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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 5

by M. K. Eidem

  “I see.”

  Turk tapped his earpiece then looked to Deffand. “Prince Barek is ready to leave, Captain.”

  “Go,” Deffand said dismissing him, and with a slight nod at Stephanie, he turned and left. After the door closed, Deffand looked to Stephanie. “You didn’t correct your title for Turk.”

  “Because right now that’s what I am, a Lieutenant.” Her gaze traveled around the office again. “Since there are soon going to be seven more Captains in this office, I think we need to discuss where to put them all."

  "Seven?" he asked.

  "Yes, I think we're going to need a bigger office."

  "There will be eight more Captains," he corrected.

  "The Commander of the Royal Guard doesn't need a Captain or a security detail,” she told him surprised when his gaze darkened and jaw clenched.

  “The Princess of the House of Protection does, so there will be eight Captains,” he growled back.

  "It makes no sense for me to have my own detail as I will be spending the majority of my time within the Palace walls,” she said in exasperation.

  "And when you are outside of them?" he quietly questioned.

  She sighed heavily, knowing that was going to be a problem. "Let me think about that and see if I can come up with a solution. There are others that need protection more than I do. I don't want our men stretched any thinner than absolutely necessary." Stephanie waited until he nodded. "Good. Now I want to see the files of those that have completed the recent course.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  The hours passed as Stephanie and Deffand reviewed each file and discussed the best position for each man. She found that she liked the way the man’s mind worked, liked how he could see a man's weakness but didn't fault him for it. Instead, he paired him with someone who counterbalanced it. If a man was better in long range, he matched him with someone adept in short range. It was smart and efficient.

  They'd only been interrupted a couple of times, all non-emergencies, which was good. By the time they were to meet for last meal, Stephanie felt she had a good handle on what was needed and the new recruits.

  "As for your question on how we are going to get eight Captains in here... we're not, because this was never meant to be the Captains’ Office." His words had her frowning at him. "It's the Commander's."


  "This is your office. The room we passed through to get here is the original Captains’ Office,” he explained.

  "The large open area?" Stephanie frowned, that hadn’t come up in any of her research.


  "While I agree that the Captains’ Office should be in a central location, so they are readily available to their men, I don't want their desks so exposed."

  After a moment where he seemed to be thinking through the problem he said, "There was once a wall that separated them. It was removed cycles ago."

  Stephanie smiled at that, it was an easy fix. "It needs to be rebuilt."

  "Yes, Commander."

  She wanted to tell Nicholas to use her first name but knew that level of familiarity could cause problems down the road. Oh, it was okay for her to use his, might even be expected, but for someone under her command to address her so casually would create confusion within the ranks. And that was something she couldn't have. Rising, she looked at him.

  "The King has requested the presence of both of us for last meal."

  "Then we should be going." Rising, he waited for her to precede him.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Nicholas, how wonderful of you to join us for last meal." Jacinda walked up and hugged her favorite guard.

  "It's wonderful to be here, Majesty."

  "Nicholas..." Jacinda's tone let him know she wasn't happy with him using her title.

  He looked to Jotham for permission. "It is fine, Nicholas. If it pleases Jacinda, it pleases me."

  "Pardons, Jacinda," Nicholas said and earned a brilliant smile from his future Queen.

  Stephanie heard her mother's genuine affection for Deffand and couldn't help but shake her head. There wasn't a man alive that stood a chance when her mother decided she cared about them. It didn't often happen with anyone outside the family, but when it did, she would shower them with all her love and affection. It seemed Deffand... Nicholas was now one of those men. As they sat down for the meal, she looked to Jotham.

  "Captain Deffand and I covered a great deal of ground today. Of course there are still things that need to be addressed, such as who will be the new Captains. We should have a list to you shortly."

  "Not during the meal," Jotham told her.

  "What?" Stephanie asked, frowning.

  "Your mother and I decided that meal time was just for us, or family in this case. Nothing else intrudes unless it is an emergency."

  "I... I see," Stephanie responded, somewhat shocked because business discussions had been commonplace at the dinner table when she'd been growing up, especially when the Assembly had been in session.

  "I know that wasn't how it was when you were growing up, Stephanie." Jacinda knew what her daughter was thinking. "It's one of the things I regret. I let your father's career overtake so much. There was no need for it. Not when Stephan and I could have discussed it after you were all in bed. It's why Jotham and I try to keep it separate." Jacinda looked to Jotham. "But I think tonight we can make an exception."

  "After the meal," Jotham said firmly, and as he was the King, they deferred to him even though Stephanie knew he would readily concede if her mother pressed.

  "So, Mother, was today your final fitting with Pazel and Kia?" Stephanie asked, taking a bite of her meal.

  "Yes," she glanced at Jotham, choosing her words carefully at his sharpened gaze. "There were just a few minor things and then it will be finished."

  "Fitting? You saw Jacinda's Union gown?" Jotham questioned.

  "I... well yes," Stephanie said carefully, her gaze going from her mother to Jotham.

  "Tell me about it," Jotham ordered.

  "Stephanie, don't you..." Jacinda trailed off when she saw the smile that started to grow on her daughter's face.

  Deffand looked puzzled as his gaze went from mother to daughter.

  "It was absolutely stunning, Jotham." Stephanie leaned forward conspiratorially. She still found it strange to be addressing the King so casually, but then again here she was teasing him. "All those layers of fabric billowing out so beautifully around Mom. You know," she cocked her head slightly as if it had just come to her, "it actually reminds me a little of the one Queen Yakira wore during the Challenge Ball. You know the one I'm talking about right, Mom? But of course, it isn't blue."

  "What?" Jotham choked out, remembering that gown immediately. Yakira had looked like a giant, glittering, blue ball.

  "Were you planning on wearing your hair the same way, Mom? You didn't say."

  "No, of course not," Jacinda managed to say with a straight face. She'd seen the visuals of that Ball. Yakira's hair had been coiled above her head, adding nearly an extra foot to her height so she could dominate her challenger.

  "Oh," Stephanie paused as if she were thinking about it. "I guess that would draw too many comparisons. Maybe you could have it begin to billow out from here." She put a hand up to her ear. "It would mirror your dress then."

  "I..." Jacinda couldn't contain her laughter any longer, not with how aghast and pale Jotham had become. Covering his hand with hers, she reassured him, "She's kidding, Jotham. She did the same thing to Ethan when he asked about Kasmira's Union gown. She likes to do that with family."

  "I... I see." He cleared his throat then looked to Stephanie. "Do you think it wise to tease your King that way?"

  "My King? No, but I wasn't teasing him. I was teasing my mother's future husband, wasn't I?"

  A huge smile broke across Jotham's face. "Yes, yes you were, and I suppose I deserved that," Jotham continued. "I have been pestering anyone who has seen the gown. Which is why Jacinda has allowed so few to see

  "And no one told you?" Stephanie was surprised that anyone would refuse the King.

  "No." Jotham smiled. "It would seem they fear displeasing my Queen far more than they do me."

  He meant it as a joke, but Jacinda didn't take it that way.

  "They fear me?" Jacinda asked. It was easy to see how much the thought upset her.

  "No, my love, no. I was teasing. No one here fears you."

  "Then what did you mean?" Jacinda demanded.

  "Only that they all know how disappointed you would be if they told me. None of them want that. You are to be their Queen. They love you."

  "They do, Jacinda," Nicholas spoke up. "You have healed our King, have made him smile again. No one wants that to change and it would if you were unhappy."

  "Thank you, Nicholas," Jacinda said, giving him a small smile.

  After the meal, the four of them made their way into the King's Garden taking their wine with them.

  "Now down to business," Jotham said, as he sat down on one of the several comfortable couches Jacinda had insisted be moved outside so they could enjoy the setting of the suns. Putting an arm around Jacinda he pulled her close. "First, the paperwork came through from High Command. You are officially no longer an active member of the Coalition, Stephanie."

  Stephanie just sat there for a moment, her throat tightening. How could she have forgotten? All her thoughts and energy had been focused on the challenges this new exciting position presented. It was a new beginning, but for something to begin, something else had to end. In this case, it was her Coalition career. She'd always known that someday she would leave, but to have it happen so quickly.

  She fingered the sleeve of the uniform she wore. She'd worn it so many times and been so proud to wear it. Now she never would again.

  "Stephanie?" Jacinda's quiet murmur had their gazes meeting and in her mother's Stephanie saw a gentle understanding.

  "I'm good, Mom. It's just strange to think of myself as just Stephanie Michelakakis, private citizen again."

  "You won't be for long," Jotham informed her. "A special meeting of the Assembly of the House of Protection has been called for tomorrow afternoon where you will be presented as the Commander of the Royal Guard."

  "Tomorrow?" Stephanie repeated.

  "Yes. Chesney is contacting everyone and making all the arrangements as we speak."

  "But I don't have the proper uniform."

  "You will by the time of the Assembly. Myesha was kind enough to relay your measurements to Chesney when she packed up your belongings, and it is being made.”

  "Wait, what?! Why would Myesha pack up my belongings?"

  "Why? Because as Commander you need to live within the Palace walls," Jotham said as if it were understood.

  "I am not quartering in the Guard Wing," she emphatically told him, "and not because I'm a woman. Commanding officers are always housed separately. It allows the men under their command to relax and bitch, if they want, without fear of retribution."

  "Of course you won't be quartered with them," Jotham stated, the surprise that she would think so on his face. "There's a building outside the Guard Wing where the Commander has always resided.”

  "What?" Three sets of eyes looked to Jotham.

  "Are you talking about that old storage building?" Nicholas asked.

  "Yes. Since it hasn't been used as a residence in cycles, I informed Chesney to send a detail to have it properly cleaned and furnished. It will take several days, and until then Stephanie will be staying with us."

  "With us?" Stephanie looked from her mother to Jotham. "You mean as in here? In the King's Wing?"

  "Yes," Jotham said. "Barek has his own suite of rooms in the Wing as will you."

  Absolute silence met Jotham's statement.

  "Now, Stephanie..." Jacinda cautioned, knowing her daughter. "Jotham was just trying to be helpful. I'm sure he meant no offense."

  "Offense?" Jotham gave Jacinda a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

  "You had someone pack up and move all my daughter's things into the Palace without first asking her permission," Jacinda told him.

  "Her permission? Why would I... oh... yes... I see." And for the first time, Stephanie saw Jotham look sheepish. "I apologize, Stephanie, I didn't think. It was just on the list of things I had Chesney take care of."

  'Begin as you mean to finish,' Stephanie thought and made herself take a deep, cleansing breath, and slowly let it out before she spoke.

  "There's something you need to understand, Jotham. You are my King. I am your Commander. In that capacity, I will accept your orders as long as they don't jeopardize your safety. But I am also a member of your family. In that capacity, I expect you to accept and respect my wishes."

  "You are right, Stephanie. I am sorry. I hope you will forgive me."

  "You get a pass this time," Stephanie finally said then gave him a teasing smile. "As it seems Mom hasn't gotten you completely house broken yet."

  Stephanie's words had Nicholas choking on his wine while Jacinda's laughter filled the garden at Jotham's stunned expression. After a moment, he tipped his head back, and his laughter joined Jacinda's.

  Still smiling, he looked from Stephanie to Nicholas. "Why don't you tell me what the two of you have decided."

  Stephanie proceeded to tell Jotham about the men she was considering for Captain and why.

  "Why only seven?" Jotham asked frowning at her.

  "I informed her she would also need her own Captain," Deffand told Jotham.

  "It's unnecessary," Stephanie fired back.

  "You see your safety as unnecessary?" Jotham questioned.

  "The majority of my time is going to be spent within the Palace walls. Especially, since I will be residing here now. It makes no sense to assign guards to me when I am surrounded by them."

  "And when you're not in the Palace?" Jacinda asked quietly.

  Looking to her mother, Stephanie could see the fear she was struggling to hide and felt the fight go out of her.

  "I will take guards with me," she grudgingly said.

  Chapter Five

  Stephanie opened her eyes to find a ceiling she didn't recognize over her bed. It took her a moment to remember she was in her new room in the King's Wing of the House of Protection. Rolling onto her side, she groaned appreciatively at the luxurious feel of the bedding surrounding her. It sure wasn't the standard issue sheets they received in the Coalition.

  Sitting up slowly, she stretched her arms over her head as her body adjusted to the new position. Ancestors, that felt good. She hadn't been able to stretch like this since she'd been injured. Rising, she walked into the amazing bathroom attached to it. She'd been stunned when she'd walked in the night before.

  It was huge! Easily the biggest one she'd ever seen with a step-down tub that could easily hold four. The glass-enclosed shower had more showerheads than she could count, and a long vanity had two sinks. The suite was obviously set up for a couple. Even the toilet had a separate room, which was Stephanie could appreciate after the close living conditions she'd experienced early in her Coalition career.

  Turning on the shower, she stripped off her top and shorts then stepped in. For a few moments, she let herself enjoyed the heat of the water flowing over her body. If this was what it meant to be a Royal, Stephanie could get used to it. Knowing she had a busy day ahead of her, she reached for the cleanser she'd placed there the night before and began washing her hair and body.

  Wrapping a large, fluffy towel around her body, she quickly went through her morning routine of brushing her teeth and moisturizing her face and body. She might have chosen a rough, physical career, but she still liked to have soft skin. Once she'd covered every inch, she went into the enormous walk-in closet. Stephanie had always thought her mother's closet at home had been large, but this one had to be at least twice that size. It even had a couch to sit down on so you could put on your shoes. Her measly wardrobe looked pitiful hanging in here.

p; Dropping the towel, she pulled open a drawer she'd found her eadai in last night and pulled a matching set on. Reaching instinctively for the Coalition uniform hanging there, her hand stilled. She couldn't wear that. She was no longer a member of the Coalition. So what was she going to wear?

  Jotham had said her new uniform wouldn't be done until this afternoon. That left her with only a small selection of civilian clothing. Reaching for the pair of black pants hanging there, Stephanie pulled them on then went back to the drawers and pulled out a black high-necked sweater with long sleeves. Next, she sat down and laced up the black, low-heeled boots her mother had given her for her last birthday. Not only were they extremely comfortable, but they completed her all-black outfit and made her feel as if she were in uniform.

  Rising, she walked out of the closet just as rays from Carina's first sun began to break over the horizon.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Nicholas looked up when the door to his... well, his for now, office opened. While earlier than usual, he expected it to be Green, who would want to discuss the changes in Jacinda's schedule today.

  Instead, it was Stephanie dressed in all black, and looking so strong and sexy he was glad to be sitting behind the desk.

  "Lieutenant... Stephanie... Princess...," he fumbled, trying to figure out how to address her.

  "Stephanie is fine when it's just us, Captain.”

  "Only if you'll call me Nick."

  "Alright, Nick, and please, never call me Princess again." She shuddered slightly.

  "Not feeling like one yet?" he asked giving her a slight smile.

  "Ancestors, no. I doubt I ever will, although I could fall in love with the bathroom in my suite."

  Nicholas nodded in agreement. "I've heard they are amazing."

  "You've never been in one?" Stephanie found that hard to believe with all the cycles he'd served in the Palace.

  "Not in the private suites in the King's Wing, but I have inspected the ones in the Royal Wing when preparing it for the arrival of visiting Royals."

  "I see."

  "So what are you doing here? I assumed you would remain in the King's Wing until it was time to go to the Assembly Hall."


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