Alien Prisoner

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Alien Prisoner Page 28

by Honey Phillips

  An outraged roar came from outside and T’lan threw the door open. “And just why did you do that, M’lee?”

  Emily jumped and giggled as he picked her up. “I always forget how well you can hear. Don’t worry, big guy. I only have eyes for you.” She gave him an innocent smile but showed Rachel and Sarah that her fingers were crossed behind her back. They both choked, trying not to laugh and T’lan gave them a suspicious look. T’chok had followed T’lan inside and he drew Rachel against his side. She smiled up at him but when she looked back at Sarah, she saw the sadness on the other woman’s face before she hid it behind a bright smile.

  The rest of the day passed in a blur. Lizabet was just as excited to see Sarah, and Sarah’s smile grew more genuine. Emily’s grandmother, Pearl, arrived with her husband. The feisty old lady was as tiny as Emily but had the same sense of humor. Her husband only laughed when she dragged Lizabet off to watch more of the training exercises. Lizabet seemed only too happy to go, but Rachel noticed that Benji or T’chok always stayed close to her. With Pearl’s assistance, the picnic tables were loaded down with food, which the warriors devoured in great quantity. Rachel had brought venison steaks and the fresh meat was met with much acclaim.

  It wasn’t until dusk that she had a chance to speak to Sarah alone. The two were sitting on the porch and Sarah was rocking Emlan, the silent warrior once again in position behind her. Emily had told Rachel that Tren was like Emlan’s godfather, but she had never seen one so devoted. He rarely took his eyes off the baby. She was a cute little thing, with a mop of blond curls around two tiny little black horns. If she and T’chok were able to have a baby, what would it look like? Would they even be able to have a baby? Tears sprang to her eyes again and Sarah gave her a concerned look. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I guess I’m just emotional today.” She took a deep breath and focused on her friend. “What’s wrong with you, Sarah? And don't tell me you’re fine.”

  Sarah looked down at the baby in her arms. “I decided to apply for a breeding contract.”

  Rachel bit her lip. She still hated the idea, even though she had come to understand the Yehrin’s rationale. And she knew that Sarah had made a connection to her warrior. “With T’gana, I assume? That’s good, right? You two really seemed to like each other.”

  “That’s what I thought.” Sarah attempted a casual shrug that failed miserably. “He left right after you did. He said his honor demanded it.”

  A muffled sound came from behind her and they both stared up at the big, silent warrior. He looked embarrassed at their scrutiny but nodded firmly. “He was correct.”

  “No, he wasn’t. I thought he cared for me and he left me.” Sarah glared at him.

  “It is… difficult to care for someone and know that you have to wait. He chose an honorable path to avoid damaging you with his behavior.”

  “I don’t care. He left me!” Sarah’s voice rose and the baby in her arms whimpered. The warrior growled softly and Emlan settled again. Sarah flushed and rocked the baby. “Anyway, even though he left, I still want a baby. This is a chance to have one and I’m going to take it. If it doesn’t work out, at least I’ll get to go home.”

  “We’ve been talking about having a baby, too,” Rachel admitted. “But other than Emily, no one knows for sure that it will work.”

  Sarah looked over her shoulder but Tren had faded back into the shadows. “Have you started trying?” she whispered.

  “Yes, just this past week.” She smiled at Sarah. “If nothing else, the trying is fun.”

  “Hmm. You know Emily got pregnant in one night?”

  “No, I didn’t know that. Why?”

  “Do you usually cry at the drop of a hat?”

  “You know I don’t. Why—” The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. “Do you really think?”

  Sarah smiled but couldn’t hide the sadness in her eyes. “I think. But Grammy Pearl’s husband is a doctor. You could ask him.”

  “T’chok could scan you.” The deep voice from the shadows made them both jump again, and Rachel scowled in his direction.

  “How can anyone have a private conversation with you around?”

  “You are lucky that T’chok is at the far end of the meadow or he would already know.” He hesitated. “If this is true, it is good news for my people.”

  Rachel placed a hand over her stomach. A baby, already? Both thrilled and nervous at the idea, she took a deep breath and smiled at her friend. “If it can happen for me, I’m sure it can happen for you as well.”

  “I hope so.” Sarah looked down at the tiny figure in her arms. “Oh, how I hope so.”

  They were interrupted as Lizabet stomped up on the porch. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes suspiciously bright. “I’m tired of this fucking party. When are we going home?”

  Rachel and Sarah exchanged worried glances. Lizabet rarely swore anymore unless she was upset. Rachel looked around for Benji but didn’t see him, although she thought she saw a large warrior disappearing into the night. Had someone hurt Lizabet? She examined her closely, but the girl didn’t seem afraid, just angry and embarrassed. “We’re spending the night here, sweetie, remember? Would you rather we went home?”

  “No, this is fine, I guess.” Lizabet threw herself into another chair and rocked moodily.

  “Why don’t you go find T’chok?” Sarah suggested with a slight nod at Rachel’s stomach. “Lizabet will keep me company.”

  “They just want to go make out, anyway,” Lizabet muttered, but then she sighed. “It’s fine, go on. At least someone will have some fun.”

  Rachel bit her lip as she studied Lizabet’s woebegone face, but Sarah waved her away. “Go on,” she mouthed silently.

  At the open end of the meadow, the warriors had built a huge bonfire. T’chok was sitting next to T’lan with Benji leaning against his side. He smiled as she approached, and her heart did its usual flip.

  “There you are. I was going to come and get you if you did not return soon.”

  It had taken a fair amount of persuasion to get him to leave her alone with Sarah, but he had finally agreed since all of the other warriors except Tren were at the fire.

  “Hey, Rach. T’kol just started telling us a story about fighting the Icluthians.” Benji’s eyes glowed with excitement. One of the warriors on the far side of the fire laughed. As with all the Yehrin males, he was large and muscular, but he had an air of authority which reminded her of T’chok.

  “Your son has much enthusiasm for stories of war.” He smiled at Benji and she couldn’t help but notice that he was also extremely attractive. T’chok growled softly and she looked quickly back at him.

  “Can we go for a walk?” she asked.

  “Is that what you are calling it these days?” T’lan murmured, and Emily poked him from her position on his lap.

  “Hush. Benji can stay with us while you… walk,” she offered.

  “Where’s Lizabet?” Benji asked. “I thought she was with you.”

  Rachel looked up in time to see T’kol’s smile falter but decided to worry about it later. “She’s over on the porch with Sarah, but I’m guessing you’d rather stay here.”

  “You betcha. Babies are boring.” He remembered his company and looked guilty. “Sorry, Emily.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m glad when she’s boring. It means she’s safe and happy. Maybe one day you’ll be a big brother and you'll know what I mean.” Emily shot an impish glance at Rachel and she couldn’t help wondering if she had reached the same conclusion as Sarah.

  “That would be kind of cool, I guess,” Benji said doubtfully before losing interest and turning back to T’kol. “Will you finish the story? Please?”

  As T’kol resumed his tale, T’chok took Rachel’s hand and led her off toward the woods at a rapid pace.

  “Slow down,” she laughed.

  Instead, he growled and scooped her up in his arms as he walked swiftly away from the bonfire. She snuggled against
him, her breasts rubbing pleasurably against his hard chest.

  “What’s the rush?” she asked as he came to a halt at the edge of the forest.

  “It has been too long since I kissed you,” he said, and proceeded to remedy that with a long drugging kiss that had her writhing against him. He shifted her around so she could wrap her legs around him while he supported her ass with his arm. She could feel the hard bar of his cock between her legs and her pussy ached.

  “Is your little cunt wet for me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  With an impatient grunt, he pulled her dress up so he could slip his fingers under her panties. He growled approvingly at her slickness and stroked his finger along her aching slit. He circled the throbbing nub at the top and she cried out.

  “Ssh, little one. The others do not need to hear your pleasure.”

  She bit her lip and tried not to moan as he increased the pressure. It reminded her of those nights in the cabin when they had been forced to keep quiet and the memory gave her an erotic thrill. She rubbed her breasts frantically against his chest, desperate for something to relieve the aching pressure.

  “Your tight little cunt is even hotter than normal,” he murmured approvingly as he slid a thick finger into her entrance. He increased the pressure on her clit as he plunged his finger in and out in a demanding rhythm.

  “Come for me,” he ordered, and she fell apart in his arms, biting down on his neck to avoid making any noise.

  She was still shaking when he freed his cock and drove into her with one hard plunge and she bit down again. He still stretched her every time and her body tried frantically to adjust but he didn’t pause before starting a punishing pace. The deep thrusts reached every part of her clenching channel and she could only hold on to him. He adjusted his grip, forcing her legs further apart so that her clit rubbed against him with every stroke. Her nails dug into his shoulders and he growled his approval. The sensations kept building until she felt him shudder. He grew impossibly harder before a flood of hot liquid filled her insides as he came with a roar, taking her over with him as she trembled and clung to him.

  He eased them down to the ground, leaning back against the nearest tree, and she jolted as the movement forced him deeper, an aftershock rolling through her. Still impaled on his cock, she nestled closer. “I thought you said to be quiet.”

  “No one will hear the sound of your pleasure except me.” He shrugged, the movement sending ripples of pleasure through her sensitive pussy. “I do not care if they hear mine.”

  “Hmph. Male logic,” she sniffed, but she really didn’t care. As her mind began to clear, she tried to sit up. He let her move back just enough that he could unbutton the top of her dress. As soon as it came apart, he reached in and cupped her breasts, teasing her nipples with his claws. She jumped, unusually sensitive to his touch, and remembered why she had brought him out here.

  “I didn’t want to walk with you for this,” she said breathlessly as he continued the tormenting touch. His cock had softened only slightly when he came, and she could feel it growing harder again.

  “No?” he said, watching his hands as they caressed her until she panted. “So responsive.”

  She forced herself to focus. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  His hands stilled. “Yes, I need to talk to you as well.”

  “Go ahead,” she urged, suddenly feeling shy about her news. Her possible news, she reminded herself.

  “T’lan has purchased this mountain. He thinks that as warriors find their L’chkas, they will wish to create a home for them. Here they would have privacy but be among their own kind. There is a town at the base of the mountain and the people have been receptive to the idea.”

  “That’s nice,” she said cautiously, wondering why he wanted to have this discussion now.

  “He has offered me a job building those houses. It would mean that we would be close to T’lan and M’lee, and the children could go to school. I know that has troubled you.”

  “Is that what you want to do? Build houses?”

  “I enjoyed the work I did on the cabin. I believe this would be equally satisfactory. But I will not move unless you are willing.”

  Rachel’s mind raced as she considered the possibilities. She had finished her own online degree over the winter and was slowly gaining a few clients, but she could work anywhere. It would be nice to have neighbors and she did want the kids to go back to school. More importantly… She took a deep breath and realized that her hand had crept to her stomach. “Is there a hospital nearby?”

  “Not in the town but there is a larger city not far away. Why? Are you ill?”

  “No, but I think I might be pregnant,” she said in a rush.

  “What?” He bolted upright, jostling her on a cock that had turned to steel inside her. He grabbed for his belt, searching frantically for his scanner. As soon as he found it, he ran it over her stomach. The glowing green screen above was written in Yehrin so she couldn’t read it, but she saw the answer in his eyes.

  “Yes,” he roared. He seized her hips, thrusting up into her with no rhythm, only a frantic urgency that forced the same from her, keeping her pleasure building until she cried out, no longer caring about the noise, as he shuddered and filled her again with jets of seed.

  “She is with child,” he yelled, and she heard the bonfire erupt in cheers, but she was too breathless to protest. “I love you, my zuzu.”

  “I love you, T’chok,” she managed when she caught her breath. “Although, I don’t think I would have chosen to make the announcement quite this way.”

  “Why not?” he shrugged as he finally lifted her off his cock, immediately gathering her back into his arms. “They are all happy on our behalf. It gives great hope to my people.” He bent down and kissed her gently. “And I am glad for them, but I am even more glad for myself. I never thought I would find such happiness.”

  Rachel thought back to her previous life, the long hours of work and struggle with so little hope for the future. “Neither did I. You saved me from that, T’chok.”

  “We saved each other,” he said, and kissed her again as the celebration continued.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you so much for reading Alien Prisoner! I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing it! Whether you loved the book or not, it would mean the world to me if you left an honest review on Amazon. Word of mouth is incredibly helpful for authors and I’d love to know your thoughts!

  As always, there are so many people I want to thank. First and foremost, I would like to thank my readers - I am constantly humbled and gratified by your love and support! And of course, my author BFF, Bex McLynn, for always lending an ear and holding my hand! And last, but certainly not least, my awesome beta readers: Janet S, Tammy S, Susan H, and Kitty S!

  Coming up next - Alien Breeder!

  T’gana left Sarah to avoid compromising his honor but he returns wounded in body and spirit. Can he and Sarah find their way back to each other?

  Alien Breeder is available for pre-order on Amazon!

  For a glimpse at what happened prior to the invasion, Alien Selection tells the story of the first encounter between a Yehrin warrior and a human female! You can download it for FREE on BookFunnel or purchase it on Amazon for just $.99!



  Other Titles

  The Alien Invasion Series

  Alien Selection

  Alien Conquest

  Alien Prisoner

  Alien Breeder

  The Alien Abduction Series

  Anna and the Alien

  Beth and the Barbarian

  Cam and the Conqueror

  Greta and the Gargoyle

  Deb and the Demon

  Ella and the Emperor

  Faith and the Fighter

  Treasured by the Alien

  with Bex McLynn

  Mama and the Alien Warrior

  br />   Honey Phillips, Alien Prisoner




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