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Kaliya Sahni: Volume One (Kaliya Sahni Volumes Book 1)

Page 29

by K. N. Banet

  I nearly caught my breath. It was her posture, the look in her eyes, the way she tilted her head in curiosity at the underground bar that made me realize something I didn’t expect.

  She’s been in places like this before. Lady Sorcha has secrets. How fucking interesting. I wonder if Cassius knows.

  The Lady’s eyes lit up with happiness when they found me and Raphael. She waved aside Paden and walked around her husband.

  “Kaliya! Raphael! How wonderful it is to see both of you,” she exclaimed.

  I chuckled and hugged her, even if the contact made me uncomfortable. I didn’t know the woman well, but she was charming, and Cassius loved her. Normally, that didn’t make me uncomfortable, but what I had just seen on her face had told me there was much more to Sorcha than she’d let on. In Cassius’ mansion, I always got the impression she was your standard-if more daring than most-fae. She understood how to host guests, throw a party, and earn herself political renown that netted her one of the most prized fae bachelors.

  She had just shown me she wasn’t only those things.

  “It’s good to see you, too,” I said, pulling away first. Her moon grey eyes studied me, and I wondered how I missed how cunning they were when I first met her. She realized I had seen something.

  “Why don’t we find a table?” Cassius said as he walked up and wrapped an arm around Sorcha’s waist. He was looking around, anxious. This wasn’t his type of place, but it was fun to see him there. At least, to me, it was.

  “I like that idea,” Raphael said. “There’s a little booth open in the corner. Let’s go.”

  “I’ll order our drinks,” Sorcha whispered as Cassius started to walk away. He nodded, looking between his wife and me.

  Once the men were gone, I looked at Sorcha and raised an eyebrow. Paden walked up, more tentative than I had ever seen him.

  “I’m going to trust you two to stay out of trouble,” the bar owner whispered.

  “Why would we get into trouble?” Sorcha asked with a warm smile. “I got out of the trouble-making business, Paden. Don’t worry.”

  “Yeah…” Paden sighed. “If I had known it was you marrying Cassius, I would have packed my bags and left town, like every other smart fae probably would have.”

  “I’m obviously missing something,” I said, shaking my head in confusion, hoping they would back up. “Sorcha is famous, and I’ve never heard a damn thing bad about her. What am I missing? And why did you walk in here as if you own it?” I turned that last question on her, getting to the root of the strangeness.

  “I’m the only fae who works with iron. That might make me famous to other supernatural species, but it makes me infamous among the fae. I used to do a lot of business in places like this. I didn’t grow up with a title or a high-class family, I had to earn it. In the end, most people will tell you I bought it. I was too rich and too outspoken for the fae nobility to ignore, so they gave me a title to make me respectable. There are fae who dislike me for that and for my particular skills.” Sorcha shrugged nonchalantly. “I never planned on marrying a man like Cassius. I can already see the questions swirling in your eyes. Of course, he knows my past. When you invited us here, I had to remind him I’m used to places like this.”

  “She’s making that sound much simpler than it really is,” Paden said, eyeing her. “Lady Sorcha was once a silver worker. That was the power of her clan. They fell more into the light side of the fae, being a clan of Oberon, but her father wasn’t very talented, and he fell in love with a fae from the clans of Titania. She’s both, but not really either.”

  “And being both gave me the power to work with iron, not just silver,” she finished, her little smile never leaving. I got the distinct feeling she was very proud of her accomplishments, but from the way Paden was acting, those accomplishments were covered in blood. I also knew the story wasn’t nearly as simple as it sounded. There were plenty of weak clan fae who could trace their lineage back to both Titania and Oberon.

  Cassius, you have a type, and one day, I’m going to call you out for it. For such a stick in the mud, you sure love dangerous women.

  “I’m obviously still missing some of this story, but you know what? I’m here to drink whiskey and get Raphael out of the house, not stick my nose in fae politics.” Nodding once, I turned to Henley, who pointed at the two drinks he left on the counter next to me. I picked up my whiskey as the other disappeared with a wave of Paden’s hand. I checked the booth to see the beer appear in front of Raphael.

  “I’ll take a martini, and Cassius will have a…hmmm. Do you have any wine?” Sorcha went up on her toes and looked over the bar.

  “I’ll see what I have in the back for him,” Paden said stiffly, walking away.

  “So, I’m never inviting you here again,” I declared quietly, catching Sorcha’s eyes. “I lived with you for nearly two months, and no one thought to tell me you had a past.”

  “As you said, it’s fae politics,” she replied kindly. “I haven’t gotten into any trouble in over twenty years. It was a long time ago for me, and I’m just grateful that Cassius saw through all of it and accepted me. I love him, you know. It’s not about the power. I could have married anyone for power. I’ve rejected fae who would have been more advantageous than him, but Cassius…”

  “He’s something,” I agreed. “I’m not saying you’re bad for him, or I think you used him. I was just a little caught off guard. Me? I was bad for him.”

  “As a lover? Oh, yes.” Sorcha laughed as Henley put down her martini in front of her. “As a friend? I think you give him something no one else can. You keep him humble and on his toes. I met him once, long before you and him and me and him. He was rigid, and his father was still in power. He was an asshole, and I hated him. Two and a half years ago, he wasn’t that man. Hearing about you two and finally getting the chance to see you together made me realize it was somewhat because of you.”

  “His father leaving the throne and abandoning the fae didn’t help,” I whispered, sipping my whiskey.

  “No, it didn’t, but let’s talk about something else while we leave the boys to their own devices. How are you and Raphael?”

  “Cassius told you, didn’t he?” I asked very softly.

  “Told me what?” she asked brightly, but when I looked at her face, I knew she knew.

  “We’re fine. Nothing’s going on. He works out. I work. He eats a lot.” I decided it wouldn’t be prudent to tell Sorcha any more than that, not that there was much to tell. I stared at Raphael a lot, and most of the time, I wanted to crawl up his furnace of a body and feel the heat in places I shouldn’t. Such was the way of being a naga exposed to a potential mate. My fangs ached painfully just thinking about it.

  What killed me a little inside was he never noticed. I almost wanted him to. My brain didn’t. Oh no, I was too smart for my brain to be okay with the situation, but my sex drive had a mind of its own.

  Sorcha’s smirk didn’t disappear, but she didn’t press for more. When Paden came back with a bottle, we walked to the table with him. Cassius gave Sorcha an annoyed look, then took the bottle of wine with an eye roll, something I didn’t expect from him.

  “You aren’t funny,” he whispered to his wife.

  “I’m hilarious,” she retorted. “Now, drink your wine like a good noble and keep your reputation untarnished while I get drunk with Kaliya.”

  I snorted, covering my face before I spat out the whiskey in my mouth.

  “What if I wanted to get drunk?” he asked, a small smile forming.

  “You’re not allowed to get drunk with Kaliya,” she reminded him, leaning in to kiss him. “From the stories I’ve heard, you get in trouble when you drink with Kaliya, though…” Sorcha turned and winked at me. “If either of you ever wants to revisit that relationship you once had, just let me know, and I’ll get the tequila out. Just let me be in the room.”

  My face heated, something I wasn’t expecting. Raphael coughed beside me, and when I turned to him
, his face gave away that his mind went to the same place mine did.

  Sorcha had just invited me to a threesome.

  Sorcha’s gaze followed mine. I tracked her through the corner of my eye, and when she looked at Raphael, something devious bloomed on her face.

  “What about you, Raphael?” She swatted Cassius’ arm and smiled. “He’s handsome in that rough way, right? We don’t see it often among the fae. Everyone goes for the most ethereal looks and keep themselves so proper and clean, but you and I know how to appreciate that rough look.” Her glamour fell away as if she was using it to prove her point. Her ears lengthened into what humans would think of as elves. Her eyes were too big and her cheekbones were high and sharp. Her face was no longer soft in any way, looking angular like someone had carved her out of stone.

  Cassius only gave his wife a bored look as if he was used to this and didn’t feel like playing along. Maybe it was because I knew him so well, but I was certain only Sorcha and I caught the amused glint in his eyes. Her glamour went back up as she batted her eyes innocently.

  “Oh. Um. I’m not…no, thank you. I’m not looking to get involved in anything right now.” Raphael cast me a look that screamed for me to save him, but I knew there was no saving him. There was something else in his expression, but I didn’t understand what it was. I had never seen Sorcha act this bold before. I hadn’t known it was something she had in her.

  “I can’t blame you,” she said with a husky chuckle. “If I lived with a hot thing like Kaliya, I wouldn’t be looking for anything, either. I’m amazed Cassius got away from her and ended up with me.”

  “Now you’re just flattering me,” I said, quickly finishing my whiskey and lifting the empty glass for Henley or Paden to see. I was beginning to think inviting Sorcha out for drinks wasn’t the safest of ideas. I looked at Cassius, hoping he had some idea about how to control his wife, but he sipped his wine, looking mildly amused.

  “I’m just messing with the two of you,” she said. “I’m feeling a little naughty.”

  “Because you haven’t been to a place like this in years,” Cassius said quietly. “I knew this was going to happen. Don’t let my lovely wife fool you. This is the real Sorcha. Everything else is the act, the show she puts on for the rest of the nobility. She likes to kick up her feet, even if she’s refined while she does.”

  “Well, it’s going to make for one hell of an evening,” I declared, grinning as another whiskey appeared in front of me. A martini appeared in front of Sorcha, a copy of her original order. She finished off her first one, delighted with her second. Raphael chugged his beer, and another appeared for him as well.

  Cassius narrowed his eyes on all of us.

  “Yes, apparently it will.” He didn’t seem excited, but there was resignation in his expression that meant he wasn’t going to try to stop it.


  Chapter Three

  I was laughing as we stumbled out of The Jackalope together, Sorcha hanging on me as she tried to take off her heels and walk at the same time.

  “Oh, I haven’t had this much fun in years! Paden, please let us come back!” she called back, nearly pulling me down as she twisted.

  “You can come back,” Paden said nicely. “There weren’t any fights, so I guess you provide a calming effect on Kaliya, which is always a bonus.”

  I glared at him, then hiccupped. He chuckled, waving at me to keep walking. Cassius got the front door open for us before I sent Sorcha and me through the glass. Raphael grabbed my elbow as I let go of my new best friend and watched her fall into her husband’s chest.

  “You know how to party,” I declared, pointing at her.

  “Of course! I’m glad to see someone here knows how to have a good time with me.” She grinned mischievously. “We have to do a girls’ night one day. Just me and you.”

  “Have mercy on me,” Cassius whispered.

  I barked out a laugh and leaned back into the body helping me stay on my feet. It was so warm, and butterflies flew in my stomach as an arm wrapped around my waist. My fangs dropped.

  “Oh, what big teeth you have,” Sorcha teased, leaning in close. “I’ve never seen those. Open wider!”

  I did, letting her lean in close, but Cassius pulled her back before Sorcha could touch them.

  “We don’t touch those. They tend to kill people. Raphael, get Kaliya home,” he ordered the warm body holding me. I waved at Sorcha as her husband walked her to their car and followed the body pulling me away.

  “You know, Raphael, you don’t have to help me walk. I can do just fine.” I hiccupped again as he opened the BMW’s door.

  “I’m sure you can, but I wouldn’t be much of the gentleman my mother raised if I let you stumble into the concrete parking lot,” he retorted, smiling as our eyes met. It was such a wonderful smile. I didn’t see it very often. “I’m going to drive, okay? I only had a couple, and I’m feeling fine.”

  “Okay,” I said, climbing into the passenger’s seat. I wasn’t in any state to drive, and he was already covered on my insurance. I couldn’t find a reason to be upset.

  “Wait!” Cassius called, showing up a moment later beside Raphael, looking delicious. I bit my lip, wondering why I turned Sorcha down. I hadn’t had sex in a long time, and the alcohol was telling me I really needed to. Cassius leaving had actually been the last time I got any.

  “What’s up?” Raphael asked, turning to almost block my view of the fae lord I used to be with.

  “I forgot to mention it earlier. Sorcha and I are going to be in the fae lands hopefully for only a couple weeks, but it might be longer. If either of you needs me, just get to my house, and Leith should be able to find me.”

  “The fae lands?” I groaned. “But you just got back from your honeymoon. Why do they need you?”

  “I need to tour my estate. Sorcha and I have been putting it off, but we’ve been told under no circumstances can we continue to neglect that particular duty as a noble.” He sighed, looking around Raphael. “It won’t be impossible to find me.”

  “But it might take longer than two weeks,” I countered, my head thumping almost painfully as I got a little pissed off. “It could take months.”

  “I won’t let them keep me that long, not with Raphael’s mysteries still darkening our doorsteps. Just stay out of trouble, will you?”

  “I’ll do my best.”

  He nodded once and left again, jogging away to his car. Raphael shut me in and walked to the driver’s side, adjusting the seat when he sat down.

  “You were looking at him like a piece of meat,” he said softly as we pulled out of the parking lot. “Sure you’re over him?”

  “Yes.” I looked at his profile, illuminated by the streetlights and dash. He had such a strong jaw. The alcohol and my own biological urges told me I wanted to nibble on it. His pretty chocolate eyes were shadowed.

  “Okay,” he said simply and sharply.

  “What?” I snorted. “My personal life isn’t your business. If I had said yes to Sorcha, it wouldn’t have been your business.”

  “You’re right,” he said, turning to get us on the right road toward home.

  I felt stung and went quiet.

  I want it to be your business.

  I shouldn’t have drunk so much. I’m beginning to think like a fool.

  Fucking biology.

  He pulled into the parking garage of my building and turned off the engine, sighing.

  “Let’s get you upstairs.”

  I managed to get the door open and walk out on my own, but he had to catch me before I fell into someone else’s car, then closed my door and locked it. He kept his arm around my waist all the way to the elevator and hit the button for my floor.

  “This is how you always drink, isn’t it?” he asked softly, keeping me on my feet.

  “No.” I leaned into him, unable to resist a drunk woman's urge to anchor myself to something solid, usually an attractive man. “Sorcha really got me going, then I couldn’t brin
g myself to stop. It was fun hanging out with her. She’s fun.”

  “She’s something,” he mumbled. I wanted to glare at him, but then I felt him chuckle. “She knew how to embarrass every one of us at that table. And, uh, the bartender, Henley. He’s a werewolf, right?”

  “Yup. Paden is fae. Deacon is fae, too. Everyone who works there is supernatural.” I turned to push my face into his shoulder, closing my eyes at the same time. The world stopped spinning for a second. “Sorry she teased you.”

  “It was, uh, fine,” he said, obviously uncomfortable again. I looked up, blinking a couple of times to try to clear my vision, but I still saw four of him.

  “You’re allowed, you know. To…go date, or whatever. No one can stop you. Probably not a good idea to date human girls, but…” I shrugged. “You don’t need to stay single because of the shit going on.”

  “I’m not staying single because of that,” he whispered, looking down at me. “Not completely.”

  “I would fuck you, no strings attached,” I said, sighing as I put my head back on his shoulder. Wouldn’t that be the dream? Fucking him but not mating him. Not needing to worry about any of the other shit. Feeling those hot…

  Then I realized what I’d said, and that I had said it out loud.

  The elevator dinged for my floor as I pulled away from him, horror going through me. He tried to catch me as I stumbled back through the open door. Luckily, I didn’t plant my ass on the tile and was able to make it to my door. I fumbled, looking for my keys, frustrated when I remembered he had them.

  He seemed calm as he reached around me and unlocked my condo, even twisting the handle to push it open before I could bring myself to move.

  “Good night, Kaliya,” he whispered as I finally started walking inside. I didn’t stop, keeping my feet moving until I made it to my bedroom and locked the door.

  My back hit the door as my buzz quickly disappeared, and reason came back to me.

  I just said that. I can’t fucking believe I just said that. Out loud. What is wrong with me?


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