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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 14

by M. K. Eidem

  "Yes, I suppose it would." Jotham set his cup down and leaned back in his chair. "So tell me, what is so important that you needed to discuss it face-to-face and on the Bering no less."

  "There are several things, one being what made me late for this meeting. But first, we need to discuss Barek's proposal to pull Coalition members from the House of Protection, which are trained in security, to supplement your Palace and Royal Guards."

  "A unique and inventive proposal," Jotham commented. He had to admit he'd been surprised when Barek had first presented it to him. It was something Jotham never would have thought of and told Barek so. Barek quickly informed him that it had been Stephanie that had come up with the idea and that he had only researched the legalities of it. It was something else that made him proud. His son didn't take credit for what he didn't do.

  "It is," William agreed. "It's also one none of the Coalition's vast number of Consuls can find a way to dispute."

  Jotham smiled at that. "Barek is extremely talented at what he does."

  "He is, which is why I hated to lose him, but I need you to reconsider this before it becomes known."

  "No." Jotham's answer was immediate and final.


  "High Admiral," Jotham's use of his title let William know this was no longer a friendly conversation between friends. "The security of my family is not something I will reconsider. Ever."

  "Other Houses are going to view this as favoritism."

  "Ridiculous," Jotham said dismissively. "It's specifically written that any House may put in this request if it has a sudden and urgent need to properly protect their Royal Family."

  "It could be seen by some that this isn't sudden. You've known for moon cycles that you were going to make Jacinda your Queen."

  "I can't control what others think, High Admiral. But I can assure you, my Captain did everything in his power to increase the number of our Royal Guards through normal channels, once I informed him of my intentions concerning Jacinda. In the last three moon cycles, twenty-five new Royal Guards have been jacketed, but more than forty are still needed, and that number doesn't include the Palace Guards that need to be replaced because they passed the RGTP. I need trained guards, High Admiral. I will not have my family unprotected."

  "Jotham..." William's voice trailed off as he realized just how precarious the situation was within the House of Protection. The number of Royals usually increased gradually, because of a union or birth as it had for him and Cassandra. Even with the appearance of the Chamberlains, they had been prepared because he'd been insistent they have twice as many Royal Guards as usual due to all the controversy surrounding Cassandra becoming Queen.

  "With the Union fast approaching even more security is going to be needed," Jotham continued. "People are already traveling to Pechora, and every Houses Consul is preparing for the arrival of their Royals. The Pechora Security Force has already added extra patrols and canceled all time off. I can't ask them to sacrifice more to help secure the Palace."

  "What can I do?"

  "You can give me the people I need," Jotham snapped.

  William silently looked at his friend and King. He didn't like this proposal, didn't like how it depleted his security force and affected his ability to protect all Carinians, yet he also understood. The Coalition had thousands of highly trained guards from every House. While he didn't like losing any of them, the number the House of Protection needed wouldn't significantly affect the daily operations of the Coalition. Rising, he went to his desk, pressed a button on his comm, and said, "Hamlin, come in here, please."

  After that, he opened the folder sitting in the middle of his desk and reaching for a pen, signed the proposal making it official. As Hamlin entered the office, Will handed him the folder. "Send this out immediately."

  "Yes, High Admiral."

  "You'll have your applicants within two weeks." William returned and sat back down. "Now, what can I do to help, Jotham?"

  Jotham hadn't realized how tense he'd become. William was a lifelong friend and while the King and High Admiral often clashed, he'd always known he would have William's support.

  "Thank you, William," Jotham said sitting back, the tension leaving his body. "I always know I can count on you."

  "You can. You will always be my King, but more importantly my friend."

  "Yes, and as your friend, I need to inform you that I spoke with Peter before coming to the Bering."

  "Peter? My brother-in-law, Peter Chamberlain?"



  "Because I need him and he agrees. He is going to come to Pechora and assist Trent with the RGTP so the additional guards can be trained faster."

  "But that will take moon cycles!"

  "Not with Peter's help. With his assistance, class sizes can be doubled which will cut the time in half until we're back to full staff."

  William could see the logic of that argument. With Peter's assistance, the House of Protection would have one of the most skilled Royal Guards on the planet. "Cassandra isn't going to be happy about this."

  "She also isn't going to be happy that Peter's family will be coming with him."

  "Ancestors, Jotham," William ran a hand through his hair. "When you decide to shake things up you really shake them."

  Jotham couldn't help but smile at that. "Peter refuses to leave his family for that long, and since Jacinda already promised Brett she'd show him his framed portrait, and Cyndy is performing, it's the opportune time."

  "Cyndy's performing? At your Union?" William hadn't been informed of that.

  "It hasn't been decided if it will be at the Union itself, or one of the gatherings before or after it, but yes, she will be performing."

  William understood what Jotham was saying. All unions had a gathering after the official ceremony, for family and guests, with food and entertainment. But Royal Unions have several gatherings starting the day before the ceremony. The first was usually a massive event held for the general public who wouldn't have received an invitation to the actual ceremony. Food and entertainment were provided, and the Royal couple made a brief appearance. After the Union, there would be several smaller gatherings, the first being for all guests with drinks and small bites and the Royal Couple would mingle among them. An actual meal would be served at the second. It would include all Royal guests, their families, and honored guests. William remembered his and Cassandra's meal. That small gathering had more than fifty in attendance. He shuddered to think of how many Jotham's would include.

  "Cyndy hasn't said a word."

  "I believe she wanted to surprise not only you and Cassandra but also Peter. She's been working with Director Metaxas on not only traditional Carinian union songs but also some from Earth. She's sent the recordings to Jacinda. They are truly awe-inspiring."

  "You're already having security issues, Jotham. Do you really think it is wise to bring even more Royals into the mix?"

  "They will be staying within the Palace in the Royal Wing," Jotham paused for a moment then continued. "If you feel it's necessary, House of Knowledge Guards will be allowed to assist in patrolling the walls."

  William's eyes widened at that because while Royals always brought their guards wherever they went, they were never integrated into the actual security of a Palace. To ask to do so would be considered an insult to the reigning Royal. For Jotham to be willing to allow it stated just how seriously he viewed protecting Peter and his family.

  "Jacinda has become very fond of Cyndy and considers Brett a third grandson. They will be protected at all costs."

  "I never doubted that, Jotham. I was only suggesting that it might be better if they came closer to the day of the Union."

  "Peter was adamant that they would come with him. Arrangements are also being made for Palma and her husband, Director Metaxas, to arrive early. Jacinda wants to spend time with her sister before the Union, and it will give Cyndy and Birgin more time to work together."

  "They'll be staying
at the Palace too?"

  "That's what Jacinda wants, but they have decided to stay with Danton at the family residence."

  "I trust your security, Jotham. The House of Knowledge will send the normal number of guards for the Chamberlains. Just be warned, Cassandra may decide the 'normal' number to be quite large."

  "As is her right." Jotham grimaced slightly as he took a sip of his now cold coffee. "So what was the other thing you needed to discuss with me face to face?"

  Chapter Twelve

  William stared at his friend for a moment, wondering if he should tell him. It was Coalition business, and not something generally shared with the Houses unless it affected one of their Royals, and this didn't... yet.

  "William?" Jotham prompted.

  "There have been several contacts made between the Fleet and the Regulians."

  "Undetected?" Jotham asked leaning forward.

  "No, the low-frequency search ranges Amina has set up have worked."

  "Thank the Ancestors. I hate to think what would have happened without her."

  "So do I," William agreed. He kept his eyes steady on Jotham as he said his next words. "It seems the Regulians know it too."

  "What?" Jotham sat straight up. "What do you mean?"

  "People are asking how the Coalition is intercepting the Regulians."

  "People within the Fleet?" Jotham found that hard to believe. Yes, there was always gossip within the Fleet, but everyone knew better than to say anything that would put others at risk.

  "No, on the outer planets, and the Rodham space station."

  "Who?" Jotham demanded.

  "That's the problem. No one knows who they are. Only that they're all men, smaller in stature than the average Carinian, and have a variety of skin tones. There are also never more than two together at a time."

  "Then why would you think it's the Regulians?" Jotham quizzed.

  "Who else could it be? They're not Fleet, and they know specifics about the intercepts that only Admiral Tar and I do."

  "Is Amina safe?"

  "As safe as she can be out with the Fleet. She's on the Guardian, and has a protective detail whenever she's traveling between ships." William paused. "I need to know if there's a reason for me to bring her home."

  "Because of what I said about Barek."

  "Yes, if Barek is serious about her..."

  "I wish I could tell you one way or another, Will, but we've only spoken of it once, and I promised I wouldn't interfere."

  "He's given you no indication?" William couldn't believe it.


  William sighed heavily, "Then I have no reason to recall her."

  "You were looking for one?" Jotham frowned at that.

  "Yes. Leander and Javiera are having a hard time with her being out there without them."

  "She's with Lucas and Victoria," he reminded Will.

  "Which is the only reason they didn't forbid her from going."

  "It's never easy watching your child go off and do what we were once so excited to do, is it?" Jotham queried understandingly.

  "No, and it's only going to get harder," William admitted.

  "You're speaking of Kayden, Jacob, and Willie."

  "I guess it’s something that comes with age," William told him. "It was hard enough when it was Lucas and Kyle, but to think of my youngest three going out there. For them to see and experience what we did..."

  "It will be especially hard on Cassandra as she didn't grow up on Carina, but I'm not worried, and do you want to know why?"

  "Because they’re not yours?" William's attempted joke fell flat.

  "That's not fair, William," Jotham told him angrily. "And for the record, even though I'm not their second father, those three boys are mine, because they're yours."

  "I know that, Jotham." William looked contrite. "I'm sorry."

  Jotham nodded his acceptance of the apology. "What I meant was that I'm not as worried because you are High Admiral. Our world is a safer place because of that. Hopefully, by the time they graduate from the Academy, the Regulian threat will be gone."

  "From your lips to the ancestors," the High Admiral whispered.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie looked up as there was a light knock before her office door opened. Standing, she smiled. "Barek, come in."

  As Barek did, his gaze traveled over the starkness of her office. "I see you've taken the time to settle in."

  Stephanie laughed. She knew he was comparing her office to the opulence of his. "I've been a little busy, and besides, the people I meet with don't expect the luxury of a 'Royal' office."

  "You might be surprised, and you are a Royal, Stephanie, or at least you soon will be."

  "Alright," she told him. "I'll take some time to make this," she waved her hand around the room, "more acceptable."

  "Talk to Chesney. He'll make sure it's not only handled but appropriate."

  "I will."

  "Good. Now to why I'm here."

  "What?" She gave him a mock surprised look. "It wasn't to comment on my decor?"

  "No," he said, although his lips curved up at the corners. "I'm here to inform you that the High Admiral has signed off on your proposal to pull guards from the Coalition to supplement our guards."

  "That's awesome news, but it was your proposal," she told him.

  "I may have researched and written it, but it was your idea, which was referenced within the documentation."

  "Why would you do that?" she asked. She hadn't been aware he'd done that.

  "Because while I am a Prince and heir to the throne, you are the Medal of the Ancestors recipient. As such, your opinion will always carry more weight than mine in matters such as this."

  Stephanie wanted to lean forward and thump her head repeatedly against her desk. She hadn't asked for this. She'd just been doing her job. Instead, she asked, "How the hell do you handle this shit?"

  Barek studied her for a moment then answered honestly. "By knowing that my words will always matter more than most, not because they're right, but because I'm the one saying them. It makes me choose them carefully."

  "I'm going to have to learn to do that," she murmured.

  "You already do, because of who your parents are and how they raised you. But still, you'll have to be even more careful now."

  "Alright, I'll work on that, but right now what matters is that we're getting the guards we need. How soon will they be arriving?"

  Barek couldn't help but laugh. "The High Admiral only signed it within the last hour."

  "As a top priority?" she asked.

  "Yes," he confirmed.

  "Then we both know it should have reached the Fleet by now."

  "It has, and I expect you'll start hearing from the Fleet sometime tomorrow."

  "I want them on planet in two weeks, Barek. That way they can begin their training and assist during the Union.” The ringing of her comm interrupted her from saying more. She frowned when she saw the name, but didn’t answer.

  “Go ahead and take that,” Barek said rising. “I have a meeting I need to get to. I just wanted to tell you the good news face to face.”

  “Thank you, Barek.” She waited until he left the room, closing the door behind him before answering the comm. “What’s wrong, Burk?” she asked when his face appeared on her comm.

  “Commander, there’s no problem. I just wanted to inform you that Prince Ethan is planning on traveling to Nuga to personally inspect the final repairs so the mine can get back up and running.”

  “When?” she asked, flipping through the schedule.

  “He just informed me that he plans on leaving right after last meal with his family tonight.”

  “Fuck! Doesn’t he realize he needs to run that through me?” she raged.

  “I did inform him of that,” Burk said blandly.

  The look on Burk’s face told her what her brother’s response had been. “Let me guess, he informed you he didn’t clear things through his little sister.” />
  “Words to that effect, Commander.” Burk’s face remained blank.

  Stephanie just shook her head. It seemed she needed to have a little talk with her brother but now was not the time. “I’ll immediately send the extra equipment you’ll need to adequately protect him off planet.”

  “Not necessary, Commander. I anticipated this might happen and requisitioned all the required munitions before leaving Pechora. With that, and by taking Prince Ethan’s entire detail, we should have no problem protecting him.”

  “Well done, Captain," Stephanie praised. "Keep me informed, especially if Prince Ethan gives you any more problems. If he does, he'll deal with me."

  "Yes, Commander."

  Stephanie wanted to throw something after she disconnected the comm. She knew Ethan was struggling with the new restrictions, they all were, but he couldn't just suddenly decide to fly off planet. Especially not with the current situation involving Sokol. If it weren't for Burk's preparedness, he wouldn't be. Knowing there was one more thing she could do to make sure Ethan was protected, she entered a code.

  "High Admiral Zafar's office," Hamlin's face appeared on her screen.

  "This is Commander Michelakakis. Is the High Admiral available?" she asked.

  "One moment, Commander, while I check."

  The comm screen went dark while she waited. When it lighted again, she found herself staring at the High Admiral.

  "Commander, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. I only signed your protection proposal in the last hour."

  "High Admiral, while I have heard about that and am grateful, that's not why I am contacting you. I'm contacting you to inform you that Prince Ethan will be traveling to Nuga later today."

  "Later today?" The High Admiral all but roared. "Why am I only now being informed?! There are channels for this, Commander."

  "I am aware, High Admiral. Unfortunately, I was only just informed myself, and believe me when I say I will be having an in-depth discussion with Prince Ethan on proper travel procedure when he returns. It won't happen again, but because of the importance of getting Nuga back up and running, I am not preventing this trip."


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