss, Cadence. And I’ll agree to everything.” I whisper against her ear.

  I can see a twitch in her jaw, and it’s driving me crazy not to drag my lips along it. Her skin is translucent and fine like a glass doll’s, and her body feels soft, warm, pliable in my hands. Like I could mould her into any shape I wanted, and play her like my own human cello. Oh god, the sounds I could make come from her...making her come.

  “Sebastian,” she chokes softly on my name.

  And I don’t give her a chance to continue.

  I lower my mouth to hers, surprised to find her lips moist and open, inviting. Yes, show me you want this as much as I do, Cadence, the thought loops in my head. My hands travel down her back to her ass and pull her in hard against me. She moans a little, an escape of desire dislodging from the back of her throat and vibrating against my mouth. It sends my blood wild. My lips spread her lips open wider and my tongue slips into her mouth; her tongue is waiting and it flicks against the tip of mine. I can’t help but grind my hips against her and I know she can feel my hardness straining against my jeans and pressing into the softness of her stomach.

  “Cadence.” I think I moan, and she touches my face in response.

  Finally, we pull away, our breaths hissing through our teeth as we stare at each other over our panting.

  I don’t know what’s stopping me from picking her up and taking her to my bedroom and making her emit that moan over and over again, but the sight of her lipstick slightly smudged over those full, luscious lips and her tits rising and falling, daring me to bury my face in their fleshy pillows, isn’t helping.

  I take a step towards her. And she takes a step back, holding her hand up to stop me.

  “One kiss. That was the deal.” She says, her voice wavering.


  “One kiss. First and last.”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  She doesn’t say yes. But she doesn’t say no.

  This is insane. I run my hand through my hair to stop from grabbing her around the neck and pulling her lips to mine again.

  She takes a step back, and I’m almost thankful for the physical distance.

  “Wh- where’s the ladies room, please?”

  I point her to the half-bath in the adjoining room. And she walks off, my eyes glued to the gentle sway of her ass as she leaves.

  This woman is driving me fucking crazy.

  I grab the largest glass on the bar and fill it with cognac, downing it in one drink, welcoming the distraction of the searing heat down my throat and churning my stomach.

  I hear the tap turn off in the other room and I grab my jacket, waiting for her at the door.

  She comes out, and there’s no sign of our kiss except for my softening cock and the way her eyes can’t meet mine.

  “Come on then,” I gesture to the door with my head. She responds with a look of confusion.

  “You wanted to audition, let’s go get you auditioned. The guys are in the rehearsal room down the hall.”

  I open the door and she steps through it, adjusting the belt on her dress, and I try not to notice how it sits just on the curve of her ass, her firm but cushiony ass that was just in my hands.

  This is going to be an interesting ten weeks.

  Chapter Ten


  It’s a silent walk as we walk down the long, softly lit hallway of the Shangri-La Hotel to the band’s rehearsal room. I’m a little too afraid to speak in case I either beg him to kiss me again or tell him the deal is off. Five minutes in the bathroom was really only enough to touch up my lipstick and do a silent scream to let out the frustration of not jumping him there and then. I can’t remember when I have had such a physical response to someone. Sex has always been paired with an emotional connection for me, but after only knowing him for a day, surely there’s no emotional connection to be had here, I simply want to fuck him. Every time he looks at me with those marbled green and brown eyes, I feel hypnotized, like at the click of his fingers, my body is his to do with at his bidding.

  Before I came here I thought the contract would help us both stay on track, but that was before I knew what I would be missing. Now that I do, I wonder what I’ve set myself up for.

  Which I imagine was just his intent.

  Dick-knuckle, indeed.

  “Cadence.” I hear him say my name and I stop. He’s standing at a door a few feet back, I hadn’t even noticed him stopping.

  “They’re in here.” He cocks his head and smiles. “You ready?”

  “You make it sound like I should be scared.”

  “Hey, you’re the one who wanted to audition. Not my fault they’re like piranhas picking off lousy musicians-...”

  Fuck, what’ve I gotten myself in for? “Wha-?”

  “I’m just kidding! They’re gonna love you.”

  He doesn’t give me a moment to rethink before he opens the door and gestures for me to enter the room.

  Sebastian closes the door behind me and we step into the lounge of a similar room to his, except that there are instruments and audio equipment everywhere. Amongst it all are five males, three I recognize as part of
the band, an older man about forty-five and a younger guy in his late teens.

  “Guys, this is Cadence.” Sebastian waves in my direction, and sits down on an empty spot on the couch.

  I feel like I’m on display, with the five sets of eyes staring me down. I wring my hands and they feel cold and clammy.

  “Er, yeah, hi, guys.” I hear my voice speak out and I do a lame wave. Yeah, that’ll impress them, my inner bitch voice snickers.

  Sebastian chuckles a little, obviously sensing my discomfort and I want to wring his neck. I throw him a look which must convey my desperation, because he gets up and stands next to me again.

  “Cadence is here to audition for the piano part that we need in those new songs we’re doing for the album.”

  “Oh,” Jez stands up and comes over to me, “I thought he was introducing you for another reason.” He winks and I realize he remembers me from last night in the alley.

  “Oooh, what other reason? Do tell!” A guy I recognize as the violinist draped on the love seat pipes up. “We love us some gossip.”

  “There’s no gossip!” I snap defensively and the violinist grins back at me.

  “Ignore him,” Sebastian says to me and pushes me gently over to the keyboard. “It’s not a Steinway, but it’ll do what you need.” He says softly to me, trying to relax me, except that his proximity is doing the exact opposite.

  I sit down and run my fingers over the keys, testing their sensitivity and working the pedal.

  “You’ve got the job!” Jez calls out, and I have to laugh, smiling at him appreciatively for breaking the tension. “Ha, just take it easy, none of us are piano players here, so you’ve got nothing to worry about.”

  “Hey! I play a little piano!” Brad says, sounding insulted.

  “You need a repertoire ranging more than chopsticks and “Frere Jacques” to be considered a true piano player, ballsack!” A fourth voice speaks up from a corner way in the back.

  “That’s Marius, he’s our violinist, when he’s not sitting on his head and preaching veganism while eating a chicken drumstick.” Sebastian explains.

  “Fuck you! I said I was going to day!” Marius counters.


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