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The Timber Effect

Page 36

by Jacklyn Reynolds

  Unable to verbally respond as a human, or even get to her feet, Timber did the only thing she knew to do. She barked. She knew Henry's ears would pick up her direction as his senses were still wolfish. She watched him scan for her and as soon as he saw her, he dropped his cane and started cautiously hurrying over to where she was sitting.

  "Timber!" he exclaimed when he saw her. He took off his black leather jacket, leaving him in his gray hooded sweater, and wrapped it around Timber's wet fur immediately. "What the hell are you doing here?"

  Timber tried to make some sort of definitive sound but all that came out was a soft, heartbroken whimper. She looked down at the sand at her feet in embarrassment.

  "Come on, you need to get out of the cold," said Henry. "Can you Turn?"

  He didn't sound irritated or offended that Timber had taken off. Timber saw nothing but worry and sadness on his handsome face. She got up with help but she was so tired and weak that she could not regain her human form. Timber used every bit of strength she possessed in her large frame and half carried Henry up the dune as he held on tightly to the scruff of her neck. Timber was wondering how long it took him to get up the other side even with his cane if he needed this much help now.

  "Lord Frost, Aiyanna, and Jaci told me everything," said Henry when they stopped at the top so Henry could catch his breath and grab his cane. "I figured you'd be hiding somewhere at Pudding Creek since it's one of your favorite places in town. If I couldn't find you here I was going to try Johnson's Park. Alright. Come on."

  Timber helped Henry down the sand dune but he was able to walk freely once they were on the concrete. Before Henry opened the back hatch of the Corvette for Timber to jump in, he knelt in front of her.

  "Lord Frost also told me all the injuries you sustained last night at my hand. I have to ask you..." he took a ragged breath. "Do you still want to marry me?"

  Timber threw herself into him and licked his face desperately, hoping he would understand her answer. When she stopped, Henry began to cry as his face lit up and a smile appeared on his lips. He wrapped her in his arms for a moment before looking into her blue eyes.

  "I love you," he said gently. "Let's go home. We both need some sleep. It's been a rough few days. By the way, Dresden and Lord Avanti are on their way to the house. I hope your aunt and uncle have enough blankets."

  It was a few hours from the battle. Timber, Henry, Dresden, Aiyanna, and Jaci were waiting in the woods of Jackson State Forest, ten miles away from the town due east. They were grouped loosely between the trees. Ferns, pine needles and pinecones covered the ground at their feet and Timber could faintly make out the scent of whitetail deer less than a mile away. The sunset was a beautiful one that night but Timber was too distracted to notice as the tops of the trees turned a beautiful rose gold color. The second full moon was approaching slowly; Henry had been medicated again, making Timber more comfortable being so close to him when he was transformed. Lord Frost and Lord Avanti were also among them and braced for battle, both wielding powerful, legendary swords.

  Timber had raided her aunt's closet prior to leaving the house. She borrowed her steel-toed cowboy boots and a strap that went over her jeans around the thigh to hold a large knife. Her long hair was pulled back in a tight french braid. Her torso was covered by a thick black leather tank top that Jaci loaned her. Her hands were protected with leather motorcycle gloves that belonged to Chad as well to protect her palms. To hide to moon's reflection in her eyes if she had to take cover, she had lined her eyes in black and colored her lids to match. At first glance, it appeared that Timber knew what she was doing. Having protective gear made her feel better about the upcoming fight.

  Timber looked over at Jaci and smiled. She had never taken the time to appreciate the beauty of her transformation. Her wavy brown hair changed to sleek black and a bright red appeared at the tips. Her eyes changed to solid black, and her lips changed to the same bright red that took over the tips of her hair. The contrast of the black and red against her pale, white skin made Jaci look frightening compared to her natural sweet looking self. Black wings sprouted between her shoulders that were half a foot longer than she was tall. The Black Widow noticed Timber's attention and grinned. She walked over to her and grabbed her hand.

  "I want to let you borrow this," she said taking the emerald off of her neck and handing it to Timber. She took it with hesitation and immediately stared at it in confusion as soon as it was in her hand.

  "Did you know that it talks?" asked Timber.

  "What?" said the Black Widow looking at the emerald with newfound interest.

  "You can't hear it?"

  "No. What's it saying?" asked the Black Widow. Timber held it up to her ear and concentrated.

  "Mortem is coming. Beware. The three gates of Haven have fallen. Beware."

  Timber looked up at the Black Widow. The color had drained from her already pale face and her eyes were wide and full of fear. Timber knew what was coming but she couldn't get herself to speak and tell her what the emerald meant. When she found her voice, she spoke to the men closest to her.

  "Henry, Lord Frost, we have a problem."

  "What's wrong, Timber?" asked Henry.

  "Havens gates collapsed," said Timber. "Three of them."

  "How do you know?" asked Lord Avanti.

  "The Emerald told me," said Timber. "It said something about someone named Mortem, too. Do you know what's happening? Why does that name sound so familiar?" she added to herself.

  This is not a good night to be ill-prepared," said Lord Frost. He pulled his broadsword out of its sheath and gripped the golden hilt.

  Timber watched him enchant the sword he fondly called the Ch'yempion. Out of nowhere, beautiful golden armor began to appear over Lord Frost and Lord Avanti and they glittered as the Ch'yempion had. After the swords, daggers, and armor had been enchanted, Lord Frost put the sword back in the sheath, then handed a dagger to Timber. Henry and Dresden gripped their swords. Their knuckles were pale but their faces were steady and determined. Aiyanna took off her lavender robes to reveal thin armor made of silver so fine, it looked like a mirror. Jaci adjusted her black leather corset armor. Both Aiyanna and Jaci had jewelry that looked as though it doubled as a weapon. Neither of them looked afraid.

  "Henry, I need you to break through the line of oncoming werewolves. Dresden, Timber, cover his sides. Aiyanna, Jaci, cover the sky. Aiyanna will be able to eliminate a majority of the threat but we need most of her energy for the Lyndraths. Jaci, I am giving you the full release of the Black Widow to do as you please. This is no longer a battle. This is a war."

  "I will call for aid from the German sector," said Aiyanna and her wings began to glow red. "They have a Nephilite too. He should get my message."

  "How can you be sure that they're all coming here instead of going to Stockton?" asked Timber giving the Emerald back to the Black Widow and slipping the enchanted dagger into place.

  "They will come because this is where I am," said Lord Frost. For the first time, Lord Frost's young face looked old and weary. "I made many enemies within Haven during my efforts to protect both Haven and the outside world. I am solely responsible and I am sorry. I never intended for this, Timber."

  "It's not your fault," said Timber soothingly.

  "I am afraid that it is," said Lord Frost with a heavy sigh. "I abused my position to protect you. I love you as a daughter, Timber. Highers are not supposed to become emotionally connected for that reason. However, I have no regrets for my actions. I broke no vows."

  Timber threw her arms around Lord Frost's neck. She held him for a couple of minutes. When she pulled away, she looked up at him.

  "You're not allowed to die for me, understand? You still have to perform the ceremony for Henry and me on our wedding day."

  "I will be there," said Lord Frost. Then he turned to Aiyanna. "How much time do we have?"

  "I do not know," said Aiyanna. "Jaci, can you find out? You will be harder to see. The moon is n
ot up yet."

  The Black Widow shot up above the trees and was nearly invisible against the night sky. She came down after a moment and landed soundlessly on the soft, fern-covered ground.

  "Forty minutes judging by distance. They're close but they're moving slow. We're up against nearly the whole of Haven from three of the sectors it looks like. There are at least five thousand bodies coming our way. The only things I don't see are vampires."

  She looked at Timber sadly but before Timber could say anything to react, the ground began to heat up. A blinding flash of green fire appeared and vanished as swiftly as it came. Standing behind them were three men in similar armor and robes to Lord Frost and Lord Avanti. Behind them stood a small army of at least one hundred and fifty creatures that Timber had never seen before. She recognized the werewolves and the berzerkers immediately. It also looked as though they had brought a group of goblins with them. They had creatures that looked as though they were half hyena and half bear, a few creatures she recognized as hippogriffs, and griffins. There were giant elk, twice the size of any elk Timber had ever seen, and small creatures that looked like beetles but as she watched, they took the form of people.

  "Dea-tráthnóna Frost, Avanti," said the taller of the three men. "Fuaireamar foláireamh a thit do gheataí. Tá muid anseo chun cabhrú leat."

  "He said '"We received an alert that your gates collapsed. We are here to aid you,'" translated the smallest man.

  "How did you know?" asked Dresden.

  "Our Nephilite alerted us," said the smallest man. A young man with brown wings stepped forward and bowed on one knee to Aiyanna.

  "Your Majesty," he said in a high voice, "I heard your call through my wings and alerted the Highers immediately."

  "I appreciate your willingness to listen to your wings," said Aiyanna. "What is your name?"

  "My name is Timothy. I'm sixteen years old. I cannot fly well yet but I'm very skilled with a bow." The young man bowed and backed up.

  "Frost," said the tallest man, "Cá bhfuil na Highers eile ó do ráithe?"

  "Is é ceann marbh agus na daoine eile a n- phost tréigthe," said Lord Frost. "Tá eagla orm go bhfuil sé ach dúinn Kyne."

  "Tá brón orm," said Lord Kyne. "Dhá cheann de na linne a bheith tréigthe a n- phoist chomh maith."

  "What are they saying Henry?" asked Timber.

  "They're talking about the Highers that abandoned their posts," said Henry. "The Highers that are here are the only ones left from two of the quarters. That's all I can understand. Foreign languages were not my strong point in school but I know enough Gaelic to get a general picture."

  "There's more of Haven?" asked Timber with a slight tilt of her head.

  "There are four quarters," said Henry. "One here in the States, one in Germany though the Highers who are in charge are from Ireland and Scotland, there's one in Australia, and in Brazil. We get along well with the German sector, which is where they're from. The other two, not so much, which is probably why they're coming. I'm surprised Lord Kyne is here. He generally stays in his sector because of Count Dracula."

  "Who is watching your gate?" asked Lord Avanti.

  "No one," said the smallest man. "All of those who pose any risk are locked underground. Kyne, you need to speak English here. The only one who knows what you are saying is Lord Frost."

  "Forgive me. I forgot myself," said Lord Kyne with a thick Irish accent. "What is your battle plan?"

  "This is Henry Santelli," said Lord Frost, motioning for Henry and Timber to come closer. "He is our largest werewolf and one of our best soldiers. He is going to break the line. This is Timber Brogan and Dresden Michaels -"

  "Brogan?" interrupted Lord Kyne. "I would be very happy to meet the famous Brogan." Timber stepped forward timidly. She was amazed her name was known in Germany. "You are very beautiful. To whom do you belong? I see you wear a ring."

  "I'm engaged to Henry," said Timber.

  "Congratulations," said Lord Kyle with clear sincerity.

  "Stop procrastinating Kyne," said Lord Frost sharply. "We need to get ready for war."

  "My apologies."

  The next five minutes were spent giving everyone the strategy and getting everyone in position. The Highers positioned the small army in a pyramid and ordered according to the information given to them by Jaci. Henry was in front of the army because he held the highest rank among the soldiers. Beside him was a nineteen-year-old female werewolf who possessed incredible strength though her appearance was deceiving. She introduced herself as Jackie. Her human form was very small but her gothic style gave Timber the impression she meant business. In the second row stood Timber, who was to stay behind Henry, and beside Dresden and two other werewolves.

  Behind them was a pack of fifty werewolves who were waiting for the second full moon in two nights. Perched in the trees and out of sight were Aiyanna and the Black Widow. Their job was to take out the larger beasts that the rest of the army could not take on. They were to stay in the trees until the larger beasts were in view. Standing behind the pack and in front of the rest of the army, were the Highers, all of whom were armed with magnificent swords with immaculate detail in the golden hilts, beautiful daggers, and intricately carved wooden bows.

  At last, the moon rose over the trees and Timber watched as the human figures became wolves. There was lots of yelling and growling as the pain of their transformations overcame them. When it became quiet again, Timber looked around. Henry was the largest of the pack. Timber Turned and remained still. Even at two hundred and fifty pounds, she was the smallest wolf in the pack as she was only a wolf and not a werewolf though her claws resembled one. She knew that being the smallest had its advantages. Henry had told her that if she was less likely to be seen in the crowd and that would guarantee her at least some safety. She promised Henry that during the fight she would try to stay close to someone she knew and not put herself out there alone unless she had no other choice.

  Right on time, the warm May air was filled with the heated yipping of at least one hundred and fifty wolves, and a moment later they were sprinting into view. Henry fearlessly led the army of wolves into the fight as he ran on two legs with his sword in hand. His size and strength alone made it possible for him to plow through the onslaught of teeth like a sword through sand. Timber could see Henry let his combat experience and his instinct take over as he divided the group with his massive paws and she understood in that instant why he was such a valuable soldier. Timber blinked in surprise as a limb passed through her peripheral vision. After several seconds, Henry was fighting instead of plowing and those who were foolish enough to challenge him were facing the consequences. Timber witnessed the female werewolf beside Henry throw a body fifty feet in the air and let it crash back down to earth. Timber followed close behind Henry as she had promised him she would try to do.

  It was absolute chaos. Everywhere teeth were clashing, and claws were slashing. There were yelps and cries of pain filling the air as werewolves collided. Timber was ambushed within two minutes by two gray colored wolves a little smaller than her. They launched themselves at her from either side with such viciousness Timber hardly had time to think. She ducked down in time for them to crash into each other. At the same time, she felt teeth sink into her upper back. She yelped out in pain and rage and she reared, shaking her attacker off. Her attacker rushed her, but Timber reared again and brought her front paw down with such force, she broke her opponent's upper jaw. She swung again, breaking his lower jaw. He swayed unsteadily from the pain and Timber took her chance. She swung down once more, ripping open his throat at an angle. Timber was very thankful at that moment for her abnormally large claws and for her timely increase in strength.

  Timber looked around and saw the two smaller werewolves attacking Dresden a few yards away. He was holding his own with his swords but she noticed something that she hadn't before. Dresden was hiding an injury. Timber had enough medical knowledge from Grace to realize that he had injured a back muscle pr
ior to the fight. His range of motion and his strength were severely limited. She spun as fast as she could and charged.

  She was almost there when she was blocked by a huge mountain troll. It was twenty and six feet tall with dark greenish scales and the horrid smell of acidic vomit and a sewer pipe. It was wearing nothing more than leather shorts, and a chain collar. Its hide was so thick that when Lord Kyne's sword struck it in the leg, his blade was notched and it did no damage. Timber knew there had to be a weak point. All monsters had a weak spot according to the movies. She dodged the large wooden club that came swinging down.

  Then Timber got an idea. As the troll raised the club, Timber sank her teeth in a club handle and hitched a ride up. She then let go of the club and leaped onto the troll's shoulder. She transformed into her human self and pulled the dagger that Lord Frost had given her out of its place on her thigh. She put it between her teeth and swung across the chains on its neck like monkey bars at the playground. She gripped the chain with one hand, put her feet against the troll's skin and made a cut in its throat. Much to her delight, her dagger penetrated and created a deep gash. Thick black blood appeared and drenched Timber. Knowing she needed to do more damage, Timber sliced again, causing a larger gash. The troll stumbled for a moment and then fell backward to the earth. Timber jumped off as it was falling and turned back into a wolf in midair.

  As soon as all four feet were on the ground, she took off in search of Dresden. Timber found him motionless against a tree with his eyes open. She transformed into her human form and dropped to her knees.

  "Dresden?" said Timber urgently with heartbroken tears forming in her eyes. "Dresden answer me!"

  Dresden never moved. He was gone. Timber closed his eyes, pushed him into the ferns, and hung her head for a moment in respect for Henry's best friend but her mourning lasted briefly. Timber was now livid. Timber changed back into her wolf form and she went back into the fight to hunt down the two gray werewolves who killed Henry's friend. She found them heading straight to Henry. Timber roared in anger and took off at a sprint. They were side by side in midair when Timber rammed herself into them. They all lost balance and tumbled. Timber was on her feet first.


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