His Captive Human: A Dark Sci-Fi Romance (Centauri Captives Book 1)
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His Captive Human
Copyright 2019 by Kallista Dane and Kate Richards
Cover art by Fantasia Frog Designs
ISBN: 978-1-68361-337-4
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work, in whole or in part, in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden
without the written permission of the publisher.
Published by Decadent Publishing LLC
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Don’t Miss the Next Book in the Centauri Captives Series: Ravished
About the Authors
The planet Arythios is no more…
At least as far as those who formerly inhabited it are concerned. Captain Mantsk of the starship was far away from home on a diplomatic mission when communications with ground control broke down. By the time they made their way back to the vicinity of home, they learned of the invasion and massacre of all on the planet’s surface. Men, women, children…all murdered. The only remaining Arythians are those on a handful of other vessels fortunate enough to have been away as well. There were no females aboard.
Captain Mantsk and his crew are on a mission to save their people. Their requests for help to the Interstellar Federation have either not been returned or, in the case of Earth, been rebuffed. The leaders of that planet, however, did offer to send some sex slaves for the men to use… With no females, the captain accepts. These females will have to be more than bodies for his men to use. They will also have to save the race from extinction.
My world is gone…
After a nasty breakup, I was determined to make some changes in my life. But when I volunteered for a diplomatic mission to the planet Arythios, I never expected to wake up naked hurtling through space on a grim alien warship. Given away by my country as a sex toy for its stern commander.
He’s huge and gray, and even more of a Dom than my old boyfriend was. I hate being his captive—but my body loves the things he does to me.
My world is gone…
We were far from home when we found out our planet Arythios had been attacked. By the time we learned of the invasion, it was too late. Men, women, children…all murdered. The only members of my race to survive were my crew and those on a handful of other vessels fortunate enough to have been away as well.
Our requests for refuge and help from the Interstellar Federation were ignored or refused, except for an offer from the leaders of Earth to send sex slaves to my crew. Though I was furious at the casual insult, I accepted.
I had no choice.
The females they sent will have to be more than bodies my men can use. They will have to save our race from extinction.
His Captive Human
Centauri Captives Book 1
A Dark Sci-Fi Alien Romance
Kallista Dane and Kate Richards
Chapter One
“Captain, the females are aboard.”
I lifted my head from the holographic image, neck creaking in protest as I did. I’d been studying the star maps for hours, as I did every day, hunting for a possible alternative to our home planet if our mission should…no, I wouldn’t say fail. Wouldn’t even allow myself to think it. We would return to our world. I’d staked my life on it and the lives of my crew. But it might take time, and with the cargo we’d just acquired, we might need somewhere to settle at least temporarily.
“A pleasant diversion for your troops, as a gesture of our good will.” That’s what the Earth leader had called them. Certainly, they would satisfy our carnal desires, but we needed them for more. For breeding.
Offspring did not develop properly in space. That’s what our scientists said. They would need a planet with real gravity to reach full stature and for optimum brain development. That meant we had only months to make plans, if all went well and our people did indeed have breeding capability with the Terran women. Pray to all the gods we did or our species would end with us.
Standing, I turned over command to the first mate and started for the portal compartment where the volunteers had arrived. They must be quite docile females to accept this mission, leave everything behind, and venture into space for the rest of their lives. Our own preferred to stay on the ground, and their males, who held dominance, quashed the independent ideas of the few who wanted to take ship for the stars.
I bit back a curse as the images I tried so hard to keep at bay flooded my mind. My fury at the invasion of our world was still fresh. Not yet morphed into grief.
Our females were dead. And the children as well. The elderly and those who had gone about their lives on the planet’s surface. All our civilian leadership. Most of the royal house. The invaders had settled into the buildings they had not destroyed.
I stepped into the lift and palmed the panel, leaning against the cold metal wall as I descended.
Earth would not have us as guests or visitors, which would have made it much easier, at least on a temporary basis, but their leaders vetoed our request. Yet they had sent this group of females to us rather like tribute. Slaves on whom to slake our lust. Perhaps they had too many females? Although our males were in charge of our homes, I could not image our rulers sending any of our females away like this. Perhaps they had sent us those they found troublesome?
I shrugged aside the unease those thoughts brought forth. If Earth males did have trouble controlling their females, then that would seem to line up with their concerns about us even setting foot on their planet. Their insecurities were not ours. Their failings their own. And no male of Arythios would have such faults.
As I stepped out of the lift and into the passageway, anticipation blossomed in my chest. As captain, I would make the first selection from among the females. The one I chose would take my seed, cool my lusts, bear my young. Perhaps the young of others as well. Our species was at risk of ending with this generation.
The door slid open at my approach to reveal the females, still asleep as the Earth liaison had told us they would be. They wore tight-fitting clothing, unsuitable for those who would soon swell with young, but no matter.
Strolling between them, taking in each, trying to choose, I paused by a dark-skinned, slender woman with soft features, then again by a pale-haired one with muscular arms and legs. How to decide between them? Did Earth females have different characteristics based on their hair or skin color? Was one more amenable to direction than another? More pleasurable in bed? Better at bearing more babes to replenish our race?
Stopping at the side of a flame-haired female with ample curves,
I decided on a test, my cock hardening at my thoughts. “Can I awaken her?” I asked the crewman who moved from one to the next, tending them.
“Certainly, Captain,” he replied. “A few have opened their eyes and fallen back asleep. It seems they were heavily sedated for their journey.”
I tapped the female on her cheek once then twice, and her lids flickered then opened to reveal eyes the deep green of the sea near our capital city. “Welcome, female.”
She blinked but did not speak as I freed my cock from my uniform and held it toward her full, rosy lips.
“Open,” I ordered and, grasping the back of her head, brought her closer. When her jaws remained closed, I thrust a thumb into her mouth and opened it then fed my cock inside slowly, inhaling deeply as it was surrounded by her heat. “Suck, female. You have the honor of being considered by the captain of this vessel. Show me your eagerness.”
She gasped, and I took advantage of her greater openness to drive into her throat. Her mouth tightened, and she tried to pull away, but I grabbed her by the back of her head and held her there, plunging inside over and over again, my thighs trembling with the effort to stand as the pleasure rose and my balls tightened. “That’s a good female.”
Her eyes closed and I wasn’t sure she was fully aware, actually actively involved. But her sedation would wear off soon enough, and then she truly could express her gratitude for my attentions. Though I wanted to thrust deep and hard without restraint, it had been so long since the last time I’d visited a house of pleasure that I forced myself to go slow, wanting another moment or two before duty called me back to command. Her long hair was plaited, and I wrapped the thick braid around my fist, changing the angle for even deeper penetration, groaning as she took it all.
“Captain, you are needed on the bridge.” The synthesized voice on the intercom cut through my intent to linger, and I let my cum pour down her throat, grunting satisfaction as she swallowed.
This female would do.
“Have her stripped and brought to my cabin, then the other officers may make their selections.” I strode out of the chamber and back to the lift, my mind once again on the business of piloting this ship through space, finding a temporary home for our people, and, one day, retaking Arythios.
Chapter Two
I woke with a start. My teeth chattered, sending a stabbing pain through my skull. I clamped my jaws together, cutting off the string of curses I’d been about to utter, and opened my eyes a crack.
Black. Totally black. Not even a hint of light penetrated the darkness. Sheer panic poured over me.
I’m chilled to the bone, and everything is black. Am I dead?
Don’t be ridiculous, the rational Jess retorted. If you were dead, you wouldn’t feel anything. Not the cold and not the axe that’s gotta be sticking out of your forehead.
She tended to be rather snarky, but rational Jess had a good point. I fought off the panic attack, taking long deep breaths, and brushed a shaky hand over my brow, then sighed in relief. She was half right. If I was dead, I wouldn’t be in such agony, but there wasn’t a weapon protruding from my skull.
I shivered again, suddenly aware of the bone-deep weariness all over my body, the ache in my throat. Not dead. Maybe sick? Think, Jess. What’s the last thing you can remember?
A rainbow of light, exploding before my eyes. Dazzling me with its brilliance as my body accelerated through the tunnel.
No, not a tunnel. A portal.
Memory returned, in bits and pieces that didn’t make sense at first, especially when all my senses began operating again.
I lay on a cold, hard smooth surface. Moving carefully, I slid my hands around as far as I could reach. Yup. Cold and hard. And smooth. Just like a table in the morgue.
Okay, that didn’t help. I was pretty sure I wasn’t dead. I tried to relax. Empty my brain and let the memories fade in and out.
“The journey will take a while, but you won’t be aware of time passing. It will seem like the blink of an eye.”
I recognized the voice in my head. Calm, with an almost hypnotic tone to it. Doctor Abrams. He’d been in charge of our medical exams, certifying us as being capable of travel.
Travel. My eyes popped open again, and I groaned as another razor-sharp pain tore through my head.
Still pure black all around me.
I tamped down another wave of panic. No sign of brilliant-white sand and deep-green seas. No hint of warmth from a trio of red suns. No hearty welcome for our mission of diplomacy from the envoy I’d met back home on Earth.
Something had gone horribly wrong. I had no idea where I’d ended up, but it didn’t look anything like the pictures I’d seen of Arythios.
Time passed. I had no way to measure it, since every second felt like an eternity in my cold black hell. I tried counting to sixty then stacking the minutes into hours, but the pain in my head made it impossible to keep track of the numbers.
The longer I was awake, the more information I processed. And the more information I processed, the worse my situation became.
I couldn’t move. Sliding my hands around my body didn’t count. I seemed to be incapable of sitting up or rolling over. Or even raising my head. As best I could tell, an invisible force field held me in place. Probably a good thing, since I had no idea how large the surface underneath my body really was. If I rolled off it, I might drop into a bottomless black abyss.
Once my heart quit pounding, I picked up subtle vibrations in the surface I was lying on. Motions that told me a silent but powerful engine operated nearby. Normally, mechanical devices were monitored by sentient life forces, if not on site, then from a distance. Some being would eventually find me. I could only hope it wouldn’t be too late.
And that led me to my last and worst realization. When I wrapped my arms around my body to stay warm, I found out someone—or some thing—already knew I was here.
I swallowed painfully and put a hand to my throat, fearing the hazy memory taking shape in my mind hadn’t been a nightmare after all.
I wasn’t wearing the uniform I had on when I stepped into the star portal for transport. It had disappeared, along with the silky black panties I wore underneath to remind me I could work for the diplomatic branch of our military without giving up my sexy side. Someone—or some thing—had stripped away the symbols of my rank along with my femininity. Trapped me here in the dark. Helpless. Stark naked.
Chapter Three
The heavy thud of footsteps drawing nearer forced me to again tamp down my fear and pull myself together. I concentrated on the sound, trying to guess the direction from which my captor would appear.
Though I’d been expecting it, the burst of light blinded me. I slammed my eyes shut then opened them a slit when I felt a cold hand running over my body, accompanied by low guttural noises. I fought to make sense of it all when my brain processed them as words.
“Enough sleep. Wake up.”
The Tellex chip. I’d agreed to have the translation device implanted behind my left ear when I volunteered for this mission. Though I’d gone through training afterward, I’d never experienced the implant operating outside the lab. It was confusing hearing those grunts and growls accompanied by a running dialogue in my mind. Kind of like listening to someone speaking a foreign language while another voice simultaneously interpreted it.
Gradually, the two sounds merged into one. English spoken in a rough masculine tone. I tuned in midstream to what he was saying.
“Honored that I have chosen you. You belong to me now. You will obey my orders. Disobedience will be punished. Swiftly and severely.”
Punished? I groaned and shut my eyes again. I tried to convince myself this was all a bad dream. When I open my eyes, I’ll see that sunlit beach.
“No! I said wake. Now!”
The Tellex chip didn’t translate emotions along with the words, but I had no trouble picking up anger in his harsh ton
My eyes flew open.
A huge shape loomed over me, silhouetted by the blinding light. Gray skin, coal-black eyes. Cold, without a hint of warmth. I forced myself to show no fear as we stared at each other.
“I am Mantsk. Captain of this starship. You will address me as Master.”
Starship. That explained the vibrations I’d felt.
As my eyes adjusted to the light, I was able to separate my captor from his surroundings. The walls around me were dull gray, while his skin had a sheen to it. He wore a sleeveless metallic gray vest, showing off heavily muscled arms. Only two of them I noted, setting one fear to rest. At least he wasn’t some weird alien creature with multiple appendages.
Raised welts lined one arm from shoulder to wrist, forming an intricate pattern. His massive chest tapered to a narrow waist circled with a silver belt. He was leaning over the hard table, so I caught only the upper part of what seemed to be a pair of skintight black trousers—with an enormous bulge in front. Big enough for multiple appendages. I swallowed and looked away.
Everything around me was stark and grim, like a prison cell. Though I’d designed dwelling spaces for people who loved the concept—usually young single males—I was no fan of the stripped-down industrial look. This place took it to the extreme.
My mind raced, trying desperately to make sense of my situation. I’d heard of space pirates. Traveling through the cosmos cloaked, hijacking ships, stealing the cargo and taking those aboard prisoner to sell or keep as slaves. He certainly looked the part. But I’d never heard of anyone being snatched as they teleported through a space portal. Whoever this alien was, he possessed technology I’d never known existed.
I’ve got to get out of here somehow. Find a way to get back home. He’s expecting me to act like a typical captive. Frightened. Panicked. I need to throw him off base.