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Katie Lyn’s Guarded Heart: Sweethearts of Country Music, Book 4

Page 10

by Savage, Marie

Breathe, Katie Lyn, just breathe, don’t push. We’ll be at the hospital soon.

  “You were there,” she whispered.

  “Katie Lyn, let me explain?” Alec said as he tried to reach for her hand, but she pulled it away. She had to get out of here before she was sick.

  “I have to go,” was all she managed to say.

  “I’ll take you home then.”

  “No, that’s okay. I’m sorry. I have to go.” She turned and started walking as fast as she could to the exit.

  “Katie Lyn, wait.”

  She heard Alec call out behind her, but she didn’t stop, in fact she started walking faster as she maneuvered her way through the crowd and finally made it outside where she looked for a cab or limo.

  “Katie Lyn, talk to me please? Where are you going?” Alec finally caught up to her.

  She didn’t want to do this. She couldn’t do this now. She needed to get away. It was too much.

  “Alec, please just let me go. I can’t do this right now. I need to go home,” she cried.

  “Fine. I’ll take you home,” he said as he tried to reach for her, but she stepped back.

  “I don’t want you to take me home. Please just leave me alone.”

  His expression changed from worry to hurt. She watched him reach for his phone and make a call.

  “Bring the car around. Ms. Bishop wants to go home.”

  “Thank you,” was all she said as the cold fall air caused her to shiver.

  Alec took off the jacket of his costume and wrapped it around her shoulders as they quietly waited for the limo.

  The limousine finally pulled up in front of them where Alec opened the door for her. She stopped and was removing the jacket, but he shook his head.

  “Keep it. I’ll get it back later.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry.”

  He leaned into the limousine to look at her. She knew he was waiting for an explanation.

  “Please, can we just talk about this? I’m sorry.”

  Katie Lyn turned her head. She couldn’t look at him.

  He bowed his head and shut the limo door. Katie Lyn looked at her phone and started to cry. It was 12:01a.m.


  Alec stared at the wall, wondering how in the world was he going to fix this. Last night, Katie Lyn ran out of the ball after being introduced to his grandfather. The moment he heard her repeat the name Malcom Winslow, he knew she was remembering. It spiraled after that. Maybe she just needed a few hours to let everything sink in, he told himself last night. He was sure it could all be worked out. That is, until this morning, when he arrived at the office and checked his voicemail.

  Good morning. This is Katie Lyn Bishop and this message is for Mr. Alec O’Donnell. I want to thank you for your services as my attorney in the matter of the custody of my daughter, but as of today, I’ll no longer need your services. My new attorney, Margaret Cowin, will be contacting you later today and if you’d please forward all my information to her, I would greatly appreciate it. My manager, Val McCann, will make sure you’re paid for your time in this matter. Thank you.

  Being introduced to his grandfather last night must have triggered her memory. He knew that had to be it. She finally remembered, and it certainly didn’t go as he thought it would. The look on her face last night scared him. They were having such a wonderful time and the next thing he knew she was running for the door.

  He wasn’t surprised by the voicemail she left but was hurt that she wouldn’t even meet with him to allow him to explain. He tried to call her back, but she wouldn’t answer. He thought he was doing the right thing by not letting her know who he was. Maybe this was never meant to be.

  His cell phone started vibrating and for a moment he hoped it was her. Unfortunately, it wasn’t, but it was a call he was expecting.

  “Good morning, sir.”

  “What happened?” Waylon said on the other end.

  “I’m not exactly sure, but I think she knows.”

  “Which part? About you or about me?”

  “I think it’s just about me.”

  Waylon was silent for a moment and Alec wondered if he was about to lose his biggest client. It wouldn’t surprise him if he got fired twice today.

  “Fix it and report back to me,” Waylon said and hung up.

  Alec was relieved to hear that he wasn’t fired again, but he still had no clue how he was going to fix this.

  * * *

  “Honey, I don’t understand why you’d fire the best family law attorney in Nashville,” Val said as they all sat around the table at the Turquoise Horse.

  It was the day before Halloween and Katie Lyn asked for an emergency meeting and was happy everyone was available to sit down and talk.

  “I found someone else. I’m sure Margaret will do a great job. She seems to know what she’s doing.”

  “I really don’t know enough about her to make a judgement on that,” Val said as she looked around the bar, keeping an eye out for trouble, like the good ole days.

  “Katie Lyn, your court date is coming up fast. Are you sure it was a good move to switch attorneys?” Rissa asked as she hugged Jake close to her while sitting in his lap. She imagined herself and Alec sitting there just like them. It had been over a week since the ball and she missed him.

  “It’s done and over with. I fired him and that’s the end of that.”

  “I still don’t understand what he did that was so wrong.” Taylor said.

  “He lied to me.”

  “About what?” C.C. asked.

  “It’s a long story,” Katie Lyn said.

  “We have time,” Mac said.

  Katie Lyn looked over at Cin. They had already discussed everything the night she came home from the ball crying. At first, she thought she had to be wrong, but after doing some investigating, she was able to confirm Katie Lyn’s suspicions.

  Katie Lyn took a deep breath and began.

  “It was almost four years ago. I was very pregnant with Madison and the doctor took me off work. Disability wasn’t enough to pay my bills, and no one wanted to hear a pregnant woman singing in bars. Mom was out on disability, too, so we were desperate for money. So, I went to see Waylon.”

  “You went to see Waylon Bishop?” Mac asked.

  “Well, no. Not exactly. You see, I had no idea how to reach him. I went to see his attorney, Malcom Winslow, instead.”

  “What does this Malcom Winslow have to do with Alec?” Taylor asked.

  “Alec is his grandson.”

  “Oh wow,” Taylor said.

  “You didn’t put the connection together when you visited their office a few weeks ago?” Jake asked.

  “No, the office they’re at now isn’t the same place I went four years ago.”

  “Okay, so Alec’s grandfather was Waylon’s attorney. I still don’t see why you fired Alec, and if you couldn’t find Waylon, how did you know how to find his attorney?” Mac questioned her.

  Katie Lyn could feel the frustration in all of them.

  “Let her finish and she’ll explain,” Cinnamon finally spoke up.

  “I found the papers my mom signed when she agreed to not go public about Waylon. I got Malcom’s name from there.”

  “Did you get to see Waylon?” C.C. asked.

  “No. He wasn’t there, and neither was Malcom. Only Alec was there.”

  “Alec was there?” Rissa was surprised and looked over to Cinnamon, who was nodding.

  “Yes. Things are blurry, I remember I went into labor and he drove me to the hospital. I think he did, anyway. It was him.”

  “Hold up. Are you saying that’s the office you were at when you said your water broke? Was Alec the guy that rushed you to the hospital?” Val asked her.

  “Yes, I believe so.”

  “Okay, I still don’t get why that should upset you so much. When you talk about the day that you had Madison, you said you couldn’t remember much but your nurse told you how some nice guy helped you to the hospital. Didn’t you
say if you ever found out who it was, that you’d thank him? So, the guy is Alec?” Taylor put her on the spot.

  “Yes, but it’s more complicated than that.” Katie Lyn went on the defensive.

  “So, let me see if I understand what you’re saying here. You’re mad at the man who took care of you that day and held your hand when you were having Madison. The same man who is now trying to help you keep custody of Madison,” Val pointed out to her.

  Hearing them put it from another perspective made Katie Lyn wonder if she made a terrible mistake. She had told them if she ever saw the man who helped her that day, she’d thank him and what did she do? She ran away and then fired him.

  “He’s related to the man that ruined my mother’s life. Malcom Winslow made my mother sign away her rights to ask my father for help. If Alec works with his grandfather, that means he works for my father, too.”

  “Look, I get what Waylon did was wrong, but I really feel you’re missing some info here. Have you talked to your mom? Are you sure you’re getting the whole story on everything that happened?” Val asked.

  “Do you think my mom is lying?” she asked Val and suddenly felt hurt by her questioning.

  “No, I don’t think that. I just know, as a mother myself, who had to raise a child on my own, like your mother did with you, that you do what you can to protect your child. Talk to your mom, adult to adult, from one mother to another. Make sure you have all the facts,” Val advised her.

  “I will, but do you think I made a mistake in letting Alec go?”

  “Talk to your mom and decide what you feel is best, but if it were me fighting for custody of my child, I would want the best attorney in my corner,” Val said as they all nodded in agreement, including Katie Lyn.


  It was Halloween and Katie Lyn was feeling more like the Wicked Witch of the West, than Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Even though it was the Dorothy costume she was wearing to take Madison trick-or-treating in.

  She thought a lot about what everyone said last night. She hadn’t spoken to her mom about Waylon yet, but she agreed she was too hasty in her decision to fire Alec so she begged Val to please rehire him and she’d take care of her letting the other attorney go. She thought maybe Alec would call her to go over the case, but he hadn’t. That’s when she realized how much she really missed him.

  “Mommy, why are you so sad?”

  “What makes you think I’m sad, sweetie?”

  “You just are, I can tell.”

  “Come here let me fix your mermaid fins.” Katie Lyn adjusted the costume hoping she wouldn’t have to cover it with a coat tonight. It was turning colder, so instead of traditional trick-or-treating they decided to go to their church fall festival and trunk-or-treat instead.

  “You have company,” her mother said as she stepped into the bedroom dressed as Mary Poppins.

  “I do?” Katie Lyn said, and her immediate thought was Alec but after what she did, he wouldn’t come to see her.

  “No, not you. Madison,” her mother said.

  “YAY! He came.” Madison started heading to the living room before Katie Lyn could stop her.

  “Maddie, wait!” She got up and started chasing after her with her mother right behind her.

  “Mama, I can’t believe you let Trevor in my house. I thought we already discussed this.”

  “Honey, it’s not Trevor.”

  Katie Lyn stopped and looked at her mom.

  “Then who?”

  “Why don’t you see for yourself.”

  Katie Lyn stepped into the living room to see Madison talking to someone kneeling in front of her. As she entered the room, he stood and looked at her. It was Alec.

  “What are you doing here?” She was surprised to see him.

  “We had a date,” he said looking at her. He was dressed in a white shirt with red cummerbund, blue pants and black boots.

  “We did? I don’t remember agreeing to go out with you.”

  “I’m not talking about you and me. I have a date with Ariel.”

  “Look, Mommy, he dressed like Prince Eric this time.” Madison ran up to her mommy.

  “I see that, baby.”

  “He said he’d take us trick-or-treating. Can we go?”

  “Sure, honey, why don’t you go with Nana and get your candy pail. I need to speak to Prince Eric here.”

  “Okay, Mommy,” Madison said as she left the room.

  “Hi,” he said as he stepped toward her.

  “Hi,” was all she managed to say, although she wanted to say more.

  “How have you been?” he asked, stepping a little closer.

  “I’ve been better,” she said.

  He was in front of her now and took her hands in his.

  “I missed you,” he said.

  “I missed you, too, Alec. I’m so sorry.”

  “Shh, don’t. Will talk about it later, okay?”

  “Okay.” She nodded.

  “I’m ready!” Madison came out with her candy pail followed by her Nana.

  “So you are.” Katie Lyn smiled.

  “Mommy, is okay if Mr. Alec stays for dinner and the movie we were going to watch when we get home?”

  Katie Lyn looked at him once again.

  “We were just going to grill some hot dogs and watch a Disney movie, but you’re welcome to join us if you like.”

  “Sounds fun.” Alec finally smiled at her and her heart started to melt.

  * * *

  After an hour, and a pail full of candy for Madison, Alec took Katie Lyn and Madison back home. Lynette informed them she was going to stay at the church to help clean up and would catch a ride home with one of the ladies.

  “Why don’t you two pick the movie and I’ll crank up the George Foreman, but first I want to get out of this costume,” Katie Lyn said as she started taking off the pigtail wig and headed for her bedroom.

  “Here’s all the movies,” Madison said as she pointed to the drawers of the large entertainment center. “You can pick the movie, Mr. Alec. I’m going to go change into my pajamas.”


  She put her finger to her lips and motioned for him to bend down so she could whisper.

  “Mommy, really wants to watch Cinderella. So, pick that one okay?”

  “Okay. I’ll find it,” he said as the child ran off, leaving him all alone in the room.

  As he looked through the large selection of Disney classics, he searched the titles until he found the one.

  “Did you find one?” Katie Lyn snuck up behind him.

  “Yeah. Cinderella okay?” He held up the movie.

  “Sure. It’s my favorite, but we can watch something like Tarzan or Jungle Book if you want.”

  “No, it’s okay. We’ll watch Cinderella.”

  They ate dinner. Then the three of them sat down to watch the movie.

  Madison sat between them, fighting to keep her eyes open. She was snuggled up close to her mother, but her little hand was holding his.

  She asked to hold his hand just before the movie began and he couldn’t tell her no. A bond formed between them and she trusted him, they both did. He had to win that case for them. He had to know what Trevor’s angle was. Was it just money or did he really want Katie Lyn and Madison back? He may not be able to stop him from having joint custody of Madison, but he’d definitely make sure he never had Katie Lyn.

  Alec watched her out of this corner of his eye. Her tough exterior was cracking as she was enthralled in the movie. Cinderella had just made it to the ball and the prince discovered her. It was like the night they went to the charity ball. He almost kissed her that night. He hoped he’d get another chance soon.

  Cinderella and her prince were singing So This is Love and Alec looked down at a sleeping Madison and then to Katie Lyn who was wiping away a stray tear. It was the perfect song.

  “Looks like she’s down for the count,” Alec said as Katie Lyn looked over at him.

  “I better get her into bed,�
�� she said pausing the movie.

  “Let me,” he said as he gently lifted the child in his arms.

  “Show me the way,” he whispered as he followed her to Madison’s room.

  Katie Lyn pulled back the mermaid covers as Alec laid down the child in her clamshell shaped bed. He watched as Katie Lyn kissed her good night and covered her up before turning on a night light and closing the door.

  “Well, I better be going so you can get some rest, too. You look so tired. Are you okay?” he asked, taking her hand as they entered the living room.

  “I’m scared,” she said, and he wasn’t expecting her to say that.

  “Of what?”

  “Of Trevor winning custody. I can’t lose her, Alec. She’s my life.”

  “You won’t lose her. I promise. We’ll figure this all out.”

  “We still didn’t get a chance to talk. I wanted to say . . .”

  He put his finger to her lips.

  “Not now. We’ll talk. I promise, but let’s concentrate on one thing at a time. You have a concert next week. Worry about that. Let me worry about Trevor,” he said as he removed his finger.

  “I’m sorry we didn’t get to finish the movie.” She smiled at him.

  “Yeah, but I bet I can guess the ending.”

  “Oh yeah. How does it end then?”

  He took her in his arms like the night at the ball and placed a very soft kiss on her lips, before releasing her and opening the door.

  “Good night, Cinderella. Sweet dreams,” he said as stepped outside and shut her door.


  The band arrived in Dothan, Alabama and Katie Lyn was relaxing in her room after band rehearsal and sound check. Alec had called earlier in the day to say he needed to see her before the show and asked if it was okay to come to Dothan so they could meet.

  “My show is in a few hours, you’re all the way in Nashville.”

  “I’ll be there.”


  “Dothan has an airport and I have my ways. See you in a few hours.”

  Katie Lyn was worried. What was so important that it couldn’t wait till she got back to Nashville?


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