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Katie Lyn’s Guarded Heart: Sweethearts of Country Music, Book 4

Page 5

by Savage, Marie

  “Neither do I,” Alec quickly responded. “But I’m sure we could order coffee or tea.”

  “Fine. Let’s go into the bar then. You’re right, it’ll be less suspicious.”

  He let them lead the way into the hotel bar where they found a booth in a corner and away from anyone trying to pry. Katie Lyn sat quietly as she watched him open his notebook and the folder. She admired his wardrobe. He was definitely rocking the business suit, but the tie was awful. The color was all wrong for him, and for a lack of better words, it was boring. If he had a nicer tie, he’d look more like a successful lawyer instead of a funeral director. Of course, with everything going on with her right now, maybe he was dressed for the occasion.

  “So, how quickly can you get this nonsense taken care of?” Cinnamon asked.

  “They have set a court date of December 18th.”

  Katie Lyn felt like she just took a sucker punch right in the middle of her stomach.

  “But that’s a week before Christmas. I have plans. Can’t we postpone this until after the holidays?” Katie Lyn started to panic. In her planner, she had the entire month of December penciled in with things to do with Madison. The band didn’t have a concert until January, so she was excited to be able to spend some quality time with her daughter.

  “I’m afraid not. One of the reasons they chose that date, according to his lawyer, is because your ex-husband is wanting to have her by Christmas. He’s claiming since you haven’t allowed him to be in his daughter’s life, you owe him to let her be with him for the holidays.”

  “Owe him? I owe him?!”

  “I’m just telling you what his lawyer said.”

  “That’s not fair. Where does he get off trying to ruin my plans?”

  “I’m sorry, but if we’re going to contest this claim, we’ll have to take it to the judge, unless you want to try and bargain with him.”

  “Bargain with him? Are you nuts? I don’t even want to see him, much less bargain with him.”

  “I was merely suggesting that maybe you could work out a deal with him.”

  “Whose side are you on? Are you my attorney or his?” Katie Lyn bit back.

  “Yours, of course.” He looked at her and by his confused expression, she knew right away she offended him.

  “Then fine. Do what you have to do to stop this. No way should that jerk be allowed custody of Madison. He wasn’t even there when she almost died giving birth.” Cinnamon started getting defensive.

  Katie Lyn watched the attorney’s expression change once again at Cinnamon’s statement. She was right though; she could have died that day and where was Trevor?

  Alec paused for a moment, like he was trying to gather his thoughts before looking at her once again.

  “Have you read over the papers? Does he have anything he can use against you? Did you hide your pregnancy from him like he claims?”

  “No. I didn’t hide my pregnancy from him. I told him the day I found out. A week later he tells me he wants a divorce. I begged him to at least help me. I was a stocker at Walmart, barely making enough to support us. At the time, he wasn’t working because he needed time to work on his music. After our divorce, I had to move my mom in with me, just to survive.

  “Why didn’t you file for child support? You were entitled.”

  “Because back then I couldn’t afford someone like you. You can’t file for child support when you’re struggling for money. The hospital wouldn’t even let me list him as the father on the birth certificate because he wasn’t there to sign it, so I couldn’t go to the Department of Human Resources and file for support.”

  “Great, there’s our start. We’ll make him go through the process of proving his paternity. A paternity test isn’t cheap, so we can see how serious he really is about all of this.”

  “Those are blood tests, right? Madison would have to have one, too? She’s terrified of needles. I struggle every time she has immunizations. Do we have to do this?”

  “Yes, but I’ll make sure if he decides to go through with it, that we do the best we can to make it easy for her. I can even have them come to your house and get the sample if you think that would be less stressful on her.”

  “Yes, please. She hates going to the doctor.”

  “I’ll take care of it. Now, I have to ask this, and like I said, I’m on your side, but why did you sign this other contract with him?”

  “What contract?”

  “You signed it the same day as your divorce. You agreed that if anytime in the future, you became successful with your music, that you’d share all your profits 50/50 with him.”

  Katie Lyn was about to be sick. Something told her she shouldn’t have signed those documents without someone there to help her read over them, but she was so hurt by Trevor’s betrayal and the fact he said he had her guitar and would get it back for her if she wouldn’t contest the divorce and just sign.

  “KL, did you really sign something like that?” Cinnamon asked and Katie Lyn suddenly felt very embarrassed.

  “I must have overlooked that part, but he really can’t hold me to that right? Is that even legal?”

  “It’s sketchy. Definitely not normal in a standard, uncontested divorce, but if you say that’s your signature, a judge is going to think you were okay with it. That’s why you must always be careful when you sign any documents, like I explained to you a few months back.”

  Katie Lyn looked down. He was right and she should’ve known better.

  “Look. She was just a kid. He was older and took advantage of her. Trevor Howell is a scum bag. She just wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. Now, go put that college education of yours to good use and fix this for her.”

  “I apologize. I’m not trying to offend you. I’m just trying to understand what I’m dealing with here.”

  Katie Lyn finally looked up.

  “It’s okay, you’re right. I shouldn’t have signed the papers without legal counsel. But at the time, I was worried about more important things like eating and having a roof over my head. I’m so thankful for my mom and for Cinnamon. If they hadn’t been there to help me, my daughter and I would’ve been on the streets and Trevor couldn’t have cared less. Now he wants to play the victim.”

  “Please don’t worry. We’re going to get this all straightened out.”

  “But I’m worried. I appreciate everything you’re trying to do, but I really don’t want to drag this out. Can’t we pay him off or something? That’s what he really wants, anyway.”

  “We could offer that if that’s what you want. But I have to warn you, from what you and Cinnamon are telling me, it looks like he does things like this a lot. If you pay him to go away, and not get this resolved for good, he could just come back and do it again.”

  “You’re right. I just hate that this is happening during our down time. I had so many plans for Madison and myself. Especially in December. I booked us for the day after Christmas for a week at Disney World. We’ve been dreaming about it ever since she could say Mickey Mouse.”

  She started tearing up at the thought of not being able to go on the trip she worked hard to make happen. It was going to be the big gift from Santa she had all planned out to surprise her. Now it may not happen at all.

  Alec stopped writing his notes and looked at her before jotting down something else.

  “You want to go over this now? Or would you like to have more time to read over it?”

  “Can you give her more time? She’s been crazy busy,” Cinnamon spoke up.

  “That’s fine. I’ll email it to you tonight. Unfortunately, I’ll need your response back in the morning so I can send it to his lawyer. The quicker we move on this, the better the chance of you getting your trip to Disney World.”

  “Do you think I should postpone the trip, just in case?”

  “No!” He quickly responded causing Katie Lyn to almost jump out of her seat.

  “Sorry. It’s just this guy’s a piece of work. Don’t change any of
your plans. Katie Lyn, I promise you—you and Madison will have that trip. You just concentrate on your music and moving into your house and let me worry about this mess,” Alec said as he gathered up the papers and put them in his briefcase.

  “Look for my email when you get back from dinner. Make sure you go over it tonight and email me before nine in the morning. In the meantime, if there’s anything you can think of that I can use, don’t hesitate to call me. You still have my card, right?” He stood and towered over her.

  When she looked up at him, she couldn’t help but think of him as her protector; a gallant prince ready to fight her battles and make sure she lived happily ever after.

  “Yes, I have it right here.” She held up his card to show him. She hadn’t let it go since he gave it to her a while ago. Right now, it was her talisman.

  “Read everything over carefully tonight and call me if you have any questions. I’ll have my phone with me so call anytime, no matter how late.”


  “I’ll call you in the morning then. It was nice seeing you, again. You, too, Cinnamon.”


  Katie Lyn and Cinnamon watched him walk out of the room. She admired his self-confidence as he stood tall and walked with pride.

  “He’s still as dreamy as the day he went over the contracts. He definitely works out.”

  “There’s something about him. Something familiar. I wish I knew what it was.”

  “Oh, please. You’ve been crushing on him for months,” Cinnamon teased her.

  “I have not.”

  “Sure, you have and how could anyone blame you. He’s definitely nice looking.”

  “He’s only doing this for the money you know.”

  “Who? McDreamy?”

  “No! And would you stop calling him that. I’m talking about Trevor.”

  “I’d rather talk about McDreamy.” Cinnamon smiled.

  Katie Lyn rolled her eyes.

  “You know, when I told Trevor I was Waylon Bishop's daughter, he wanted me to sue for money. He kept pressuring me about it. He said he had this lawyer friend.”

  “Is this the same lawyer friend that handled your divorce?”

  “It very well could be. All of that’s such a blur now.”

  “I know it’s none of my business, but why didn’t you seek help from Waylon? Especially after Trevor left and you and your mom, struggled so hard.”

  “Because I don’t want it. I never wanted the money. I just wanted a father and he chose not to be that for me. I didn’t want anything from him then, and I don’t need anything from him now.”

  “I just hate keeping it from the other girls and especially Val. I think they have the right to know the truth, Katie Lyn.”

  “I’ll tell them. I promise. Just not right now. There’s too much going on.”

  “You do lead a very dramatic life, my friend.”

  Katie Lyn nodded. She knew her friend understood. Both had their share of struggles in their teen years, that they shared with each other. She was very envious of her friend. She was beautiful and intelligent and a very gifted songwriter. She had a lot to offer when it came to finding a special someone. She’d definitely be a better match for the good-looking lawyer.

  “Cin, you’re not interested in Alec, are you?” She shyly asked.

  Cinnamon smiled at her as if she knew this question was coming.

  “He’s cute, but he’s not my type.” Cin said as they both stood to leave.

  “But he’s definitely yours and the way he was looking at you earlier, I would say the attraction is mutual.”


  Katie Lyn was quiet during dinner that night with the rest of the band. The girls were all talking, laughing and joking around as normal, except for her. She had too much on her mind, not to mention her plate. In times of stress, she turned to food. Comfort food. All the rich and carb loaded items she avoided on her normal diet, were sitting on her plate begging to be devoured. She even noted all of them staring at her when she ordered lasagna with garlic bread from the menu. They all knew it wasn’t like her.

  This whole mess was something she had been fearing in the back of her mind, but as the years continued to pass, she was hopeful that this day would never come. Trevor was always money hungry, but she never imagined that he’d come back staking his claim on Madison. Of course, in their brief marriage, he knew enough about her to know that family was important, and she’d do anything to protect them.

  Thinking about her conversation with Alec and Cinnamon earlier, she wondered if she left anything out? Was there more she could do to make sure Trevor couldn’t get his hands on her daughter? Of course, snapping at her lawyer earlier didn’t help.

  “Mommy, did you hear me?” she heard Madison say.

  “I’m sorry honey, what is it?”

  “Can we have dessert?”

  “Sure, sweetie. Order whatever you like.”

  Katie Lyn tried to focus on everything going on but dreaded going upstairs to read the email that Alec sent.

  “Yes, but let’s take it upstairs and eat it in your room. Your mommy is tired, and we have a long ride home tomorrow,” Lynette said as she helped Madison clean her face after her meal.

  “Yes, and we still need to look over those papers,” Katie Lyn reminded her mother.

  “Miss, can we get a piece of chocolate cake to go?” Lynette asked the waitress as she was handing out the bills.

  “Make that two,” Katie Lyn chimed in.

  * * *

  Early the next morning Katie Lyn quietly snuck out of the room to avoid waking her mother and Madison. She decided to head to the hotel gym and try to work off some of the damage she did with her overindulgence last night. She hated that she let herself fall back into her bad habits, and most of all, having her daughter witness it. Maybe she wasn’t a good mom after all.

  Nope, she wouldn’t do this to herself. Negative talk wasn’t the answer. On the bus ride home today, she’d have to find her audible book and re-listen to her favorite part by Rachel Hollis. She needed to get her life back on track.

  She walked inside the gym and was thankful it was early enough that only one person was there. She liked to do at least forty-five minutes to an hour on the treadmill without someone getting upset when she took more than the customary thirty minutes. She spotted an empty machine and climbed on. She adjusted the speed and incline to warm up and set the timer, before putting in her earbuds and starting her workout playlist.

  First song was Road Less Traveled by Lauren Alaina. It was her go-to song and she loved singing it. It was also a fan favorite when the band covered it. Trust your rebel heart, ride into battle, don’t be afraid, take the road less traveled. She loved that line.

  After a good warm up, she raised the incline and speed and started a steady jog. The next song was Miss Me More by Kelsea Ballerini. She could feel her confidence coming back. The song about a woman finding herself again after a breakup was becoming her anthem.

  She adjusted the speed and incline up once again when Kelly Clarkson’s Stronger started playing. The upbeat tempo was perfect for her pace and it was another song that gave her the confidence she worked so hard to have.

  Next was The Fighter by Keith Urban and her twinsie, Carrie Underwood. She lowered her incline but moved up the speed a little. The song had a great beat, but she never really concentrated on the words. Keith’s promises reminded her of Alec’s words yesterday. I’ll take care of this for you. You’ll have your trip. I promise.

  When Maddie and Tae’s Girl in a Country Song came on, she slowed down to a steady jog for a few more minutes before doing her cool down. She felt better now; she always did after working out.

  She shut off the machine and grabbed her towel and gently patted the sweat from her face, she blindly reached for her water only to feel it somehow being placed in her hand. Quickly she removed the towel to see Alec standing in front of her.

  “Good morning.” He smiled.
  “Good morning. What are you doing here?” she asked as she tried not to focus on how good he looked in workout clothes. His tank top she showed off his well-defined muscles. The counselor was definitely fit and trim.

  “Like you, getting my morning workout in,” he said, wiping his brow with his towel before placing it around his neck.

  “I’m sorry your back was facing me when I walked in. I didn’t realize it was you.”

  “I get that all the time.” He smiled and then winked at her.

  “What?” she laughed as she tried not to let his flirtatious wink get to her. Even if it did.

  “Nothing. Just making small talk. Did you read over the email last night?”

  “I did. I just forgot to send the response back to you. I can go do it now if you need it.”

  “No, I still have a few hours before I leave. Would you like to go have some breakfast with me and discuss them?”

  Katie Lyn hesitated. Last night, she and her mom went back over the response that Alec had emailed. What should only take a normal person a few minutes to read and comprehend, took Katie Lyn hours, and there were still things she had a hard time. Quickly, she thought of an excuse which was the truth, at least this time.

  “No breakfast this morning. I’m fasting until noon,” she blurted out and waited for the strange look that everyone else gave her when she made the declaration of her intermediate fasting routine.

  “You fast? Like intermediate fast?”

  “Yes. You know what I’m talking about?” She laughed.

  “Yeah. I fast, too, but I was willing to break it if you wanted to go have some breakfast. Keto friendly of course,” he added.

  “You do Keto? So do I.” She smiled.

  “Seems we have some things in common then.”

  “So, it does. Although last night I fell off the wagon”

  “How bad?”

  “Way bad. Carb overload. Lasagna and bread and chocolate cake.”

  “Oh, that’s bad, but I bet it tasted good.”

  “It did, but I’m paying for it today.”

  “I think after that workout, you’ll be okay.” He smiled at her and she felt a little self-conscious as she noticed him eyeing her up and down. It wasn’t in a creepy way, more like in appreciation.


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