Alien Prisoner

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Alien Prisoner Page 26

by Honey Phillips

  The troubled thoughts still assailed him as he sat at the table that night, assembling a communicator. He had the oil lamp on the table so R’chel sat on the other side, sewing the buttons back on her dress. The sight only added to his guilt. She shouldn’t need to preserve every piece of clothing because she had so few.

  B’nji wandered over to lean against his shoulder. “Whatcha doing?”

  He pushed aside his concerns and put an arm around the boy, drawing him close so that he could see. “Putting together a communicator.”

  “What for?”

  “So that I can communicate with my friend, Commander T’lan.”

  The boy stiffened in the circle of his arms. “Why? Are you going to leave?”

  “No, of course not. But it would be as well to report the death.”

  “But isn’t that a crime? Are they going to take you away?” B’nji’s breathing sped up and he saw R’chel watching from across the table.

  “No. I will not permit that to happen.” As long as I have a breath in my body. “R’chel is my L’chka. All Yehrin recognize the bond.”

  “But I’m not your whatchamacallit. What if they try and take me back to Mom and Tom?”

  “They will not take you. You are mine as well. I consider you as my son.” He hadn’t said the words aloud before but as he did, he felt their truth. R’chel was still watching, her eyes bright but a smile on her face.

  “You mean it, really?” B’nji looked up at him.

  “Yes. If that is what you wish.”

  The boy threw his thin arms around T’chok’s neck and held him tightly enough to cut off his air. He didn’t care. He gathered the small body tightly into his arms, a surge of protectiveness and love filling him.

  B’nji sniffed and pulled back. He looked up at T’chok, then blushed and looked down. He studied his fingernails with a great deal of attention before finally mumbling, “Um. Would it be alright if I called you Dad?” T’chok was too shocked to respond and the boy rushed on. “I mean, it’s fine if you don’t want me to. And I know I had a Dad.” He shot an anxious glance at R’chel. “But if I'm your son, it kinda makes sense.”

  “B’nji.” He stopped the rush of words. “I would be honored for you to call me by that title.”

  B’nji swiped the back of his hand across his nose and grinned. “Cool. No one would mess with me with you as my dad.”

  “Of course not. I would never permit that. However, I intend to start training you as well. You should be able to defend yourself and your sister.”

  “Awesome. Isn’t that cool, Rach?”

  His zuzu smiled and nodded, but he could see the hesitation behind her actions. Perhaps she did not trust him to take care of her brother. Aware that he was allowing his worries to overcome him, he shook his head and returned to the communicator.

  It took some time to get the overexcited B’nji to bed but at last the sound of his soft snores filled the cabin. R’chel had finished her repairs and was pretending to read, but he could see her glance anxiously in his direction.

  “I should go now,” he said at last.

  “If you really think it’s going to be okay, can’t you just use that thing from here?”

  “I will not go far. However, the meadow by the lake is more open and will make it easier to send and receive a communication.”

  He pushed the other object he had assembled across the table. “Here. This will create a barrier around the clearing. Only the three of us can enter and leave.” He shook his head. “I am so sorry, my zuzu. I should have thought of this before.”

  “Stop apologizing. None of us thought that someone would attack us here. How does that thing work?”

  Walking over to the window, he pulled the curtain back and pressed the small button. “Look.”

  The clearing around the cabin was now surrounded by a grey barrier ten feet tall. Her mouth dropped open at the sight but then she shivered and hugged herself.

  “That’s… impressive. But you know, T’chok, I’m just as glad you didn’t have that before. It makes me feel like I’m imprisoned back on your ship.”

  He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “It is for protection, R’chel, not confinement.”

  She put her hands over his. “Sometimes they can feel like the same thing.”

  Her delicious scent washed over him, and he relished the feel of her soft body against his as she relaxed into him with a sigh. He wished he could overcome the feeling that he had failed her. As he looked down, he saw her staring up at him with a troubled look on her face.

  “You’re sure that nothing can get through that barrier?”


  “Then I’m coming with you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. If I don’t go, I’ll just sit here and worry. I want to know what T’lan says.”

  “Very well. The temperature has dropped. You will wear more clothing.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she said with a mischievous smile. His cock stirred at the impudent look, but he forced himself not to react. He had already subjected her to his needs once today. When he didn’t react, she raised a brow but went to get her coat.

  “Can you bring the blanket?” she asked.

  “Of course.”

  While he was gathering the blankets and his device, she wandered over to the kitchen area. He saw her slip something in her pocket as he turned.

  “Are you still hungry? Do you want to eat before we leave?”

  She jumped, then gave him a quick smile. “I’m fine. Just something for later.” She ran her eyes over him. “Aren’t you going to be cold?”

  “It is above freezing.” He shrugged. “Temperature variations are of little concern to me.”

  “Must be nice. I doubt Benji will wake up, but I’ll leave him a note.” As soon as she was done, she walked over and kissed B’nji lightly.

  “Let’s go.”

  As they walked along the path to the lake, Rachel kept sneaking glances at T’chok. He had taken her hand as soon as they left the cabin and she relished the feel of his big warm hand enclosing hers so completely, but he still seemed distracted and worried. He seemed to take the attack on her as a failing on his part. She patted the lump in her coat pocket, hoping her surprise would help him understand that she didn’t blame him. A confused mixture of nerves and excitement filled her, and she bit her lip.

  “Do not worry, my L’chka. Everything will be fine.” T’chok looked down at her, a concerned look on his face and she realized that he had misread her expression.

  “I’m not worried. As long as we’re together, right?”

  “Yes,” he said slowly, and her heart sank. “If that is what you wish.”

  “If that’s what I want? Why would you even say that? I really think we need to talk—”

  “We are here.” He cut her off in mid-sentence. “We can discuss this after I communicate with T’lan.”

  With a frustrated sigh, she waved him ahead. “Fine.”

  T’chok moved further out into the meadow and laid out a blanket. He gestured for her to sit down and then wrapped the other blanket around her, tucking her in with a tender consideration that brought tears to her eyes, even as he avoided looking at her. Walking a few steps away, he pressed some buttons on the device he had built, and a green screen flickered into being in front of him. She recognized T’lan’s image when he appeared and crossed her fingers that this had been the right decision. T’chok greeted him and they proceeded to carry on a conversation—in Yehrin.

  Frustrated, but not entirely surprised, she decided to take advantage of T’chok’s distraction. The angle of the screen meant she would not be visible at the other end of the transmission, so she began removing her clothes under the blanket with as little movement as possible. Once she was undressed, she laid back. More stars than she had even seen filled the sky overhead and she wondered idly where T’chok’s home was amongst all those tiny dots of light. The lake lapped gently at the shore
and the rumbling sound of T’chok’s conversation was the only other noise in the quiet night. A cool breeze brushed across her cheek and she shivered, wishing that he would finish his call and join her.

  “You are cold. I should not have allowed you to come.” T’chok appeared above her, horns silhouetted against the night sky, and she caught her breath. The towering figure was so alien, and yet, so beloved. She smiled and drew back the top blanket, letting his catch a glimpse of her naked body.

  “I was waiting for you.”

  Even in the dim light, she could see the desire on his face, but he hesitated, and she almost growled in frustration.

  “We should return to the cabin.”

  “In a little while. Come join me and tell me what T’lan said.” Still he hesitated, so she raised the blanket higher, knowing he could see the hard peaks of her nipples, and gave an exaggerated shiver. “Please, Daddy, I’m cold.”

  Either the plea or the sight of her naked flesh did the trick and he climbed in beside her, pulling her against the warmth of his body. She snuggled close and slid a cold hand under his uniform shirt and up his chest, tangling her fingers in the silky hair on his chest. He put his hand over hers.

  “Mm. That’s better. Now tell me what he said.”

  “You will not be punished for your escape,” he said immediately. A surge of relief filled her. “You have been reclassified as a parental guardian. Your original sentence has also been waived.”

  “That’s fantastic. Now, I don’t have to worry about someone hunting us.” His hand tightened over hers, but he didn’t say anything. “Or do I? Are you in trouble because of that man?”

  “No. It was a fitting punishment for the offence.” He dismissed her concerns easily enough but there was still something in his voice which troubled her.

  “Then why are you still so uptight? Sorry, I mean why are you still worried?”

  “I am in exile. I cannot return until the end of the Forbidden Cycle.”

  “Which is what? Another six months? That’s fine. We can just stay her until then, right?”

  “If you still wish to remain.”

  “Why do you keep saying that? Why wouldn’t I stay?”

  “You are free to go wherever you wish now.”

  She sat up so she could look down at him, shivering as cold air slipped under the blanket. He didn’t return her glance but studied the stars instead.

  “I don’t wish to go anywhere unless you go as well. T’chok, I love you.”

  “I love you too, R’chel.” He did look at her now, anxiety written across his face. “But I have failed you in so many ways. These conditions are primitive. You do not have the things that you deserve. And I allowed you to be damaged.”

  “Now, you listen to me.” With a quick move she straddled his waist and bent down to stare directly into his face. “Yes, it’s primitive here, but I love this place. I always have. It would be nice to have a few more clothes and some hot running water.” She shrugged. “But I don’t need them. As long as you don’t get tired of seeing me wear the same old thing every day.”

  Bending even closer, she kissed the side of his mouth teasingly before nibbling her way up his strong jaw to whisper in his ear. “And as long as you keep bathing me, I can live without the running water.” She licked his ear and felt him shudder.

  “And I don’t blame you for that horrible man. It was no more your fault that he came here than it was mine that he picked me out in the store.”

  “How can you still trust me to care for you, my zuzu?”

  She slid back until she could feel his cock. Despite his tortured words, he was rock-hard beneath her. Instinctively she wiggled against him, letting the heavy shaft spread her lips apart so she could feel the rigid length against her swollen clit. They both moaned as she slid slowly back and forth, waves of pleasure sweeping through her with each movement. Almost unwillingly, his hand came up to cup her breasts, claws sweeping gently across her nipples and sending a spike of excitement straight to her pussy.

  Forcing herself to remember her plan, she whispered, “I trust you completely. Reach into my pocket.”

  “You are hungry now?” He frowned but reluctantly removed his hands from her breasts. As he leaned over to follow her directions, the movement caused a delicious pressure against her throbbing bud and she bit back another moan. “You brought cooking oil?”

  Despite her rising desire, a wave of shyness swept over her and she bent forward to hide her face against his chest. “You can also use it for lubrication. I want you to… to take my ass.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  T’chok’s body turned to stone beneath hers and for a moment she felt uncertain. What if she had misjudged his desires? He frequently played with her bottom hole but perhaps he didn’t want… He growled and hauled her up his body, forcing her mouth open in a hot demanding kiss that left her breathless. When he lifted his head, she realized that he had rolled her under him.

  “This is what you want?” His voice was so rough, she could barely make out the words.

  “Yes, sir.” I think. Their play always excited her, but it was also an overwhelming sensation and she couldn’t help a feeling of trepidation considering T’chok’s enormous cock. She still struggled to take him in her pussy, and she knew this wouldn’t be easy, but she wanted it. She wanted to submit to him completely, to show him how much she trusted him to care for her.

  “My good girl,” he purred. Bending down, he kissed her again, slow and hard, his rough tongue against her smaller, softer one awakening her nerve endings. Her back arched, seeking to ease the ache in her nipples by rubbing against his hard chest. He placed one large hand under her back, raising her easily so she could feel every inch of hard muscle against her sensitive mounds. By the time he raised his head, she was clutching his shoulders.

  “More, please, T’chok.”

  “Patience, little girl. I intend to take my time.” He moved his hand, laying her back against the blanket, but before she could protest, his head dipped lower. His mouth closed over her nipple and he sucked, hard. The sensation was right on the edge of pain and she cried out but pressed against his demanding mouth. He drew the taut peak deep into his mouth, sucking on it with long demanding pulls while his fingers worked the other nipple, repeating the rhythmic caress. Each suck was like a live wire straight to her pussy and she could feel the slickness between her thighs. Her hands went to his horns, grasping them desperately as she writhed beneath him. The familiar tension built between her legs and she was beginning to think she could come from this alone when he raised his head.

  “You are so beautiful. I love seeing your nipples all swollen and red from my touch.” He flicked the tip of a claw across the sensitive peak and she whimpered. “Now to make the rest of you match.”

  Grasping her hips in his hands, he brought her to his mouth, the hot, rough surface of his tongue sweeping from anus to clit in one long stroke. Before she could process the sensation, he circled her entrance and plunged his tongue into her pussy, spearing deep inside the tight channel. Her muscles fluttered around the thick invader before he withdrew it and swept up to circle her throbbing nub.

  “So wet,” he growled against the aching flesh, the vibrations sending shivers of excitement up her spine. She tried to arch against his mouth, wanting more, but his hands held her easily in place, and the feeling of being restrained added to her arousal. Before she could urge him on, he scraped his teeth across her exposed clit and the touch sent her flying. Still clasping his horns, she shuddered against his mouth as he licked her over and over, prolonging the sensation until it edged toward pain.

  “Too much,” she cried, even as she raised her hips.

  “You will take it,” he ordered, and the growling vibrations against her oversensitive flesh sent her flying again. This time he gentled his tongue, giving her soothing little caresses before moving down and pressing it into her trembling pussy. He thrust slowly in and out, licking up the wetness he had

  “What a tasty little cunt. All of this delicious liquid just for me.” He lapped at her, licking up her juices. Her body softened as her muscles unclenched, relaxing into the pleasure of his touch, but even as she did, he shifted his hands and lifted her higher. His tongue circled the tight little rosebud of her back hole, awakening every nerve. She shivered and then cried out as his tongue slowly and unrelentingly breached the tight ring of muscles.

  The forbidden sensation felt wrong and dirty and exciting. With her legs spread wide and her hips raised high against his mouth, she felt vulnerable, but she trusted him. He withdrew his tongue and wiped his mouth on the uniform shirt she hadn’t even noticed that he had discarded. Leaning back, he yanked off his belt and pants. The blanket had fallen back, and she could see every inch of his hard cock in the dim moonlight. It looked even larger than normal and she gulped nervously. How could she have thought she could take him in her tiny passage.

  Before she could voice her concern, he grasped her hips and pulled her up over his thighs and onto his cock with one quick, hard thrust. To her relief, he plunged into her pussy rather than her ass, but he was still big, and she was still small, and she cried out at the overwhelming fullness. He pressed a long finger against her still sensitive clit and the shock morphed into pleasure. Her channel clenched around him and she felt another orgasm approaching.

  “What a good girl.” He withdrew until only the thick head was inside her tight entrance and then thrust hard again. “So hot and wet and tight for me.”

  He kept up the slow withdrawals and the hard pushes while he circled her aching clit with his finger. Her body started to shake, and he shifted the hand supporting her butt until he could use his thumb to pry open her bottom hole. The burn of the stretched muscles and the additional pressure against his thick cock sent her soaring, and she convulsed as her muscles clamped down on both intruders. She called out his name as her body shattered.


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