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Dead Souls Volume One (Parts 1 to 13)

Page 70

by Amy Cross

  Part Eight


  “It's really nothing to be alarmed about,” Doctor Young explained as he set the stethoscope's drum on Alice's bare chest. “So far, everything seems normal.”

  “But the scar -”

  “Is healing.”

  “But why's it there in the first place?”

  “You'd have to ask Doctor Burns,” he continued, moving the drum down a little further onto the top of her left breast. “I'm afraid he was responsible for everything that happened to you up to the point when you were found and brought up here to Edgar's house. Unfortunately, Doctor Burns has left Thaxos and I don't know when he'll be back.” He paused for a moment before removing the drum from her skin. “I can assure you, though, that there's nothing to worry about. You're on the road to recovery.”

  Before she could answer, Alice heard the door to her room creak open. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw to her relief that Kate had returned.

  “Everything okay in here?”

  “I was just telling Alice not to worry,” Doctor Young replied as he set the stethoscope back in its case. “All her vital signs are fine. Her skin might look a little damaged, but what matters is what's going on inside. The healing process is well underway.”

  “How do you feel?” Kate asked as she walked over to the bed.

  “I'm okay,” Alice replied, slipping her gown back over her shoulders and closing it across her chest. “I...” She paused, as if she was momentarily consumed by some other thought. Every so often, the torn ribbons of half-forgotten nightmares seemed to flutter briefly before her eyes. “I haven't been sleeping so well.”

  “That's to be expected,” Doctor Young replied. “It's only been a few days, Alice. Your body is working overtime to heal you up, and that's bound to take a toll. Just make sure that you continue to rest, get good meals and plenty of water, and try not to stress yourself so much. You're only human, and there's no way to rush these things.” He turned to Kate. “I also need to talk to you later,” he added, his tone sounding notably more concerned. “It's nothing to worry about, but I want to run some more tests on you.”

  “My heart again?” she asked.

  “I just need to rule a few things out,” he explained as he headed to the door. “I'll come and find you later today. Right now, I have to go and deal with some patients down at my surgery.”

  “Your surgery?”

  “The island needs a doctor,” he pointed out, “and although it's inconvenient, I've managed to juggle a few things. I'll be here until the end of the month at least.”

  “So you don't think Doctor Burns is coming back?”

  “I don't know,” he continued, “but if I were you, Kate, I wouldn't hold my breath.”

  Kate watched as he left the room. Something about him wasn't sitting right with her, and she felt certain that – at the very least – he was holding something back. A couple of times over the past few days, she'd entered rooms in the house only to find Doctor Young and Edgar deep in conversation. They always seemed to change the subject when they saw her, and she felt certain that they were up to something.

  “Why does he lie to me?” Alice asked suddenly.

  Kate turned to her.

  “He is lying, isn't he?” she continued, opening her gown again to reveal the top of the scar, which looked just as thick and deep as ever. “He says he doesn't know why Doctor Burns did this, but...” Another pause. “He barely even examined it. It's like he doesn't want to know, or he knows already but he doesn't want to tell me.”

  “How's the pain?” Kate asked.

  “There's no pain at all.”

  “That's odd,” Kate replied, staring at the scar. “It looks so deep. Have you thought any more about going back to town and seeing your parents? They must be worried sick about you.”

  “I can't,” Alice told her, her voice trembling a little. “I just... Whenever I think about going down there, I feel sick, like I might die. I didn't even like it when they came up to visit me yesterday. I don't know what's wrong with me, but every time they touch me I just feel as if my whole body is going to go into convulsions. I love them, I swear, but...” She paused as a shiver passed through her body. “Something has changed. I don't feel like I'm myself anymore.”

  “Are they coming today?” Kate asked.

  “They said they'd be up this afternoon,” she replied. “My father has tried to convince my mother to give me a little space, but she's so desperately worried about me. I know when they arrive that they'll try to get me to go with them again.”

  “And you really can't stand the thought of leaving Edgar's house?”

  “I don't know why,” Alice continued. “It's just something deep inside.”

  Kate stared at her for a moment, unable to shake a sense of profound pity. Alice seemed so weak and fragile, as if her recent ordeal had torn her apart. Although she didn't know Alice very well, Kate felt an urge to try to help her.

  “What about going to the north of the island?” she asked finally.

  “The north?” Alice replied.

  “I'm heading over there to look at the stone circle. I already made some interesting discoveries there yesterday, but I need to catalog the whole site and come up with a new direction for my work. I know it doesn't sound like the most exciting thing in the world, but at least it beats sitting around in here.”

  “I don't know if I'm...” Alice paused, but slowly a tentative smile crossed her lips. “Are you sure? I don't want to get in the way, and Doctor Young said I should rest -”

  “You won't be getting in the way,” Kate replied. “I could use someone to bounce a few ideas off. And as for Doctor Young, I'm pretty sure he meant not to go running around, and we'll double-check with him first that it's okay. A slow walk will probably do you some good.” She forced a smile, hoping to get the younger woman to accept her offer. “Come on, do it for me. We'll let your parents know that they don't need to come up here today. It's a win-win situation.”


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