Book Read Free

When the Dead Have It Easy

Page 32

by B. L. Brunnemer

  Ethan sighed. “Yeah. I’ve been avoiding thinking about that. You’ll kiss my girlfriend, and I’d kiss yours…” He shook his head.

  My stomach rolled. “I can’t fucking watch that.”

  “What if you and I agree, no kissing Lexie on the lips in front of each other?” He took the stick from Hades. “And we just never talk about it?”

  “Isn’t this fucking wrong?” I popped my knuckles out of frustration. “Or something.”

  “If everyone agrees, then how could it be wrong?” Ethan countered.

  Okay, he had me there… “Even if everyone agrees… Zeke’s a possessive asshole.”

  Ethan chuckled. “And you’re not?”

  I shot him a look.

  He shook his head. “If this happens, it’s not going to be easy. Everyone will have to work hard to deal with their shit. Including Zeke.”

  “That’ll be fun.” I surged to my feet and started pacing. “What about Asher? He’s already gotten worse than Zeke.”

  Ethan shook his head. “He’s one of our best friends and he has had his world thrown upside down and out the door. It’s going to take him time to get used to everything.”

  I dug my hands into my scalp and looked out into the trees. What it came down to was Ethan. He told her to pick me… My brother had never loved a girl before and he had been willing to give her up for me… Fuck. I growled to myself. Was I really thinking of doing this? “This is crazy.”

  “Yeah, but when have we ever been sane?”

  Chapter 22


  It was just after midmorning when we got back. Zeke put the bow of the boat on the sand while the others spotted us.

  “I want that hoodie back,” Zeke warned.

  I snorted. “Keep wishing, pal.” I hopped out and shot him a smile over my shoulder. I so wasn’t giving it back. He shook his head as his lips twitched. I stuck my tongue out at him and hurried back to camp.

  Asher and the twins were on their way toward the lake in their board shorts.

  “Hey, can one of you guys follow Zeke to the boat rental place? He needs a ride back,” I called with a smile. It’d give me time to hide his hoodie in my bag.

  “Yeah, I’ll follow him on the jet ski.” Isaac snickered.

  Oh, God. Zeke on a jet ski with Isaac? Zeke will kill him. I shook my head as I headed toward the camp.

  “I don’t want anything to do with it.” Miles’ voice was so icy it stopped me in my tracks. Miles was in the picnic area, leaning against one of the tables with his back to me. “You have your answer and it’s not going to change.”

  I leaned down and gave Hades some love from his spot in my tent doorway. The big lug was lying half out and half in the tent.

  “I’m not relaying anything.” Miles pushed away from the table, turned and spotted me. “No, if you want to get her a message call her attorney.” His face was strained as he listened to, I was guessing, his dad. I smiled before going into my tent.

  Miles’ voice was quieter as I changed into my shorts and tank top. When I stepped back outside of my tent, he was putting his phone in his pocket and walking toward his tent.


  “Louis said he’d stop by tomorrow, he figured you had enough on your plate today.” He tapped his leg as he walked toward his tent.


  He stopped at the tent flap.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m alright.” He sent over his shoulder before going inside.

  Alright? He wasn’t alright. Having enough, I strode across the campsite and jerked the flap open.

  Miles looked up at me from his sleeping bag. “Lexie? What-?”

  “Did you think I’d never notice?” I snapped.

  His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline. “Um…”

  I stopped in front of him. “You use alright like I use fine. It’s your ‘I’m really not okay’ saying. At least, it has been lately.”


  “You want me to tell you everything when you won’t even tell me the truth about how you’re doing.” I shook my head. “You don’t talk to anyone. You’re there for everyone but you don’t let us be there for you.”

  His eyes were on the tent floor as he tapped his thumb on his knuckles.

  I dropped to my knees on the floor and made him look at me. His emerald eyes were cold, but once he focused on me they grew warm again.

  “Nemo, I know you were talking to your dad.” I swallowed hard. “I’m not asking what you talked about, it’s none of my business. I’m just asking you to tell me how you’re feeling.”

  He licked his lips and took a breath. “I don’t know how.”

  I sat back on my butt and crossed my legs under me. “How’d you talk with Autumn about this stuff?”

  He met my gaze. “I don’t know. I just did.”

  Oh, shit. “Miles. We’re talking to the guys tomorrow and asking them to… go into a situation that requires a shit ton of communication. What were you going to do then?”

  “I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I was more worried about everyone else.”

  I reached up and took his hand. “Sweetie, start small. Tell me how you’re feeling after talking to your dad.”

  He looked at me.

  “Miles.” I tilted my head to the side. “You got in a fist fight with Asher. You need to talk to someone.”

  His mouth moved again but nothing came out. He started tapping faster.

  This isn’t going to work… I tried to think of when we’d talked and I got to my feet. I pulled him to his feet and out of his tent.

  “Lexie, where are we going?” he asked as I led him to my tent. Hades was gone, though it wasn’t surprising. The little booger had been running off to swim without his humans the last couple of days.

  I opened the flap. “Get in, and lie down.”

  Still tapping that rhythm against his leg he went inside. I left the flap open for the breeze and followed him inside. He sat awkwardly at the foot of my bed.

  I picked up my book, moved my pillow and sat down across the width of the bed. “Lie down.” Reaching over, I pulled my glasses out of the pocket. He was watching me as if I’d lost my mind. “Lie. Down.”

  He sighed and finally moved. He started to lie down the length of the bed.

  “Head on my lap.”

  He hesitated, then lay down and carefully set his head on my leg. I opened Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, slipped my glasses on and began to read out loud.

  Miles relaxed against me halfway through the first chapter. With the breeze through the door, and the quiet, it was relaxing.

  When I turned the page for chapter three, he sighed. “Why’d you pick Frankenstein?”

  “I was reading it last night.” I ran my fingers through his wavy hair that had just started to curl again. I started reading out loud again as my fingers continued playing with his hair.

  It was around chapter four that he finally relaxed enough. “I hate him, Lexie.”

  I set the book down and continued playing with his hair. “That’s understandable.”

  “I got access to my trust fund when I turned eighteen.” He sighed. “One that had nothing to do with him. My mother made it completely mine, her name isn’t even on it.”

  I didn’t say anything, I just kept moving my fingers through his hair.

  “He just found out about it when he realized I wasn’t using the other trust fund that he had control of.” He took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “He wants to join them together.”

  “He wants to give you more money?” That didn’t sound right. “With strings attached I imagine…”

  “It’s not just money, Angel. It’s businesses. Specifically, the main company. The shipping business. He wants to add it to my trust fund.”

  “Why would he do that?” Wasn’t the guy an asshole?

  Miles shrugged. “Whenever he’s offered me something, it always comes with a price. One I’m never
willing to pay.”

  I ran my fingers over his scalp. “What do you want to do?”

  He sighed. “I want to ignore him. I don’t want the business and I don’t want to talk to him.”

  “Is there any reason you have to?” I asked as I watched the trees dance in the breeze through the mesh ceiling of the tent.

  “No, not that I know of.”

  My fingers brushed his forehead. “Does it bother you to talk to him?”

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He reached up, took my hand and rested it on his chest. “I don’t like getting angry, Angel. I don’t like how it makes me feel.”

  “And he makes you angry,” I said softly.

  He nodded as he squeezed my fingers.

  “If there is nothing you need to say, then you don’t have to talk to him.” I stroked my fingers over his chest.

  “Why does that feel wrong?” he asked, his voice soft.

  “Because we’re constantly told to respect our parents even if they don’t deserve it,” I answered.

  He moved off me and lay beside me. “That was a quick answer.”

  I sighed as I shifted and turned to lie on my side facing him. “I’ve had a lot of time to think about it.”

  His fingers found mine. “I’m not used to sharing anything with anyone.”

  “You’re always taking care of everyone else.” I reached over and touched his chin. “So, sometimes, maybe you can let me take care of you?”

  He struggled with the idea but eventually, he sighed. “I can try.”

  “Do or do not. There is no try.” I used my best Yoda impression.

  He burst out laughing. I smiled as I watched him laugh.

  When he calmed down, his eyes were warm as they met mine. He reached over and brushed a curl out of my face. “Alright. I’ll let you take care of me. But it’ll be an adjustment.”

  I grinned. “I’ll be sure to remind you, often.”

  He leaned in and kissed me softly. My heart raced as I relaxed into his kiss. Something moved the flap. Miles pulled back just as Hades’ tongue got my cheek.

  “Oh, Hades!” I turned my head in time to be licked on the other cheek.

  “Hades.” Miles chuckled as Hades shook his wet fur. Water flew off him and over everything in my tent.

  “You little shit!” Hades ran back outside and started to roll in the dirt. “You are so sleeping outside.”


  Most of the day went by in a blur. The guys spent most of the day keeping me busy and my mind off tonight. It even worked for a while.

  Energy slid over my skin and down my spine. I lifted my head as Astrid and Ranulf stepped into the light of the fire ring. Her eyes glowed in the light, shining with several different colors just like an animal.

  Something inside me moved.

  Astrid didn’t say anything, she pointed her chin at the trail off to the west and started that way.

  My heart pounded as silence fell around the fire. I had to go. Was this really fucking happening? My eyes met Ally’s, her eyes already filling. She blinked them back and tried to give me a hopeful smile.

  I looked at each of my best friends. Zeke and his worried face. Miles and his calm eyes. Isaac and Ethan… well, those two seemed to be pissed. I needed to go.

  I got to my feet. So did they. I snorted. “You guys can’t come.” But they wanted to, every one of them.

  Isaac came toward me and hugged me.

  My throat tightened as I patted his back.

  When he pulled back, he smirked up at me. “We’ll go shopping for your collar tomorrow.”

  I snorted just like he hoped.

  Ethan came forward and hugged me too. “I think you became a wolf just so you can run around naked in the woods.”

  I chuckled again, my throat loosening.

  Miles came over and looked up at me. “Do you want to talk before you go?”

  I smiled and shook my head. There was nothing to talk about.

  Zeke met my eyes. “A new set of rules.”

  I nodded. “A new set of rules.”

  Ally walked around the others and headed for the trail head. I left the guys and went to stop her. But she stopped as soon as she was out of normal hearing distance and looked up at me.

  I stopped, making sure to block the guys’ view of her.

  “It’s just change,” I reminded her.

  She blinked quickly, pushing the tears back and nodded. Then she smiled for me. “I wish I could go with you.”

  I stepped closer and took a deep breath of rosemary. “You’re always with me, Ally.”

  She pulled Zeke’s hoodie around her and rubbed the fabric between her fingers. “You’re too sweet for your own good.”

  My eyes ran over the hoodie. Something about it bugged me… It should be me wrapped around her, giving her comfort. Making her feel better. Not Zeke. Not caring that the guys were there, I pulled her into a hug. She buried her nose in my neck and took a deep breath as her hands balled in my shirt. I held her small figure tightly as I buried my nose in her hair. When I was ready, I pressed my cheek to her hair near her ear. “There’s a pair of Daffy Duck flannels in my bag.”

  Her chuckle was a bit shaky. “You know you’ll never get them back.”

  I lifted my head and met her eyes. “I don’t want them back.”

  Her eyes finally overfilled, tears ran down her cheeks. “Don’t worry about me. Tonight, I need you to take care of you. Do what’s best for you.”

  I went to tell her I was fine but when more tears fell down her face, I couldn’t. It wasn’t much that she was asking. And she was right. I nodded.

  She gave me a real smile.

  “Does that mean you’re not taking Daffy?” I asked, poking at her.

  She scowled at me. “Are you kidding? As soon as your foot hits that trail, I’m going for your bag.”

  I chuckled. Her tears stopped falling. I leaned down and kissed her temple. “I’ll see you in the morning.” I stepped around her and started down the trail to where Astrid was waiting. Ally didn’t move until I turned the corner.

  Heart pounding, and that weird feeling was back in my stomach. Hot chills ran up my spine and over my skin. “So, what happens now?”

  “Now, we get away from the humans,” Astrid explained as she began to jog. I matched her pace, which was most people’s sprint.

  We ran over two miles before she slowed to a walk. She stopped in a clearing that let the moonlight stream down to the forest floor. My skin began to itch.

  “This is a good spot.” She turned and eyed me. “It shouldn’t be too long. You might want to strip down.”

  I scowled at her. “What? Why?” Was she serious?

  “When you shift into a werewolf, every bone in your body will break and reknit. And if they don’t do it right the first time, they’ll break again,” she explained. “Clothes mess up the process.”

  Shit. Dread was a rock in my gut. “It’s going to hurt. Isn’t it?”

  She nodded. “The first time does because it takes the longest. Your body is trying to find its way into this form. So, yes. It hurts.”

  “You didn’t say anything before.” I scratched the back of my neck.

  Her eyes followed my hand to my neck. “You would have dwelled on it all day. Just trust me, the shorter the notice the better.” She met my eyes. “If I were you, I’d strip down now.”

  I looked down at my hand to find I’d drawn blood. Son of a… That thing inside me moved again, knocking the air from my lungs. Hunching over as if hit in the gut, I took several deep breaths as nausea rolled through me. My skin was too tight… I pulled off my shirt and dropped it to the ground.

  “Listen to me, this can take hours if you fight it.” Astrid moved to the side as I struggled to shove my mesh shorts down my hips.

  Something cracked, pain had me on my hands and knees in the grass. My skin broke out into a sweat as I tried to breathe. That thing inside me was moving, getting bigger and bigger.
My insides ached, burned. I’d never felt anything like it…

  “If you let the pain roll over you, accept that it’s there, then it’ll be a lot shorter.” She knelt down at my side. Muscles knotted and unknotted.

  My muscles spasmed, making me cry out. “Shit!” My mouth burned, my face ached. Heat built inside me, growing hotter and hotter with every heartbeat.

  Muscles tore with a meaty sound, bones in my legs snapped. I screamed as agony rolled over me. Sweat poured off me in streams. I gasped for breath. Wave after wave of pain and heat ran up my legs. My fingers dug into the grass as blood ran down my arms. The inferno built higher and higher. Until I was sure I was on fire.

  “You’re fighting,” Astrid snapped. “Let go, Asher. You’ll still be you.”

  But would I really? Every muscle I had tightened, bones snapped like twigs. A tsunami of soul crushing agony slammed down on me. I barely lifted my head enough to throw up everything inside me. Over and over. My tendons stretched and finally tore. The bones in my forearm bent and bowed in front of my eyes before snapping. I screamed as the broken white pieces of bone showed through the red meat of my skin. I clenched my eyes shut as I jerked. Something was pushing against my skin, every inch of it.

  Pressure built in my spine until I wanted to scream, only I could barely breathe through the crushing weight around my chest.

  “Think of something peaceful. Think of home or your favorite place, and relax your body.” Astrid tried again.

  That grinding sensation of bone on bone ran down my spine, sending me screaming against the ground. Something peaceful? I could barely think of my name! Something in my ribcage finally broke, giving me some relief in my chest. Peaceful… Miles’ house… the family room… everyone playing a board game. Isaac and Ethan trying to cheat… Zeke catching them and lecturing… Miles watching with an odd small smile on his face… Jess…. I was fading, something was shoving me out of the way. I tried to hold on.

  “Go with it, Asher,” Astrid repeated. “You will still be you.”

  Ally came into the room and sat down beside me. Her big green eyes looking up at me. Ally… a convulsion had black spots dancing across my vision. Blood soaked the grass under me. Ally… the guys… Jess… Mom… I couldn’t take it anymore… I let go a bit more.


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