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Without Law 6

Page 11

by Eric Vall

  “Are we all in agreement?” Anna asked, and the group nodded.

  “Alright,” I said. “Tara and I will head out in the morning to scout the situation.”

  “How long will you be gone?” Jenny asked.

  “Probably one full day,” I smiled. “We need to see the perfect time to sneak in.”

  “Is there anything we can do to help?” Mike asked.

  “Not right now,” I told the dark-haired man. “But I’ll let you know if I think of anything.”

  “The best thing we can do is keep preparing,” Anna told the group. “Is anyone experiencing any problems?”

  “No,” Cathy shook her head.

  “Not at the school either,” Jeff said.

  “That’s good,” Paige smiled. “We were able to find some comfort items today, but we don’t have all of them yet.”

  “Any of them is amazing,” Donna smiled. “Thank you.”

  “I think it’s best if we hold everything here,” I said. “Less to move later when we’re in a rush.”

  “Yes,” Cathy nodded. “I agree.”

  “Good by me,” Jeff agreed.

  We wrapped up the meeting, sent the farmers and civilians back to their homes, and then we sat around the fire and Anna fetched us some tequila.

  “Hey,” Bailey said quietly. “I’m not mad or anything, but why does Tara get to go?”

  “It’s only because she’s the sneakiest,” I smiled at the blonde.

  “Yeah,” Tara grinned at the other blonde. “Gotta send the ninja in first.”

  “Besides,” I smiled, “we aren’t doing anything fun. It’s only reconnaissance.”

  “We’ll see about not doing anything fun,” Tara cooed, and she winked at me.

  “That makes sense,” Bailey smiled. “As long as I’m there for the mission, I’ll be happy.”

  “I wouldn’t go without you,” I grinned at my hippie girl.

  “Are we taking the truck tomorrow?” Tara asked, and she took a sip of tequila.

  “No,” I shook my head. “We’ll take the motorcycle.”

  “Can we make coffee to go again?” Tara pleaded.

  “I don’t see why not,” I chuckled. “But you have to make it.”

  “Deal,” the platinum blonde grinned at me.

  We all enjoyed a single cup of tequila, and I watched as my girls laughed with one another. Tomorrow was set to be a good day, and I was excited to spend another day with Tara.

  Chapter 7

  I woke the next morning before dawn, reached over to Tara, and shook her lightly by the shoulder.

  “Five more minutes,” she grumbled and shoved her face into her pillow.

  “No way,” I whispered. “You have to make the coffee.”

  “Okay,” she pouted, then she sat up and yawned.

  “Is your bag all packed?” I asked.

  “Yup,” she whispered. “I just need to get dressed.”

  “Go ahead and get ready,” I told her. “Just meet me outside in five.”

  I threw on some jeans, a T-shirt, my hiking boots, my Kevlar vest, and my already packed backpack and headed outside, then I gassed up the motorcycle and started boiling water on our small propane stove for coffee.

  “Oh great,” Tara said as she exited the building. “Did you grab the coffee?”

  “Not yet,” I said. “But the water is going.”

  “I’ll grab some,” Tara nodded, then she headed toward the library and returned a moment later with a bag of coffee grounds.

  “Bring me a cup when you’re done,” Rolly said, and I looked up to see him on the roof.

  “Will do,” the platinum blonde called back.

  “How are we going to drink the coffee on the motorcycle?” I asked with a raised brow as the blonde dumped some grounds into the now boiling water.

  “Well, I don’t know how you’ll drink it,” Tara said with a shrug, and she flashed me a wicked grin. “But I’ll do just fine.”

  “Maybe I’ll make you drive,” I teased.

  “No way,” she chuckled. “It’s way hotter for me to be on the back of the bike.”

  “You’re right,” I grinned. “You are pretty hot on a bike.”

  “I’m hot all the time.” Tara smiled, and I noticed that once again her makeup was perfectly done, it seemed to always be there, and I often forgot that she had any on.

  “Yes, you are,” I told her, and I took a peek at her breasts as they pushed against the top of her tank top.

  “Are you going to stare,” Tara said with a raised brow. “Or are you going to do something about it?”

  “Unfortunately, we don’t have time right now,” I laughed. “Soon though.”

  “You promise?” the blonde grinned.

  “Oh yeah,” I grinned back, and that was a promise I intended to keep. I had been so wrapped up in our situation lately that it had been far too long since I had a night with one of my girls.

  “I’ll hold you to that,” Tara said, and she winked at me before she started to pour the coffee into our travel mugs.

  “You better put on that vest,” I told her and I nodded to the Kevlar that sat by her backpack.

  “For protection or to keep you from staring?” she laughed.

  “Both,” I grinned.

  After our coffee was poured and the first couple sips taken, we hopped on the motorcycle and headed toward Burlington. I took the roads that Paige and I had taken on our trip there, and the drive was short and uneventful. It was nice driving and feeling Tara’s full chest pressed against my back, but I had to focus on our first mission, which was gathering intel on when we would be able to infiltrate the camp.

  We arrived in Burlington, and I parked the motorcycle in the same mechanic shop I had with Paige, then I led Tara to the country club and stopped out front.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve been to a country club,” Tara sighed. “This one isn’t that nice though.”

  “We’ll stay here tonight,” I told her. “But we’ll keep watch as long as we can to gather intel.”

  “Right,” the platinum blonde nodded. “Should we leave our bags here?”

  “Yeah,” I nodded. “It will be easier to move around without them. But keep your pistol on you.”

  “Okay,” she said. “Do we need to clear the club first?”

  “Yes,” I said. “Let’s do that now so we can get to our posts.”

  “Aye aye, captain,” Tara said with a grin, and I rolled my eyes.

  It didn’t take long to clear the club, and we found it just as empty as I had left it a week before, so we found a place to put our bags, then I led Tara to the side of the building and gestured to the trees Paige and I had hid behind before.

  Tara nodded, and we made our way to the trees and laid down.

  Watching the civilians work made it seem as though I had never left, they were in a perpetual state of hammering and gardening, and the guards were ever vigilant in their posts as well.

  As we watched, I noticed several more wounded soldiers sitting outside of the med tent, but I didn’t see any arrive throughout the day.

  There were more finished wagons than there were before, and several of the trucks were filled to the brim with supplies, I figured they would be heading out sooner rather than later.

  “Tav,” Tara whispered, then she pointed to the far corner of the compound, and I could make out a manhole cover. “That must be the way the civilians took.”

  “I think you’re right,” I whispered back.

  “This place is fucking depressing,” Tara sneered quietly.

  “It is,” I nodded. “Keep an eye on the guards and when they do shift changes.”

  “Shouldn’t we wait until nightfall?” the blonde asked.

  “We need to scope it out,” I told her. “Any information we can gather will be good.”

  “Okay,” she nodded, and she turned to face the camp once more.

  Tara and I watched for another hour or so before something eventful
happened, and it was not an event I was happy to witness. A young man fell while carrying some wood, and when he went down, he fell onto a pile of scrap wood. I assumed there must have been nails in the wood by the way he screamed, and when the guards finally moved to help him up, I could see that his clothes were becoming red from blood.

  My eyes narrowed as I watched two guards inspect the man, they ripped his shirt off, and I watched as blood streamed down his back. I was surprised when the guards escorted him to the med tent, but I was not surprised when a few moments later they emerged once more and led the man around to the side of the building. I heard a single gunshot, and I turned to see Tara’s nostrils flare and her jaw clench.


  “I know,” I whispered, and I put my hand on her shoulder.

  “Why would they do that?” she whispered, a bit too loudly.

  “Shh,” I told her, and I put my finger to my lips. “Let’s go get some food.”

  Tara still frowned, but she nodded and made her way back to the clubhouse.

  “What the hell is wrong with people?” the platinum blonde asked, and she flopped herself onto a bench outside of the building.

  “He probably punctured a lung,” I told her.

  “Yeah,” she said, and she frowned harder. “But why is that a death sentence?”

  “It’s hard to repair a lung,” I said. “But even if they could, I’m not sure they would waste supplies on a civilian.”

  “It’s not a waste though,” she snapped. “That’s someone’s life.”

  “I know,” I said and placed a hand on her shoulder to try to comfort her.

  “I’m sorry,” Tara said, and she closed her eyes for a second. “I didn’t mean to snap on you, I’m just upset.”

  “I am too,” I told her. “That was a hard thing to see.”

  “Well it won’t matter for too much longer,” the blonde said, and her jaw clenched. “We’re busting these people out.”

  “Yes,” I laughed. “We’re bustin’ em out.”

  “Why is that funny?” she smiled at me. “Isn’t that what people on T.V. say?”

  “Yes,” I nodded. “And that’s why it’s funny.”

  “Whatev,” Tara said, and she rolled her eyes, but then she smiled and kissed me.

  “I think that’s the manhole that leads inside,” I said after I spotted a covering in the grass across the way.

  “You’re probably right,” Tara nodded. “Should we check it out?”

  “I think we should,” I smiled, and I moved to the manhole cover and removed the lid.

  “Ugh,” Tara groaned. “It smells.”

  “Well, it is a sewer,” I chuckled, and the blonde wrinkled her nose at me. “Come on.”

  I climbed down the small hole and was careful to stay on the large lip that was meant for workers to walk on, then I pulled out a lighter from my pocket to see. Tara came down after me and put her hand on my back as she looked around. I felt goosebumps pop up on my arms from the coldness of the tunnel, and I reached out and touched the wall. I held the lighter down to my feet and saw the stream of sewage that flowed through the tunnel.

  “Spooky,” the blonde said.

  “Yeah,” I nodded, and I started walking. “Let’s follow it down this way.”

  “Okay,” she said, and she kept her hand on my back as we walked.

  “Be careful not to go over the edge,” I said. “We need to avoid that water at all costs.”

  “Yeah,” the platinum blonde whispered. “Nasty.”

  “It is,” I chuckled. “But we also can’t afford to get sick from touching it.”

  “Ew,” she said. “No thank you.”

  “Just stay on the lip here, and you’ll be fine,” I said.

  “I think I see some light up there,” Tara whispered after a few minutes of walking.

  “I think you’re right,” I whispered back, and I flicked my zippo closed.

  We made our way to the small beams of light that shone from above us and stopped just below them. I narrowed my eyes and tried to peer through the light, but I didn’t see much, just then a footstep landed on the cover above us, and Tara jumped slightly.

  I pulled the blonde closer to me and listened, I could make out voices, and after a moment some people had come close enough for me to hear their conversation.

  “Hey, did you get lunch today?” a male voice asked.

  “No,” another male voice replied.

  “Me neither,” the first voice sneered.

  “I’ll just grab extra MRE’s later,” the second one said.

  “I fucking hate it here, I can’t wait until we hit the road,” the first one said, and I stopped listening and pulled Tara behind me as I started back the way we had come.

  “God, I’m so happy to be out of there,” Tara said after we both had stepped out of the sewer.

  “It’s not ideal,” I chuckled. “But it will definitely work.”

  “Yeah,” Tara nodded. “It seems like the soldiers aren’t too happy here either.”

  “No,” I shook my head. “It would appear they aren’t.”

  “Is it bad that I’m kind of happy they didn’t get lunch?” Tara laughed.

  “No,” I smiled. “I think they deserve to skip some meals.”

  “Yeah,” Tara grinned. “Fuck those guys.”

  “Let’s get some food,” I smiled at the blonde.

  “I’d eat just to spite those dicks,” the blonde laughed, and we went inside to retrieve some food from our bags.

  We ate some lunch of smoked venison, leftover coffee, and some crackers, then we went back to our post and continued our watch.

  I kept my eye on the guards and their shift changes, but I hadn’t seen a shift change since we arrived, so I kept watching, and at about four o'clock they finally changed. The guards getting off duty grabbed MRE’s from a building to my left, and then they disappeared into the larger building. The guards getting on shift seemed tired, and they walked sluggishly around the perimeter.

  “They seem tired,” Tara whispered, and I nodded.

  By the time it was dark, yet another wagon had been constructed, and shortly afterwards the civilians were sent to bed with no dinner. I watched the guards move even more lazily than they had before, and I even noticed a few of them yawn, but it was well into the early morning when I noticed our peak time.

  Around one o’clock the guards on duty were barely making rounds, they stopped to chat, moved slowly, and they continuously looked at their watches, which made me think there was a shift change around two in the morning. Sure enough, a new batch of guards came out, and those getting off duty were so tired they were half asleep on the job, I turned to Tara and pointed toward the club.

  Once we were inside, I took off my vest and sat down on the couch.

  “Are we done?” Tara asked.

  “Yeah,” I smiled. “We have what we need.”

  “And what is that?” the platinum blonde asked.

  “One-thirty,” I told her. “The guards are tired and waiting for a shift change, so that’s the best time to infiltrate.”

  “Yeah,” she nodded. “I did see a lot of them yawning, I think I saw one of the guys in the guard tower doze off.”

  “You did,” I laughed. “He jolted himself awake, and I was almost afraid he was about to open fire.”

  “You saw that too?” Tara chuckled.

  “Sadly, that isn’t totally uncommon,” I told her.

  “It’s not common at our campus,” Tara grinned. “These guys could learn a thing or two from us.”

  “They could,” I smiled. “But that would make them a lot more difficult to sneak up on.”

  “True,” the platinum blonde said, and she took off her Kevlar vest.

  Tara’s tank top had been pulled down by the vest, and when she took it off, I could see the top of a black lace bra.

  I stood up, stepped toward her, and placed my hands on her small waist.

  “I was hoping that
would do the trick,” Tara grinned, and I felt my cock grow hard in my pants.

  “Your plan to seduce me is definitely working,” I smiled.

  “Finally,” she moaned as she grabbed my neck, and I let her pull me down for a kiss.

  I pushed my tongue inside her mouth and kissed her deeply while my hands ran up and down her sides before they landed on her ass.

  Tara pushed herself into me and gasped when she felt my hard cock press against her stomach.

  I growled when she gasped and I pulled her hips even closer to mine, then I kissed down her soft neck and lifted her up to put her on the couch. Her top came off easily, and it was followed by her black lace bra. Once her breasts were exposed, I admired them for a moment, and then I pinched her small pink nipple. Her breasts filled my large hands, and I squeezed them and pushed my hips into hers.

  “Don’t make me wait,” the blonde moaned, and she rubbed her hips against my erection.

  “I just want to look at you for a minute,” I smiled, then I bent down to bite her ear and kiss my way down to her pink nipples.

  I licked the first one slowly and felt the blonde arch her back as her breathing grew heavy, then I reached my hand down the front of her pants and cupped her pussy before I slid a finger into her. She was already so wet that two of my fingers slipped in easily, and she bucked as I moved them slowly in and out of her.

  “Please, Tav,” she moaned. “I need you.”

  I bit her nipple and pushed my fingers into her as deep as I could, then I wiggled them up and down inside of her and listened as her breaths grew shallow, and her body tensed.

  “I’m gonna come,” she breathed, then she bucked her hips hard into my hand, and I felt her pussy spasm around my fingers.

  I pulled my fingers from her and put them in my mouth to taste her sweet juices, then I unzipped my pants, pulled my cock out, and rubbed it against her slick pussy lips.

  “Oh fuck,” Tara moaned. “Please give me your cock.”

  I didn’t hesitate, I pushed myself deep inside her and paused for a moment to breathe as I felt her clench me.

  “Goddamn you’re so tight,” I groaned, and I pulled out only to push back in harder and deeper.

  Tara lifted her hips to meet my thrusts, and I pumped in and out of her tight velvety tunnel with ferocity as I watched her soft full breasts bounce with each thrust.


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