Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1

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Helter Skelter: The River Demons Louisiana MC Book 1 Page 3

by Brair Lake

  I lay my cards on the table and pull my winnings towards me. This is the second hand I’ve won since I last looked at the clock on the wall, and as I check the time again, I know I’ve been played. Firebird had no intentions of turning up. I should have gone with my instincts and collected the redhead. With one last swig of the whisky, I empty the shot glass as I give the room a quick scan in my hunt for an available whore. Just as my eyes sweep past the main doors, I double back my glance. The drink and whore forgotten when I lock gazes with my Firebird. As my feet go to thrust me off my chair, I force myself to stay where I am, watching Firebird as she makes her way over. The tangerine pants she as on, clashes with the lime green top. On Firebird, she looks as sexy as hell. When the woman finally reaches my side, I stand and link my hand on to Firebird’s waist. The cards and chips forgotten as I escort Firebird through to the club’s private saloon.

  The room used by the MC members is busy. Heavy rock fills the air. Day is dancing with a couple of the club’s women. Bastian and TJ, along with a couple of other members of The River Demons, are on duty in the casino. Without letting go of Firebird’s hand, I steer her to the dancefloor, drawing her into my arms. “I was beginning to think you’d changed your mind.”

  Firebird loops her arms around my neck, her smile causing my heart to flip as I stumble over my feet. “I said I’d be here. And here I am.” My cock twitches as I drag Firebird’s body closer to mine. “I’m thirsty.”

  Firebird’s voice breaks the mood, and with a nod, I guide us off the dancefloor, leaving her with Alex as I go to the bar for drinks. On my return I Firebird is relaxed and giggling at something Alex is whispering to her. Their bodies are too close for my comfort, and breaking the snickering couple up, I place myself between them. Alex rolls his green eyes. His husky laughter grates against my flesh. As I frown at my brother, he slaps me on the back, laughing harder.

  “Alex was telling me about the time you were so drunk, you came to in the bayou… Naked.”

  With another glare at Alex, I switch on my most charming smile. “I was a kid and just joined The River Demons as a prospect. Day and Bastian, who had recently lost their prospect status thought it’d be fun to haze me.”

  “You lived through it.”

  “Sure did, Firebird.”

  “So, what’s your role in the club?”

  Tawny eyes devour me, and the way they watch my lips, has me shuffling in my chair. “I’m the Sargent.”

  “What does that mean.”

  People who know me, know what I do, and as I answer Firebird it brings home she is an outsider to the River Demon’s and although she is easy to talk, I only divulge my basic role with the club. “I’m the club’s bookkeeper.” I watch Firebird as she takes a sip from her bottle. As her lips curve around the shallow neck of the bottle, I break contact, hoping the loss of contact will ease the pounding blood in my cock.

  “Where’s your father, Daisy.” Day’s question breaks into the silence and Firebird’s smile slips as she gently places her bottle onto the table.

  “I don’t know. We haven’t seen him in a few days. I told you this earlier.”

  “Have you reported him missing?”

  “No, not this time. The sheriff’s office was pissed after the third time Pa disappeared. We’re used to it now.”

  The tension between Firebird and Day is mounting and with a smile, I grab Firebird’s hand and pull her up. “Come on, Firebird, let’s dance.”

  Firebird’s smile fades, and I want it back. Amber eyes flash at me. “Daisy.” This time I catch the vulnerability behind her gaze and before she has a chance to hide it, I push the loose hair behind her ear.

  Pulling the lithe body into my arms, I nibble her ear. “You’ll always be Firebird to me.” Her body shivers next to mine, and I pull her in closer. Someone has changed the tempo of the music and lazily I sway with Firebird. As her body moves in closer to mine, I suck on the soft flesh of her ear, trailing slow kisses along her slim, lithe, throat. When my lips meet with the beat of the pulse in her neck, I lather the spot, stroking the indention of her spine. With a gentle thrust of my hips. I make it clear to Firebird the effect she is having on me. The slight hesitation as she stumbles against me, and the low gasp she releases, tells me I am not the only one effected by the chemistry between us. With a slow walk, I lead Firebird out of the room and escort her to my cabin. With my hand resting on the door handle, I turn once more to the small woman. “Are you sure?”


  Daisy – Demon’s Lair Noir Valley

  My heart races as my hands grow clammy, and my panties dampen as the ache in my pussy flourishes. Leon’s hand is on the door handle and my gaze refuses to move from the dark golden skin. In the distance, I hear his question. The moment broken when I glance over to the stairs. As I stare at my escape route, my feet decline to move in that direction. Instead, they propel me into the cabin. The room isn’t large, and my gaze focuses on the large bed. A bed which dominates the room. The low click of the door locking as it shuts, breaks into my musings and I force myself to take in my surroundings. There is a wardrobe, with matching drawers. On top of the drawers lie several condom packets. My heart picks up its pace and I draw in a deep breath. “The bathroom. Where’s the bathroom?” My voice is weak, and my eyes never leave Leon as he moves round me to push a door open. No sooner is the door closed behind me, than I lean my head against the wood panel, closing my eyes as I count. For several nights the biker has plagued my dreams. Causing me to wake in a hot sweat as wet fluid trickled down my body. The cold water doesn’t do anything to ease the heavy pulsing at my wrists. When I glance in the mirror, my eyes are large, and my cheeks are flushed. From desire or from nerves, I am unsure. Through the walls, the strains of ‘Feel like making love’ can be heard. With one last glance in the mirror, I turn to return to Leon. He is right about my coming here tonight. Before leaving home, I had questioned myself over my decision to come to Demon’s Lair. Several times, I walked to the car, only to return to the house. As I lectured myself, I told myself, I’m a woman. I knew what I was doing when I accepted his invitation.

  When I return to the room, Leon has settled in an armchair. The floral pattern faded, at odds with the masculine room. Yet a reminder of the old south. His dark eyes are carefully studying me as I stroll further into the room. “Daisy.” The wisp of his voice as he plays with my name, and the thrill of him calling me Daisy, teases my and with a weak smile I go and stand before the biker. The queasiness abating in my stomach.


  “If you want to leave. You can.”

  I shake my head as I pull the lime green top off. As I stand semi naked, I tug the bobby pins from my hair. My hands clench and unclench at my sides, as I watch Leon’s Adam apple bob as he gulps for air. When his arms reach out for me. I willingly walk into them. With Leon’s help, I straddle his lap. Where he then gently guides my pussy to his denim covered cock, thrusting slightly as I settle myself over him. Blood pounds through my body and I finally taste his lips. Moving together we become accustomed to each other. Soft light fingers caress my flesh, causing my body to tremble. Leon’s touch leaves me unable to suppress my moan back any longer. When I bring our bodies closer, my nipples rub against the cloth of his Tee-shirt, sending another shaft of desire through my body. I want flesh against flesh, and eagerly I pull and tug on the Tee-shirt. Breaking contact only long enough to remove the piece of material. Leaning slightly back, I spread my fingers over his muscled chest. Flickering his nipples as they come to life. The slight shuffle of his hips, and the thrust of his lower body against mine, tells me Leon isn’t unaffected by my touch. For a moment, when his hands touch my breasts, I hold my breath, waiting. When his fingers pull and tug on the ridged nubs, I moan as I relax.

  “They don’t disappoint you?”

  “Why should I be disappointed?”

  “Because they’re flat.” And they are. Like the rest of my body. I am thin and flat. I barely have hips an
d my waist is nonexistent.

  “No, I’m not disappointed.”

  As though to prove his point, Leon slips one of the nubs into his mouth. His teeth gently biting on the hard tip. Another shot of arousal cascades through my body as my back arches, and my pussy gushes. The warmth of his tongue as it moves from one nub to the other has me pushing my body harder into his. The seam of my pants pressing onto my pulsing clit. “Please. Do something.”

  “I am.” One moment I am straddling Leon, the next, I am on my back as he spreads my legs to settle himself against my junction. His lips once more return to my mouth. As our lips meet. Leon thrusts his tongue into my mouth. When I wiggle my tongue in his mouth, the hint of whisky teases my taste buds. My hips lift as my legs hook on to the back of his legs. While Leon continues to kiss me, his hands search my body. Fluttering across my stomach. My breath sticks in my throat when his fingers skate over, then slowly slides down the zipper. Unable to stop myself, I raise my hips while Leon pulls my pants down. Only breaking the kiss when I shuffle my legs out of the cumbersome material. Leon leans back on his heels. His eyes now black as obsidian as they rake over my body. As hard as I try, I attempt to squeeze my legs together, to hide my pussy from the burning glare. His fingers stroke my shoulders, moving slowly down to play once more with my nipples. While Leon pulls and tugs on the flesh, my hands roam down his arms, stroking the warm smooth skin. Leon abandons my nipples, and a cry of distress escapes me.

  “It’s okay I’m not going anywhere.” His hands span my waist as his thumbs dips into my navel. Not satisfied with the torture he is inflicting on my lower body. Leon’s fingers slide and tug gently on the curly downy hair which hides my sex. “I knew you’d be neat here.” Satisfaction purrs through his voice and more cream rushes to my junction. His voice is in awe as his finger slides in between the plump lips. As he continues to stroke the wetness, my moans grow louder. My arms fall onto the bed as my hips thrust against his hand.


  “Shush, Firebird.” As Leon continues to stroke and play with my clit, my body burns and the growing ache in me begs for release. Just as I thought I would come from his touch alone, Leon’s mouth rests on my pussy. His tongue probing against the damp flesh as he strokes me.

  “Do that again.” His chuckle vibrates against my flesh and my legs clasps onto the sides of his head as my hands grip on to his hair. “Fuck… Yes… More.”

  With each lick and thrust Leon makes, my body twists and turns. Searching for what is evading it. One moment his tongue is delivering me heaven, the next, the tip of his finger is pushing against my entrance. Willingly I open up, relaxing as he pushes in, only to withdraw. The thrusts of his finger is slow and gentle, then he picks up the pace. With each thrust he makes, my hips match. “Do something, Leon!”

  He did. One finger became two, and my body twists as the throbs in my clit grow heavier, harder, demanding. Even the slight rustle and the gentle touch of Leon’s cock, doesn’t break my arousal. Leon’s lips meet mine and his tongue thrusts into me. With gentle patience, he thrusts his cock into my opening, stretching my flesh as he slowly plunges in and out. Going deeper with each surge he makes. Several thrusts later, the throb in my clit gives way and my body bows as I let go. As I lie panting beneath Leon, his grunts echo in my ear as he comes, finding his own release in my body.

  When I wake, the room is in darkness. Across my waist is the weight of an unfamiliar arm. And for a moment, I just lie in the bed, unsure where I am. As I listen to the man breathing, I recognize Leon’s cabin. Careful, so as not to disturb the biker, I wiggle my body from under his arm and in the dark, I search for my clothes.

  Chapter 4

  Leon – An unknow Biker Bar outside Noir Valley

  The woman is killing me and there’s not a thing I can do about it until I return to Noir Valley. To think she almost had me begging her to stay. Yet at the last minute, I had let her go. With a frustrated sigh, I run my hands through my hair. Shit, I didn’t even have her number.



  TJ is my half-brother, and I’m the product of a one-night fuck between my mother, who was a club whore and TJ’s father. A biker who was never faithful to his wife, TJ’s mother. Shit the fact I came out the color I had, is the only reason the old biker never denied who I was, or our relationship. Sid joined the River Demons when the divide between color was strong. He’d started life as a broom boy, sweeping out the old club house. Slowly he earned the trust and respect of Ace, the club’s president back in the early days. Then after years of abuse and torment he was offered the role of prospect. He never rose in the ranks. He never became an officer of the club. He did, however, become a River Demon and lived to tell the story, only to die of throat cancer. He wasn’t around to see the day when TJ and I became officers. Would he be proud of us? I’d like to think he would. As for my mother. I became a badge of honor because of my bloodline. The thought of the woman who gave birth to me, causes me to spit onto the ground. I haven’t seen the whore from the day she rode out of town on the back of another biker’s bike, when I was thirteen.

  “Sinbad sent a message.” I keep the cellphone clasped in my hand as wait for TJ to answer, whose face remains blank as he looks at the trees in the distances.

  “What does he want?”

  “A game – High steaks.”

  “Fine, send the invites out.” Like myself, TJ drinks from a soda can. The can crinkling as he squeezes the sides together. “Shit, Leon. You haven’t said a word all day.”

  “That might be because we were on our bikes…. Or maybe I just don’t have anything to say.” From the corner of my eye, I watch TJ give a shrug of his leather covered shoulder, and when he flashes his all-knowing smirk, I clench my fist around my empty can.

  “Will you be wanting in on the game?” TJ was like that. He’d switch from one conversation to another then back to the original conversation.

  My gaze returns to the lake. The stillness of the deep chasm of water at odds with the roaring in my ears. Blood thrashes around my skull. My hand clenches around my cell. Ignoring TJ, I quickly scan the group and find who I am looking for. Mattie. Mattie is the club’s newest prospect. Having joined the River Demons three months ago. It was on our return from a ride, we discovered Mattie lost in an on-line game. This was when we learned of his interest in technology and a little bit about his background. Now, thanks to his hobby, he works closely with TJ, the club’s secretary. He also earned himself the biker name, Data. I turn my gaze back to TJ.

  “Have you ever known me to miss a game?”

  TJ’s deep chuckle rings out clearly. A cross between Darth Vada and God, and at the infectious sound my own chuckle breaks free. With one last glance at my surroundings, I slap TJ on his back as I rise, causing the biker to rock as he too rises from his crouched position.

  There’s no rush in my quest to reach Data. Thanks to the break, Day called, we were at an off-road biker bar, and intend to hang around for a while. Have a bite to eat. Chat as we loosen our muscles and stretch our bones. “Hey Data…. Do me a favor.”

  Data is a pup. His hazel eyes still unshadowed by the harshness of life. An innocence he’ll lose soon enough, thanks to his life choices. “Sure, Leon… Whatever it is. I’ll do it.”

  “Find me a number.”

  After passing on what information I have over to Data, I swiftly return to Shirley, the black and chrome Low Rider Harley I’d had custom made. Shit, I love my bike, and for a moment, she idly throbs between my legs. I don’t know how he did it, but just as we prepare to return to the road, Data, comes up trumps, and although it’s late evening by the time we reach Demon’s Lair, I eagerly ring the number.

  Firebird answers on the fifth ring. The lack of warmth in her voice has me pondering if I am doing the right thing. Was she worth keeping around for a while or should I just walk away before any damage is sustained? Especially after the way she made her escape from Demon’s Lair early this morn

  “Firebird. You hurt me… Where’s my welcome.”

  “What do you want, Leon… It’s late?”

  Seconds, I barely have seconds to make my mind up. Firebird may be grumpy, but I refuse to let this or her, put me off. “You spread out on my bed. Naked, waiting for me.”

  “Leon. Don’t you think if I wanted a repeat of last night. I’d be at the club waiting for you.”

  “Don’t be a bitch. The only reason I’m letting you get off easily is because I know you’re scared.”


  Is that mockery I hear? “Yeah, Scared.”

  The line goes silent and just as I begin to believe Firebird has hung up. Her voice wafts over to me, curling around my ear like a wisp. “I’m not scared of you. I have more sense.”

  I tap my nose. “Prove it.”

  “Prove it.” Soft tinkling laughter vibrates over my cell, warming my blood as it rushes to my head. I close my eyes as I count my breaths. Once my breathing returns to normal, I resume our conversation.

  “Yeah – Come over to Demon’s Lair.”

  “It’s late.”

  Fuck, a glance at my Rolex shows it is early morning. Firebird is right. It is late for a visit and I doubt she would appreciate it if I rode over to her place. “Meet me for breakfast.”

  “Leon, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I wasn’t giving up, and with a smile, I lower my voice. “You owe me breakfast, Firebird.”

  “Do you treat all your lays to breakfast?”

  A rumbling chuckle escapes before I have time to stop it. “Only the special ones, Firebird. - And you lady - are special.” The silence at the other end of the cell deepens my smile as I lean back against the bed. Placing my hand behind my head, I glance up at the ceiling. “Firebird.”

  A deep sigh rings in my ear, and if I were to close my eyes, I would see her eyes roll. “Against my better judgement I’m still here… And if it gets you off the phone. I’ll meet you for breakfast.”


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