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S.O.S. (Doctor Drama Book 3)

Page 13

by Amanda Faye

  "Of course, it is. I should be done by five. I'll let Char know you guys will be over for dinner."

  "Will Dr. Taylor be there too?"

  His voice is playful, but I can still hear the concern behind his words.

  "No. It's not like that. We're not involved. Not really. We're not dating. It's just a friend with benefits sort of situation. Yesterday was the first time we'd physically gone out, and you saw how that ended. I doubt he's eager to repeat the experience. It's just having fun."

  My hands are gesticulating wildly like they always do when I get flustered, and I shove them into my lap.

  I peek at Darcy again, and he's watching the surgery with a disbelieving look on his face.

  "Uh-huh. Like that sort of situation always works out well."

  "It's just sex, Darcy. Good sex, sure, but just sex."

  Instead of being grossed out like I was hoping he'd be, he turns to face me fully.

  "Look, sis. I'm not trying to get into the middle of your sex life."

  "Good, then don't." I'm harsher than I mean to be, and still can only glance at Darcy before I look away again, but he's not afraid of making me mad.

  "I know how bad it hurt you when Joe left. I don't want to see you go through that again. You're the most important person in my life, excluding Esma and Isabell, and it's my job as your big brother to kick this guys ass if he hurts you, which he will; since you're knowingly getting involved with a guy who's leaving in less than two months. When you're in pain, I'm in pain. Sometimes literally."

  Without conscious thought, he rubs his leg in the same spot I broke mine when we were teenagers, and I can't help but smile. When they brought us into the hospital that day, he was crying just as much as I was. He didn't calm down until the morphine was flowing through my veins. One of my favorite pictures of us is me asleep in the hospital bed, leg splinted and hooked up to an IV waiting for surgery, with Darcy curled up sleeping next to me, tear stains on both of our faces.

  It's not an exaggeration when he says he feels my pain. We're a pair, a team, a set. When we operate together, we're extensions of each other's body, able to anticipate the other before we individually are even aware of it. We may have been fighting since the minute he pushed me aside and shoved his way out of the womb first, but I know without a doubt that he would kill for me without a second's hesitation. He's more than my brother; he's my other half. But this is getting too deep, and making me think of things that I've tried desperately to keep locked deep in the back of my mind— like how much it's going to hurt when Logan leaves us.

  "I know. Esme told me she could tell when I'm PMSing by how bitchy you get."

  I wait for his required eye roll then continue. "But it's not like that. It's nothing. We're nothing. I'm just having a little fun, that's all. I promise."

  Chapter 27


  I let myself into the apartment with the key I found taped to the outside of my locker today. There was no note accompanying it, but there was little doubt of who it could have belonged. I stop to wonder, did he just give me the spare the office gave him when he moved in? Or did he go out of his way and have one made for me?

  A trill of something akin to happiness pulses through my system when I saw that key taped to the front of my locker. There was no prolonged conversation, no drama accompanying it — just a key giving me free access to his home whenever I wanted. Glee was followed quickly by a wave of dread. This isn't his home. It's just a place he's staying until it's time for him to leave. No matter what happens, I can't let myself forget that.

  I'm later than I planned on, and it's after ten o'clock. I'm going to pay for this late-night randevu tomorrow. Luckily, barring any emergencies, I have a light day scheduled with consults and follow-ups. I should be able to catch a nap in an on-call room.

  Logan is stretched out on an exercise mat in the open space in his room, body contorted into some sort of yoga pose. He's so pale, the black joggers encasing his legs makes his torso and arms almost glow in the fluorescent lights coming from the lamps by his bed.

  "Yoga, Logan? Really?"

  He gives me his trademark evil grin but doesn't reply until all of his limbs are back on the ground.

  With his jogging in the snow and the punching bag pushed into the corner of the room, I never pegged him for a yoga guy. It's rather sexy.

  "Pilates. Sammi made Liam start practicing yoga with her years ago, before they ever got married. Liam, trying to spread the punishment around I suppose, made me go with them several times. I'll deny it if you ever tell Sam, but I quite enjoyed it. After a while, I switched to pilates because it's tougher and has a stronger emphasis on core building and strength. I still do the occasional yoga pose when I need to wind down, though."

  He's been talking about his friends and family back in New York a lot lately. We've well and truly broken the no personal information rule. He's met Brandon, and I know all about how his marriage fell apart. I'd like to think we're friends with benefits now instead of acquaintances hooking up on the regular. I just need to make sure it doesn't go any further than that.

  Realizing I'm just standing in front of his door staring at him, I drop my purse and keys onto the floor and start pushing off my shoes.

  He changes so that he's lying flat on his back, then slowly raises his feet, then legs, then his whole body until he's doing some weird upside-down whole body stand with only his head and shoulders on the ground. Jesus, that's hot. I've paused half bent over to watch him uncoil himself into a straight line.

  "Show off."

  After one final stretch towards the sky, he lowers himself back to the ground. Only he does it so slowly I can see every muscle in his back and abs flex and bulge as he does so. No wonder he can pick me up so easily.

  "I know. I couldn't stop myself when I knew you were watching. How's Brandon?

  A giggle escapes as I shake my head at his honesty.

  I try to suppress the surge of affection and appreciation I feel at him asking after my son, but don't think I swallow it in time. The crinkle in his eyes shows more than I can handle.

  "He's about the same as he was the last dozen times you asked. He had a hard time falling asleep tonight. His arm was bothering him. I gave him a dose of Tylenol with a melatonin gummy and laid with him until I was sure he was out. It's why I was a little late tonight."

  My jacket joins my purse and shoes in their pile, and Logan pulls me to him for a kiss. It's deep and slow, and he runs one hand up along the side of my face. His shirtless body is hot and sweaty from his workout when I wrap my arms around him. When he pulls away, he looks so sincere when he gazes in my eyes. It makes my chest ache.

  "You should have called me. You didn't have to come tonight if Brandon needed you. Or I could have come to you guys. I'd like to check out his face anyway. I'll take the stitches out next week. We'll do it at your house. He doesn't need to come in for it."

  Why does he have to be perfect? Our situation would be so much easier if he were an asshole who hated children.

  "He's fine, Logan, promise. I don't need you to take his stitches out. I am a doctor, you remember? A surgeon actually. I'm perfectly capable of removing my son's stitches myself."

  Logan takes on the air of a person who just discovered the secret to the universe.

  "So that's what you're doing at the hospital all day long? I just thought you came there to catch glimpses of me being my fabulous self."

  "Haha. You think you're so cute, don't you?"

  "Yes, and so do you. I know you're more than capable of removing his stitches yourself. But I put them in. I am the plastic surgeon, so I should take them out. Come on; we'll do it on Saturday. I'll come by and take his stitches out, then I'll teach him the beauty of the Knicks while we watch them lose, and maybe we'll get ice cream after all is said and done. We'll have a blast. He'll love me."

  That's what I'm afraid of. Before I can put up more of a fight, he kisses me again, then disappears into his bathroom. I hea
r the shower start, and then Logan reappears gloriously naked.

  "Are you coming?"

  I take a deep breath and try to forget about tomorrow and next week and what's going to happen to me when this man leaves me.

  I square my shoulders and hitch my smile on until it reaches my eyes.

  "Not yet, but I'm sure you can take care of that for me."

  Chapter 28


  My hair is still damp from our shower, and I'm wearing nothing but one of his t-shirts. It's not as loose on me as it would be if I were thirty pounds lighter, but when Logan saw me wearing it, his eyes got dark and predatory, so I take that as a win.

  "I have a present for you."

  He pulls a box out from under his pillow, and I flush with pleasure. I'm sure the giving of gifts breaks all of our commandments in a thousand different ways, but I suppose we're too far gone to worry about that anymore.

  "What is it?"

  The box is wrapped extremely neatly, and I wonder if he did it himself or if he had it professionally done.

  "I'm not telling you. Open it and find out."

  It's small, just slightly larger than my hand, and as thick as two medical books stacked. I accept it, then place a kiss on his lips before I pull back and attack the package.

  I slip the ribbon off with ladylike precision, then rip the wrapping with gleeful abandon.

  Inside is a box with a picture of a hot pink u-shaped device, discretely labeled as the We-Vibe couples massager.

  "Ummm, thank you?"

  "It's a vibrator."

  "Yes, thank you, Logan. I was able to figure this out on my own."

  He takes the paper thrown on the bed and crumples it onto his bedside table.

  "Have you ever used a sex toy before?"

  A blush colors my cheeks hot and bright, and it's pathetic. I'm a doctor for God's sake. Talking about sex toys shouldn't make me blush like a grandmother.

  "I've been single the majority of adult life, Logan. I'm well aware of what a vibrator is."

  His devil may care smile stretches across his face. Quickly, he puts his hand on my cheek and presses a kiss to my lips. He doesn't try to deepen it, just plants a big wet one on me and pulls away before I can respond. It's almost sweet.

  "I thank the cosmos daily for the fact that no man has made an honest woman of you yet. Alas, it's another point for the evidence of the stupidity of man that they haven't. No Austen, what I meant had you used one with another person before?"

  No, I haven't. I'm not sure if I want to admit that. Since Logan was so bold to purchase one for us, for me, I'm sure he has. I never want to appear to him from a position of weakness. I may have had sex with my fair share of guys, but that doesn't mean that it was quality sex by any means. Or at least nothing compared to what I have with Logan.

  "If it helps you any, I haven't. At least, not like this. My wife," He pauses and clears his throat. It's apparent that it's hard for him to talk about her, and I wonder what a fucking moron she must have been to let someone like Logan go.

  "My wife was against the use of 'additives,' as she called them, so I never got the chance to explore all of the things I wanted to with her. If you're okay with it, I'd love to share this with you."

  For the first time of our acquaintance, he sounds unsure of himself, and I hate that bitch of an ex-wife of his for making him look that way.

  "When we agreed to this, I agreed to anything you had to offer. If you want to add the use of toys to our fun, then who am I to say no?"


  He turns all the lights off except the one above the sink, and it certainly sets a mood in the tiny apartment. He comes back to the bed with a beer in each hand, and I roll my eyes as the giggle escapes me.

  "I'm in your bed wearing nothing but one of your shirts, Logan. I'm sort of a sure thing. What's brought on all the seduction tactics all of a sudden?"

  "I don't need a sure thing. I don't mind working for it. Frankly, I think it's time I showed you that you're worth a bit of effort."

  Swoon. For the millionth time in the last few weeks, I wonder what I did to deserve a man like Logan.

  A few taps on his phone and music starts playing from a speaker somewhere in the apartment.

  "I'm going to make you come so hard tonight, Austen. You aren't going to be able to walk for a week."

  Just like that, sweet Logan leaves, and the sex God is in his place.

  He takes a long swig of his beer, then puts it on the table, and reaches to take mine from me too. I channel my inner co-ed and chug the thing before he can take it.

  "Impressive." He sounds turned on, and I let a little burp slip to ruin the mood. His chuckle is rooted in his chest, and my nipples harden in response. I hand him the empty bottle, then stand suddenly in front of him. He's not the only one who knows how to blow someone's mind. I can tell I've caught him off guard, and I use that to my advantage and slip my hands into his sleep pants, pushing them off of his hips and letting them pool at his feet.

  Before he has a chance to respond, I drop to my knees in front of him and take him into my mouth. I won't be able to stay in this position for long; my knees can't support my frame on a hard surface like this. But I can try for as long as I can.

  I'm the perfect height to suck his dick on my knees and can take him easily into my mouth without having to stretch my neck awkwardly. I've always had a weakness for playing with a guy when he's not fully hard yet. I like the soft and squishy texture on my tongue and cheeks, the fullness without the hard edges. They don't stay that way for long, at least if you're doing your job right. But I love the feel on a man growing hard in my mouth.

  He lets out a groan deep from his chest and immediately digs his hand into my hair. I scrunch up my face waiting for the expected pressure of his hand, shoving my face deeper onto his dick, but blessedly it never comes. While his hand is an added weight on my head, he doesn't add a burden to what I'm doing.

  Pulling off with a slurping sound, I run my tongue down to the base of his cock then lick down to his balls. When I suck one of his balls into my mouth, rolling it around with my tongue, he hisses out a "yesssss," and I let that one drop and suck the other. I wish my mouth were large enough to take both simultaneously. Despite how many times in my life I've been told I have a big mouth, it isn't the type of big that allows me to deep throat a cock as impressive as Logans. I never stop the stroking of his dick while I lavish his balls and perineum with my lips and tongue.

  My knees are starting to ache, and I must falter in my rhythm because Logan bunches my shirt into his hands and uses it to pull me to my feet. Using the momentum, he pulls the shirt entirely over my head, then kisses me with all he has.

  I love the way he holds my face when he kisses me, with his other hand pulling me as close to him as I can get. His tongue is gentle but persistent, tangling with my own in my mouth. When I'm at the point of breathe or pass out, Logan releases my face and moves to my breasts, alternating between lavishing them with his lips and teeth and tongue and caressing them with his hands. He leaves a trail of kisses and love bites between my lips and my chest. The pressure is just enough to leave me craving more.

  My breasts are plentiful, and I've always felt self-conscious. After all, I've heard the phrase 'anything more than a handful is a waste,' since I was a teenager. Logan seems to enjoy rubbing his face all over my ample cleavage.

  Kissing me again, he turns us around, so he is against the bed.

  When we part this time, he dips his hand to my clit, teasing my folds and testing my wetness. That's not an issue I imagine we'd ever have. Just looking at Logan makes me wet enough to drench whatever panties I'm wearing.

  He crawls onto the bed like a panther, but instead of laying down, scoots so that his back is at the headboard, scooping up the vibrator as he goes.

  "Come here, Austen. I need you."

  Without hesitation, I climb onto the bed and slide over to him. I kiss my way up his chest to lock my lips with
his again.

  I feel him touch my core, then the slick feel of plastic joins his fingers. I start to pull away from him, and he stops me with his other hand.

  "Trust me."

  Amazingly, I do. I trust him with everything at this point. I'm too far gone not to.

  The plastic slips into my core, and he settles it inside and out. It's thin, and while not uncomfortable, I can certainly tell it's there. The curve of the device seems to follow the curve of my own body. The outside sits directly on my hood. The coating is more rubber than plastic. The unmoving sensation of the vibrator on that most sensitive of nerves has me aching for something stronger.

  I lift my head, following Logan's hand, which has left me and is now stroking his dick.

  "God, you're beautiful, Emma. That boy you used to date was a fool to ever let you go. Come here, gorgeous. Let me worship you the way you deserve to be."

  A feeling of sublime pleasure blossoms in my stomach and blooms throughout my chest. I can't say I disagree with anything Logan's saying, and at last climb onto his legs, settling myself over his rod of steel. He reaches between us to guide himself in and a moan of pleasure leaves both of our throats. When I'm sitting fully on his lap, with his cock reaching the deepest parts of me, he turns on the vibrator.

  Chapter 29


  She throws her head back and releases a sound that I can only describe as pure sex.

  The noises she makes are addicting, and I wrap my arms around her, pulling her head down to my lips so that I can milk her sounds from her mouth.

  Mounting me like this, she's considerably taller than me, and it puts her at the perfect height for me to give her breasts the attention they deserve. With her hands buried in my hair, her nails scratch against my scalp and send sharp little tendrils of pleasure shooting down my spine.


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