Alien Prisoner

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Alien Prisoner Page 27

by Honey Phillips

  “Perfect.” He pulled out of her clinging pussy and removed his thumb, sending little aftershocks through her, and bent down to kiss her. “You are doing so well, my zuzu. Do you wish to continue?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was a shadowed whisper in the quiet night.

  “Be very sure, little girl. Once I start, I will not stop. Is this what you want?” He waited patiently but she could see the tension in his muscles and the taut lines of his face and knew how much it cost him to ask. Her heart melted and she nodded firmly.

  “Yes, T’chok.”

  “Good girl.” Some of the strain left his face but his muscles were still tight. He opened the bottle of oil and rubbed it over his cock until the enormous length glistened in the moonlight. He pressed one oil covered finger against her puckered rosebud, and it slid inside with relative ease. Making slow circles inside her, he loosened the tight channel enough to allow a second finger to work its way into her body. She groaned at the stretch but squirmed at the erotic sensation as he scissored his fingers inside her dark channel.

  T’chok used his other hand to stroke his cock, his eyes fastened on where his fingers penetrated her body. “Such a tight little ass. You will struggle to take me, my zuzu.”

  Her breath caught at the dark delight in his voice and her pussy clenched.

  “You like that, do you not.” It wasn’t a question and she blushed. “Such a naughty little girl. My little girl.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, and shivered at the slow pleasure as he removed his fingers. He placed the broad head of his cock against her tiny rosebud and raised his eyes to her face. Eyes burning into hers, he began to press against the tight ring of muscle. Her hips were firmly in his hands once more and she couldn’t move away as the burning stretch increased. She panted, trying not to cry out.

  “Breathe out and push down. You can do this. You will do this,” he ordered. She tried to follow his instructions and with a sudden pop, he forced his way inside. Her breath caught at the fiery burn, but he groaned in pleasure. “Good girl.”

  The fierce stretch overwhelmed her, and she tossed her head, unable to speak as she tried to relieve the pressure. His hands clamped down on her hips and he held her easily in place. He dribbled more oil over his cock and pushed. He gained a few more inches but she wasn’t sure she could take any more. She already felt impossibly full and the burn hadn’t diminished. Her mind couldn’t focus enough to protest as he slowly worked his way deeper.

  “Halfway,” he said. She could hear the strain in his voice and feel it in the pressure of his hands against her skin.

  “T’chok,” she whispered, the words finally emerging. “I’m not sure that I can.”

  “Yes, my zuzu. You chose to give me this gift and I will take it all.”

  She shuddered but didn’t repeat her protest. Despite the burn, despite the iron pressure of his body, she wanted this. To give herself to him completely beneath a ceiling of stars.

  He relented enough to move one hand and trace a circle around her throbbing clit before probing her clenching pussy. In the quiet night, she could hear the wet sounds as he stroked slowly back and forth, and she could feel him pressing against the thin skin separating his finger from his enormous shaft.

  “So wet. I believe you are enjoying this as much as I am.” With a dark chuckle, he resumed his movement, pushing slowly, inexorably into the dark depths of her body until she could feel his balls against her ass. He removed his finger, sending spikes of pleasure up her spine, even as her pussy clenched down on the emptiness he left behind. He pinched her clit and sudden shock pushed her over the edge. Her muscles clamped down hard, sending shocks of pain and pleasure through her system as they met the giant bar of flesh that filled her rectum. Her vision sheeted to white as she trembled and shook and cried out his name.

  As R’chel’s orgasm overtook her, T’chok groaned. She had been tight before but now her muscles spasmed and clutched at his cock until he couldn’t move. His balls ached and he fought to keep from coming, determined to wring every last inch of pleasure from this moment Her spasms finally subsided, and she opened dazed eyes to stare up at him.

  “Beautiful,” he said. His body urged him to move but he wanted this image engraved in his memory, her body spread out before him. Mouth, nipples, cunt—all swollen and red from his attentions—and her tiny asshole stretched impossibly wide around his cock. He stroked his finger along the straining flesh and felt her quiver. Despite the urge to fuck her hard, he pulled back slowly, feeling her channel clinging to him, until only the head remained inside. He dribbled more oil down his cock and pushed back in, still slowly but not stopping this time until he was fully embedded. She squirmed and whimpered but her nipples were diamond-hard, and moisture dripped from her cunt.

  “I’m so full,” she whispered.

  “I know, little girl. I can see your tiny hole straining to take me.” He withdrew again, savoring every inch. She was so hot and tight around his cock that it almost bordered on pain. He pressed down on her clit with his next thrust and felt her muscles spasm as her body tried to clench down. The speed of his strokes increased as her channel eased enough to allow him to move more rapidly. She was panting now, her face red and tears in her eyes but he felt her lift her hips, urging him deeper. With that he lost all control, fucking her hard, forcing his way into the tight grip of her channel. His balls tightened and the tingling started at the base of his spine. Determined to wring one more orgasm from her, he thrust two fingers into her tight cunt as he plunged full length into her ass. She wailed but her body convulsed, clamping down on his as he exploded, sending jets of liquid into the dark depths of her rectum, spurting over and over and shuddering with the intensity of his release.

  His knees gave out and he collapsed, rolling to one side to avoid crushing her with his weight. She whimpered at the movement but clung to him. Satisfaction filled him. Her submission—her trust—had healed the place inside him that had been broken by his failure. As his strength returned, he eased his cock from her body. She moaned and he soothed the swollen flesh with his fingers as his seed dripped from her bottom hole and he couldn’t help but relish the sight. As her body relaxed, he cleansed her gently with his uniform shirt then tucked her into his side and pulled the blanket over them. She sighed and nuzzled into him. “So, you feel better now?”

  He choked back a laugh. “I’m too exhausted to feel anything but pleasure.”

  “Does that mean you’re too tired to do it again?” she teased sleepily.

  “Does that mean you want more?” He rolled her onto her back again and rose over her. She winced as her bottom touched the ground, but her pupils dilated.

  “Be careful what you ask for, little girl,” he warned.

  “Okay, okay. Maybe not right now.” She blushed and looked away. “But we can do it again?”

  “I have every intention of fucking this luscious little ass on a regular basis,” he whispered, and slid a hand beneath her to squeeze one ripe globe.

  Desire filled her face and she wet her lips as she softened against him. “Mm. Then you’d better hurry up and finish that bedroom for Benji.”

  Her words reminded him of his conversation with T’lan. “Since you mentioned bedrooms,” he said slowly.


  “T’lan said that he has not been able to find a suitable location for L’zabet. Would you consider having her come to live with us?”

  “Really? This was your idea?”

  When he nodded, her eyes filled with tears. “I would love to have her here. Thank you.” She hugged him before pulling back and biting her lip. “Do you think she’ll want to come? It’s pretty isolated and the cabin is very basic. I know you could build her a room as well, but we don’t even have a bathroom.”

  “I believe she will want to come. She has been somewhat… troublesome since you left. We can oversee her schooling as well. In addition, I discussed the conditions here with T’lan. Although I am exiled, he is wi
lling to lend us assistance and the use of our technology.”

  “That would be amazing!” She hesitated. “But don’t change it too much.”

  “I will make no changes without your approval,” he promised.

  “Does that mean I get to be in charge for a change?”

  Instead of responding, he bent his head and kissed her until she melted helplessly against him. When he finally lifted his head, her dark eyes were slumberous with desire.

  “No,” he said firmly. “And you do not wish to be.”

  She blushed and buried her head in his neck but didn’t protest. With a chuckle, he laid back and pulled her against him. She nestled closer, her warm breath whispering against his neck. He watched the stars rotating in the heavens and searched for any regret that he would no longer travel amongst them. He had none. The silky warmth of his female against his side, a son waiting back at the cabin—even the chance of another child, he thought as he curved his hand over her soft stomach. He would not trade a single one of them to return to his previous life.

  R’chel’s breathing deepened and he knew she was on the edge of sleep. Wrapping the blanket around her, he rose to his feet, ignoring her sleepy protests.

  “Come, my zuzu. It is time to go home.”


  In the back seat of the flyer, Benji bounced with excitement. Lizabet rolled her eyes but Rachel could tell that she was excited as well. The teenager had adapted surprisingly well to the isolated cabin. The changes T’chok had made had undoubtedly helped. Both kids had their own bedrooms, which were small but personalized to their tastes. Fortunately, the two of them got along very well. Lizabet accepted Benji’s wide-eyed admiration with a casual affection that had deepened over the past six months. Now, Rachel wondered if either of them remembered that they were not truly brother and sister.

  Rachel and T’chok still slept in the main cabin but he had expanded the kitchen and added a porch along the front. Behind the cabin, he had built a large family bathroom and a covered deck with a hot tub. Watching the snow fall from the warmth of the tub had been one of her favorite parts of the winter. Thanks to the wonders of Yehrin technology, they never ran out of hot water.

  Thankfully that technology also included some very effective soundproofing, she thought as she looked at T’chok under her lashes. Perhaps it had been the thought of being amongst other warriors, but he had taken her so thoroughly last night that her throat was still hoarse from her cries of pleasure. Her butt was also a little tender and she winced as she tried to discreetly adjust her position.

  T’chok’s hand clamped down on her leg. “Stop wiggling, little girl.”

  “It’s your fault,” she muttered.

  He grinned, the electric blue sparking in his eyes, and her heart leapt. She loved seeing him so relaxed and happy. His eyes dropped to the delicate bracelets circling her wrists and the heat in his eyes intensified. When he had put them on her at Christmas, fastening them in such a way that they couldn’t be removed, he had told her that they represented his claim on her. She flicked her wrists deliberately, letting the light catch on them and he grinned.

  “I wanted to remind you that you belonged to me.”

  “Do you have any doubts?”

  “No. I love you, R’chel.”

  She smiled back. “I love you, T’chok.”

  “Ooh, stop being mushy,” Benji complained.

  Her face flamed as she cast a glance over her shoulder, wondering how much they’d heard. Living in such close quarters, they probably knew more than they needed to about her relationship with T’chok although she tried to be discreet. He was not as restrained.

  “Shut up, Benji. I think it’s romantic.” Lizabet sighed. “I can’t wait until I find a warrior of my own.”

  “What?” T’chok roared, and Rachel put a calming hand on his knee. He glared over his shoulder at the back seat. “You will do no such thing. You are still a child.”

  “No, I’m not,” Lizabet pouted.

  “Lizzie, you’re only sixteen. Let’s not rush things, okay?” Rachel said soothingly.

  “There it is,” Benji yelled before Lizabet could respond.

  Nervous excitement filled Rachel as well as she leaned forward. They were approaching a meadow on the side of a mountain. Unlike the jagged peaks they had left in Montana, the North Carolina mountains were soft and rolling but they had a beauty all their own. A large wooden house nestled against the trees at one side of the meadow and several other flyers were parked at the end. She could see picnic tables covered with checked tablecloths, the homey look at odds with the number of Yehrin warriors wandering around. T’chok brought the flyer in for a perfect landing and raised the wings as she gulped nervously.

  The Forbidden Cycle ended today and T’chok’s exile had been lifted. T’lan had invited them to celebrate. While she looked forward to seeing Emily again, part of her still remembered being a captive and the sight of so many warriors overwhelmed her. T’chok took her hand, attuned as always to her emotions.

  “Are you all right, my zuzu? We do not have to stay if you do not wish to.” Groans emerged from the back seats, but he ignored them. “Which would you prefer?”

  “I want to stay,” she said, and her voice only trembled a little. “But stay close to me, please.”


  More groans, but this time T’chok turned his head and grinned at the kids. “Be good children, or I will leave you in the flyer.”

  “Come on, Dad.” Benji had unstrapped and started fumbling at the door. “You don’t mean that.”

  “Son.” The quiet voice meant business and Benji immediately stopped and looked at T’chok. “I know you are excited, but you will behave as a young warrior should.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Good boy. Remember that I am proud of you.”

  Benji glowed and Rachel fought back a tear. Even in the past six months, her brother had changed. Still rail thin, he was already challenging her for height and was an adorable mix of warrior-in-training and little boy.

  “What about me?” Lizabet demanded.

  “I am proud of you, too, L’zabet. Although I admit to some concern for those poor warriors about to be confronted by your beauty.”

  She blushed and laughed, and Rachel’s eyes threatened to dampen again. T’chok’s influence had been good for Lizabet as well. She had dropped most of her attitude and acted more like a normal teenager instead of a pretend adult. Both children were following an online educational program. Rachel had been surprised at just how well Lizabet had performed, but unfortunately, she had little interest in schoolwork, preferring to go hunting with T’chok. Not for the first time, Rachel wondered if they needed to move closer to a town so she could socialize with other teenagers.

  “Now, my family, shall we proceed?”

  As soon as they emerged from the flyer, a small blonde figure came running over, T’lan following behind.

  “You’re here!” Emily grabbed Rachel and pulled her into a hug before dancing over to hug Lizabet and a bewildered Benji. She almost hugged T’chok but a low growl from behind her made her halt. Rachel hid her sigh of relief. She knew Emily was perfectly harmless, but she had no desire to see her warrior embracing the cute little blonde. Now that Emily was no longer pregnant, it was almost shocking how tiny she looked standing next to T’lan as he pulled her firmly against his side.

  “It’s nice to see you, too,” Rachel laughed. “How’s the baby?”

  “Perfect, of course. She’s in the house with Tren. Do you want to see her?”

  “You know I do. Do you two want to come?” She looked over at Benji and Lizabet, but they were both watching a sparring match between two warriors. Benji was studying their moves but she rather suspected that Lizabet was simply enjoying the sight of huge, muscled, half-naked warriors wrestling.

  “Can we go over there instead?” Benji asked before blushing and looking at Emily. “I’m sure your baby is very nice, but I think they
’re working on the Kobayashi move.”

  Emily laughed. “It’s fine with me.”

  Rachel raised an eyebrow at T’chok, and he nodded. “You may go. B’nji, watch out for your sister.”

  “I don’t need looking after,” Lizabet protested. “Come on, bug.” She grabbed Benji’s hand, but Rachel saw him nod solemnly at T’chok before he let himself be towed away.

  “Hard to imagine that my little Emlan will ever be that grown up,” Emily laughed. Together the two women turned and walked toward the house, their warriors following behind and carrying on a low-voiced conversation in Yehrin. Emily threw an exasperated glance over her shoulder but didn’t protest.

  “At least I have someone to talk to while he’s doing that,” she muttered. She grinned at Rachel as they entered the house. A large living room with a vaulted ceiling greeted them but Rachel ignored the cozy room. All she saw was Sarah sitting by the window with a baby in her arms and a large one-horned warrior looming over her.

  “Sarah,” she cried. Unexpected tears filled her eyes at the sight of her friend. T’chok had promised that she would see her soon, but she hadn’t realized that it would be today.

  Sarah started to lift the baby to her shoulder and get up but as soon as she moved, the warrior swooped down and gathered the baby into his arms. She gave him a startled look but jumped up and ran over to gather Rachel close. “I’m so glad to see you.”

  “Me, too. How are you?” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she returned the hug. She’d received periodic reports about the other woman relayed through T’lan and T’chok, but it was different seeing her in the flesh. When she pulled back, she saw Sarah looked pale and tired. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” Sarah wiped her eyes and smiled. “I’ve missed you. You and Lizabet. Is she here?”

  “She’s outside watching them wrestle,” Emily said and rolled her eyes. “Of course, I can’t blame her—all those muscles on display.” She snuck a glance over her shoulder to make sure that T’lan and T’chok were still out on the porch. “I may have suggested to Commander T’kol that they shouldn’t neglect their training just because today was a celebration day.”


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