Vivid Dream Reality 3
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Vivid Dreams Reality
Book 3
Savannah Maun
Vivid Dreams Reality Book 3 ©2018 Savannah Maun
This work is the property of the author, and the author retains full copyright, in relation to printed material, whether on paper or electronically. Any adaptation of the whole or part of the material for broadcast by radio, TV, or for stage plays or film, is the right of the author unless negotiated through legal contract. Any commercial use by anyone other than the author is strictly prohibited. This work is fictitious, and any similarities to any persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.
Certain licence is taken in respect of medical procedures, terms and conditions, and the author does not claim to be the fount of all knowledge. The author accepts the right of the individual to hold his/her (or whatever) own political, religious and social views, and there is no intention to deliberately offend anyone. This is only a story, and it contains a few swear words and mentions genitalia. There are sex scenes but care has been taken to imply rather than describe with very little details involved. If this is likely to offend, then please don’t read it.
Chapter 1
New British Prime Minister's Point of View (POV)
While we were waiting for everyone to arrive for our first proper cabinet meeting I sat down and tried to practice my approachable relaxed posture.
“You can still call me David, Carmine.”
“OK, David, how was the visit with the Queen?”
“Interesting. She all but admitted that she had asked my predecessor to resign, but had no desire to interfere again. She did bring up something else that we have to wait until everybody is here to discuss.”
“She was probably worried that we would take away her ability to intervene,” said Carmine.
“Her actions have potentially saved our country. After a week of demonstrations, the public view was clear and yet it took the Queen to put us back on track. I have no intention of taking away a part of our democracy that can save it from itself,” I replied.
The table was full and everyone was waiting. A lot of us were new at this job with no real experience. I had been a backbencher who abstained on the Elf vote and then resigned when it was passed. Forming a new Party called Britain First and gathering in all those who had voted against the bill or had abstained like me had been easy. Working out an Elf friendly agenda had been a bit more difficult, still, it had worked and we had been voted in with an overwhelming majority. Now we had to deliver.
“OK, good morning everyone. Let's start with the Minister for Elf Affairs, Steven.”
“Most of you may know some of this, but, some don't, so please be patient. It has been four weeks since the previous administration abducted Mrs Tia Dione. We believe she escaped the next day and has not been seen since, apart from that TV appearance. We are pretty sure that all our men we had there were killed. We know the incinerator on site was used and the remains are consistent with human bodies. All electronic evidence, besides that which was posted online, has been unrecoverable.
“There are rumours that she has been seen in Europe, but there has been no confirmation. A female elf who looks identical, but has short hair, and is claiming to be her mother, has established herself as the acting head of the Elven Nation. She is residing in a large fortified compound in Fiji.”
“What is her name?” I asked.
“She calls herself Mia Dione. If we want any dealings with the Elven Nation, we will have to go through her. Onto our election promises. Repealing the bill shouldn't be that difficult, there are even grounds to dismiss it in the high court, but we want to be seen to have done the work. The difficult one is giving up the Isle of Wight. The population is almost 150,000. It will have to be discussed with Mrs Mia Dione. I'm hoping that she would be alright with anyone staying who wished to. Moving that many people is going to be problematic.”
“If we can hand Hong Kong over to the Chinese, I'm sure we can hand the Isle of Wight over to the Elven Nation. If they even want it, what is happening with them in Fiji?” I asked Steven.
“They have an American Elf in charge of that. At the moment they are dredging and creating a seaport. The Island has been renamed New Amilyf but will take some time to become habitable. It does give us a chance if we can convince them to try the Isle of Wight. Infrastructure is already in place. They can become either a free nation-state or a Crown dependency like the Isle of Man.”
“So, you think they will accept?”
“I am hopeful. There are a lot of advantages to the Isle of Wight as a base for them. There are plentiful supplies and easy access to more. They wouldn't have to create their own currency and there would be easy travel to the rest of the world. They can make the island as secure as they wish. The only disadvantages are the population that already exists there and if a subsequent government tried to change its mind. We can make that difficult but not impossible and, to be honest, that is not a bad thing. They will have to keep good relations with us as we will be a close neighbour.”
“While we start the legislation, I think you will need to arrange to travel to Fiji and talk to Mia Dione directly. See what kind of agreement you can come up with. Now, I have another bit of news for us to discuss. As you know the Queen is not as young as she used to be. Her husband has now passed on and she wondered how would the country take it if she applied for Elfhood. She is not enjoying the ageing process and is unsure whether she would need to abdicate her throne if she managed to convince Tia Dione to treat her. Of course, that can't happen unless we manage to remove the exclusion that is presently in place.”
“The only way to find out if the country would like it or not would be to do some kind of poll. Either an official one or an unofficial one, depending on what you want to do with the results. The Queen might get some backlash by getting ahead of the queue, on the other hand, she is very popular, especially after intervening recently,” Steven said.
“Let's start with an unofficial one. Steven, a lot rests on your shoulders. OK, anyone else with something to add?” I asked.
“Err.. did you know about the court case in America?” Andrew, head of foreign affairs, asked me.
“No. What court case?”
“Veronica Dione, Tia's wife, has a large inheritance due her on her 25th Birthday, however her Aunt, Emily Styles, whose son is splitting that inheritance, has filed a case in court. She is claiming that if Veronica Dione is not considered human, she does not have any right to the inheritance. How can she be a great-granddaughter and yet be a different species? At the moment, both Tia and Veronica Dione are uncontactable and their location is unknown. Her parents have resurfaced after our election win, but are not willing to travel to America to fight the case. An Elf lawyer is representing Veronica and has signed documents to say that she can.”
“Should we do anything about this?”
“Veronica is still a British citizen, but this is a civil court case, so I'm not sure there is much we can do.”
“Who is this lawyer representing her?”
“Ms Rutberb was an excellent lawyer with a great reputation who was going to retire due to advanced breast cancer. This will be a landmark case. If an Elf is considered unable to inherit, that will open up the floodgates. There seems to be a lot of religious extremists supporting the case, protests and I suspect providing the money.”
“Keep an eye on it, it could blow up in all sorts of ways.” If they weren't careful they could be next on the exclusion list. That could benefit us, but I wasn't going to encourage it.
Matteo/ Wendy's POV
My front door rang. I live in a one bed flat in Bruges and like my privacy. It was near
ly nine pm at night, so I certainly wasn't expecting anybody. I was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt but had put makeup on as soon as I had got home after work since I expected to be undisturbed.
The doorbell rang again. I sighed and went to the bathroom to quickly wash my makeup off. It wasn't going to be one of my few friends, they would have rung first and my family had kicked me out. If it rings again, I will answer it, I thought.
It rang a third time. I sighed again and went to answer it. I left the chain on so the door could only open a fraction. There in front of me was a beautiful woman. Tall and very curvy, dressed in dark jeans and a black top, she rocked this dark almost assassin type vibe.
“Hello, do you speak English?” she asked.
It wasn't my first language, but when you are obsessed with transgender issues and stories which is mostly written in English, your English tends to improve. “Er, yes. How may I help you?”
“Are you Matteo also known as Wendy?”
I gasped in fear. No one here should know my Wendy identity.
“It is alright, Wendy. I am here to help.” She smiled at me, took her hat off, moved her hair behind her ears and I could immediately see that she had slightly pointed ears. She was an Elf. “You applied to join the Elf Nation, I am here to offer you that chance. I need you to go and turn off everything you need to turn off and come with me. Don't call anybody, grab your keys but leave your phone and wallet behind.”
I shut the door to take the chain off and then opened it again. I didn't want to leave her in front of a shut door. I would need to take a risk. Going off with a complete stranger without even my identity was scary, but no way was I missing this opportunity. I rushed around turning off all the lights and unplugging the television and then down to the front door, picking up my keys on the way.
The Elf led me to a parked van and I got in the back. There were three other candidates in there with me. Two of them were transgender like me. I could tell by the residue signs of makeup that was probably also evident on me, and the third was ill with some kind of disease. There were no windows so we couldn't see where we were going. We chatted a bit, all excited. The drive took about an hour and we seemed to go back on ourselves several times, so I really had no idea where we were.
When we got out it was too dark to see much, but I could tell we were in a forest and there was a large tent in front of me, the Elf led us inside where there were eight blow up mattresses laid out on the floor. There were two girls already lying down on a mattress with a headset on. They both had a blanket covering their lower half and I suspected they were paraplegic.
A voice that sounded like it was coming from a phone, so probably in the Elf's pocket, announced five minutes. Two of the mattresses were left separate. We all laid down on the others, put on a headset that they gave us and waited patiently. After a few minutes, we heard two people enter and move to the two available mattresses.
“Everyone ready?” Tia called out. I knew it was her because I recognised the voice.
We all said yes.
“Alright, we are going for a three day trip to Lagbit's World. Anyone who doesn't want to, please say now.”
There was a deafening silence. “OK, here we go,” Tia said and I drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 2
Tia's POV
Another three days fun in Lagbit's World and another six elves transformed. I woke up on the air mattress with Vee beside me and started the next part of my routine. “No one take off your headsets until you are told to do so,” I called out. I'm pretty sure everyone knew it was me, but if they didn't actually see me, they could still honestly say that they had no idea where I was. Vee and I removed our headsets and left the tent.
Outside was a combination of my ground forces and my personal honour guard. This was my second visit to Lagbit's World for the night and it was time to leave to our next destination. I was managing to transform a total of twelve a night now. I walked off to a clearing about a hundred metres away from the tent, my honour guard forming up around me. We were all dressed in black with hats that covered our hair and kept everything dark.
In the clearing were four black hang gliders with a double sleeping bag harness arrangement. With the ease of familiarity, Vee and I slipped into our harness. We waited as according to our security protocol I was always the second to ascend. After Leaf and Killash were in the air, I asked Inda to take us up and soon we were off to our next location. We travelled at night, slept during the day and slowly built up our Elven numbers and helped those we could. We couldn't do this forever, Vee was nine weeks pregnant now and we didn't want to be travelling like this when it became uncomfortable for her.
Davina was in Fiji with momma, Danielle and Ash. Danielle wanted to be in charge of my honour guard but needed more training on modern weapons and warfare, which Davina was providing, with the help of VDR and programs developed by Andi. Katie and Ash were understandably inseparable and had already tried to get pregnant once, unsuccessfully. I had taken Katie back to Lagbit's World and transformed an orc into a Katie copy, so there would be no lovesick elf pining away in Lagbit's World. Katie was delighting in showing Ash all about our modern world.
We had a frank discussion with all seven of the transposed Elves about their existence and how the world viewed Lagbit's World. Andi, Inda and now Dani all were of the philosophy of 'I think therefore I am.' The druid's familiars all agreed with that so it made it easier for Leaf, Berry and Branch, but Ash, Danielle, Killash and Mia needed more discussion. All we could really do was explain what we knew and what evidence we had and then let everyone come to their own conclusions.
As far as they were all concerned, Lagbit was a real world and the fact that they could come to Earth proved that. The alternative was that my mind was able to create their personalities and transpose them on seven male individuals and none of them wanted to believe that. Since no one could prove anything, one way or another, they decided to believe that we were saving the Elven Nation by creating a new one on this world.
Leaf, Berry and Branch all had wind familiars which helped us come up with the plan of travelling unseen from place to place. Since the familiars were powerful, staying with me added significantly to my defence. Killash had found most magic didn't work, but mind magic did. She only had a few spells that utilized this type of magic, but they were very useful, so she joined us as well. The last two members of our travelling band were assigned by Davina. Both were supremely skilled with modern weapons but were also knowledgable about crossing borders and how to leave the least trace of our presence. I suspect they were previously spies of some kind but felt it impolite to ask.
Mia had tried her healing spells and found they only worked on Elves and a lot slower than they worked in Lagbit's World. She also had to be physically touching them. On the plus side, again the mental spells worked on everyone, so she could do truth spells, oath taking and memory removal spells. Since both Vee and I also had been taught those spells, she did not think staying with me would be helpful, so she agreed to be our leader in exile in Fiji. Roni and Katie would be her main advisors and help with her adaptation to our modern Earth. She was also able to finish treating The General's daughter.
During my time in Lagbit's World, Andi and I had been working with other druids so that Andi could make a VDR program so as to be able to test other elves for druid abilities. Andi believed that she had enough information now, but since we didn't expect there to be that many with the ability, it would take a while to work out whether she had been successful. The aim was to get all new Elves to go through the testing program and potentially train up any that showed promise so that I can take them back to Lagbit's World with me for the familiar ceremony.
In the meantime, we had seven Lagbit World elves being introduced to the modern world. The first time they saw a car was a classic and airplanes seemed like a different type of magic. They were all adapting well, but occasional elements of technology still surprised them. Usually, something that
we take for granted, so don't even think to warn them. They were startled by a match of all things. On one of our evenings, Harriet and Lacy, our two elves assigned by Davina, organised the campsite including laying a fire. Casually Lacy lit a match and held it under some tinder. There were startled gasps from Killash and Berry, who had been watching and a whole discussion on explosives and chemicals from that.
Andi was keeping a close watch on our security concerns and there were still a lot of people wanting to get their hands on me. If they couldn't get me, they wanted any Elf, so we had to warn everyone we had transformed. We were only approaching those who put on their application that they wanted to relocate and join the Elf Nation.
To facilitate this our security force would give each newly made Elf a burner phone so that Andi could talk to them. At the moment we were sending them all to Fiji, providing them with plane tickets if we needed to and then looking after them while they changed. Then between Simone and Katie, we would find how they could slot into our organisation. In Fiji Mia was in charge of their lessons which included Elvish and Taigoa. Mia was also responsible for reviewing the legal system and comparing it with what was done in Lagbit's World to come up with a set of laws. The truth spell was used frequently eliminating any question of guilt or innocence. Sentences tended to be more hard-line and they used geas rather than prisons which made sense when faced with the harsh reality of Lagbit's World.
We contacted certain individuals that we needed for specific tasks and had them travel to somewhere near where I was going to be. Then a security detail would pick them up and take them to a meeting point. Language was a problem in this world, but not much of one in Lagbit's World. The reason why I thought all the Elves spoke English as well as Elven was because that was all I could speak when I started my adventure. The reality was that translation magic was used although it was a type of mind magic, so it affected people differently. One of Killash's spells enables her to learn a language from another, but until recently she couldn't teach any of us that language. I took her back to Lagbit's World with me so that she could study other mental spells, including one that allowed her to teach any language she knew to someone else. This was making our travel through Europe much easier and we could now broaden our scope to include non-English speakers.