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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 12

by M. K. Eidem

  Nick paused in drying his hair when he felt her touch. Lowering his arm, he looked to her.

  "Thank you," she said blotting the moisture from his back.

  "For what?"

  "Caring for me. About me."

  Reaching out he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "I do and always will."

  "I know." Turning her head, she kissed his palm. "I'll go get another robe."

  Later, once they were both wearing robes, and had thrown their soggy uniforms in her drying unit, they headed for the kitchen to see what there was to eat.

  Increasing the lighting in the front room, Stephanie's eyes widened, and Nick released a low whistle at everything they hadn't noticed when they'd first entered the quarters. Dark wood floors, polished to a high sheen, covered the entire area. On one side there was a large comfortable sitting area with several couches and chairs, all situated to easily see the extremely large entertainment comm. A large rug lay on the floor, centering all of it.

  On the other side of the room was a fully-equipped kitchen with a large island that had stools tucked under one side. Everything was made of the finest quality and only within the King's Wing had Nick seen better.

  "I take it back," Nick said, his gaze traveling around the room. "Maybe I do want to be the Commander."

  Stephanie laughed and gave him a playful shove as she walked into the kitchen and opened the cool unit. As Nick had said, it was fully stocked, and not only with the basics but also with all her favorites. Her mother was truly amazing.

  "What are you hungry for?" she asked, as she handed him a bottle of cold brew then took one for herself. "But before you answer, let me warn you that cooking isn't one of my strong suits."

  "What?" he asked pretending to be shocked. "You mean there's actually something you don't excel at?"

  "There are lots of things I don't excel at," she said giving him a playful shove, "and cooking happens to be one of them. Mom and Myesha tried to teach me, but the only thing I was ever successful at was eggs and toast, and even then there's no guarantee I won't burn them."

  Nick took a sip of his brew then setting it down moved her out of the way and looked in the cool unit. Giving a satisfied grunt, he began removing what he wanted.

  "What are you doing?"

  "I'm going to cook since I'm hungry, and I prefer my food not burnt."

  "You cook?" she gave him a disbelieving look.

  "Of course. My father made sure all his sons knew how to cook. He said it was a sure way to impress a lady. Now sit," he ordered.

  "Are you ordering me around in my own kitchen?" she asked even as she sat down on the other side of the island.

  "It's only yours if you know how to use it," he countered.

  "True," she agreed and taking a sip of her brew, she sat back and watched him go to work.

  She couldn't believe how quickly he put together a perfectly prepared meal comprised of a meat and cheese-filled omelet and several pieces of golden brown toast. The first bite had her eyes closing at the explosion of flavor filling her mouth. Opening her eyes, she found Nick watching her closely.

  "Your dad was right. I am thoroughly impressed." The smile that crossed his face had her thinking about abandoning her meal and feasting on him instead. "Pretty proud of yourself, aren't you?"

  "Damn straight," he told her as he started in on his own meal. "It takes a lot to impress a Michelakakis woman."

  "Doesn't seem that way to me," she told him as she started eating again. "My mother adores you. As for me..." she trailed off.

  "As for you?" he asked lowering his forc.

  "You have to know that you've always impressed me, Nick, even before I met you. When I did, you more than lived up to your reputation. This," she gestured to her plate, "is just one more thing to add to the ever growing list."

  "So you don't adore me?" he asked, meaning for it to come out teasingly, but found her answer mattered a great deal to him.

  Stephanie silently assessed him, uncertain just how much she should reveal. They needed to be able to work together, but the only way they could, and still be personally involved was if they were completely honest with one another. "I'm not sure adore is the right word."

  "No? So then what word would you use?" He gripped the edge of the counter, his knuckles whitening as he waited for her response.

  "One word isn't enough to describe the feelings I have for you, Nick. I respect you, admire you, care about you, but most of all...I love you."

  "You love me?" he asked, his heart beginning to pound.

  "Yes." Before she could say another word, he was up and around the island, sweeping her up into his arms to give her a hard, deep kiss.

  "Say it again," he demanded when he finally released her lips.

  "I love you, Nicholas Deffand," she murmured, cupping one of his cheeks as her swollen lips grazed his.

  "Thank the Ancestors," he exhaled, resting his forehead against hers. "I've loved you since before you were injured, but never believed you'd ever feel that way about me."

  "Well you’re wrong, Captain, which is why I'm the Commander." Stepping out of his arms, she let her robe fall to the floor. "Now let’s see if you can follow your Commander..."

  With that, she turned and headed for the bedroom.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Nick propped himself up on an elbow and watched Stephanie sleep, his fingers slowly running up and down her side. He still couldn't believe this amazing woman loved him. Him. Nicholas Deffand. While he knew he held a prominent position and had earned the respect of his King, he was still just the son of a furniture maker. He'd never believed he'd find a woman willing to marry him, let alone be blessed with a life mate, and that's what Stephanie was, his life mate. Because of that, he would sacrifice everything he had for her. Would do anything to keep her safe.

  He'd never been able to understand why the High Admiral had been willing to sacrifice his career for Cassandra. How he'd been willing to stand by and not defend himself against all the rumors and innuendos running rampant at the time.

  Now he did because it is what he would do for Stephanie. She would always come first. Starting now.

  Slowly he eased himself off the bed trying not to wake her but should have known better. His life mate was highly trained, and her injury hadn't dulled her instincts.

  "Nick?" she questioned, her gaze sharp and alert when it found his.

  "I didn't mean to wake you."

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, I just think I should get back to the Palace."

  "Something's happened?" As she quickly sat up and moved to get out of bed, he saw her pause, her fingers digging into the mattress. He immediately moved around the bed to her side.


  "I'm fine. I just need a minute." After a shaky breath, she gave him a rueful look. "Going from prone to upright isn't something I can do quickly anymore."

  "You've talked to Bliant about it?" he asked reaching up to cup her cheek.

  "Yes. I just need to take it slow or I end up on the floor." She gave him a rueful smile. "Just like you witnessed at my mother's house."

  "I didn't realize that was why, or that it could be a problem. It wasn't mentioned in any of the material I read."

  "You read up on my injury?" Her eyes widened in surprise.

  "I did." His hand moved down to caress her neck. "I wanted to know what you would be facing, wanted to be able to help if I could."

  "But I wasn't even your Commander then." She leaned into his touch. "You didn't know I had feelings for you, let alone that I'd fall in love with you."

  "None of that mattered. All that mattered was that I knew how my failure was going to forever affect you."

  "Stop!" While she didn't raise her voice, there was no missing the anger that filled it. She moved around him then slid off the bed to stand and jab a finger in his chest, unconcerned about her nakedness. "You will stop feeling guilty about my getting hurt, and you will stop it right now! We both
knew and accepted that we could be injured or killed when we chose this career."

  "I know," he admitted, "but, Stephanie, I'm never going to be able to just accept and be okay with you being injured. You're my life mate."

  Her gaze softened and her palm flattened over the strong, comforting beat of his heart. "I don't expect you to be okay with it, Nick, because I know I won't be if you're injured or killed. I have to trust that you're always going to come back to me, even if it's injured, and that we'll get through it together because you're my life mate to."

  Nick wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. "I'll always come back to you, Stephanie. One way or another."

  "I know." Stretching up on her toes, she gave him a gentle kiss. "Now tell me why you're heading back to the Palace."

  "I just thought it would be best if I weren’t seen returning from your quarters wearing a disheveled uniform."

  She said nothing for a moment, just continued to gaze up at him. She knew what he wasn't saying and why. There would be a great deal of talk and speculation once their relationship became public and it would only grow if it appeared they were trying to hide it. While she hadn't anticipated the speed in which their relationship had progressed, she wasn't going to deny it either. If her injury had taught her anything, it was that life was precious. The ancestors had gifted her with a life mate, and she was going to embrace it.

  "You're right, it sets a bad example for the men under our command. You'll need to move your things over, so there's no chance of that happening."

  "You're okay with me moving in?" While it was what he wanted, he'd thought she'd want to wait. She'd always kept her previous relationships so private.

  "Yes. I'm not going to hide our relationship, Nick. I do want to inform my mom and Jotham about it first since it also affects them. But after that, I don't care who knows or what their opinion is. You're mine, and I'm yours."

  "I am," he agreed and hoped the long kiss he gave her conveyed just how deeply her words affected him and how much he loved her.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie made sure the collar of her jacket was straight before lifting a hand to knock on the door of Jotham and her mother's private rooms. Nick had left several hours before the first sun started to rise. After he'd left, she'd found she couldn't go back to sleep in the bed they'd shared so much pleasure in. So instead, she'd gone across the hall to the well-equipped exercise room and done all the stretches and exercises Bliant had prescribed to help rebuild her strength and stamina while taking into account her disability.

  It was the first time she'd admitted that to herself. That she had a disability, at least for her chosen career. She'd been using softer words like impairment, affliction, and damage to not feel like she was less than she had been. Yet she was, but that didn't mean she couldn't make this body the best her disability allowed. Nick still saw her as a complete woman, and she would be one in every way that truly mattered.

  Her thoughts were pulled back to the present when the door opened, and Jotham stood in front of her wearing only a robe.


  "Good morning, Jotham. I apologize for not contacting you first, but I didn't want to wake you any sooner than necessary."

  "Something's happened." He stated.

  "Yes, but it's of a personal nature, not professional, and I wanted to inform you and Mom about it face to face."

  "Come in." He stepped back and gestured for her to precede him. "Would you pour the coffee while I go get Jacinda? She's already up so it should only be a few moments."

  Stephanie couldn't help but smile as Jotham left the room not waiting to see if she would follow his order. It seemed he still had trouble remembering family was treated differently. Still she moved to the table where a pot of what she knew would be Pittaluga's coffee sat on a tray. By the time she'd filled three cups and set the pot back down, Jotham and her mother were exiting their bedroom.

  "Stephanie." Jacinda's robe billowed out behind her as she swiftly moved across the room to sit down on the couch next to her daughter's chair. Reaching out she took her hand. While she knew her daughter's duties had her up at all hours, she also knew Stephanie wouldn't have come to them this early if it wasn't important. "What's wrong?"

  "There's nothing wrong, Mom, but there is something I need to tell you. You and Jotham." She took a deep breath, finding she was suddenly nervous. It would be fine. Right? Her mother loved Nick, and Jotham respected him.

  "What is it?" Jacinda encouraged.

  "Nick and I are involved," Stephanie blurted out.

  "Nick?" Jotham frowned at her. "As in the Captain of my Guard?"

  "Yes," Stephanie confirmed.

  "Do you feel that's appropriate?" he asked.

  "Jotham!" Jacinda turned shocked eyes to him.

  "I'm sorry, Jacinda, but it must be said. Any Commander that becomes involved with someone under their command is going to be criticized, and Stephanie isn't just any Commander."

  "I do understand that, Jotham, and neither Nick nor I have taken this step lightly, just as you and Mom didn't."

  "Stephanie." Jacinda gripped her hand tighter. "What are you saying?"

  "I love him, Mom. He's my life mate, and I won't give him up." Her gaze bored into Jotham. "I shouldn't have to, unless you weren't serious about me being your Commander."

  "You know I am," Jotham told her.

  "Then there's no problem." She looked back her mom. "I'm so sorry for what I said when I learned about you and Jotham. For what I demanded. I never realized..." she trailed off, her eyes filling as she looked at her mother.

  "How truly amazing it is to have a life mate?" Jacinda gave her an understanding smile. "How life changing it is?"


  "I don't need to ask if Nicholas feels the same way." Jacinda knew her daughter wouldn't be here if he didn't.

  "No, you don't."

  "Then we'll welcome him into the family, and the rest will work itself out."

  "It's not quite that easy, Jacinda," Jotham said quietly.

  "I didn't say it would be easy." Jacinda twisted to face him, still gripping Stephanie's hand. "But my daughter has found her life mate, Jotham. It's a joyous occasion, and we are going to celebrate it."

  "Thanks, Mom, but Jotham is right. There is going to be a great deal of speculation and controversy surrounding Nick's and my relationship. That's why I came directly to you when we decided we were going to take this to the next level."

  "And what level is that?" Jotham questioned.

  "Nick's moving into the Commander's Quarters with me."

  "You think that's appropriate without a Union?" Jotham demanded.

  "Do you think it's appropriate that my mother is living with you without a Union?" Stephanie fired back.

  That had Jotham's eyes widening before they quickly narrowed, but before he could say anything, Jacinda started to laugh.

  "That's my girl," Jacinda praised. "Always stand up for yourself, and what you believe in, even if it's to a King."

  Jotham gave Jacinda an exasperated look. "This is going to be complicated, Jacinda."

  "Life is complicated, Jotham. No one knows that better than us, but my daughter has found her life mate, and we both know how rare and special that is."

  "We do, but that doesn't mean there won't be consequences. I don't want to replace the Captain of my Guard."

  "There's no reason you need to," Stephanie told him, her tone hard. "Captain Deffand has done nothing to cause him to lose his position. If he does it's my job to replace him."

  "You don't think there will be those who see this as a conflict of interest?" Jotham demanded.

  "Why should they? I didn't make Nick your Captain. You did, over fifteen cycles ago. If finding his life mate is grounds for him losing a position he's not only highly qualified for, but excels at, then more than half the Palace and Royal Guard would need to be replaced.

  "You know that's not what I'm saying," Jotham argued.

/>   "Then it's because I'm his life mate."

  "It's because you're his Commander," he told her impatiently.

  "Nick and I know how to separate our personal lives from our professional ones."

  "Others might not see it that way."

  "I can't control how others see things, Jotham, any more than you can control how the Purists see your and Mom's Union. They have the right to their thoughts and beliefs as long as they don't act on them in a way that is harmful to another person. I don't believe any of those under my command is going to have any problem with Nick's and my relationship."

  "You can't be sure of that. You haven't been their Commander that long."

  "I haven't, but Nick has, and they all know, respect, and are loyal to him. That isn't going to change because I'm his life mate any more than our people changed their opinion of you because Mom wasn't born into the House of Protection."

  "That's all true, Stephanie, but there will still be those that have a problem with it."

  "And Nick and I will handle it. What I need to know is if you are going to be one of those people?"

  Jotham stared at her for a minute, then looked to his life mate. He knew what, as the King, he would have said not so many moon cycles ago. Duty would have ruled. But now because of Jacinda, he saw things differently. Nick was a man he had known and respected for cycles. He was the best Captain Jotham had ever had, and the way he'd handled the sudden increase in those needing to be protected had been nothing short of incredible. He couldn't in good conscious deny him something that Jotham refused to give up himself.

  "No, Stephanie, you'll have no problem with me."

  Stephanie closed her eyes and exhaled quietly. She hadn't realized how tense she'd become waiting for Jotham's response. She hadn't wanted to give up her position as Commander but knew she would have done it. She also knew it would have pissed off Nick. While that wouldn't have affected their relationship, it would have made for some strained family gatherings.

  "Thank you, Jotham."

  "No thanks necessary, Stephanie. We're family."


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