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Snow White & The Biker

Page 9

by Glenna Maynard

  I slap her ass. “Ride me, Princessa.”

  Sybil slides down my body, keeping her back to me as she impales herself on my dick in reverse cowgirl. I let her lead and control the pace. The sight of her sweet ass bouncing on my thighs is erotic as fuck. Wanting to touch her, I tell her to turn around. Like a good girl Sybil does as she is told without giving me any sass. I sit up pressing us together, gazing into her eyes, willing her to see that I meant every word earlier.

  “Love doesn’t come without pain and sacrifice,” I whisper against her lips.

  A tear trickles down her cheek, melting on my tongue when I capture it from her top lip.

  “I know I hurt you, baby. I’m asking you to forgive me.”

  “You can’t ask that of me, Diego.”

  “Well I’m asking. Doesn’t have to be today or next week, but someday you’ll understand.”

  Sybil shakes her head and buries it into my neck, her teeth sink into my skin as she rocks her hips. Her mind has shut down, but her body hasn’t and I’m selfish enough to use her. I shift us so that she’s on her back, hitching her leg on my hip. I drive into her sweet heat relentlessly, taking what I need, and my girl gives it to me. A cry leaves her trembling lip, her pussy squeezing me tight as she shatters around me. “That’s it, baby, come on this cock.” It isn’t long that I’m following behind her and reaching my own climax. I kiss her forehead and shove up from the bed. I pull on a pair of drawstring flannel pants.

  Sybil is staring at the ceiling, so I leave her be. I grab our wet clothes off the bathroom floor and hang them over the shower rod. After cleaning up, I put a frozen pizza in the oven and get the first aid kit out to tend to her finger. She’s gotten out of bed and put on some of my clothes.

  I feel her gaze on me as she leans against the doorway of the bedroom.

  “How’s that hand feeling?”


  “Let me see.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “Don’t be a brat.”

  Sybil rolls her eyes but shuffles to the couch and plops down next to me. She holds her hand out but refuses to look as I unwrap the bandage. It’s slightly swollen but better than I expected. I put some petroleum jelly on it and a bandage. “Need to elevate it. I have some more pain meds and antibiotics you need to take to prevent infection.”


  “Pizza is in the oven too. Can I get you a beer or water?”

  “Water’s fine.”

  I push up off the couch and put the kit away then grab her water and the pills. I twist the cap off the water for her and drop the pills into her palm. “Could take anywhere from two to four weeks for that to heal. If you remember Taty, she’s a nurse. She assisted me and got you the proper meds.”

  “She was here?”

  “Yeah. She helped take care of you.” At my words Sybil shoots a murderous glare my way.

  “Wow. So you mean to tell me that a nurse helped you butcher me.”

  “It’s a clean cut. I used a bone saw. Then cauterized it, instead of stitching. I did a good job.”

  “You want a pat on the back or how about an atta’boy.”

  A knock at the door interrupts our conversation.

  I didn’t even hear anyone pull up. “Bedroom, now,” I grit through my teeth and surprisingly she does as she’s told.

  I wait until Sybil is in the bedroom with the door closed, knowing she can’t escape from that window. Even if she managed to break the glass there are bars that would prevent an exit. I peer out the window at the porch and become agitated when I see it’s Taty. I told her not to just show up.

  I slip out the door and close it behind me. “What do you want?”

  “You weren’t replying to anyone’s text.”

  “So. I’m a grown ass man. Don’t need you checking up on me.”

  “Your mom isn’t doing so hot. An ambulance brought her in last night. Asshole Wrath found her passed out next to a bottle of booze and pills. Had to pump her stomach in the back of the ambulance. She coded twice. You need to go see her.”

  “Fuck.” I scrub a hand over my face.

  “How’s your patient doing?”

  “None of your business.”

  “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Is she really that bad?”

  Taty pulls out a pack of cigarettes and hands me one. She knows me well. Though she should. We grew up attached at the damn hip. I light up and take a hard drag.

  “Yeah. Her body has been through so much trauma. Her organs are shutting down. Machines are keeping her alive. Wrath is gonna pull the plug. Thought you might want to go see her. I can stay and keep an eye on your whatever she is.”

  “Not so sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Bet she’s hella pissed, huh?”

  “Yup.” I pop the P.

  “You gonna go?”

  “Guess I got to.” I finish my cigarette while warning her to play nice with Sybil. Taty can be a real bitch when she wants to be. “Don’t be starting shit.”

  “You can trust me, Diego. You know that.”

  Yeah. Taty has always been a good friend as long as she’s getting her way.

  When I open the door to the cabin, Sybil is in the kitchen getting the pizza from the oven. “It was about to burn.” Her gaze lands on Taty and she nearly drops the pan. Fuck. This isn’t going to be good. “You were at the show. Morbid Duplicity. I’m Sybil, but I’m guessing you know that. You want some pizza?”

  Taty’s eyes cut to me and she smirks. Like see. “Yeah. They’re really cool. What’s on the pizza?”

  The two of them fall into casual conversation. I go into the bedroom to get dressed. I don’t want to leave Sybil here alone with Taty, but I can’t take her to the hospital with me and risk her being seen. I’m trying to lay low myself. I was careful but all it’d take is one person remembering seeing my motorcycle or the cops turning their attention to me because I was stupid and gave Sybil my number and we were texting.

  Fuck. Cops put that connection together and I’m fucked. The trail leads to Jesus. Even if charges aren’t filed the bastard appears guilty as hell. The scratch on his face. The text messages. The blood. I covered all my bases.

  “Hey. Pizza’s cut if you want to eat.” Sybil enters the room.

  “I’m good. You eat it. I gotta go out for a bit to check on my mom. Taty is gonna stay here and keep you company. I shouldn’t be gone but a few hours. You’ll hardly miss me.” I should cuff her ass back to the bed, but I don’t like doing that shit. I’m not the monster Sybil sees me as. I know I’ve done some fucked up things since I brought her here. I own that shit. I feel it deep in my bones. I know I’m not a good man. I know I don’t deserve her goodness. I knew I had to do something to give her what she wanted without that shit haunting her the rest of her life. I don’t want that blackness tainting her soul and coating her heart black, but it seems it managed to seep through either way.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Don’t get any ideas, Princessa. Expect you here when I get back.”

  “Where would I go? I’m dead, tight? That’s what you want everyone to think?”

  “We can discuss this when I get back.”

  “I want to talk about it now.”

  “My mother is dying. That what you want to hear? I have to go say goodbye to the woman who made me.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

  “I didn’t know until Taty showed up. I figured it was another one of her failed attempts but this time…guess she finally got her wish.”

  Her face falls and her arms go around me in a sweet embrace that is unexpected but welcome. “Then you should go. I’ll behave.”

  Chapter 17


  The next day

  “What are the FBI saying about the photo?” I pace around the law office of Richard’s oldest friend. He is the executor of Sybil’s trust and all of the family assets.

  “My friend on the force sa
y they believe it to be real. It doesn’t appear to be altered.”

  “What happens now?”

  “Well…they will continue their investigation to locate her body.”

  “What about her trust and the company? What happens to the estate?”

  Michaelson shakes his head. His smooth bald head shines under the lighting. “That’s all it ever was for you, wasn’t it? The money?” he huffs and adjusts his tie. “Without Sybil to inherit the fortune the company will be sold off or dissolved. The house and all of the family’s personal and company assets will be auctioned to the highest bidders and the proceeds will go to the charities that Richard outlined in his Will.”

  Chill bumps fan over my arms and the hair on them stands straight. “What are you talking about? That can’t be.” My pulse drums in my ears. “Richard wouldn’t have…he would have left it all to me in the event of Sybil’s death if she weren’t married or didn’t have children. We talked about this.” I blink feeling sick and confused. Richard wouldn’t have screwed me over. I gave all of my savings to that biker for the down payment to execute my plan. It was all I had left after it was botched the first time and they killed Richard instead.

  “Afraid so, Consuela. You know Richard came to me two days before he was murdered, and he changed his Will and updated Sybil’s trust. Did you know he was filing for divorce? I always thought you were behind the death of Martina and his unborn son, his murder, and now I think that you did the same to Sybil.”

  I lean against the glass of his window that overlooks the city below, wishing I could throw myself out of it. “How could you make such an accusation. I loved Richard,” I cry.

  “Sybil told him she saw you with the pool guy. I never could prove your involvement, but I think it’s worth a call to those detectives investigating Sybil’s murder. Maybe they should reopen the investigation into Richard’s death. Martina and baby Richie too.”

  “Michaelson. You don’t need to open up old wounds. I grieve for my husband every single day, and now I have lost Sybil. Do you really think I am that evil? So cold hearted that I would harm all I have left of Richard’s memory? Martina was my best friend.”

  “That’s exactly what I think you conniving evil temptress. You couldn’t wait to jump into Martina’s shoes and fuck her husband.”

  “I don’t have to listen to this nonsense. Maybe you should lay off the booze.” I scoff and go for my bag when he picks up the phone. I have some money put back and my passport. I could make a run for it. “What are you doing?”

  “Rose. Please send in Agent Hawthorne.”

  My head spins. “What are you doing, you fool?”

  “What I should have done years ago. It’s too late for Richard and Sybil now but at least I know that they will rest easy because you’re finally getting what you deserve. See you in Hell.”

  The door to the office opens and Agent Hawthorne says, “Ms. White. I’m going to have to ask you to come with me.”

  “What ever for? Did you find my stepdaughter?”

  “We can talk more at the station.”

  “Michaelson. You’re my attorney.”

  “Not anymore.”

  Agent Hawthorne grabs my elbow roughly and pulls me out the door.

  “Is Sybil alive? What’s happening? Where are you taking me? I want an attorney.”

  “Ma’am, please stop talking.”

  Chapter 18


  The Night Before

  Diego has been gone for about an hour. After pizza I closed myself up in the bedroom and managed to find my clothes and shoes. Now that I’m dressed and thinking more clearly, I know I have to use Taty to make my escape. I sink down on the couch while she’s in the bathroom. I would make a run for her car, but I am sure her keys are on her. I lay my head back and rest my eyes. I’m tired and need a power nap.

  “Sybil? Are you okay?”

  I blink. The nap I was taking is interrupted by the local news update blaring from the radio as Taty turns the volume up. “I’m sorry what? I think I must have zoned out.”

  “Yeah. You were totally asleep and drooling. Sounds like they’re talking about you.”

  I wipe at my mouth. All that medication must be seriously messing with me.

  I turn my head toward the radio when another story about my disappearance comes over the airwaves. “Due to recent heavy rains officials have called off their search of Willowdale Forest. Rock falls and mudslides are keeping anyone from being able to access the park. The search will resume once weather permits. Officials have not said why they are focused on this area. More news at top of the hour.”

  “What are they saying about me…on the news? This station doesn’t give very detailed reports.”

  “Just that you’re about to inherit a lot of money and your father’s clothing line. They aren’t releasing much to the press. Your stepmother is loving all the attention though. I keep seeing her face everywhere. More than yours.”

  “She always has loved the spotlight. I am sure she is eating up all the attention.” Consuela is always looking for ways to keep relevant. Now she will be the talk of the nation. Her true dream come true. All she has ever craved more than money is attention. When she didn’t get it from my father, she cheated on him with our pool guy. I saw them together and told him, but the funny thing was he didn’t seem to be upset. He acted as though it made him happy. It was weird and when I asked questions, he told me to let adults deal with grownup problems.

  “Why does she hate you so much? Diego seems smitten with you.” I don’t miss the weird expression that passes over her face when I smile at her saying Diego is smitten with me. This is the opening I have been waiting for.

  “How long have you known Diego?” I press.

  She tucks her blonde hair back from her face. Taty is my opposite. We’re like sugar and spice. Only she underestimates me, and that’s her first mistake. I’m onto to her. She’s in love with Diego. “Since we were kids. We were raised together.”

  “So you’re what…like his sister or cousin?”

  “We’re much closer than that.” I can tell by the hard line her mouth is set in I’ve struck a nerve and now I know her angle. “So what’s your plans when this is all over?”

  “Um…I’m not sure what you mean.” I play dumb. She wants to feel me out too. Find out if I’ve been fucking Diego. Though she already knows. She doesn’t want to truly face that he doesn’t see her the way he sees me. I observed him interacting with her at the bar the night we met and before he left earlier. He doesn’t look at her sexually.

  “When Diego gets what he wants and goes back to his life. What will you do when he no longer has use for you?”

  “Whatever I want.”

  “You don’t think that he really wants you when this is over, do you?”

  I don’t answer because that’s not really of her business, and I don’t know how I feel about Diego. It’s seriously complicated. I can’t even put this whole fucked up situation into words. I glance off staring at the wall.

  “You do. That’s cute. The captive falling for the man who used and abused her. Because that’s what this is. You’re a pawn in his game and you mean absolutely nothing to him. Nothing. He’s only using you to get to his stepfather. He doesn’t even like you.”

  I suck in a breath. Maybe what she says is true, but he didn’t fuck me like I was nothing. That doesn’t matter though. This is the opportunity I’ve been waiting for. I channel my inner bitch. I think about what Consuela would do or say in this moment. I may hate my stepmother, but her bitch game is strong, and I learned from the master. At least she gave me something. “You’re right. I’m nothing to Diego, and he means absolutely nothing to me. He’s not here so let’s cut the crap. You don’t like me. You’re jealous of the attachment you think we share, but you’re pretending to be all hard about it when there isn’t any need. If you want him go for it. Why not take me out of the equation so you can have him all to yourself? I may not know him
well but your desperation to get his attention reeks. It’s fucking sad and kind of pathetic. And, girlfriend, he isn’t ever going to fuck you. He won’t beg you to sit on his face or to ride that big dick.” I smirk. “It’s so big. If he were here now, I might let you watch us for sport.”

  “I should have let your hand get infected.”

  “But that would have made you look bad to Diego and we can’t have that.” I laugh feeling a little crazy and out of control. Her fists clench. I go for the kill. When she arrived here, she didn’t seem upset. If the man I love’s mother was dying I think I’d be more upset and wanting to be at his side for him to lean on during such a difficult time. She’s up to something. “His mom isn’t dying, is she? You couldn’t stand the thought of him here alone with me. Nothing to do but fuck day in and day out.” I smile knowing I’ve hit a nerve, but I want her to make a move. She has a car out front and it’s now or never if I’m going to make my escape.

  I can’t believe my luck when I see her keys laying on the kitchen counter. I pretend not to notice.

  “Huuuh,” she whisper laughs under breath as she shakes her head. Taty shifts and lunges but I’m ready for her. I dodge her advance at the last second and all the bitch connects with is the couch cushion I was sitting on. A loaded syringe is in her right hand and as she whips around to face me, I go for the keys.

  Taty rushes me from behind. “He’s mine!” She cries and attempts to plunge the syringe in my neck, but somehow, she misses me. I don’t hesitate to grab Diego’s empty beer bottle from the counter and swing. I connect with her temple. I don’t hit her hard enough to knock her out. The impact is enough to stun her. While she’s distracted and rubbing her head I go for the door, keys to her car in hand.

  I’m not maneuvering fast enough because as soon as my feet hit the steps, she’s charging out the door behind me with that syringe. Who knows what she’s trying to inject me with? My guess is she wants to drug me and dump in that grave she helped Diego dig for real. Screw that. I shake my head as that feeling of bugs crawling on my skin returns and keep moving. There is no way I will find the right key and get inside her car before she reaches me. I have a choice to make. Go for the car and pray I can fight her off or make a run for it and circle back to the car.


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