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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 19

by M. K. Eidem

  "Yes, Commander," they both replied.

  She paused as she passed the open door of the Captains’ Office. "Nick, have you got a minute?"

  Nick looked up from the report he'd been reading. "Of course, Commander." Rising, he followed her into her office. She closed the door behind him.

  Stephanie ran an agitated hand through her hair as she sat in one of the two chairs in front of her desk.

  "What's wrong?" Sitting down he leaned forward taking her hands in his. "Ethan?"

  "No," she told him. "There have been no updates, but it does relate to him."

  "Okay." He knew she'd tell him when she was ready.

  "I realize the meal tonight is supposed to be for the family, but..."

  "But you would prefer I not be there," he finished for her.

  "It's not that I prefer it, but when I... we announce our relationship, I want all my family there."

  "Alright," Nick agreed.

  "I want it to be remembered as a joyous occasion. But if Ethan's dead..." her voice broke and after taking a shuttering breath forced herself to finish. "If Ethan's dead then I'm going to have to lean on you, on all my Captains, because I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it."

  "You will handle it as you handle everything," he gave her hands a reassuring squeeze. "With strength and grace. And every member of both Guards will be there to support you."

  Stephanie didn't try to fight the tears that filled her eyes at his unquestioning support and understanding. This was Nick, her life mate, and he understood her better than anyone ever had. "What are we going to do, Nick, if... it will devastate Mom."

  "Just like it did when she thought she'd lost you. But she didn't, Stephanie, and the ancestors willing, she hasn't lost Ethan either."

  "This not knowing is killing me," she admitted.

  "Which is why Jotham didn't want Jacinda informed," Nick told her.

  "And he'll regret that," she told him.

  "You think it was wrong of him?"

  "You don't?" She pulled her hands from his.

  "He is just trying to spare her from what you're going through right now," Nick said trying to soothe her.

  "That might be what he thinks, but what he's actually doing is withholding important information from her about one of her children. Imagine how Jotham would react if someone didn't tell him when Barek was in danger."

  Nick didn't have to imagine. He'd been there when Jotham had learned his son was alive and the High Admiral hadn't told him.

  "I see you understand." She saw it in his expression. "Well, however Jotham reacted, my mother's reaction will be something for the history books. No one, King or not, keeps vital information from her when it comes to her children. Good or bad."

  Nick thought about how Jacinda had been able to shove her way through his top guards to get to Stephanie when she'd been injured. She'd been fierce, driven, and unstoppable. She'd be no different with one of her sons. Jotham may have misjudged this time.

  "Why didn't you tell Jotham this?" he asked

  "Would any other commander?" she demanded, surging to her feet.

  "Well no, but..." He watched her start to pace.

  "We both know the fine line I have to walk with Jotham's and my relationship, Nick. The personal can't bleed into the professional and vice versa."

  "But in this situation..."

  "You mean the first one where there's a conflict because it's family?" She stopped pacing to ask him. "The one that will set the tone for how we handle it in the future?"

  Nick was silent for a moment then sighed. "I see what you mean."

  "Jotham is going to have to learn this lesson for himself. I just hope Mom will forgive me."

  "She will." He rose and pulled her into his arms. "You're her daughter. She loves you."

  "She does, but she will still be upset that I knew and didn't tell her." She wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned against him.

  "She'll understand you were doing your job."

  "Family always trumps job or duty," she whispered. "That's how my mom will see it."

  Nick knew there was nothing he could say to that. Instead he kissed the top of her head.

  "Well, I guess we should get back to work." She stepped away from him and moved around her desk. "The first trainees should arrive by the end of the week with the remainder arriving before classes begin. Peter Chamberlain and his family will be arriving in three days along with a contingency of House of Knowledge Royal Guards. They will all be staying in the Royal Wing. "

  "Alright." Nick already knew this but let her talk.

  "You need to be made aware that some of their Guard may patrol the walls along with ours," she told him as she sat down.

  "What?!" He hadn't known that.

  "Jotham gave his permission," Stephanie informed him.

  "Chandra is going to be enraged," he told her.

  "Which is why I'm going to go talk to him, to make sure he knows it's not a reflection on his or our Guards’ ability." She wasn't looking forward to it but it needed to be down.

  "That's exactly how he'll see it." Nick nodded his agreement.

  "He'll just have to get over it. Also, Director Metaxas and his wife will be arriving in a few days."

  "Your aunt and uncle, Jacinda's sister?"

  "Yes, and while they will be staying with Danton at his home, they will be in and out of the Palace a great deal. I've informed Archer that he and his men will have to cover security for them as well as Danton."

  "I'll make sure my men are aware of it too."

  "Good." She pushed back from her desk and stood. "Well, I suppose I should go break the good news to Chandra."

  "I don't envy you that, Commander." Nick stood as she did, but stopped her before she could open the door. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close. "I'm here for you, and will do whatever you need me to, no matter what we find out about Ethan."

  "I know." Stretching up, she pressed her lips to his and whispered. "Thank you."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  "You can't be serious," Chandra hissed quietly.

  "I assure you I am, Captain," Stephanie told him.

  "It's an insult to every guard in the House of Protection," Chandra told her.

  "No, it's not." She tried to placate him. "Every Royal attending the Union will be bringing their own Guard with them. This is no different."

  "It is because those Guards won't be on our walls!" Chandra nearly shouted.

  Stephanie sighed. She'd hoped Chandra would react better but knew if it were reversed, she wouldn't.

  "This is not a reflection of the King's confidence in you or your men, Chandra, but it's a known fact that we are stretched to the breaking point. Captain Chamberlain being here will assist us with that. The least we can do is make sure his family is as fully protected as possible. Especially as they are Queen Cassandra's family. If allowing a few of their Guard to walk our walls does that, then so be it."

  Chandra's jaw clenched, but he managed to get out. "Yes, Commander."

  "Good. I will make sure you can review their files and are personally introduced to the guards before any are allowed on our walls."

  That seemed to appease Chandra somewhat, and his jaw unclenched. "Thank you, Commander."

  Stephanie paused as she left Chandra's office. She needed some time and some space, and since it had taken her nearly thirty minutes to cross the Public Area, she knew she wouldn't find it that way. So she turned the other way and used one of the doors purposely not on any plans. It opened out into one of the lesser-used areas of the Public Gardens.

  While she stepped over several plants and on to the empty path, the door closed seamlessly into the wall behind her. Pausing, she let herself take in the pure beauty surrounding her. Insects quietly buzzed from flower to flower while birds sang in the trees. Proof that the world was still the same as it had been when she woke up this morning. Would it still be that way when she went to bed tonight?

she hoped so.

  Tipping her face up to the suns, she soaked up their warmth and let it comfort her. No matter what happened in the next few hours, they would go on. Maybe not as they had in the past, but go on they would. Just as they had after her father had died. Just as her parents had after their parents had passed on.

  Life was a journey. It wasn't always pretty or easy, but one had to travel it until it was done... and hers wasn't. So it was time to get back to it.

  As she moved along the winding paths, she took the time to either nod to or stop and speak with those she met. She knew she'd never get used to the awe she saw in some of their eyes, but there was nothing she could do about that, so she chose to ignore it.

  When she finally reached the other side of the garden, and after making sure no one was watching, she moved through another hidden door. This one led to the open area where her quarters were. Once through, she lengthened her stride and headed for the door outside the Guard Wing.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  The delicious family meal Safford had prepared on such short notice was tasteless on Stephanie's tongue. Still, she forced herself to choke it down and smile while she did it. Danton and Barek had arrived shortly before the meal, neither being informed of why they'd been told to appear. Looking at Danton, she could tell that while he was curious, he wasn't overly concerned. Barek was a different story. While he didn't say anything, his assessing gaze told Stephanie he knew something had happened. Just as the Torta was brought out and the boys started arguing about who got the first piece, Stephanie's comm went off.

  After carefully wiping her mouth, Stephanie set down her napkin and rose. "Excuse me. I need to take this."

  "I'll show you where my secure comm is," Jotham said rising with her, which had Barek's eyebrows shooting up. "We'll just be a moment, my love."

  "Alright," Jacinda said, tipping her face up to meet his kiss. "I'll try and save you two a piece of Torta, but no promises."

  "Hopefully we won't be long," Jotham murmured.

  Stephanie said nothing, just let her gaze travel around the table. It came to rest on Kasmira and the boys happily eating their slices of Fudge Torta. Hopefully, they would remain that way.

  Danton frowned as Jotham and Stephanie walked away. He'd caught how his sister's gaze had lingered on Kasmira and the boys and had caught the hint of sorrow that momentarily filled her expression before it was gone. He looked to Barek and could tell he'd seen it too. What the fuck was going on? This wasn't some regular comm. It somehow involved his family but how and why would Stephanie's gaze have lingered on Ethan's family?

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Jotham entered the code that would allow Stephanie to use his comm then stepped back. This was something he was still getting used to; not being the first one contacted when it came to the security of the Royal Family. Before, William had always contacted Jotham directly when Barek was in danger because Barek had been in the Coalition and William was his second father. But now, with Barek out of the Coalition and the reinstated position of Commander, he would be treated just as every other King or Queen was. He wasn't sure he liked that.

  Stephanie entered her code, the waiting transmission opened, and the High Commander's face filled the screen.

  "Commander Michelakakis, the Guardian has arrived at Nuga and recovered Prince Ethan."

  "Recovered?" Stephanie questioned barely keeping the quiver out of her voice.

  "Yes, he and his detail are in medical and being examined as we speak, but I was assured there were no life-threatening injuries."

  "Thank the Ancestors," Stephanie breathed before collecting herself to say. "Thank you, High Admiral."

  "No thanks necessary, Commander. It was your brother and those he put in charge of repairing the mines of Nuga that deserve your thanks. It saved them and the vast majority of the population of Nuga. Otherwise..." He didn't have to finish for both Stephanie and Jotham to understand.

  "Prince Ethan's family is going to want to see and speak with him, High Admiral. When will that be possible?" Stephanie asked.

  "I'll contact the Guardian and give them your comm code, Commander. Prince Ethan will contact you as soon as he's able."

  "Thank you, High Admiral."

  "Commander. King Jotham." The High Admiral nodded his head slightly then ended the comm.

  The band that had been tightening around Stephanie's chest ever since she'd learned of the attack disappeared with the knowledge that her brother was alive.

  "This is wonderful news," Jotham said smiling. "Let’s go share it with the family."

  And just that quickly, the band began tightening again. Jotham didn't seem to think he'd done anything wrong withholding this information from the family. He was about to discover his mistake. She just hoped he learned from it, and that her mother didn't stay angry at her for too long.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Returning to the dining room, Jotham and Stephanie found the meal had been cleared away, and the boys happily consuming their slices of Fudge Torta.

  "About time you two got back." While Jacinda's lips were smiling, her assessing gaze moved between Jotham and her daughter. "I wasn't sure how much longer I could protect your slices of Torta."

  Jotham smiled as he resumed his seat. "I'll make sure to inform Safford we'll need two Tortas the next time the family gathers."

  "Ancestors, no," Kasmira said as she wiped a streak of fudge from Eliron's cheek. "These two are already on a fudge high. I can't imagine what they'd be like if they had more to eat."

  Barek and Stephanie's gaze met as she went to retake her seat, and he didn't like what he saw in it. While the tension he'd sensed from her during the meal was gone, it had been replaced by something else. Yes, something was definitely up.

  "As you wish," Jotham conceded then took Jacinda's hand. "Now there is some news I need to share with you."

  The table went silent as all heads turned to Jotham.

  "The reason I requested this dinner was that earlier today I was informed that the Regulians were attacking Nuga." Gasps of dismay were heard from around the table. The loudest coming from Kasmira who had paled and grabbed her boys’ hands.

  "Ethan's on Nuga," Kasmira whispered.

  "Yes, and the High Admiral just informed us that the Regulians have broken off their attack, and the Guardian was able to recover Ethan. He is fine and is currently being treated. He will comm you shortly." Jotham smiled at Kasmira as if he'd just given her an amazing gift instead of scaring her half to death.

  "We will know the instant Ethan calls." Stephanie's words pulled her sister-in-law’s gaze, and Stephanie tapped her portable comm. "I promise you won't miss it."

  Kasmira closed her eyes, tipped her head back slightly and inhaled deeply through her nose before her gaze returned to Stephanie, and she gave her a slight nod.

  Jacinda said nothing as her daughter's gaze turned to meet hers. She saw the sorrow, regret, and resignation in them. It told Jacinda that Stephanie hadn't wanted to keep this from her, from any of them. So the only reason she would was if she'd been ordered to, ordered by the man so lovingly holding her hand. Slowly she turned her head to look at that man, the one that would soon be her husband.

  "How long have you known?" she asked in a calm, controlled voice that her children instantly recognized from their youth. Jacinda Michelakakis rarely got angry, but when she did, you didn't want to be the one that caused it.

  "I was informed of the attack this morning," Jotham told her not realizing he was facing the calm before the stoirme.

  "Which is why you didn't go to the Assembly Hall." She pulled her hand away from his.

  "Yes," he easily agreed.

  "So when you sat across from me at lunch and calmly discussed plans for our Union, you knew my son was in danger."

  "Yes." Jotham's brows drew together slightly at her cold tone.

  "And yet, you didn't tell me?" Jacinda continued to question.

  "No, there was no reason to needle
ssly worry you, any of you," Jotham said looking around the table.

  "Needlessly... Worry...Me," Jacinda slowly repeated.

  "Yes, and thank the Ancestors, I didn't need to," Jotham still didn't seem to realize just how upset Jacinda was.

  "How dare you keep vital information about my children from me! How dare you claim it was so I wouldn't worry! Who the ruk do you think you are, Jotham Kado Tibullus?!"

  "I... Jacinda..." Jotham's eyes widened in shock.

  "And then you ordered Stephanie to not say anything to me. Didn't you!" Jacinda didn't make it a question.

  "Yes, she's my Commander..." Jotham began.

  "She's not your Commander when it comes to matters concerning our family, Jotham! She's my daughter!"

  "Mom..." Stephanie interrupted, hoping to deflect some of her mother's anger.

  "No, Stephanie Anne. I understand why you couldn't tell me. I knew something was wrong when Kasmira and the boys arrived so quickly, but I didn't push because I knew it must have to do with your job. But you," her blazing eyes returned to Jotham. "How could you betray me like this?!"

  "Betray you?" Jotham felt his heart stutter at the accusation. "Jacinda, I would never betray you."

  "Then what would you call it?"

  "Protecting you."

  "Protecting," she scoffed. "I trusted you, Jotham, not only with my heart and soul, but with my family, and you lied to us."

  Just as she was about to continue, Stephanie's comm chimed, and everyone froze. Kasmira's grip on her boys tightened as her gaze flew to Stephanie's.

  "Take them to my comm, Stephanie," Jotham said quietly. "I didn't secure it."

  Without a word, Stephanie rose and guided the three out of the room.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  Ethan impatiently waited for the transmission to connect. He needed to see his family, needed to talk to them. After all the devastation and loss of life he'd seen, he needed to make sure his own family was okay. Captain Zafar had informed him they'd been extremely lucky. The two ships that attacked Nuga were some of the smallest ones in the Regulian Fleet. They could have done a great deal more damage, but for some reason had broken off their attack hours before the Guardian had arrived.


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