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Imagine With Me: A With Me In Seattle Novel

Page 11

by Kristen Proby

  I let life interfere with my self-care for a long time. Too long. I don’t think I even realized it until I came here.

  “I need to take a day off every week,” I mutter to myself as I dodge a piece of driftwood. “And I need friends.”

  The biggest realization I’ve come to since arriving here hasn’t been the amazing sex or the companionship with Shawn—although that’s been a blast. It’s the friendships I’ve formed with his sisters. I forgot how much I enjoyed laughing with other women, telling secrets. Being silly.

  I don’t have many friends in Minneapolis, but I need to call the few I do have and make sure I see them at least once a month. I need to see my mom more often, too.

  Obviously, being here has also proven that I’m not agoraphobic. Not in the least. I’ve enjoyed the pub, the cabin, and being on the island. Seattle wasn’t the best experience when I first arrived, but I can chalk that up to being in a new place, not being super comfortable with strangers, and my insecurities rearing their ugly heads.

  I feel bolder. Stronger. More confident.

  And I love it. I’m taking it back to Minnesota with me for sure.

  “I need to make a list of things to do at home,” I mutter and then pull out my phone, open the notes app, and hit the little microphone icon.

  “See friends and mom more often. Take one day off a week. Get out of the house at least once a day. Get a haircut.”

  That last one isn’t necessarily a life-changer, but it’s getting too long.

  I run up the path that leads to Shawn’s house and pace around the driveway several times, letting my heart rate and breathing calm down. I stretch my legs and then walk into the kitchen to grab some water.

  There’s a note on the counter from Shawn.

  I’m down at Steve’s house, helping him clean up a few things. Shouldn’t be long.

  Hope you enjoyed your run!


  I grin and decide to walk down to Steve’s to see what the guys are up to. They must be down there, cleaning up from the fire.

  I can’t imagine losing my home like that. I’m just glad that Shawn was close by and able to save Steve’s sweet dog.

  I can hear the guys talking as I walk up the driveway.

  “Just a few more days.” That’s Shawn’s voice. I’d recognize it anywhere. I’ll be dreaming about his sexy-as-hell accent long after I leave.

  I might have to take up writing romance so that I can write about him and his voice.

  “And then what?” Steve asks.

  “She’ll head back to Minnesota. She’s been here almost a month already.”

  “That’s a long time to be away from home,” Steve says. “What’s her pen name?”

  “Nora Perry,” Shawn says.

  “I’ve read her books,” Steve says. “She can write one hell of a thriller, that’s for sure. I had to stop reading before bed because she gave me nightmares.”

  “She’s damn talented,” Shawn agrees, making me smile with pride. “She’s also highly intelligent and completely badass. She’s put me in my place more often than I can tell you.”

  “Gotta love a woman who can stand on her own two feet,” Steve says.

  “What are you guys doing?” I ask as I walk around the big truck that’s been in my way.

  “Just clearing some debris,” Shawn says with a grin. “I’d like to properly introduce you now that there isn’t a fire blazing. Lexi, this is Steve, a good mate of mine.”

  “Hello,” I say, holding out my hand for Steve’s. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “The pleasure’s mine,” Steve says. “I was just telling Shawn that I read your books. You have a crazy mind, lady.”

  I can’t help but laugh and nod in agreement. Duchess wakes up and lumbers over to greet me. I scratch her behind the ears. “You’re right, I do.”

  “Where do you come up with your ideas?”

  “Just out of my wacky brain,” I reply. “I guess in a former life, I was a serial killer or something.”

  “I guess so. Because you write some creepy shit, that’s for sure. Keep doing that, by the way.”

  “Oh, I plan to. I’ve been working on this screenplay with Shawn, but I already have a whole new twisted story circling in my head.”

  Shawn watches me closely and looks like he wants to ask me questions, but he just shoves his hands into his pockets and listens to my conversation with Steve.

  “When does the next book come out?” Steve asks.

  “Next month,” I say. “Not long to wait now.”

  “Well, I’ll be sure to pick it up when it’s available.”

  “Actually, I’ll have Shawn give me your address, and I’ll send you a signed copy when I get back home. I have a whole box waiting for me there.”

  “That’s very kind of you,” he says, smiling shyly. “Thank you.”

  “You bet. I’ll go back to the house and let you two finish up here. I just thought I’d walk down and say hello.”

  “We’re done,” Shawn says. “I’ll walk back with you. I’ll be back next week to help more, Steve.”

  “Whenever you have time is great with me,” Steve says. “Have a safe trip home, Lexi.”

  I wave, and Shawn joins me as we walk back to his house.

  “What a nice man.”

  Shawn nods. “He’s become a good friend. Almost like a father figure sometimes.” He takes my hand and links our fingers. “How was your run?”

  “Great. I’m stiff and still trying to find my pacing again, but it feels good.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “I guess we should get to work, huh?”

  “Probably. But we’re nearing the home stretch.”

  I’m acutely aware of the sexy man sitting next to me. When we arrived back at the house, I took a quick shower while Shawn put together a late breakfast, and then we met up in the office. The bagels and fruit were quickly decimated. Now, we’re sitting side by side, staring at our laptops as we read the previous scene.

  Suddenly, Shawn grabs my chair and rolls me closer to him.

  I glance over. “Um, hi.”

  “You know what,” he says after a moment, “that’s not close enough.”

  He tugs me out of the chair altogether and into his lap, cradling me as he continues scrolling through the document, reading silently.

  “Uh, Shawn?”


  “How am I supposed to work like this?”

  His lips twitch into a half-smile.

  “Not my problem.”

  I can’t help but kiss his cheek since it’s so close to my lips.

  “We’re supposed to be working, remember?”

  “I only have you here for a few more days, so you’re going to be working from my lap. You’ll have to learn to adapt and overcome, I’m afraid.”

  I laugh and squirm, feeling his cock come to life against my hip.

  “Well, I guess I can try.” I let out a deep sigh and lean against his shoulder, burying my nose in his neck as I let my hand drift down his chest. I drag my tongue up to his ear and tickle his earlobe with my nose.

  “What are you doing?”


  I wiggle back so I have access to the fastening on his jeans, and once I’ve worked him free, I roll his chair back from the desk, lower myself to my knees in front of him, and enjoy him. His cock is heavy as I lick and suck it, working it over with my hands.

  “Christ Jesus,” Shawn groans as he grips my hair, fisting it tightly. He doesn’t guide me, which is good because this is one thing that Shawn doesn’t get to control.

  My movements are confident. I love the taste of him, the feel of his smooth skin against my lips.

  “Fucking hell, I’m going to come.”

  “Hmm,” I hum against him. I know he’s warning me in case I want to move back.

  I don’t.

  I lick my lips and grin as I come up off the floor, then take my place on his lap once more.

�m excellent at adapting.”

  He laughs and hugs me close. “You might be the best at it in the entire universe, angel.”

  “Hey, Mom,” I say into the phone, surprised that she actually called me first this time. Maybe she took our last conversation to heart and plans to call me more, rather than guilt-tripping me into calling her first.

  “Hello, honey. I’m afraid I have bad news.”

  I clutch the phone and frown as I stare out the window at the ocean.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay? Are you in the hospital?”

  “No, no, nothing like that. I’m perfectly fine.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. Since I got the horrible call informing me that my father was taken to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival, I’m always worried that I’ll get the same call about my mom.

  “I just went over to your condo to check on things, and there’s an issue. It seems someone broke into the parking garage and vandalized some cars. Yours was one of them, Lexi. I’m so sorry, honey.”

  “What did they do?”

  “They broke out your window and ransacked the inside a bit.”

  “There was nothing for them to take. I don’t leave anything in my car.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you need me to come home now?”

  “No, honey. I’m taking care of it. The glass guy is coming soon to replace the window.”

  “How’s the condo?”

  “Oh, it’s just fine. I flushed all of the toilets and ran the water in the shower for a few minutes, just to make sure the pipes get a little workout. I also turned on the heat because it’s been cold here, so I set it to sixty-five.”

  “Thanks, Mom. I’m sorry for all the trouble.”

  “Oh, don’t even worry about it. I wouldn’t have told you if it was something small, but breaking out a window is kind of a big deal.”

  “Absolutely. I’m glad you let me know. Just have the guy call me and I’ll pay with my credit card over the phone.”

  “I’ll take care of it. We can settle up when you get back, and I took photos so you can file a claim with your insurance if you like,” Mom says, her voice stern and leaving no room for argument. “How’s the project going, anyway?”

  “It’s going well. We’re wrapping things up here in the next few days. I should be home early next week.”

  “Well, it’ll be nice to see you. Just send me your flight information when you have it, and I’ll make sure I’m at the airport to pick you up. Oh, the glass man just pulled in. I’d better go. Love you, Lex.”

  She hangs up, and I’m left staring out the window. Shawn had to run to the pub to help Keegan with something. I see why he wants to be on the island as much as possible. He and his siblings are tight, and they help each other out whenever there’s a need.

  It’s a relationship I almost envy.

  And Mom’s phone call just reminded me that it’s time for me to finish up this job so I can go home, too. I can’t expect my mother to continue taking care of my stuff there. I have responsibilities and a life that needs me in Minnesota.

  I have a job.

  A family.

  A home.

  I sigh as a whale surfaces out in the surf and sprays water into the air. A month ago, that would have almost scared me, even though I know there’s no way the whale can hurt me.

  But now, it’s just beautiful, and something I’ve grown used to seeing, especially in the morning as I drink my coffee.

  I’m going to miss Washington more than I would have anticipated. This island has been a balm to my soul, and it’s taught me so much. I feel as if I found myself here. And for a woman in her mid-thirties, that may sound silly.

  But it’s true.

  And I owe it to this island and the O’Callaghans.

  Especially Shawn.

  I bite my lip as I think back on everything that Shawn and I have shared. He’s an incredible man, both in and out of the bedroom. I admire his talent as a writer. And as a lover, he’s the most thoughtful person I’ve ever been with.

  My body sings at just the thought of him.

  And that’s something I’ll have to get over. Because this was never meant to be a long-term relationship. We’re coworkers with benefits. We’re friends.

  And that’s all we’ll ever be.

  “Keegan’s a pain in my ass, but I’m home,” he calls out as he comes through the front door.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask, still facing the windows.

  “Yeah, he’s just not as strong as he thinks he is and needed help with some heavy lifting.”

  He walks up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist, and presses his lips to my neck.

  “Everything okay here?”

  “Someone vandalized my car at home.”

  “What?” He turns me to face him. “My God, what happened?”

  I tell him about the call from my mom. “Everything’s fine. It was just unexpected.”

  “Does that happen often in your building?”

  “No, we have good security. I’m sure they have footage of whoever did it and will press charges. But it’s hard when I’m not there to take care of things.”

  He frowns and takes my hand, nibbling at my fingers. “I know. But you will be. Soon.”

  I nod and then smile as if everything’s okay. “We should probably get to work.”

  “I guess we should.”

  But he doesn’t lead me to the office.

  He guides me past the office door to his bedroom. And rather than work, we spend the rest of the afternoon in bed.

  Work will still be there tomorrow.

  Chapter 12


  “Did we just do that?”

  She stares at me in excitement, the light in those gorgeous blue eyes dancing.

  “I believe so,” I reply. “The rough draft of this screenplay is officially complete.”

  She jumps up and does a little dance, then throws her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly.

  “We did it, without killing each other,” she says.

  “So far. We still have to read through it and make a few adjustments.”

  “Let’s focus on the here and now,” she suggests and pulls away to stretch her arms above her head. “We’d better get ready to go to the pub. We’re on kitchen duty tonight.”

  I love that Lexi enjoys helping out at the pub. She’s not going because she feels obligated, or because she’s bored and has nothing else to do. She likes being there, and she’s a huge help, so I won’t turn down her offer.

  “It feels good to have that part done,” she says as we walk down the hallway to my bedroom. “Now, let’s go feed some hungry people.”

  The ease with which she shifts gears is admirable. Some days, I go into the pub still completely full of brain fog and have to concentrate so I don’t mess up anyone’s order.

  It doesn’t take us long to change clothes and head off to the pub for the evening. It’s not too busy yet for a Friday night, although most of our regular customers aren’t quite off work for the evening.

  “Lexi, I’d like to see you for a moment,” Keegan says, motioning for her to join him at the bar.

  “Did someone complain? Am I in trouble?”

  “No, lass, you’re not in trouble. I have something for you.” He passes her an envelope. Lexi opens it and then frowns at him, then at me.

  “Why are you giving me a check?”

  “Because I pay the people who work in my pub,” my brother replies. “You earned every penny of that.”

  Her blue eyes turn to me, but I shake my head. “I have nothing to do with this, and he’s right. You’ve earned it.”

  “But I don’t need your money.”

  “Whether you need it or not, it’s yours all the same,” he says as he resumes wiping down the bar with a white towel. “I’ve paid you up through tonight, but if you come in for more shifts, I’ll be sure to square up with you before you leave.”

he tucks the envelope into her purse. “Because it would insult you if I gave this back to you, I’ll graciously accept. But the money isn’t why I’ve been helping, Keegan.”

  “And that’s just one of the reasons you’ve earned it.” He winks and walks down the bar, leaving us to walk into the kitchen. I fire up the grill and oil, and while they heat up, I toss Lexi an apron and grab one for myself, as well.

  Lexi hurries into the walk-in freezer and comes back out, her arms loaded down with a big bag of frozen fries. She’s quiet as we prep the kitchen, getting ready for the dinner crowd.

  O’Callaghan’s doesn’t serve lunch because I can’t be here all day, every day.

  “What’s on your mind, angel?” I ask.

  “I don’t need your brother’s money.”

  I chuckle and pull her in for a hug. “You really shouldn’t be feeling guilty about this, Lex. He’d pay any person who was in here busting their butt, night after night. You’re no slacker. You earned the money, and he’s happy to pay you for a job well done.”

  “Still. Maybe I’ll donate it to a soup kitchen or something.”

  “It’s your money. You can do what you wish with it.”

  She nods decisively.

  “I’m going to donate it.”

  “Well, now that that’s settled, let’s get to it, shall we?”

  Maggie pushes through the swinging door and starts reading off her tablet.

  “I need two burgers, one with cheese, an order of cheese fries and chips and salsa.” She looks up and grins. “And how are the both of you?”

  “Excellent,” Lexi says. “The rough draft is done.”

  “Very nice,” Maggie says and hurries around to hug Lexi. “Good job, friend.”

  “Hey, what about me? Don’t I get a hug?”

  “I suppose so.” Maggie smacks a kiss on my cheek and hugs me close. “What happens now?”

  “Now, we have to proofread it, fine-tune, that sort of thing,” Lexi says. “We’ll do that this weekend.”

  I frown at her. “No, we won’t.”

  Lexi blinks at me. “Of course, we will.”

  “You get started on that order. I’ll be back for it,” Maggie says. “I know when a fight is about to break out.”


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