Web of Lands 2

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Web of Lands 2 Page 30

by Brent Tyman

  She lowered herself down.

  Then we were one.

  All three of us.

  We were one.

  Lunara stayed true as she rode me with fervent ferocity. The slapping sound she made as her ass slammed against my bare skin were so loud, I was once again sure that her parents could hear her. If not, then the loud moans she made with each thrust would spell out exactly what we were doing.

  Eliandra pulled back and allowed me to suck on her breasts. She watched her sister wife patiently and rubbed her hand along my chest. Her moans were more quiet and tender.

  Between the two women, where Lunara was rogue and Eliandra was loving, I did not know what I preferred. Having them both like this was exactly what I wanted, and I would make sure to treasure them forever.

  I bit into Eliandra’s breasts a bit as I approached my climax. Lunara howled and hissed as we thrashed together. She fell on top of me, and I finished inside her, basking in the afterglow. Lunara heaved into my chest and laid still as Eliandra pulled back from me to stroke Lunara’s frazzled hair.

  “Hmm, your turn Eli,” Lunara murmured as she panted. She rolled off the side and rubbed her nose into my shoulder.

  “All right,” Eliandra said as she took hold of my length.

  “Eli, we might need to…” I said with a pant but stopped midway. I don’t know if it was because I was sensitive down there or if it was something to do with Eliandra, but I was somehow ready to go again.

  Eliandra fingers lightly stroked me, and I helped her get in position above me.

  I grabbed hold of her firm hips and stared into her eyes. She gave me a smile filled with pure love and I felt my eyes roll up as she lowered herself down.

  Compared to Lunara’s fast-paced exertions, Eliandra slow movements had a different effect on me. It gave me time to ran my hands along her body and play with her nipples.

  “Isn’t she so beautiful?” Lunara said. She must have regained her energy as she used an arm to stroke Eliandra’s leg while her mouth latched onto my neck.

  Eliandra moaned as she rode me faster and faster. Her bountiful breasts swayed with each thrust as her fingertips brushed along my chest.

  I could feel myself getting close, and I gripped Eliandra’s hips with both hands. I took control of her speed and stared deep into her eyes.

  “I love you,” I said simply.

  Eliandra vibrated in place as she let out a cry. Our climaxes ripple along both our bodies as she dug her nails into my chest. She relaxed onto my chest and panted in time with me.

  The two women shared a moment together, as they reached for each other's hand and grasped them tightly.

  “I’m finally a married woman,” Eliandra said breathlessly, as tears filled her eyes. Lunara took a moment to wipe them off.

  “And a queen,” Lunara said, and that brought out a chuckle from me.

  I had queens now, two of them. The idea had never struck my mind until now.

  “I couldn’t have asked for such perfect women as wives,” I said. I ran a hand along Eliandra back and a stroked Lunara’s arm.

  “I think he has gotten more romantic the longer we know him,” Lunara commented with a grin.

  “Indeed, he is quite a gentleman now,” Eliandra agreed, although she still panted hard.

  I let Eliandra recover for a moment, as the three of us basked in the aftermath.

  “Should we get to sleep?” I asked, but the two women raised their heads to grin at me.

  “Oh no husband, I still have much energy left to go,” Lunara said.

  “Yes, you have to tend to all of your wives needs. We have a long night ahead of us,” Eliandra said as she reached back and gripped my length again.

  The sight of the two women as they stared at me with lust and love mixed together, made my body grow hot.

  By around the tenth climax, I was sure I had run out of stamina. Yet somehow, these two women had ways of making sure I could not stop climaxing inside them.

  Each woman supported the other, and combined their efforts, ensuring that I could not get a moment's rest. They shared suggestions on what positions to try and what felt the best for them. It was such a surreal experience.

  Lunara at one point tried slow thrusts that Eliandra preferred. She lasted five seconds before she wanted me to spur up my motions.

  We ended the night with Lunara on top of me while Eliandra pressed up against my side. Both women had their breasts squished up against me and I sighed as it could not be more perfect. They snuggled into me and giggled to each other.

  “I hope you enjoyed your present,” Eliandra said as we all came down from our exertions.

  “I’m pretty sure we milked him dry,” Lunara said as she kissed my chest softly.

  I tried to muster up enough energy to reply, but I still wasn’t there yet. I simply panted hard.

  “Maybe we should tell him now,” Eliandra said, but my mind was elsewhere.

  After tonight I would be dragged into the dark elves war with the high elves. I needed to monitor Sylrissa, as she was a way of ceasing hostilities.

  The demons in the north were a concern, but once enough time had passed, I could get the Fulgremians into my army. I would need to ensure we trained them up to my standards, but they will bend the knee to me in the end, and become a formidable fighting force.

  There was also a kingdom to the south that was apparently pretty peaceful. I wondered if I could make use of them somehow. Raina was still somehow down there, and her information would be valuable to me.

  “Ordan,” Lunara said, which snapped me out of my thoughts.

  “Hmm?” I said absently as I looked over at the two women.

  “We have another surprise,” Lunara said, and I groaned. I could not go another round.

  “It’s something you have to take responsibility for,” Eliandra said cryptically and I quirked my eyebrow at the pair.

  They paused for a moment as they looked at each other. Some silent communication passed between them before they both grinned at me.

  “We’re pregnant!” They both said in unison.



  Asladon - North of the Korodo empire

  “What a useless worm!” I howled as I banged my hand on the table in front of me. The table creaked and then cracked in half from my blow. Another useless thing.

  “Why must you destroy everything you touch? It's so unbecoming,” Latissa said as she checked her visage with a mirror spell. The succubus had one thing on her mind at all times, and that was how she looked. How she managed to earn the Overlord’s favor, I did not know.

  “Because worms like Gertz we allow to run free will eventually cause our destruction,” I said.

  The lizardmen had long abandoned this city once we had crushed their pitiful resistance. Now we all sat in their central castle to discuss the news from the south.

  “To think he’s actually dead,” Yunatala murmured to himself. He was the more clear-headed of the high demons I had to work with on orders from the Overlord. His calmness irritated me at times. Too soft.

  “I think it is a boon,” Latissa said, as she waved her mirror spell away. “Gertz was always the fool and now that foolishness has left a power vacuum. I bet I could persuade the Overlord to have one of my thralls take his place.”

  I growled despite myself. I would not let the succubus bring more of her kind into the Overlord’s favor. It had to be one of my own thralls, else I would be weaker.

  “I don’t think so, succubus,” I said with a hiss. “I tolerate you because the Overlord demands me to, but you will not bring another of your depraved sisters into our circle.”

  “Depraved? Do you see how he treats me, Yunatala?” Latissa purred with a grin. She leaned along the now broken table to display her sinful assets. Many a fool had fallen into Latissa’s trap, and all that survived her bedtime antics were now willing thralls. I would not allow her to gain any more power.

  “We should discuss how h
e died, instead of… whatever you two are doing,” Yunatala said as he crossed his arms.

  I turned my attention to the demon and so did Latissa. Another growl escaped my lips as I nodded reluctantly.

  “Fine,” I spat as I sat up straight. “Gertz goes down to the south, as we all know, and encounters a human army. Gertz gets killed, and now we are discussing it. What else is there?”

  Latissa rolled her eyes at me as she shared a knowing look with Yunatala.

  “Oh Overlord, what a brute. Maybe you should just let me do all the thinking for you,” Latissa teased as she pouted at me. My hands curled into fists as I glared at the succubus.

  “The Lynics’ say that the humans were from much further south, yet on these Lizardmen territory. Do you not find that interesting?” Yunatala asked, and I shrugged. Humans were not even worth the dirt they stood on, they were nothing to us.

  “How would you know about these Lizardmen territory?” I asked with a hiss.

  “They mentioned a river, and when I looked on these Lizardmen maps, there is only one major river south,” Yunatala said as he stroked his chin. “It is still within their borders, so I believe that these humans came from a nation called Fulgrem.”

  “Who cares? I want to know about the dashing human that led this army. He would make a good playmate,” Latissa said, suddenly interested.

  “I will need to send more scouts to find out, but it will need to wait,” Yanatala said with a sigh. “The Lizardmen have gained a major opening, since Gertz left his post. The Overlord will arrive from the deep soon and we have made little progress. The others have had many victories while...” Yanatala left his words in the air, and I wanted to crush a lower demon in frustration.

  Because of Gertz’s stupidity, we had lost a large part of our army at a critical point in our invasion. The Overlord assigns a high demon with a finite amount of troops for each of us, based on our achievements. Gertz had gone and lost a quarter of our army, of Lynic demons as well, our backbone.

  All because he wanted to cut deeper into the south. The lizardmen put up a futile resistance, but they were not weak. Gertz wanted easier prey and honestly thought killing some peasants by marching past the lizardmen cities would favor us.

  Now we were left to press on, at a heavy disadvantage.

  “How Gertz died does not matter. What matters is how we will impress the Overlord with the measly troops we have,” I said.

  “Hmm,” Latissa said, as her eyes gleamed. She grinned at the two of us with raw delight. “How about we pick up where Gertz left off? We spend everything on pushing past the Lizardmen in our way and take the south for the Overlord.”

  Me and Yunatala looked at her as if she had gone insane. It did not surprise me, Latissa was always the more unhinged one.

  “What will that accomplish?” Yunatala asked. “As you two do not seem interested in how Gertz died, we have no way to know what faces us there. Multiple Lynics’ stress that these humans were just as formidable as them and they had black animals assisting them. They even say a giant snake-like creature emerged to destroy them. I think this is how Gertz met his end, but the Lynics are shaky on the details. The south would be a huge gamble.”

  Latissa ran a hand along her supple breasts and bit her tongue in front of us. Her sultry attitude always seemed to get right under my skin.

  “Oh, it will be so glorious,” Latissa said. “The others will have the charred remains of the Lizardmen’s home while us three will have a nice human nation under our thumb. The Overlord will be so pleased and let me uplift a thrall.”

  I would not let her uplift another whore to our circle, but the more I thought about it, the more appealing it seemed to go south.

  “If we fail…” Yunatala said, and I waved a hand to interrupt.

  “Now that Gertz is gone, we can’t expand as fast as the others,” I said. “There is nothing but snow to the north, and our sides have been claimed by our kin. South may be our only option to avoid an execution by the Overlord.”

  Yunatala still didn’t look convinced, but that mattered little. With Gertz gone, if me and Latissa agreed to go south, he would have no choice but to follow. What else would he do with his measly army alone here?

  Now, we just had to smash the lizardmen in our way.

  Then take the south.

  All of it.

  Raina - Kingdom of Cegelia

  “Right this way, lady Raina,” the man said as he motioned along the ramparts. I walked where he directed me and frowned at the busy city below us.

  “Aren’t these walls too low against a siege? And you need not call me lady. I am a Tier Two second,” I said to the man. He merely bowed his head as he led the way. This man was named Brodrik, an overly nice general of this kingdom’s army.

  “I apologize miss Raina, but it is rare we get visitors from the north,” Brodrik said with a smile. “In fact, none from Fulgrem at all for the past few years. A few merchants come, but seldom any peasants. You can see how a representative from the ruling line would stir up the whole country's interest.”

  I gave Brodrik a tight smile as he pointed out spots of interest in the city. He promised to show me everything that the capital city of Gelen had to offer.

  I had to admit, the kindness of these people both surprised me and made me uncomfortable. When Eklis ordered me to the south to establish relations with this nation, it was the first time where I wanted to speak out to suggest someone else do it. Serving under my king, Ordan, was the high point of my life and an honor that few get in their lifetime. Being ordered to leave that behind to come here irritated me, but it was my duty to serve.

  I could only hope that the king had not forgotten me as he no doubt had gotten into even more one sided fights.

  My life had taken a massive turn when he made me his second. Me? Fighting under the Slayer of Saina. The slayer of the hundred.

  Even his helmet was…

  “Miss Raina, if you would have a look at this,” Brodrik said as he pointed to a group of men on duty. “For your earlier question, this is one of the reasons our walls are low, as you say.”

  I stifled a sigh as I looked at where Brodrik wanted me to. I had secretly hoped this nation would simply reject my call for a meeting, so I could return home, but now here I was. I think Eklis wanted to open up some trade between the two nations, but this was honestly more something a truth sayer should do. He likely wanted a more direct hand in this so that Flavious did not get more control. Ever since I had been made a second, the simple politics that happened between the two men suddenly become more known to me.

  Perhaps if I found something worth trading, the king would reward me by taking me back into his command circle. The thought gave me a moment of comfort in this strange land.

  A soldier stepped up towards the general and presented his weapon. At least, I thought it was a weapon.

  It was a long wooden bar with a trigger I recognized on crossbows. There was no place that I could see where you could put a bolt on it, though. It had what appeared to be a stock behind the trigger but the rest of the weapon was foreign to me.

  The general took the weapon from the soldier and handed it to me. I took it gingerly and marveled as its fairly light weight. I kept my finger away from the trigger below, as no doubt that would cause the weapon to discharge, assuming it worked like a crossbow.

  “This is the main weapon we use against our enemies. It is called a matchlock musket. Would you like to see how it works?” Brodrik asked. I could see a wide grin on his face and cautiously nodded. He seemed overly excited about this for some reason.

  The general looked over at his soldiers and pointed at one.

  “You there, go place plate armor near that tree over there,” the general ordered. “And you three will fire at it. Don’t bloody miss.”

  The men all saluted and one rushed off down the ramparts. I held the weapon in my hands in confusion as some men took out small cords from their pouches and scrapped it along one side o
f their armor. This caused the cord to ignite at the tip suddenly.

  As I saw a soldier drag out a training dummy with plate armor attached, the soldiers with me pulled out a small satchel from another pouch. They ripped the satchel with their teeth, poured the contents onto a protruding piece of metal on the weapon, then dumped the rest down the tip. I saw that it was a black powder of sorts.

  “Is this weapon similar to a crossbow?” I asked out of curiosity, and the general gave me another grin.

  “Ahh miss Raina, it is so much more. They are almost ready,” the general said with his hands behind his back.

  The soldiers pulled out a small metal ball and plopped it down their weapons before producing a long thin stick to push the contents deeper.

  This was all very strange. As the soldier outside of the walls retreated back after placing the training dummy far enough away, the general barked at one of his men.

  “Jerkas, blow on the match cord! How many…” Brodrik said with a shout.

  “Sorry general Sir,” the soldier squeaked as he took his cord and blew as if his life depended on it.

  They all slotted the cords onto the weapons and took aim at the training dummy outside.

  “All ready?” the general asked, but none replied.

  “Good, three, two, one…”

  A massive boom crashed into my ear and I almost dropped the weapon in my hand as I stepped back from the men. My ears rang as I raised a hand to cover one. I could see smoke billow out the ends of the soldiers’ weapons.

  The general watched the display and narrowed his eyes at the training dummy outside.

  “Good, two of you hit it. Excellent job,” the general said.

  The soldier who had placed the train dummy earlier raced back to get the plate armor off. We all waited patiently as he rushed back to our position on the ramparts with a huff.

  “Here you are, general Sir,” the soldier said as he offered the plate armor.

  The general took hold of the armor and waved it over my eyes.

  “Have a look miss Raina, what do you see?” the general asked with a smirk.

  I examined the armor and noticed two distinct holes in it. It was only when I noticed that the holes were also on the back of the plate, one of them a small impression, did I realize the power of this weapon.


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