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Dark On Me (Borrowed Faith Book 2)

Page 28

by Ruby Rowe

  Now, you can soar.


  My phone rings after a long day of work. I grab it, hoping it’s Zain, but it’s Blair instead.

  “Hey, girl.”

  “Liv–Livia.” A sob follows her choppy words.

  “Blair, what’s wrong?”

  “The tape. My apartment.” Her cries billow into the phone.

  “Where are you?”

  “Driving … to your place.”

  “What happened at your apartment?”

  She coughs and gags. What in the hell is going on?

  “Someone broke in and trashed it.”

  “Oh, my God. Are you hurt?”

  “I wasn’t home. When I got there, I called the cops. Liv, they made me look around to see what was stolen. I checked the box in my closet where I hide cash and shit, and it was gone. I’m so sorry, Liv.”

  “The cash was gone?”

  “No. The tape you made of Ken. I hid the recorder there when you gave it to me.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  Blair’s cries pierce my ears. “I should’ve put it somewhere safer. Nothing else was missing, so it had to be Ken.”

  “He’s determined to ruin my life.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  “I’m the one who feels awful. This happened because of me.”

  “Can I stay with you tonight? I don’t feel safe at home.”

  “Of course. Please come.”

  Ending the call, I squeeze my phone. That asshole. I can’t believe Ken would go this far to retrieve the tape. I shouldn’t have given it to Blair for safekeeping, but I never dreamed he’d actually ransack her place.

  Pressing his extension on my phone, I wait for him to answer.

  “That didn’t take long,” he mocks.

  “How could you?”

  “How could I what?”

  “You know what.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about, but since you’re calling, I’m guessing it’s to tell me that the wedding’s back on, seeing how Zain used you like one of his groupies before tossing you to the curb.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “It’s time to grow up and accept what was meant to be. We’re having lunch with our parents next Sunday to announce that we’ve gotten back together. This is your last chance, Olivia. If you don’t play along, Landon’s going down.”

  He hangs up, so I scream and launch my phone. I hate him. I hate him. I hate him!

  Furious, I stomp across the room and pick up my cell from the floor. I push the button for Zain, and he answers after the third ring.


  “I hope you’re happy with your new sober life. I wish you’d never come into mine or given me a taste of freedom because thanks to your love being nothing but a fat lie, that freedom’s gone. Once again, I’m trapped here.”

  “Wait a minute. If you’ve gone back to living like you used to, that’s not on me. What happened to finding yourself and being independent?”

  “He found the fucking tape, Zain! Ken has the recording I made, and I’m screwed. I have to marry him and hear for the rest of my life how you just used me for a piece of ass. I knew there was a chance you’d feel differently about me once you had a clear head, but you should’ve had the decency to tell me.”

  “I didn’t use you. I loved you then, and I still do.”

  “Right, and in what way have you shown me? Have a nice life, Z.”


  Hanging up on him, I drop to the floor and let out more of my heartache until I’m coughing and gagging like Blair.

  Men lie, use and cheat.

  Is it too much to wish for a decent man who loves and accepts me? I sure thought Z was that guy, but I don’t even know Zain Richie. It was the addict who broke my heart into a million little pieces.



  After tracking down her address, I knock on Blair’s apartment door. I was up all night, stressing about Olivia and what happened with Ken. I need more information.

  I hear footsteps before she cracks the door open.

  “What do you want?” Her eyes are crimson and puffy from crying, maybe?

  “Are you all right?”

  “No, but it doesn’t concern you. Olivia’s not here, so what do you need?”

  “I’m not looking for her.”

  “Oh, right. I almost forgot that you broke her heart a second time.”

  “Can I please come inside and talk to you? She told me Ken has the tape.”

  After eyeballing me a long while, she sniffles and steps back for me to enter. Items are scattered around her living room, and the drawers in her kitchen cabinets are lying on the floor, the contents strewn about. Are you moving?”

  “Funny. I thought you said you knew about Ken.”

  “I knew he had the tape. Did he do this?”

  “I’m guessing he paid someone to break in. Liv and I underestimated how well he knew us. She never should’ve given the recorder to me.”

  “Damn, I’m sorry. I’m surprised she’s not here with you.”

  “She thinks I’m at my parents’ home. After what’s happened with you and Ken, Liv’s devastated right now. Seeing this would’ve only made her feel guilty.”

  “You’re a genuine friend. I’ll help you clean up.”

  “No. Just tell me why you’re here.”

  “We can talk and work at the same time.” Walking to her kitchen, I pick up one of the drawers and put it back where it belongs.

  “Whatever.” Grabbing a tissue off her end table, she blows her nose.

  “I was going to talk to her again,” I say. “I was, but then her dad contacted me. He had me meet him at a storefront he’s leasing for Olivia to run her business.”

  “He hates that she designs clothes.”

  “He claims he’s going to support her now.”

  “Where are you going with this?”

  I retrieve some kitchen utensils off the floor.

  “He asked me to stay away from her. If I do, he’ll be supportive of Liv’s business and not pressure her about Ken.”

  Stopping, I look at Blair. “Apple says Olivia’s career is taking off. I can’t ask her to put that on hold for mine. She’s been doing what other men want all her life, and I’m not putting her in that position again.”

  Clutching her hips, Blair shakes her head. “Are you saying you met with Wendell behind Liv’s back and decided for her that it’s best she open a store with a handout from her father?”


  “Yeah, asshole. You’re another man making decisions for her.”

  “I didn’t see it that way.” I scratch my head. “I was trying not to be selfish like I’ve always been.”

  “Olivia should get to decide if she wants to go on the road with you.”

  “That’s what Apple said, but I thought it was just because she wants us together. Music is all I know how to do. I can’t give up my career, so it doesn’t seem fair of me to ask Liv to give up her dream. The old me would’ve convinced her to, but I’ve changed.”

  Leaning against her kitchen counter, Blair crosses her arms.

  “Olivia loves you, and all she talked about while you were in rehab was the life she hoped to have with you once you were home. She was looking forward to going on tour, Zain, not opening a shop.”

  “I should’ve talked to her.”

  “Yeah, no shit, but guys seem to be oblivious most of the damn time.”

  “Thanks for telling me how she feels, but that’s not why I came here. I want to stop Ken from blackmailing her. The problem is that my plan would require going behind Liv’s back, and you just said that was wrong.”

  “Well, I mean, I’d like nothing more than to put a stop to Ken. Can I at least hear your plan?”

  I grin. “That’s why I came … to see if you think it could work. I also need someone’s phone number.”


  “What are we doing at an
empty storefront?” I ask my father.

  “This is your surprise. Let’s go inside, and your mom and I will explain.”

  I follow my parents across the parking lot and into the empty building. As the sun shines in, I look around at the freshly painted white walls.

  “What do you think?” Mom asks.

  “About what?”

  “Wouldn’t this make the most perfect boutique?”

  “I’m not following.”

  She looks at my dad. “Your father and I have decided to lease this space for you to open a clothing boutique.” I haven’t seen Gwendolyn wearing a smile as glowing as this one since she heard I got engaged.

  “You both hate that I want to work in fashion.”

  “We’ve never hated it,” she replies. “We only thought you needed to do what was best to support Ken’s career, but you two aren’t together now, so … surprise.” Mom holds her hands out while still wearing her annoying grin.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say that you’re happy and would love to open your business here,” Dad replies.

  “I hadn’t thought that far ahead.”

  “If you’re going to make a go of this career, you have to give it your all. Did you really plan to work from home forever?”

  “She needs a business plan,” Mom states, “and an accountant.”

  Making the timeout signal with my hands, I say, “Hold on. I appreciate the generous offer. I sincerely do, but I want to fund my career myself.”

  “You can make us investors or pay us back later,” Dad says.

  “I need time to think about it. It’s a huge decision, and not what I thought I’d be doing in the near future.”

  “We expected you to be ecstatic,” Mom says, “but you seem the opposite.”

  “I’m sorry, but I thought I’d be leaving with Zain soon. That’s what I wanted. Imagining my business in this space only makes my breakup seem final.”

  Walking over, Dad grips my shoulders.

  “Sweetheart, he’s not coming back for you. I’m sorry, but it wasn’t meant to be.”

  “Buuut,” Mom says, “the experience was a wakeup call for us. Right, Wendell?”

  “Right. We almost lost you and Landon, and we never want that to happen, so this is our peace-offering. We want to show you we can be supportive.”

  “That’s sweet and what I’ve always wanted.”

  Mom claps. “Then it’s settled. Start thinking of a name, Olivia, because you’ll be open for business in no time. I bet the women at my club will be lining up at the door. We’ll have so much fun decorating the space. We can serve champagne at the grand-opening.”

  As my mother rambles, I become lightheaded and nauseous. I should be happy that my parents are finally supporting my dream, but I feel trapped and overwhelmingly sad because this gift will no doubt come with strings. It’s obvious by their input.

  Instead of a life with Zain, I now picture myself turning into my mother while being married to Ken, a man who’s so much like my father. This could become a nightmare worse than the one I was living before I met Z.

  Being a seamstress was my escape when every other area of my life was being controlled. It was the one thing that was only mine. With Gwendolyn now involved, I’ve even lost that.


  Wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans, I walk back into my family room and hand Landon a Dr. Pepper.

  “Sorry I can’t offer you something stronger.”

  “I’m not.” He furrows his brow at me as he opens the bottled soft drink. “I don’t like being here behind Olivia’s back, but Blair told me to hear you out, so let’s get this over with.”

  “I appreciate it. I know you’re not my biggest fan.”

  “I was, but you blew it when you didn’t take care of my sister.”

  “I want to make things right with Olivia and get her back.”

  “Why haven’t you already? She waited, but you never called, so you broke her heart not once, but twice.”

  “I learned in rehab that I’ve been selfish for a long time. I’m trying to change, but apparently, I don’t know what in the hell I’m doing. I thought I should leave Olivia alone and let her focus on her career, but Blair says that’s not what Liv wants.

  “My friends think I’m too chickenshit to be with Olivia while I’m sober, which may be true. My head’s spinning, but what I know without a doubt is that I love your sister, and I should’ve at least contacted her.”

  Taking another drink, Landon relaxes and leans back against the couch.

  “If you’re wanting me to do it, it’s not necessary. She’d listen to you, and if you told her what you just told me, she’d take you back.”

  “I wanted to apologize to you for hurting her, but that’s not the main reason I asked you here.”

  “What then?”

  “It’s bad. Real bad, but I’m hoping that together, we can fix it.”

  “Fuck, did you get her into some kind of legal trouble?”

  “No. This is about you. Look, I know you’re gay, and Ken Ingram knows it. He has photos of you that are explicit. I haven’t seen them, but Liv claims it would be devastating to you and your family if they were leaked.”

  “What the fuck?”

  “After she dumped him, he blackmailed her with the photos. She was going to marry him to save you from humiliation.”

  Setting his drink on the coffee table, Landon stands and clenches his fists.

  “I’m gonna kick his coward, conniving ass.”

  I hold up my hands. “Wait. As much as I’d like to join you, that may not be the best move. Hear me out first.”

  “Why are you telling me this and not Olivia?”

  “She never planned to tell you. Liv was afraid you’d confront him and he’d leak the images. She tried to handle it on her own, even managing to get Ken to confess on tape what he’d done, but he recovered that tape yesterday. Your sister thinks she has to marry him now, and I can’t let that happen.”

  “No, we can’t let that happen.” Gripping the front of his light brown hair, he blows out a breath. “I want to kill that fucker.”

  “I don’t get why he’d do this to you, especially when he’s bisexual. I know all about Aaron.”

  “He wants revenge.”

  “For what?”

  “I’ve never told anyone this, but Ken tried to hook up with me once.” Sitting back down, Landon rests his elbows on his knees and scrubs his face. “It was right before he got with Olivia. I didn’t want any part of it. I was young and still trying to accept my sexuality, so with him being older, it felt wrong.

  “Second, our parents were close. It would’ve been bad enough for our homophobic families to find out we were gay, but to find out we’d been together like that would’ve torn them apart. I couldn’t risk it.”

  “How could you not tell Olivia about this?”

  “Try to imagine yourself in my shoes. I was a teenager and hadn’t even told her I was gay. Also, they were together a few weeks before I heard about it. By then, she was already head-over-heels for the asshole.

  “Not to mention, you would’ve thought my parents had birthed another son. They’d always wanted Ken and Olivia together. His family had, too. I couldn’t drop a bomb like that.

  “He and Liv seemed happy at first, so I thought maybe he was right for her, but once he began controlling her every move, I felt like shit for what I’d done. I finally confessed to her that I was gay, but instead of telling her the rest, I pressured her to leave him for other reasons.

  “I was thrilled when Liv dumped his ass, but I felt responsible for her pain since he’d cheated with Aaron and I’d known all along that he was attracted to men. I wanted to tell her after their breakup, but I couldn’t add more shit on the pile.” He shakes his head. “I’m scared my sister will never trust me again once she knows the truth.”

  “Damn... I’m sure if you explain it like you did to me, she’ll understand.”

nbsp; “Man, Ken hasn’t liked me since I hurt his pride and rejected him, so I shouldn’t be surprised that he pulled this stunt. He probably hoped Olivia would tell me and I’d show up at his house, begging him for the photos.”

  “Why haven’t you come out that your gay?”

  “Mainly because of my dad’s job and our family’s reputation.”

  “Screw Wendell. He’s a manipulator. He met with me just to get me to stay away from Liv. He’s going to offer her a clothing boutique and supposedly support her work in exchange for me staying away, but I’m breaking our deal. She’s going to decide if she wants to be with me, and he’s not gettin’ a say.”

  “He pisses me off with his old-fashioned views. Always has. My father’s not the upstanding citizen he wants people to believe.”

  “The thing is, Olivia now believes she has to marry Ken. Our future pretty much lies in your hands.”

  “Then I’ll confront him like I said and get the photos.”

  “It won’t work, especially not if he’s pissed at you. Hold it.” I rub my forehead. “Holy fuck. This all makes sense now. Ken has wanted you to come to him all along.”

  I point at Landon. “He wants to get with you and was going to blackmail you next. I guarantee it. A night or more with him, and he’ll let Liv off the hook. That son of a bitch.”

  “Surely not.”

  “I guarantee it, Landon. If you go to him, he’ll expect you to get on your knees.”

  “I’m not touching that douchebag, so what’s your plan?”

  “You come out. Let the world know you’re gay. Then, Liv can tell Wendell about Ken blackmailing her and how he was cheating with Aaron.”

  “He could still leak the photos.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t think he’d be that stupid. Liv would no longer have a reason not to blab to everyone about him being bisexual, and he’d know it.”

  “Possibly, but what if you’re wrong?”

  I scratch the back of my head. “I realize how risky this would be. I’ve had photos of myself manipulated and shared many times throughout the years. Stories have been twisted and lies told.

  “I have no right to ask you to do this, nor do I deserve it, but I’m praying you’ll consider helping Liv and me, especially after the secret you kept from her all these years. She probably never would’ve stayed with Ken had she known he made a pass at you first.”


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