Book Read Free

When the Dead Have It Easy

Page 11

by B. L. Brunnemer

  He turned his head and kissed my forehead. “I missed you.”

  I smiled against his shirt. “I haven’t exactly been far the last couple of days.”

  He pressed his cheek against my hair. “I missed being able to touch you without over analyzing.”

  I smiled a big girly smile in the dark. “Oh, really?”

  He looked up at the stars through the treetops. “I got used to touching you at the house.”

  I looked up at the stars. “Me too.”

  His arms squeezed me before he raised one arm and pointed. “There’s Sagittarius.”

  I lifted my hand and pointed. “Cassiopeia.”

  “Good catch.” He pointed at the Milky Way. “Without the light pollution, you can see so much more.”

  “It’s dark at your house, but not this dark.” I kept my voice low as I rested my hand on my stomach.

  “After all of this is worked out, I’d still like you to keep coming over for stargazing.” He turned to meet my eyes.

  Warmth spread out from my chest to fill my body. “I want to too.”

  He gently cupped my face and gazed at me with warm eyes. My face grew warm. He leaned in and kissed me gently. Everything faded but his touch, his lips.

  Eventually, he pulled back a little and met my eyes. “Stay with me tonight?”

  “Of course.”

  Chapter 8

  August 18th. Early Morning


  Heart pounding, I ran through the brush. The dirt was soft between my toes as I moved through the darkness. Breathing heavy, I ran. Muscles bunching and extending. Working together to run. The scent hit my nose, a rabbit burst from the brush to dart through the grass. I picked up speed, following my ears and nose as I gave chase. Heart pounding in my chest, body working, it wasn’t long until I had its neck in my teeth. Blood coated my tongue… Asher!

  I jerked awake. My breathing ragged, I looked around the tent. The others were still out cold. Crickets chirped as Mom’s voice echoed in my ear. Sweat poured down my face, my hands shook as I wiped it away. What the hell? Something inside me wanted to move, needed to move… I got to my feet and pulled on my sneakers. I had to get out of here… Run. I needed a run.

  I got out of the tent and started toward the road. Something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I stopped. Ally was in the hammock with Miles, both of them dead asleep. Jealousy boiled in my stomach. He shouldn’t be touching her. She shouldn’t be cuddling with him that way! I took a step toward them but forced myself to stop. What the hell is wrong with me? I don’t fucking own Ally… Energy ran along my skin. Run. I needed a run…


  Birds chirping woke me up. I came to the surface slowly, with the scent of wintergreen surrounding me. I sighed, content. Oh, he was warm…

  His lips brushed my temple. “Angel, I need to get up.”

  I grumbled in protest. He smiled against my skin.

  “Okay…” I pulled away and stretched.

  Miles got out of the hammock and smiled down at me. “Morning.”

  I smiled back. “Morning.”

  He leaned down and brushed a kiss over my cheek. When he straightened, I handed him his sleeping bag. He folded it up as I climbed out. He headed to his tent.

  The sun was barely up, creating a fog everywhere. I picked up my hoodie off my chair and pulled it on then headed for the bathroom. Today was climbing day. I chewed the corner of my lower lip as I made my way through the fog. Oh come on, Lexie. You know what you’re worried about and it isn’t the damn climb. I spent most of the night worrying and obsessing over the family meeting with the guys. What I could have said better, what I should have done. I was so far into my head that I walked past the bathroom.

  “For fucks sake,” I muttered as I turned back.

  Asher came out of the fog. His shirt off, sweat glistening on his muscular chest as he ran. His blue mesh shorts hung low on his hips, the line of his Adonis belt was defined… I pulled my eyes to his face before he caught me drooling. Asher’s ocean eyes met mine. He slowed his jog down until he was walking. “Hey.”


  He stopped inches in front of me. “Are you nervous about climbing today?”

  I shook my head.

  His eyes ran over my face. “You’re worried about last night.”

  I nodded.

  His eyes met mine again. “You didn’t sleep much.”

  I shook my head.

  “Ally,” he chided.

  I shrugged. “I spent most of last night running over shoulda, coulda, woulda’s. What I could have said to make it easier on everyone… Why did I kiss all of you… the whole gambit. And then when I did fall asleep, I had a weird dream.”

  Asher rubbed the back of his neck. “You made yourself clear about what you wanted. And that’s all you could do.”

  “Maybe.” I looked down at the road feeling crappy.

  “You love all of us, Ally.” His voice growing softer. “And you know I love you.”

  I looked up and met his eyes. That anvil in my chest eased a bit. “Even after New Orleans?”

  “No matter what.” He bent down and kissed me. My heart grew lighter as I moved my lips with his. My hands moved to his hard waist. He groaned low and deep in his chest as his hands moved to hold my face. He pressed harder, demanding access. My lips parted, he didn’t waste a heartbeat as he moved in and took over. My body throbbed as he explored my mouth with his. Finding every corner, and every nerve, making my body throb. Wait… there’s a reason we shouldn’t… what was it? His hand slid from my lower back over the curve of my butt. Blood pounded in my ears as warmth washed through me. His fingers tightened and pulled me against him, forcing me to go to my toes. His hard body pressed into my soft belly as his kiss sent a fog through my head.

  There was… reason… caught… getting… Oh, shit! I dropped flat on my feet, pulling away from him, my heart racing, my breathing heavy.

  Asher’s eyes seemed to be lighter as he met my gaze. His hand loosened on my ass, his fingers still holding. “Sorry.” He looked away from me to the trees as he stepped back and cleared his throat. “I’m going to go shower and start breakfast.”

  “I’m, uh… going to get dressed,” I added quickly a bit too cheerfully, making sure to keep my eyes above his waist.

  “I’ll start the coffee.” He turned and headed back toward camp. I couldn’t help but watch the way he moved, smoothly and easily. It was impressive. And those two dimples… He glanced over his shoulder and caught me staring. Unashamed, I smiled before I turned and headed for the bathroom.

  By the time I was finished in the bathroom, gave up on my hair and got dressed I could smell the coffee. My climbing clothes were just like my work out clothes, only with more durable fabric. Black capri Rockland leggings, with a black y-back tank and black sports bra. I pulled my hoodie back on before slipping on my sandals and leaving the tent where Tara was still out cold.

  Asher was in the ‘kitchen’ making breakfast. Snagging a mug, I poured coffee and fixed it the way I wanted it. Then sat down by the fire and yawned.

  Miles was in one of the camping chairs in his climbing clothes. He was wearing a pair of Prana Stretch khaki cargo climbing shorts and a gray sleeveless shirt. He was also wearing his contacts. “Morning.”

  “Morning.” I took a sip of my coffee.

  “Don’t forget to put on sunscreen today.” Miles poured himself a cup.

  I nodded as I continued sipping my coffee, trying to wake up for the day.

  Zeke straightened from the other side of his tent. For some reason his tent was facing the woods. Zeke started walking over. He was wearing, surprise, black climbing pants and a sleeveless black shirt. The morning was nice and quiet until Zeke smacked the side of the other tent. Isaac yelped then cursed inside.

  “Get up!” Zeke walked into the cooking area with a satisfied half grin on his face.

  “Why?” I tilted my head to the side.

s sat down in his chair a couple of chairs away. “The twins always sleep in on climb day.”

  “They stay up too late talking about it then forget how early we have to get up.” Zeke poured himself a cup of coffee then topped off Asher’s.

  “That wasn’t funny.” Isaac shambled out of the tent still in his lime pajama pants and white shirt.

  “No, it isn’t. But you two do this every time.” Zeke left the kitchen area as Ethan joined us in his red bottoms and black undershirt.

  “One day, we’ll get even.” Ethan’s eyes were barely open as he walked around the chairs.

  “The day one of you two get up before I do, is the day I’m dead,” Zeke muttered before taking a sip of coffee.

  “Just because we don’t get up at five thirty every morning doesn’t mean we can’t.” Isaac picked up an apple from the cooler and bit into it.

  “Breakfast is right here.” Asher tapped the griddle with the spatula.

  “And I’ll eat that too.” Isaac grabbed a mug and poured coffee for himself.

  “If you’re starting another growth spurt, I don’t think we have enough food. The town is still recovering from your last one,” Asher mumbled under his breath.

  “Ha ha.” Isaac picked up his coffee. “You’re so funny.”

  Someone’s tent unzipped behind me.

  “Is it morning already?” Rory ducked out of his tent, also still in his sweats and undershirt.

  “Did we wake you up?” I turned a bit in my chair so I could see him.

  Rory stretched his arms over his head. “Not really, this is sleeping in for me.”

  “That sucks.” Ethan blew on his coffee.

  “Come and get it.” Asher picked up a plate and put a good size helping of eggs, sausage and potatoes.

  Everyone, well almost everyone, Tara was still sound asleep, got their plates from Asher and sat down in their chairs around the fire ring. It took most of us until our second cup of coffee to finally perk up.

  “So, Red.” Isaac leaned forward. “You excited for your first outdoor climb?”

  “Sure.” I played with my potatoes. “That’s the word for it.”

  The guys chuckled.

  “What’s wrong, kid?” Rory shifted in his chair.

  “Nerves, I guess.” I got to my feet.

  Asher eyed me. “Do you want me to braid your hair?”

  “Yeah.” I set my dishes in the sink. “I’ve given up on learning how.”

  “You need to have it tighter than that or it’ll just get in the way.” He gestured toward my tent. “Grab some leave-in conditioner and come over here.”

  I shook my head and went into the tent. Tara was now facing the tent wall with Hades’ back pressed against her spine. Staying quiet, I got what Asher wanted then headed back out and sat down in the dirt in front of Asher. He took the stuff from me. I was facing the guys as Asher took off my hair tie and undid my messy attempt at a French braid. The smell of rosemary drifted over me a heartbeat before he moved his fingers through my hair, spreading the conditioner as he worked. The others were quiet as they watched Asher begin to braid my hair tightly. Their stares were getting to me so I looked down at my lap as Asher worked. Maybe this was a mistake… I should have just fixed the braid myself.

  Ethan noticed and started talking about their climb today. What equipment they’d need, what to expect. I didn’t care, as long as they stopped watching me.

  When Asher was done, I didn’t waste any time. I got to my feet and wiped the dirt off my butt. “Thanks, Ash.” I headed back to my tent.

  “Lexie, can you change your shirt to something brighter?” Zeke called.

  I turned around and looked at him as if he were an alien. “Excuse me?”

  “I want someone to be able to track your progress from the bottom of the cliff. It’d be easier if you were wearing a brighter color.” Zeke took a drink of his coffee.

  “Oh.” That made more sense. “For a second there I thought you were a pod person.” The guys chuckled as I went to change.

  When I came back out I was in a sunshine yellow tank top. “Better?” I picked up my coffee and sat back down.

  Zeke’s eyes ran over me, sending a curl of heat through me. He nodded.

  “So, Rory.” I turned to him. “What are your plans with Tara today?”

  Rory sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “We were planning on a hike but I have a feeling we’re going to have company on it.”

  “I have that feeling too.” I couldn’t help but grin.

  Rory turned to the others. “Boys, are you climbing today?”

  Miles leaned forward. “After Lexie goes, we’ll be doing the same route.”

  Rory’s brow furrowed. “Okay, you guys have all your gear?”

  “Yep,” Isaac chimed.

  “Have you guys checked to make sure everything is in good working order? Good condition?” Rory asked, looking at each of them.

  “Twice before packing and twice again when she goes up.” Asher promised.

  Rory nodded. “And your second climb?”

  “It won’t take long.” Zeke got up and put his coffee mug in the sink.

  “That area is a lower level than we’re used to.” Asher leaned forward in his chair. “It’ll be a fun climb.”

  “Have fun.” Rory’s voice was serious. “But stay safe. I don’t want to get a call that one of you got hurt.”

  I smiled to myself. Rory had his ‘dad’ voice going and the guys were paying attention.

  “So, triple check before you climb.” Rory wasn’t asking.

  There was a round of yeahs and yes, sirs.

  Warmth spread from my chest. Rory was pretty amazing. More than ever, I realized how lucky I was to have him.

  Chapter 9

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Oh boy… why does the cliff look bigger outside? I was looking up the hundred-foot-tall limestone cliff face that Asher was currently rappelling down. A hundred feet… shit. I swallowed hard and went back to the truck. My harness was already on and ready, all I needed were my quick draws. I went to the back of the truck and found the two carabiners attached to a length of strap. Counting out ten, I put them on my belt on my left side. I always had an easier time tying in on that side during practice.

  Ethan came over and sat on the tailgate of the truck. “You’re going to do great, Beautiful.”

  “As long as I don’t get myself killed.” I muttered as my stomach fluttered.

  He chuckled. “If Asher didn’t trust you to go up there alone, he’d be going with you.”

  I nodded. He was right.

  “Thanks, Zeke.” Asher said at the bottom of the cliff.

  “How’s the route?” Zeke began pulling the rope back through the bolt at the very top of the cliff.

  “Good.” Asher took his helmet off and wiped the sweat from his face. “All the bolts look great and there are plenty of hand holds in her reach. Should be somewhat easy for her.”

  Zeke shot him a look. “Are you sure about that?”

  Asher’s shoulders straightened. “I wouldn’t be letting her go up there if I didn’t think it was safe. You’re not the only one who cares about her.” Asher untied himself from the rope and left Zeke to finish setting it up for me.

  “Let me see your harness.” Asher set his helmet down on the tailgate next to me. I raised my hands so he could check my harness and the knot I used on my belay device which oddly looked like a strange padlock. The concept was simple really, the rope looped through the metalwork and created friction to help as you rappel back to the ground. It was the same device that Asher would use on his harness to keep me safe in case I fell.

  “Good knot.” Asher said absently as he checked my quickdraws. “On your left, good. Chalk bag?”

  I reached to my right hip, stuck my hand in the open bag, squeezed the bag there and brought my chalk covered hand back out.

  He smiled. “Good. Now your bluetooth.”

  I slipped the bluetooth
on my ear and made sure my phone was attached to my harness. “Call Asher.”

  There was ringing in my ear as Asher’s cell rang. He answered. “Good, let’s get you tied in.” Zeke had insisted on the bluetooth. He didn’t want me getting up there and forgetting how to get back down because I was tired. Normally they’d use radios but Zeke didn’t want me having to let go to communicate with them on the ground. So, it was this or he’d be climbing with me. Which I wouldn’t mind right now. My pulse pounded in my throat, my fingers and toes tingled. Everything seemed too bright and too loud at the same time.

  “Breathe,” Asher reminded me, his voice echoing in my ear. “The principle is the same as in the gym.”

  I took deep breaths as I smeared chalk over my hands. He buckled the chin strap on my helmet then moved to the rope coil. Zeke hesitated to hand him the rope.

  “Zeke.” Asher’s voice was hard and sharp. “I know how she climbs. Move.”

  Zeke handed the rope to him before coming to me. He towered over me as his gaze ran over my body. It wasn’t sexual, he was just checking to make sure I had everything.

  I lifted the corner of my lips into a half grin. “I’ll be okay, Tough Guy.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “If your arms get tired, take a break. We’ll have no problem holding you until you’re ready to go again. If you start reaching your limit, rappel down from there-”

  “Because it’ll take energy and muscle to keep me coming down at a safe pace.” I finished for him.

  Zeke nodded. “Be careful.”

  “Come on, Zeke,” Isaac called from the shade. “Come stress yourself out over here and let the girl climb.”

  “Belay on,” Asher announced.

  Zeke turned away and went over to sit with the others.

  I turned to the wall. Okay. I moved to the wall and looked up. Oh, crap. I made a figure eight knot with the rope.

  “Climbing.” I ignored everything else and found a nice hand hold. Then a good foot hold. I focused on each movement while keeping the rope straight below me. When I reached the first bolt it was a surprise. The steel was flush with the wall along with the metal plate for a carabiner. I made sure I was stable with my feet and right hand before I reached for a quick draw. Hours of practice made it easy to clip onto the hanger and slip my rope into the lower carabiner. I took a deep breath. Okay, if I fell now then the bolt and quick draw would give Asher a way to keep me from falling just like at the gym. Making sure the clip was facing left, I looked up and searched for my next hand hold.


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