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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 17

by M. K. Eidem

  Over the next hour Stephanie, Pazel, and Kia went over everything she wanted and didn’t want, and finally came up with a design that satisfied everyone. A three-piece outfit in House of Protection violet. As she would be sitting a great deal of the time, the pants would be form fitting until just above the knee. A hidden slit would be created on the outside of each leg so she could easily reach any weapon she placed in her boots.

  The camisole top wouldn’t be the same as the one designed for Queen Cassandra. This one would have a modestly scooped neckline and be made of beaded lace lined with silk.

  The third piece was a long, sheer jacket. It had a scalloped collar, elbow-length sleeves, and ended mid-thigh. It was made from the same beaded lace as the camisole but was light enough to not interfere if she needed to reach for the weapon she’d have at the small of her back.

  The overall effect would be stylish and sophisticated, while still being understated enough to suit Stephanie’s tastes, and not outshine the Queen.

  “Thank you,” Stephanie said, rising to leave. “I can’t tell you what this means to me.”

  “Think nothing of it,” Kia said smiling at her. She was always the most personable of the design couple and was better at handling her husband’s artistic temperament. “And now that we know your style, Pazel will be able to create more designs for any other events you will need to attend.”

  “I look forward to seeing them.”

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie found herself smiling as she headed back to her office. That had gone so much better than she’d thought it would. Her smile grew even bigger when she saw Nick walking out of a room, closing the door behind him.

  “You’re looking very pleased with yourself, Commander,” he said, as he walked beside her.

  “I am, Captain," she told him. "I just finished meeting with Pazel and Kia.”

  “I take it went well," Nick said seeing the way her eyes sparkled.

  “Better than well," she told him.

  “Are you going to tell me about it?” he queried quietly.

  “About what?” she teased.

  “What they designed for you.”

  “Oh no." she said smiling at him. "You’ll just have to wait along with everyone else.”

  “There are times, Commander, when you are just cruel.” They slowed as they approached the outer doors of the King’s Wing.

  “And you love me for it,” she said quietly so only he heard.

  “That I do, Commander.” Nick didn’t bother lowering his voice. The guards opening the doors would believe he was responding to an order she'd given.

  They separated once they were through the doors. Nick headed to make sure the limisin was ready for Jotham to use later that day and Stephanie headed to her office. She knew there'd be messages waiting for her response and she needed to start sending out acceptance notices so those in the Coalition could get on planet in time for the next training program. Placing her hand on the security panel, her identity was confirmed, and she entered her office and got to work.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "Enter," Stephanie ordered as her fingers continued to move over her keyboard until she finished up her reply. Once she hit send, she looked up.

  "Mom! What are you doing here?" she asked. Seeing no one behind her, she demanded. "Where is Kort?!"

  "I told him to take some much-deserved downtime," she said.

  "What?!" Stephanie's hand immediately went to her earpiece to order Kort to get the fuck to her office, when her mother's sharp order stopped her.

  "No, Stephanie!"

  "The Captain of your guard never leaves your side when you are outside the King's Wing," she fired back.

  "I'm in the Guard Wing, for ancestor's sake, Stephanie," Jacinda told her in exasperation. "There are dozens of guards here. How could I be any safer?"

  "By having the Captain of your Guard with you."

  "Pfft." Jacinda waved her hand dismissively. "Kort made sure every guard knew I was here before allowing me to walk to your door by myself."

  Stephanie snapped her mouth shut, knowing it would do no good to continue to argue with her mother. Jacinda saw nothing wrong with what Kort had done. Stephanie did, and as Commander, she would make sure Kort knew it too.

  "I see. So what brings you to my office, Mother?"

  "You asked for my decorating help," Jacinda replied frowning at her.

  "Oh, right." Stephanie couldn't believe she had forgotten. "I thought you were going to let me know when your schedule was free."

  "I did," Jacinda gestured to Stephanie's comm. "You didn't respond."

  "What?" Stephanie turned back to her comm, and scrolling through the messages found her mother's message between two appearance inquiries. "I'm sorry, Mom. My comm is set up for me to see the highest priority comms first." She tapped a few keys. "Yours is now set to that level."

  "There was no need for that, Stephanie. If there's an emergency, I'm sure you'll know it long before I do." Stephanie said nothing because it was true. "But before we get to your office, I need to apologize."

  "Apologize?" Stephanie questioned. "For what?"

  "I overstepped in demanding you not wear your uniform for the Union."

  "A Queen has the right to demand whatever she wants," she told her mother stiffly.

  "Stop that!" Jacinda told her. "You know I'm not that type of person and never want to be that type of Queen."

  "That's what I always believed."

  "Before yesterday," Jacinda's shoulders sagged as she realized just how much harm she'd caused. "I am so sorry, Stephanie. It was never my intention to make you think I didn't respect your position as much as Barek's, Danton's, or Ethan's. I just..."

  "Wanted me to be more like you," Stephanie said quietly.

  "Ancestors," Jacinda murmured, "I've turned into my mother."


  "My mother always made sure whatever Palma and I wore reflected well on the family, especially if it was for a large, public event. It's one of the reasons I so enjoyed my time at the Academy and then the Coalition. There were no fittings or being forced to wear something I hated. We all wore the same thing."

  "I thought you always loved going to Pazel and Kia's."

  "I do because now I'm the one in control of what I'm wearing, but when my mother was..."

  "It wasn't you," Stephanie said understandingly.

  "No, and now I've done the same thing to you. I'm so sorry, Stephie."

  "It’s okay, Mom. I know you only had my best interests at heart. The problem is your interests and mine aren't the same."

  "I realize that which is why I want you to wear your Commander's uniform for the Union. It's who you are, and you've more than earned the right to choose what you want to wear."

  "You’re sure you'd be okay with that?"


  "Well, I've decided to let Pazel and Kia design me something but not a gown."


  "Yes, but I have to be honest with you, Mom. You really hurt me yesterday. I thought you of all people understood what my position means to me. What I've gone through, had to put up with to achieve it. For you to demand I conceal that, especially when future generations will see the visuals..."

  "I'm so sorry, Stephanie, I don't know what I was thinking."

  "But," Stephanie continued, "After discussing it with Nick last night, I actually think you did me a favor."


  "You made me realize that my appearance isn't just about me. It's about every other woman that's been told they couldn't, that they would never belong, or that they were less because they were women. I'm the Commander. I will officially become a Princess after your Union, and I have a life mate. I will show that I can do all those things, be all those things, and still be a woman."

  Jacinda listened, slightly in awe. Ancestors, who'd have thought this amazing creature could be her daughter. Wiping away a tear she said, "You couldn't be more right."

So Kia and Pazel are designing something that represents all that and me. They're also going to start working on outfits for future engagements."

  "That's wonderful. Tell me about it."


  "No?" Jacinda's eyes widened in shock. "What do you mean no?"

  "I mean you'll see it when it's done, that way I'll get your honest reaction."

  "I see." Jacinda raised an eyebrow at her daughter, but when Stephanie just raised her own, she sighed. "It seems we are a great deal alike."

  "Did you ever really doubt it? You've always been a role model for me, Mom, even though I took a different path. Now tell me your thoughts about my office."

  "Well, for starters this color has to change..."

  Over the next few hours, Stephanie listened to her mother's thoughts and ideas and was surprised at how much she agreed with. Her mother understood that her office couldn't be the showplace Barek's, Jotham's, or even her father's was, but she was still able to make it feel like the 'Commander's' Office. They were just finishing up when Kort arrived to remind Jacinda it was nearly time for lunch.

  "Thank you, Kort." Jacinda rose and hugged her daughter. "I'll let you know when everything arrives. Once it's here, it shouldn't take more than a day to transform this room.

  "Alright, thank you, Mom." After returning her mother's hug, Stephanie looked to Kort. "I'll need to speak with you after your shift, Captain."

  "Of course, Commander," Kort said. After giving her a slight nod, he followed Jacinda.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Stephanie released a satisfied breath as she sent out the last of the acceptance comms. She'd chosen her top fifty for the first class, even though that number would push both Captains Trent and Chamberlain to their limits. But if even half were able to complete the program, it would make a huge difference for the men currently under her command. A knock on her door pulled her from her thoughts and had her looking up.

  "Come in." Seeing who it was, she acknowledged him. "Kort."

  "Commander, you requested to speak with me at the end of the shift." Kort stood at attention before her desk.

  "I did. Do you know why?" she asked leaning back in her chair.

  "Because you believe I left my Queen unprotected," he told her.

  "Are you saying you didn't?"

  "Commander, while I let your mother walk to your office alone, there were fifteen guards close by who all knew she was here."

  "That does not matter. You are her Captain. You are never to leave her side when she is not in the Royal Wing," she bit out.

  "Commander, I understand, and normally would never have left your mother's side. But in this instance, I felt it was for the best."

  "How so?" she demanded.

  "Your mother became quite adamant that she could get to your office by herself. So while I let her believe I'd conceded to her wishes and left the Wing, I was in fact in the Captains’ Office."

  "You were?" Stephanie frowned at that. "I didn't see you when Mom entered my office."

  "That was the point, wasn't it?" Kort asked dryly.

  Stephanie couldn't help but smile. "Yes. Thank you, Kort. I should have known you'd never leave her unprotected."

  Kort returned her smile, relaxing slightly. "No thanks are necessary, Commander. It is an honor and privilege to protect your mother and the future Queen. She is truly a remarkable woman."

  "She is," Stephanie agreed. "Was there anything that I needed to be made aware of?"

  "No, Commander."

  "Then go enjoy the rest of your day, Kort."

  "I will as soon as I write up my reports." With that, Kort spun on his heel and left the room.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Woodrow cursed under his breath as dust from yet another passing cart carrying calcite ore settled on his once pristine uniform. What the fuck was he doing here? With his impressive skills, he should be back on Carina guarding King Jotham. Not on Nuga following Ethan Michelakakis deeper into this fucking mine after being stuck on a transport for nearly five days with the little shit. This wasn't what he'd signed on for when he'd submitted his application to become a Royal Guard for the House of Protection. And if Nicholas Deffand had still been in charge, he'd be where he belonged. It was all that bitch, Stephanie Michelakakis', fault. This was payback for him besting her during Peter Chamberlain's program. It's why women shouldn't be guards. They were not only weaker, but they let their emotions rule their decisions and cloud their judgment.

  "You've done a really amazing job here, Troy." Ethan moved his light over the new structural beams that had been installed to support the sides and ceiling of the shaft as he spoke to the man at his side.

  "Thanks, Ethan. I mean Prince Ethan," Troy quickly corrected.

  "Knock it off, Troy," Ethan said as he continued down the shaft looking at another improvement. "How confident are you that all the substandard material has been replaced?"

  "Highly from the records we received. There are still a few places I want additional testing done, but they are all in nonessential areas so can wait a little longer."


  "I still can't believe Sokol thought he could get away with it," Troy said and shook his head as they turned and started walking back toward the entrance. "It was only a matter of time before something happened."

  "I don't think Sokol realized that the manager he put in charge here was as corrupt as he was, and would pocket the credits instead of doing the upgrades and repairs,” Ethan replied.

  "Fucking idiot," Troy muttered.

  "Agreed," Ethan replied.

  "But still..."

  At Troy's pause, Ethan looked at him and asked, "Still what?"

  "If it weren't for Thelred's greed, Sokol's crimes wouldn't have come to light until after an actual Regulian attack, and that would have truly been a disaster."

  "More so than the loss of nearly a thousand people?" Ethan gave him a disbelieving looked.

  "Yes, because with the condition this mine was in, if the Regulians had actually attacked, the entire mine would have collapsed killing everyone in it. And we both know what would have happened to those left on the surface."

  Ethan understood what Troy was saying. Regulians always decimated the population of the planet they were attacking, just as they'd done to Earth. In the attack of ’49, the mines had been the only refuge for the citizens of Nuga until the

  Fleet could arrive and drive the Regulians off. And still half the population had been lost. If the mine had been destroyed... He didn't want to think about that.

  "Well you've made sure that won't happen, and King Jotham will be made aware of it."

  "I... thank you, Ethan."

  "No thanks necessary. You and your team have done an amazing job under challenging circumstances. It's saved lives and deserves recognition. Now, let’s head back to your office, and we'll go over..."

  The rest of Ethan's words were cut off as sirens suddenly sounded throughout the mine.

  "What the fuck is that?" Ethan asked looking to Troy.

  "Planetary Defense alarms," Troy told him. "It means unidentified ships are approaching."

  "Prince Ethan!" Burk grabbed Ethan's arm and started pulling him toward the mouth of the tunnel. "We need to get you to a secure area."

  "This is the most secure area, Captain," Troy yelled over the sirens. As the ground shook from multiple impacts, Burk swore and threw Ethan against the wall, covering him with his own body.

  "Are you sure?" he demanded, his gaze boring into Troy.


  "Get off me, Burk," Ethan demanded shoving him back. "We need to get to the surface so we can help the survivors."

  "My priority is your safety, Majesty."

  "Fuck that! Our priority is to get as many of those on the surface inside so they are safe. Come on."

  Burk cursed under his breath when Ethan took off running. Who would have thought a mining executive could move so quickly.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

sp; “Captain Deffand, location.”

  “Currently en route to the garage with the King,” he replied to Stephanie’s voice in his ear.

  “Return the King to his office immediately. There’s a situation the King needs to be made aware of. I’ll meet you there shortly.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  Nick made a hand signal, and every guard came to an immediate halt.

  “What is it, Nick?” Jotham asked when Nick turned back to face him.

  “The Commander has ordered that you return to your office, Majesty.”

  “For what reason?” Jotham demanded. The meeting he’d scheduled was important.

  “The Commander only stated that a situation had occurred that you needed to be made aware of and would meet us there.”

  Jotham’s lips tightened, but he said nothing, just spun on his heel and headed back to his office.

  “Majesty?” Chesney’s question was full of concern. His King was supposed to be heading out of the Palace for the rest of the afternoon.

  “Call Assemblyman Terwilliger,” Jotham ordered as he passed Chesney's desk. “Give him my regrets that I will be unable to attend our meeting today.”

  “Yes, Majesty,” he replied and immediately went to work. As he did, Stephanie entered the room and went directly into Jotham’s inner office.

  “What’s happened, Commander?” Jotham demanded.

  “Sire, I've been informed that Nuga is under attack.”

  “What?! When? By who?” Jotham's questions came fast and furious.

  “Sire, the High Admiral informed me of the attack just moments before I contacted Captain Deffand. It is my understanding the attack is ongoing. The High Admiral has ordered the Guardian there at maximum speed.”

  “How the fuck did the Regulians get through our defenses?!” Jotham demanded, moving to sit behind his desk.

  “That is unknown at this time, Majesty," Stephanie told him.

  “What about Ethan?” Jotham knew that would be Jacinda’s first question.

  “I’ve been unable to raise his Guard, Majesty," Stephanie told him.

  “You’ve tried?”

  “Several times on all available channels. Comms are down on Nuga."

  "And the High Admiral knows the Prince is there?” Jotham continued to press his fists clenching.


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