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Dark On Me (Borrowed Faith Book 2)

Page 5

by Ruby Rowe

  “It’s one glass. You need to lighten up,” I say to him as I take a sip.

  “You almost died less than two weeks ago from drinking too much. In case you’ve forgotten, if you die, I do too.”

  Setting my flute on the end table, I scowl.

  “Maybe you should think about that the next time you try to fight someone like you did last night with Aiden. I feel your pain, Tripp. If you hurt, I hurt.”

  He rubs his forehead before he slips his arm around me and brings me closer.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’ve been on edge ever since we left the hospital, feeling as if what we experienced was a dream. The shit that’s happened since we met is unbelievable. I keep expecting to wake up and find my bandmates looking at me like I’m crazy for even thinking I knew Dexter Kingsley’s daughter.”

  Cradling his cheek, I kiss his lips. “I’m here with you, and our relationship is real. I can’t explain how we’re matched souls or tell you what the future holds, but what matters most is we’re together now. I love you, but you’ve got to loosen your hold on me and have a little faith in the unexplainable.”

  “Hi,” Faith interrupts as she takes a seat on the couch next to us. “I need to talk to your girl. Can you give us a minute?” Tripp stares at her as she shimmies to make more room for herself. “Dude, stop being so possessive. I’m not going to make a move on your juicy fruit.”

  “Go talk to someone,” I whisper to him. “Have a beer and some fun.” Kissing my temple, he leaves without a word, and I feel how hard it is for him.

  “What’s his deal?” Faith asks.

  “The only other person he loved this much was ripped away from him. I think he’s worried it’ll happen again.”

  “I guess that makes sense, but he has to give you some space. Geez.”

  “What’s up?”

  “Why did you take my side last night?”

  “I wasn’t trying to take your side.” I follow her gaze to across the room where Emma is sitting between Aiden’s legs on the floor. She’s shorter than Faith, and her hair’s not quite as dark, but otherwise, she favors the queen.


  Knowing I can’t tell her the whole truth, my heart begins to race. I hate lying.

  “You don’t flaunt other men around Aiden, so he shouldn’t flaunt his sexual conquests around you.”

  “He’d disagree that I don’t flaunt. He hates when Asher appears.”

  “Yeah, but Wainscott doesn’t stick around. He’s not riding on the bus with us, and you’re not sitting between his legs on the floor in front of Aiden.”

  “But in his defense, Aiden would say he has a right to move on and find love.”

  “Do you agree?”

  While Faith takes a long drink from her champagne flute, I shift sideways to face her.

  “Yeah, but it doesn’t make it suck any less.”

  “Look, I know it’s none of my business, but I believe you two belong together. I can see how much you love each other.”

  “It’s not going to happen, Apple, so you need to let it go.”

  “Can you at least tell me why?”

  “For the first time in over two years, Tripp sometimes looks at me without disgust in his eyes. He made me an omelet, remember?” She smiles to banish the tears in her eyes, but it doesn’t work.

  “I won’t do anything to jeopardize my chance at having his friendship again. Nathan loved Tripp more than anyone on this earth, and he would expect me to look after his brother. I can’t help Troy if he hates me.”

  “He doesn’t hate you.”

  “He sure as hell doesn’t trust me. There was a time when he did, and having Tripp’s trust and friendship was a big fucking deal when he was so leery of letting people in. Imagine only trusting three people in this world. One dies and the other two betray you. How would that make you feel?”

  “I understand Tripp’s trust issues, but those are his issues to work through. You and Aiden shouldn’t have to suffer the rest of your lives all because Tripp doesn’t approve.”

  “He’d be furious to hear you say that, and Aiden hardly looks like he’s suffering over there. This fucking blows.”

  I glance at Aiden again, and he’s kissing on Emma’s neck. Ugh, it does blow.

  “I told Tripp how I feel about you and Aiden being together.”

  “Did it change anything?”

  “No, but I believe he’ll come around.”

  “I’ve been thinking that for over two years, and it hasn’t happened. It doesn’t matter... Aiden’s obviously moving on.” Swallowing, Faith tries her damndest not to stare at him. “Asher and I have always kept things casual, but when I saw him last, he told me he wanted a commitment.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  Looking at me, she shrugs. “I don’t know. Other than our love for music and kinky sex, we’re nothing alike. I’m always going to be on the road wearing slutty attire while he sits behind a desk in a suit.”

  “It seems like it’d be hard to make it work.”

  “Probably, but when we’re alone together, he takes charge, and I love that. He’s older and mature, so I feel comforted and safe. Being Faith Cottrell carries a lot of pressure. With Asher, I don’t have to make decisions, and I get to escape the tension amongst the band.”

  Grinning slyly, she steals a glimpse of Aiden. “That one’s wild in bed, too, but he’s also sweet and wants to express his feelings. Asher’s the complete opposite, so it’s easy to be with him. We share amazing sex and nothing more.”

  “That won’t be enough forever.”

  “It’s enough for now and hopefully for a long damn time.” She laughs. “When he asked me to be exclusive with him, he said in his deep voice, ‘What do you think about us only fucking each other? You know, no one else on the side?’ Most women would want more, but not me. Avoiding my feelings is the only way I can travel and work with Aiden.” Faith picks at her fishnet hose.

  “If I can’t feel love from that warm teddy bear across the room, then I don’t want to feel anything at all. That’s why I’m angry with myself for losing my cool with him and Emma. I’m tired of Aiden having a hold on my heart. Maybe becoming more serious with Asher would finally free it.”

  “Ladies, what’s with the serious looks?” Zain asks. “I swear I can’t leave you two alone.” He forces us to scoot apart so he can sit between us. Wrapping his arm around my neck, he pulls me to him and smacks a kiss on the side of my cheek. The strong odor of liquor on his breath takes mine away.

  “Are you swimming in life size bottles of booze now?” I ask.

  “Do they make those?” he responds excitedly. “If so, I better buy myself a pair of Speedos.”

  Faith laughs. “I’d pay an armored truckload of money to see you in a pair of those scrotum-huggers. We need to find something to bet on so I can make it happen.”

  “Not a chance.”

  I glance around and notice Tripp looking at me while he hangs out with some of the crew. I can tell from his locked jaw that it pains him to give me space and to see Zain touching me. Taking a swig from his beer bottle, he turns his attention back to his buddies.

  I feel someone tugging on my finger, but it takes several seconds for it to register in my brain what’s happening. I jerk my head down, and Zain’s pulling on my Hello Kitty Band-aid with one hand, trying to take it off. I yank my finger free as he removes his arm from around my neck.

  “Chick, that Band-aid is looking nasty. Whatever cut you had under there has to be healed by now.” With both hands, he grabs mine and lifts it, so I fight to get it away.

  “No, stop, Zain. Leave it.”

  “You’ve been wearing it since you left the hospital.”

  “I said don’t! It’s special!” I shout as I yank my fingers free and straighten the bandage.

  “Wait,” Faith says. Oh, no. She’s going to guess. “That’s on your left ring finger. Did Tripp ask you to marry him in the hospi

  Zain looks at her and back down at my hand.

  “You and Tripp are fucking engaged?!” Minus the sound of music, the room becomes silent. As eyes dart our way, Tripp heads straight for us.

  “You dick. You yelled that on purpose,” he says.

  Z pushes off the couch until he’s standing.

  “Maybe if one of you had told me you were getting hitched, I wouldn’t have been so damn surprised.”

  “Z, we were going to tell you and the band soon,” I reply.

  “I don’t want to hear it.” He shoves around Tripp and almost falls on the floor from how drunk he is.

  “Wow, Troy,” Faith says. “This is huge news.”

  “Yeah, and news we don’t need to be announcing when Apple hasn’t had a chance to tell her family.”

  “Sorry, but how did you expect us to react?” Faith gets up and heads toward the bedroom, the same direction Zain went.

  “Shows over, everyone,” Tripp says loudly before he grabs my hand and pulls me up. “Let’s go. We need to wake your family up to tell them we’re engaged before they read about it on the Internet. Zain needs to stop inviting strangers to his parties.”

  “I’m sorry. I guess you were right about informing everyone sooner.”

  “The band will get over it.”

  “Will you?”

  “As long as we put a real ring on that finger soon.”



  Hearing a knock on my bedroom door, I yell, “Go away.” Someone opens it anyway, but the room’s spinning too much for me to sit up. The bed sinks in, and Faith lies next to me.

  “Mind if I hide out in here with you?”

  “I don’t care.”

  Propping herself up on her side, she stares down at me, and it’s weird since we’re seldom this close to each other. The only time is when we pretend on stage. She likes to strut over and rub against me, giving our audiences a show with her sex appeal.

  “Why are you so pissed about Tripp and Apple’s engagement?”

  “It’s too damn soon. I can’t believe she agreed to marry him after I told her I didn’t even approve of them being together.”

  “OK, Dad. It’s not like she has to listen to you.”

  “How could she say yes when he’s still so moody and bitter all the time?”

  “She loves him, and I think you’re only mad because she’s not spending time with you.”

  I jerk my head in her direction. “I don’t have a thing for Apple.”

  “Not that way, but you miss having her attention.”

  “If he wasn’t so damn possessive, I could spend more time with her.”

  “I’ll hang with you.”

  “Why would you want to do that?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe I’m feeling sentimental since our single hit gold.”

  “I don’t need your pity.”

  “That’s not why I want to hang out.”

  Getting up, I walk to the minibar and grab a bottle of whiskey.

  “Want a drink?”

  “No, but thanks,” she replies. I return to bed and sit at the head of it so I can sip my booze straight from the bottle. Moving up by me legs, Faith stretches out on her back. “Apple’s the reason I’m in here,” she adds. “That and your commitment to the band.”

  “What does Apple have to do with this?”

  “She told me not long after she joined us that I needed to give you a chance. She was right. You’ve only made our band better.”

  “How much have you had to drink?”

  Staring up at the ceiling, Faith lifts a strand of her long hair and lets it drop back on the bed.

  “I’m serious, Richie, and you’re probably only gonna hear this once, so listen.” She rolls onto her side and looks up at me. Since I’m a horny dude, I can’t help but admire her tits that are pushed up in her tank top for my viewing pleasure.

  “You’re really talented and cool, except for when you’re gawking at my boobs.” I jerk my eyes up and brandish a grin.


  “Thank you for all you’ve contributed to the band, but I need you to do one more thing for me.”

  “Sorry. I like your tits, but I’m not interested otherwise.”

  “Shut up, asshole. I don’t want to have sex with you. I want you to cut back on the partying.”

  I frown. “I’m being judged because of Nathan’s actions, and I don’t appreciate it. I’m not him, and I’m sick of everyone treating me like I am.”

  “You’re wasted as often as he was when we met. It only went downhill from there.”

  “Don’t worry about me.” I hold up my bottle. “All I’ve had today is alcohol.” And xannie bars.

  “Is that because you’re out of coke?”

  “Shut up.” She doesn’t have to know that I’ll have my blow, along with a new supply of pills, when we get to Minneapolis tomorrow.

  Scooting all the way up in bed, she lies her head on the pillow beside me and looks up at me. “You don’t need to worry about Tripp hurting Apple. He loves and trusts her, which means he’ll treat her like a princess unless she gives him a serious reason not to. He’s only worried he’s going to lose her like he lost Nate.” Faith yawns and covers her mouth. “Can I sleep in here? I don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  “Sure. I’m not in the mood to go back out there and socialize.” After removing her black high heels and tossing them on the floor, she gets comfortable and closes her eyes. Fishing my phone from my pocket, I shoot Nash a text.

  Me: I’m calling it a night. Throw everyone out soon so you can get some rest.

  Nash: Whatever you say, boss.

  Looking down at Faith, I debate on sending Aiden a text. The last thing I need is for him to think I’m fucking her.

  Me: Faith’s crashing in my room, but nothing’s going on between us. I wanted you to know.

  Aiden: Why would I care?

  Me: Cut the shit. You fucking care.

  Aiden: Is she OK?

  Me: No, man. At least, she wasn’t, but she’s falling asleep now.

  I won’t elaborate on how Faith was acting all vulnerable and shit. She’s never been that nice to me, and she was determined to talk about anything other than what was really bothering her, which was Aiden being with Emma. How she acts makes total sense now. Faith distracts herself with everyone else’s problems to avoid her own.

  My phone buzzes, so I figure it’s Aiden; instead, Olivia’s name appears.

  Olivia: Hi. Are you still awake?

  Sitting up straighter, I feel a rush of adrenaline slam through my veins.

  Me: Yeah. Isn’t it past your bedtime?

  Olivia: I couldn’t sleep. I’ve been thinking a lot about our last conversation, but I couldn’t get the nerve to text you. I finally found it after staring at these four walls for hours.

  Me: What’s up?

  Olivia: I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have acted the way I did. Everything you said was right, but I wasn’t ready to hear it. I’ve decided to leave Ken, and I want to thank you for helping me see that it’s the best decision.

  Me: No worries, sweetheart, and I’m sorry I was being pushy. I’m glad to hear you’re standing up for yourself.

  Olivia: I haven’t done it yet, but I plan to tell Ken tomorrow.

  Me: You’ll have to let me know how it goes.

  Olivia: You want to talk to me again?

  Me: Yeah … as long as you want to talk to me.

  Damn, I hope she does.

  Olivia: I like talking to you, but I have a feeling our worlds are really different.

  Me: Maybe we’re not as different as you think.

  I only say this because I’m pretty sure she believes I’m a broke drifter, meandering around the country.

  Me: So, where are these four walls you’ve been eyeballing?

  Olivia: I’m in my condo in Danville. Where are you?

  Hmm… I tap my fingers on the screen, wondering how to respo
nd. I’m surprised to hear she lives fairly close to me. I’m not ready to tell her who I am. I guess I want her to know the real Zain Richie first.

  Me: I’m in Des Moines, Iowa.

  Olivia: Wow, you’re far from California. That bus of yours must be in great shape.

  Laughing, I cover my mouth so I don’t wake up Faith.

  Me: It’s dependable and spacious. I should name her. You know, for her good behavior.

  Fuck, I shouldn’t be texting her while I’m drunk. No telling what info I’ll spill.

  There’s a light tap on the door before Aiden pokes his head inside. The look he gives me tells me he wants to come in, so I lift my chin, giving him a nod.

  Olivia: That would be cool. Do you have any names in mind?

  Me: No. I need your help.

  As I wait for her to respond, I watch Aiden walk over to the opposite side of the bed and stare at Faith. I’m about to speak to him when he stretches over and presses his lips against her head. He leaves them there a few seconds before he strokes her hair, staring at her longer.

  Shit, I should be anywhere but here. Without looking back at me, he walks out of the room with his head bowed.


  Olivia: OK, but I’ll have to think on it.

  Me: Have you ever witnessed something so damn beautiful but fucking sad at the same time?

  Olivia: Uh, I don’t think we’re talking about the bus any longer.

  Me: No, sorry. I just witnessed…

  I don’t know how to explain what I saw because the strange feelings I’m having about it are new to me.

  Olivia: Witnessed what?

  Me: I guess it was a scene from a tragic love story.

  Olivia: I’m intrigued.

  Me: I need names for my bus, woman.

  Olivia: Oh, we’re back to that. What color is she?

  Me: Black.

  Me: And shiny.

  Olivia: She sounds fancy.

  Me: Buck wild is more like it.

  Olivia: I just spit my drink all over my bed.

  Me: I wish I could’ve seen that. I think I want to see you … like meet you.

  Olivia: Um, what if you also want to kidnap me and assault me in your bus?

  Me: I’m spitting out my drink now. I prefer women who are eager to touch me.

  Olivia: I’m not driving to Iowa to meet a stranger.


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