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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 7

by M. K. Eidem

  "You're kidding, right?" Stephanie growled, pissed at the thought her mother had to put up with that kind of shit. Yes, there were still those in the Coalition, like Woodrow, who felt that way, but they were becoming fewer and fewer.

  "I'm not. The Coalition was a very different place when I served, Stephie. Even though women had been serving for over fifty cycles, many still believed we didn't belong there."

  "You never said anything to me about this."

  "Because I didn't want what I experienced to alter the course of your dreams. I also hoped the Coalition had changed with men like William Zafar in charge."

  Those words had Stephanie realizing just what an amazing woman her mother really was. Jacinda had supported her dreams even though she'd known better than anyone, Stephanie included, what obstacles she would face.

  "It has, and it hasn't," Stephanie admitted. "While there are still those that will never accept that a woman can do the job as well if not better than them, and there always will be, there are those that judge you only on your abilities and not your gender."

  "Then we've made progress." Jacinda hooked an arm around her waist. "Come on, let's enjoy this amazing meal Safford has made for us."

  Chapter Six

  Stephanie forced herself not to fidget as she sat next to her mother in the Royal section on one side of the Assembly Hall. It was a smaller hall than the one where the full Assembly had met to witness Cassandra's challenge of Queen Yakira. This one was where only House of Protection Assemblymen met to conduct the day-to-day business of the House. It contained a raised gallery for the public to view the proceedings and could broadcast globally and throughout the Fleet, as they would be doing today.

  Danton, Ethan, and his family had been escorted to the Royal area first and now sat behind Barek and Jotham, who wore their Royal crowns. Jacinda wore her betrothal circlet, but no other formal attire. Stephanie sat next to her mother. She had planned on wearing only her violet pants with the black stripe down the leg that every member of the House of Protection wore when they'd served in the Coalition, and a white dress shirt signifying her interim status. Instead, Jotham had ordered her to wear her formal, white Coalition jacket with the full accompaniment of medals and decorations she'd earned, even though she'd been fitted for her Commander's jacket.

  Stephanie was uncomfortable wearing the Coalition jacket since she was no longer an active member, even though it was allowed during formal or important occasions. The sound of Assemblyman Terwilliger's gavel pulled her from her thoughts and her gaze to the podium.

  "I declare this Special Assembly of the House of Protection in session," Terwilliger proclaimed. "King Jotham, we await your pleasure."

  After leaning over to kiss Jacinda's cheek, Jotham rose and walked up the steps to the podium Terwilliger had just vacated and faced the Assembly.

  "Greetings esteemed members of the House of Protection. Today is a momentous day for our House for several reasons." His gaze traveled around the room for a moment. "In less than two moon cycles, Jacinda Michelakakis and I shall have our Union, making her your Queen. When this occurs, our House will have two new Princesses and four new Princes. The Royal House of Protection has never been so full or so blessed, and I hope all here and those watching and listening will share and support this momentous event in our House."

  Applause filled the Assembly, and most rose to their feet showing they supported their King, but not all. Jotham raised his arms, and the crowd quieted as they resumed their seats.

  "Thank you. I can't express to you what that means to Jacinda and myself, but we both realize the blending of our families has caused some concerns over the line of succession as Prince Danton is older than Prince Barek. Let me make this absolutely clear. While my Queen's children and grandchildren shall be considered Royal with all the rights, privileges, and responsibilities that entails, none of them shall be included in the line of succession. Prince Barek has always been and always shall be the heir to the throne as he alone carries the Royal birthmark."

  Stephanie noticed the low murmurs filled the hall. Obviously, there had been more than a few who'd had concerns about this.

  "As that is now settled, I wish to address another matter that has been troubling me for some time. The five Houses of Carina have had a long and glorious history. One we honor through the traditions and laws handed down to us from the ancestors. Sometimes without thought or question. Never was that more evident than when Queen Cassandra arrived on Carina and nearly didn't assume the throne because the man she loved and had wed wasn't from the House of Knowledge.” Jotham paused to let that sink in. “If that had occurred, Carina would not only have lost a great and true Queen but High Admiral Zafar, a man that has spent his entire life protecting the people of Carina, no matter their House. All because of an archaic law. We lost one Princess and a great Warrior because of it, and I'm not willing to take the chance of that happening again, at least not within the House of Protection. So as of today, the law stating that the heir to the throne must choose his Queen from within his own House is hereby permanently dissolved."

  Shocked silence filled the hall. It was proof that no one had been expecting this, least of all Barek, if the look Stephanie saw cross his face meant anything. Did Jotham knew something no one else did?

  Jotham waited only a moment before continuing. "That is one of the reasons I requested this special assembly, so all would be informed of this change at the same time. The other is to announce that with the increase in the number of Royals needing protection, the position of Commander of the Royal Guard has been reinstated and that I have chosen who the Commander shall be..." Jotham's gaze traveled around the room before coming to rest on Stephanie, knowing everyone was waiting for him to finish. "Lieutenant Stephanie Anne Michelakakis."

  Stephanie felt every eye in the Assembly turn to her, including those of her family, as she slowly rose from her seat. She used the time it took to straighten her jacket to make sure she was steady on her feet before moving toward the stage. Walking up the steps, Stephanie silently thanked her rehab specialist for all those extra exercises she'd insisted Stephanie do. Moving toward Jotham, she tensed when a shape separated itself from the shadows behind him. Her hand instantly went to her hip, where her weapon would normally be, and silently cursed because today she wasn't carrying it. Before she could move to protect her King, the shape became Nicholas carrying her Commander's jacket. Only the slightest drawing together of his eyebrows indicated that he'd caught the change in her demeanor.

  Jotham waited until they were both at his side before continuing.

  "Lieutenant Michelakakis has more than proven herself to be a valuable member in the Coalition." He gestured to the medals and ribbons that decorated the upper left side of her jacket. "She was one of the first women to ever command a security detail and the only one accepted into Captain Chamberlain's advanced training program. Her knowledge, training, and experience are invaluable and will make her an outstanding Commander."

  Turning, Jotham took the Commander's jacket from Nicholas who stood slightly behind and between Jotham and Stephanie. Nicholas then moved to Stephanie and assisted her in the removal of her Coalition jacket. After folding it carefully over an arm so the decorations could still be easily seen, he stepped away.

  Jotham took Nicholas’ place and slid the solid black jacket, worn by every Royal Guard, up and over her shoulders. The hardware on the collar of the jacket designated her rank as the Commander. As he returned to the podium, Stephanie fastened the jacket closed.

  "Members of the House of Protection, I present to you Commander Michelakakis." Applause filled the assembly for several minutes. When Jotham finished clapping, the room quieted enough for him to continue. "Commander Michelakakis will officially assume her duties as soon as this Assembly is concluded. Before that can happen, one more piece of business needs to be addressed. High Admiral?"

  Jotham stepped back from the podium to stand between his Captain and Commander.
br />   The High Admiral's expression gave nothing away as he walked across the stage in his full dress uniform. William still carried himself with the same distinguished manner as when Stephanie first met him. The full dress uniform he wore only highlighted the changes age and marriage to Cassandra had brought about. He gave Jotham the slightest of nods then turned and let his gaze travel over the Assembly.

  "Esteemed members of the House of Protection. I am here today to bestow a great honor on a member of your House... the Coalition's Medal of the Ancestors." He paused as gasps filled the chamber. "This rarely bestowed medal hasn't been granted in over one hundred and fifty cycles. Its recipient must either currently be serving, or at the time of the incident have been serving in the Coalition. The recipient must also be a non-Royal, have an impeccable record, and the action must not only have saved the life of a ruling Royal, but have come at great personal cost. Even then the Medal of the Ancestors is not bestowed unless the entire High Council, along with the ruling Royals agree. Something we all know rarely occurs." Chuckles filtered through the hall. "In this case, because the action was witnessed by every ruling Royal, there was little to disagree on."

  Turning, his gaze locked onto Stephanie. "Commander Michelakakis, step forward."

  Stephanie stood motionless, unable to believe the High Admiral was actually referring to her.

  "Commander?" While it was phrased as a question, there was no doubting it was an order.

  Taking a step forward, she turned and came to attention, saluting the High Admiral. "Sir."

  The High Admiral turned to Jotham who was now between them holding an open case. Reaching inside, the High Admiral slowly withdrew the ends of a gold chain consisting of the interlocking symbols for each Royal House until the medal was revealed.

  Rays from the three suns encircled the rarest of Carina's jewels, a cabochon-shaped creation stone. The stone itself wasn't very large, but what it represented was immense.

  Ancient legends claimed that creation stones were the reason there was life on Carina. The reason there was life anywhere, for wherever they were found, there was life.

  "Commander, it is my great honor to present you with the Coalition's Medal of the Ancestors for your selfless actions in protecting the King and future Queen of the House of Protection." Reaching around her neck, the High Admiral latched the chain then stepped back and did something a High Admiral seldom did.

  He snapped to attention and initiated a salute to someone not in the Coalition.

  Stephanie automatically returned his salute, not recognizing the significance of his act until Jotham, Nicholas, and everyone in the Assembly who had ever served in the Coalition, stood and saluted her, including her own mother.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie looked at her medal one last time then spun on her heel, and left her suite for the Guard Wing. It had taken what seemed like an eternity before they'd been able to leave the Assembly. Everyone in attendance had wanted to shake her hand, well not hers per se, but the hand of a Medal of the Ancestors recipient. When she'd finally made it through that throng, there had been all the hugs, kisses, and congratulations from her own family.

  It was her mother who really brought everything home for Stephanie. She'd hugged her tightly then said, “I told you I would be sitting there, in the front row, when you made history.” She'd pulled back and Stephanie saw the tears running down her face. “Your father would be so proud of you, Stephie. I know I am. I'm now the mother of the recipient of the Medal of the Ancestors.”

  Entering the Guard Wing, Stephanie paused at the sight of the outer room full of guards. They all stood at attention, saluting her. Her skin flushed. She should have been prepared for this. With all the Royals in the Palace, the Guard Wing was overflowed with off duty guards.

  She returned the salute. "At ease and thank you." Then she continued on to her office. Entering, she came to an abrupt stop. Nick was next to a cleared desk, a box in his hands.

  "Commander," he said, and she knew he would have saluted her too if his hands hadn't been full. "I'm removing my things from your office."

  "I appreciate that, Captain," she said taking in the way his muscles bunched under as he held the heavy box. Ancestors what she wouldn't give to run her fingers over them. Her voice was husky when she continued. "But it isn't necessary."

  "This is your office," he told her, his voice lowering to.

  "I know," she said clearing her throat. She couldn't act like this in the office. "Once the other office is reestablished, it will be just mine. Until then there's no reason we can't share. There's another desk and more than enough room."

  "If that's your decision."

  "It is."

  Nick moved and put the box on the other now cleared desk, then picked up a piece of paper. "I wrote down the current access codes for your comm. You will need them before you can change them."

  "Thank you." Taking it from him, her breath caught when their fingers brushed. Hoping he didn't notice she moved behind what was now her deck and sat. She moved behind what was now her desk and sat. "While it's not within the Captain of the King's Guard's normal duties, would you mind asking the guards gathered outside to come in?"

  Nick paused for only a moment then gave her a slight nod and left the room. In moments, he returned and the room filled with guards. She waited until they were all settled before speaking.

  "As you are all aware, my name is Stephanie Michelakakis, and I am your Commander." She let her gaze travel over each of them as she spoke. "I have read your personnel files, studied Captain Deffand's reports, and have come to the conclusion that there has never been a finer group of Royal Guards to ever serve in the House of Protection."

  Her words had an immediate effect on the room. Every guard stood a little straighter, looked a little prouder.

  "I know a great deal has been asked of you over the past few moon cycles and it will continue to be until we are at full force. Tomorrow there will be a Jacketing Ceremony for the twelve applicants who just completed the RGTP and have offered their services to the House of Protection." Excited murmurs filled the room. "While this is good news, we are still more than forty guards short of the number we need to properly protect the Royals of our House and allow for regular rotations again. I will discuss with Captain Deffand and Captain Green where these new guards are most needed and know you will assist them while they become accustomed to their new duties."

  "Yes, Commander," was heard throughout the room.

  With a nod, she said, "Dismissed and enjoy the rest of your downtime. Captains Deffand and Green, would you please remain?"

  The room cleared until only the three of them remained. After sliding several pieces of paper across her desk, she leaned back in her chair and gestured for them to pull up ones for themselves. "Kort, you weren't present when Nick and I decided placement for the newest guards. I felt you should have some input. The second sheet contains my final recommendations for Captain. Thoughts?”

  Saying nothing, each man lifted and read her recommendations.

  To be the Captain of a Royal was a heavy responsibility and not for the faint of heart. The Captain would be responsible for knowing not only where their Royal was at all times, making sure they had adequate protection, but also where the ten guards of his detail were. Currently, there were only two Captains, Kort for the Queen and Nick for the King and everyone else. That had to change. Nick hadn't said anything, but Stephanie could see the toll it was taking on him. He had lost weight since she'd first met him outside Pittaluga's with her mother and the lines around his mouth and eyes had deepened. It was something she'd first noticed yesterday and found bothered her.

  Nick read the list and could find no fault in the names except for one. "You want to make Turk a Captain? After he failed in his protection of you? A man shouldn't be made Captain just because you feel guilty."

  Stephanie's eyes narrowed at Nick's accusation. Instead of defending herself, she asked, "If Turk was so incompet
ent, why did you put him in charge of my security?"

  "He's not incompetent," Nick denied. "He finished top of his RGTP class. He excels with all types of weaponry and is excellent at adapting to sudden changes."

  "Which are all attributes a Captain needs."

  "True," Nick admitted, "but when he couldn't successfully perform those duties with regard to you, why would you trust him with your nephews?"

  "With me?" she asked, in a low voice. There was no missing the sharp cold bite in her tone. "I'm sure you’re referring to how I've been highly trained by the Coalition and Captain Chamberlain. That there is no way Lieutenant Turk or any of the Royal Guards, even you, would have been able to stop me from coming and going as I pleased. That is what you meant, wasn't it Captain?"

  Nick straightened at the censure in her voice but it didn't stop him from saying what needed to be said. It was his job to make sure that the best men available protected those under his care.

  "With all due respect, Commander, while everyone knows you are highly trained, they also know you can no longer function at such a level. It's why you were able to get past Turk's security. They underestimated you."

  Stephanie found she couldn't deny anything Nick had said because whether she liked it or not he was right. She would never be able to function at the level she once had, at least not for an extended period. Turk and his men had gotten lax in her security, especially after her mother had moved back to the Palace. But she knew Turk and the others would never let that happen again.

  "True, but it was a momentary lapse which he will never allow to happen again. It makes him perfect for overseeing two active boys."

  Stephanie could practically hear Nick's thoughts but knew he couldn't argue with her logic because Turk would be extra vigilant with his new detail.

  "The King has approved these promotions?" he asked instead.


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