Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance

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Beast's Claim: An Alpha Shifter Romance Page 10

by Piper Stone

  “Yes,” he hissed.

  “Then why did you stop your tests? You are aware of the importance. Why?”

  “Because I am no longer capable of continuing my work, Doctor.” The way he snapped screamed of frustration. What had prevented him from finishing?

  “Which is the reason you aren’t able to free the beasts.”

  The glitch in his voice was telling. “Yes, Dr. Youngblood. I am... Well, let’s just say I was in an accident. You see, Doctor, you aren’t the only one who’s been drawn to a Breed. They are very special. Jabari is your mate. And you must save him.” His voice breaking, I was able to hear his rattled sighs.

  I continued to shiver, his anguish remaining in my mind. The decision was one that had no other choice. “All right. I will do what I can, but after I am successful, you are going to tell me how you know so much.”

  “Do not trust anyone, Raven Youngblood. As I said, things are not as they seem.”

  When the connection was ended, I glared at the telescan, the word ‘mate’ reverberating in my mind. The one Jabari had said the night he’d taken me. I wasn’t losing my mind after all.

  However, I’d slipped straight into hell, the threat real.

  But who was actually in danger, humans or Breeds?

  Chapter Eight


  Click. Click.

  The shuttle train was nearly empty, allowing me to hear the clicking noises made as the fast-moving tube of steel clipped along the monorails. The majority of riders had already reached their destination ahead of the curfew, attempting to pretend that we lived a normal way of life. For many, they’d never known anything different than cities secured by electric power grids, an ugly attempt at keeping the free-roaming criminals from entering the hallowed ground.

  Somehow, the dissidents always found a way around the system.

  While not every city was protected in such a manner, Philadelphia had seen an outbreak of heinous criminal activities for decades, prompting the now dead governor to take stronger action. The rule had remained, especially after full freedom was given to the Breeds, something the current governor had fought strongly against. However, the president had made a mandate, one not to be ignored.

  But it had been. I was no fool. I’d heard the stories. I’d been a witness to continued random attacks on several Breeds, those considered weaker than the lions, tigers, panthers, wolves, and bears. They were the true alphas of the land. And I knew anger continued to brew within the Breed populations. It was only a matter of time before they struck.

  The continued terror amongst the human race was crippling.

  I’d grown up in two worlds, at least allowed to visit my grandfather, who refused to live caged like an animal, as he’d told me often. He lived with other Lenape on dozens of acres of land several miles from the city. I loved the small village, a peaceful setting where the air was clean and the water teeming with the few species of fish that had been unharmed from the various wars.

  It had been months since my last visit, although his words often filtered into my mind as they had since I’d left the scientific facility.

  “The human spirit needs places where nature has not been arranged by the hand of man.”

  The old Lenape saying was one he often used, although there were few locations where the hand of man hadn’t altered every aspect of nature. I closed my eyes, fingering the identification that had been left for me in an envelope half buried in the dirt by the back door. The note contained the address of the facility and the operating hours, as well as some code. I could only imagine it was for a lock of some kind. There was no doubt I was being used, but by whom and for what reason? The serum had to be the answer.

  While I’d fought the system for years, freeing Breeds on several occasions, I’d always worked in a group. I was terrified of going through with this alone. The caller’s pain had been real, the suffering based on the loss of his mate. Was it possible this Clivia plant could help? While flower and plant gardens had long since become a thing of the past, several species had survived. Still, I found it difficult to wrap my head around that fact or that this previous scientist had learned about my work. How was that possible? There were too many unanswered questions.

  I’d found a picture of the plant on the telescan, the beautiful green foliage and gorgeous orange flowers exquisite. At least I knew what the hell I was looking for.


  The word lingered in my mind, keeping me on edge. The single syllable was so damn primal.

  Sighing, I tried to calm my nerves, angry at being forced into the middle of this fiasco. A cold shiver slithered down my back. It was getting late, the moon cresting over the horizon. I might just make the cutoff before the zoo closed for the night. For all I knew, I was walking into some crazy kind of ambush.

  But I had no other choice.

  Fortunately, the shuttle train would take me the majority of the way, the zoo supposedly located just outside the city limits. I suspected the identification would also allow me authorization to get out of the city without question. Getting home might prove to interesting as the monorail would stop running within two hours. Perhaps I’d get everything I needed in time.

  I eased the small telescreen from my pocket, flipping until I found Daniel’s number. He was a brilliant officer, but even more black and white than I was. Granted, if I was a smart woman, I’d confess my sins to him before I went, even getting his advice, but I knew he’d only try to stop me any way he could because of his oath made when taking the job. Still, I knew if the information was true, I’d need his help. Jesus. I honestly had no idea what the hell I was doing here.

  Anger as well as anxiety continued to remain close to the surface.

  As requested, I’d brought vials of the serum, making certain they were well hidden. I couldn’t afford the risk of them being confiscated or my real identity discovered. I could only imagine what would happen if the zookeepers learned my mission wasn’t about preening over Breeds kept like monsters. I also would have to wing it if I was asked any questions. However, I was determined to go through with the craziness, if only to see if Mr. Anonymous had been truthful.

  And get my life back.

  Sadly, why did I believe his statement that whatever was going on was just the tip of the iceberg? A shudder rocketed through every muscle, and I pulled the small duffle bag closer to me. I’d find this Clivia and maybe, just maybe he was right.

  The truth I had to face was that the request was something I had to do, but not entirely because of my research or my work with the Breeds.

  I’d felt connected to animals since I was a little kid, nature playing a significant part in my life. Maybe because of my Lenape heritage or the fact I’d spent summers with my grandfather. Or maybe because I was what the great Chief Black Hawk Youngblood called a vulnerable flower, one easily succumbing to the charisma of nature while being plucked by the evilness of mankind.

  For years, I’d never known what he meant. After spending a significant amount of time working on scientific experiments involving the Breeds, I had a better understanding. And so, I’d placed a wall around myself, a thick sheet of armor I considered impenetrable. I had to remain a scientist no matter what was thrown at me. The Breeds deserved no less.

  Which was why the recent visions and experiences had been so... haunting.

  “One day, you will find your path, beautiful Raven. But you will not be alone. A great beast will guide your way, a creature so powerful that no one will be capable of destroying your bond.”

  Was it possible that Jabari was that great beast?

  I shivered from my grandfather’s words just as the shuttle train began to slow, pulling to a jerking stop at the last podium. I gazed out at the darkness surrounding the area, realizing that I’d taken comfort in the city lights. As I stepped onto the metal platform, I glanced toward the darker portion of the area where only a few lights dotted the horizon, grimacing as fear continued to keep me on edge. At least there w
ere a few lit pathways highlighting where I was going.

  “Come to me... Free me.”

  I jerked in a full circle, the words said with such clarity that I was certain someone was standing right behind me.

  “What?” I whispered, fisting my mouth. The thought that Jabari was reaching out was preposterous. Wasn’t it? “Jabari. What is happening?” The whisper burned in my throat.

  “There is much to learn.”

  His voice held an urgency. Danger. Danger. I took a few steps until I heard the deep rumble of a husky growl. But that was impossible.

  “I can’t wait to slide my cock deep inside of you, dragging you to exquisite heights of pleasure. Soon. You. Will. Be. Mine.”

  A surge of butterflies formed in my stomach seeing no one, the only sound the light breeze shifting through the dense forest of trees.

  The anonymous caller must have known about the incidents. But how? Then again, how the hell had he known everything else about me? My head ached just thinking about the possibilities.

  I walked down the stairs, moving toward the guard station, holding my breath as I flashed the identification. There was no second look, no request to see what was in my bag. I was simply waved on through into the forbidden zone. Whoever the anonymous caller was, he obviously had very influential connections.

  The last of the fading sun settled behind the buildings, twilight becoming a blanket covering the city. Night was my favorite time. It had always seemed as if my senses were heightened, my mind freer and my spirit on fire during darkness.

  Why was it tonight I couldn’t avoid constant shivers?

  As if something horrible was going to happen.

  As if there were predators watching, every one of them hungry for a feast.

  A series of odd sensations wafted over me, forcing me to pause. Another vision popped inside my head, only this time the face of my handsome visitor had altered. The creature’s face staring back at me was just as gorgeous, his eyes almost as enigmatic, but there was one difference.

  He was a beautiful ebony panther. The one from the telescan.

  The one from the forest.

  Jabari. Just thinking his name brought a series of sensations into my soul.

  “You are mine. Mine to taste. Mine to fuck. Mine to own. I am your master. I am Jabari...”

  Science. I had to base this on science and experience alone. Collect the evidence. Free the Breeds. Call the authorities. As I headed in the direction of the zoo, I went back over everything I’d been privy to during the recent months.

  From what I’d learned, thousands of Breeds had left the various cities after they’d been given their freedom, only a few remaining given their adoration of the human race. Then there were those who were paid well to remain as specimens. While there had been propaganda issued, telescan images of clean facilities and humanitarian methods of handling the experiments, the Breeds continued to grumble about mistreatment. Of course, nothing had been proven.

  If hundreds, maybe thousands were being rounded up, forced into cages, either it was all about greed or the approved experiments were failing. My God. What if the ruthless factions of humans were garnering the upper hand, determined to destroy the Breeds? Maybe these groups were even blackmailing the government. Whatever was going on, the Breeds remained completely unhappy.

  I didn’t blame the majority of Breeds for fleeing the cities. Even I’d considered foregoing the career I’d worked so hard to achieve more than once, especially given the difficulties I faced, the asinine attitudes I’d been forced to deal with.

  Yet there was no project to go back to, no other skill that would provide a living.

  No Condor.

  Maybe the Breeds had a better understanding of what they would be forced to face. And maybe they were preparing for a takeover.

  Taking several steps backward, I finally continued walking, only to swear I heard another howling growl permeating above the trees. Then there was a baling howl, much like made by a wolf. The zoo. There really was a zoo in the forbidden zone. Who the hell was this owner? Anger sizzled every last nerve, my heart thudding.

  I’d never been to this location in the city, the walk longer than I’d realized. After two miles, I finally noticed a sign with only two initials. G. R. I checked the address again before heading down what appeared to be an overgrown gravel driveway. There were no lights, no indication that I was even heading in the right direction. At least I’d come prepared, fumbling until I was able to remove a light stick from my bag.

  The only thing the LED did at first was to remind me what a fool I was, the darkness oppressive as hell. Suddenly, a bright light was flashed into my eyes, the sound of crunching gravel permeating my eardrums. While I’d brought a weapon, one that I’d been trained to use, I would only brandish it as a last resort. I certainly wasn’t ready to bring the law into the situation just yet.

  “This is a private area. You need to leave,” a gruff male voice stated.

  “I assure you that I was given an invitation and I’m very excited to see the animals.” My voice sounded more like a sexy purr as I smiled, trying to act nonchalant.

  I could hear his deep breath as he shifted the light all the way down to my boots. “Identification?” he demanded.

  While I shielded my eyes, I gave him a look of defiance before shoving the ID into his hand. “I would like complete access. As a possible investor, I need to understand what I’m buying into.” Whatever communication device he had, it took him only three seconds to scan the card and hand it back to me.

  “The actual scientific facilities are closed, Dr. Rhodes. You will need to make an appointment with Ms. Rawlings for that. However, you are welcome to look at the inhabitants.”

  Inhabitants. I loathed his use of the word as well as the smirk I was able to see on his face. I made mental note of the woman’s name, as well as the pseudonym I’d been given. I had a feeling Dr. Rhodes was someone of importance. “That will be fine.”

  “You’re clear. We very much appreciate your visit, Doctor. I’m certain that Ms. Rawlings will as well. Come this way for the transport. It will be at your disposal when you are prepared to leave, the unmanned tram bringing you back to this location. The only rules are to keep a safe distance from the cages. And leave at the required time. The animals are very... hungry.”

  The single word sent a shiver into every part of my system, my blood running cold. At least I had confirmation that the anonymous caller wasn’t a total nutcase, but I didn’t like this scenario at all. As soon as I made it back to the safety of my house, I’d scour the telescan systems in order to find out everything I could.

  The guard led me to what appeared to be an old-fashioned transportation system that hadn’t been used in decades. He simply pointed toward a seat and as soon as I was in position, the tram began to move. Within seconds, it picked up a high rate of speed, moving almost immediately underground. A sudden surge of electricity formed all around me, goosebumps popping along my skin. The jerky turns on the ancient track told me one thing in particular.

  Whoever Ms. Rawlings was, she had every intention of keeping the zoo secure from outsiders. My God. What the hell had I found myself in the middle of? I was forced to hold onto the seat in front of me, the momentum enough to toss me forward. While there was limited light in the cavern, I could tell that it had been around for decades, if not centuries, the well-worn stone glistening with minerals.

  I was on the tram for almost three full minutes before it moved above ground, coming to a slow but uneven halt. There was nothing like the horrible stench that awaited me. Decay. The damn experimentations. My God. What had the Breeds endured?

  I could hear the sounds of other visitors, laughter and rambunctious conversations. While there was up-lighting in the trees, the eeriness of the odor as well as the shadowed space was the thing old-timey horror movies were made of. I scanned the perimeter around me, taking a few quick pictures of the various buildings, the majority reminding me of those s
een in prisons from decades before. I shuddered to think what went on behind the thick walls.

  Within seconds, I also heard various growls and rumbles, the cries of big cats and the roars from bears and lions, even howls from the wolves. I was sick to my stomach as I tried to make my way through the jungle-like park. Whoever had designed the area had gone to great lengths to try to make it appear to be a destination. I’d seen pictures of zoos of the decades before, the cages used in order to keep the animals locked away. They’d left me with nightmares. These were no different, although there were trees and other foliage in every enclosure.

  As I slowly made my way toward the animals, I passed several visitors. Every one of them was dressed impeccably, their upper echelon status obvious by their attire. A zoo for the rich and famous? I cringed inwardly, attempting to plaster on a smile, my heart racing so fast my chest ached. They paid me no attention as they enjoyed their evening out, even taking ridiculous photographs in front of the cages that would likely end up on their walls.

  Jesus. This is exactly why the Condors had been formed.

  I passed by a cage holding two tigers and their eyes followed me as I came within a few feet. When one suddenly lunged at the steel bars, I turned to face them, able to see pain in their eyes.

  But there was also a knowing, an acceptance that I wasn’t the enemy.

  A low rumble filtered into the trees, a cold shiver trickling down my back.


  He was close.

  And he was very, very hungry.

  Chapter Nine



  My entire body tingled, my nerves on edge. I could feel danger all around me, but I wasn’t afraid. In fact, I was aroused, my nipples aching as the hunger swelled deep within me. This was insane, the heated desire ridiculous. Blinking, I took several deep breaths until I was finally able to control my raging libido.


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