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Stephanie's Challenge

Page 26

by M. K. Eidem

  "It will be fine."

  "I know but this is an even larger gathering of Royals than at the Royal Ball, and we both know how that ended."

  "We'll make sure nothing happens," Kort reassured him seriously. "The Palace is in total lockdown, Nick, with only Royals and their security being allowed in. Every server has been checked and double-checked. Stephanie even made the other Royals submit the names of their guards and any 'dates' that will be attending and had them investigated too. We've got this covered, Nick. Go. Enjoy yourself with your life mate."

  Nick knew the men under his command and the rest of the Royal Guards could handle whatever was thrown at them, but he still wished he would be in control. Suddenly he realized this was what Stephanie was dealing with, but for her, it wouldn't be just tonight. She'd have to be out of the loop during the Union tomorrow too. His respect for his life mate went even higher because he wasn't sure he'd be able to handle sitting in a Temple full of people there to observe the Union and not be on duty.

  "Alright," he agreed and stood up. "I'll meet up with you in the morning for final instructions before the Union."

  Nick entered their quarters and began loosening his jacket as he headed for the bedroom. He'd already planned on taking a quick shower and changing uniforms. Now that he was attending the banquet as family, it required more detailed grooming. He needed to shave and make sure his medals were placed correctly on his dress uniform after being cleaned. He wouldn't let anything about his appearance reflect poorly on Stephanie or his new family.

  All those thoughts disappeared as he got his first look of his life mate.

  Ancestors, she was stunning!

  She was standing, her back to him, before a full-length mirror in a violet-colored gown that pooled around her feet. Due to his time in the Palace, he knew it was called a trumpet style. The solid material cupped her hips before turning into a thick lace with blank beading that revealed parts of her back completely while still covering her scars. The color perfectly complimented the well-defined muscles and golden skin of her bare arms.

  The mirror reflected back the front of the dress. It was made from the same thick, beaded lace as the back but completely covered her this time. It came together in a plunging neckline before extending over her hips forming a V along her right leg where a slit opened as she moved.

  Her chestnut hair had grown long enough to be styled in a casual flyaway that just brushed her shoulders. She'd highlighted her eyes and lips in a way he'd never seen before. His life mate always downplayed her beauty, and he understood why, but tonight she was allowing it to shine.

  "You..." he found he had to clear his throat as his gaze met hers in the mirror, "You look amazingly beautiful."

  "Really?" she asked, and he was shocked to see a hint of insecurity in her blue-green eyes, and he quickly turned her to face him.

  "You can't have any doubts about that, Stephanie. Just look at your mother."

  "She is beautiful, and refined, and elegant. I'm none of those things. I'm a Coalition Guard that got injured and because of it became a Commander."

  "You're not!" While he wasn't rough, he gave her a little shake. "You are so much more than that, Stephanie! You are an amazing woman who happened to be a Coalition Guard. Because of your training and skill, you stopped an assassination attempt. You earned your position along with the Medal of the Ancestors. You also happen to be a beautiful, refined, and elegant woman. Your career choices and position don't diminish that, so don't let the opinions of small-minded people like Woodrow do it either."

  "You think that's what I'm doing?"

  "I think you have had to deal with something that I never have, and can never fully comprehend. So I have no right to criticize how you handle it, but I also think whether you like it or not, you are now an example for every woman on Carina. If you can't be who you really are because of your position, then how can they?"

  "I never asked to be all that," she murmured.

  "I know." He pulled her close then said, "But growing up wouldn't you have loved to have someone like you as a role model? Someone who proved you could have a meaningful, serious career and still be a beautiful woman?"

  Stephanie stared up at him frowning. She understood what he was saying and knew he was right. There had been no women in powerful positions when she'd been growing up, not even the Queens because their position was based on a birthmark and not something they'd done to earn it. Even her mother's position and power had been dependent on her father's. She didn't think less of her mother because of that, but it wasn't something she'd ever be able to accept for herself. So where did that leave her?

  'If not me then who? If not now, then when?'

  It was something her father had once quoted to her when she asked why he was supporting an unpopular position that while being the right thing, would cost a great many credits to enact. She'd thought she'd understood but really hadn't until just this moment.

  So now she was in the position to stand up for what was right, even though it could cost her, for the betterment of future generations. Or she could walk away and let someone else do it.

  She'd never walked away from a challenge in her life, and she wouldn't now. But if she was going to walk this path, then she would walk it her way.

  Stephanie was silent for so long that Nick began to think he'd really upset her. Reaching out he rubbed away the crease that had formed between her brows. "I'm sorry. I didn't have the right to say that to you."

  "Of course you did. You're my life mate, and you're right. I just didn't want to admit it."

  "That you are a role model? A beautiful one."

  "Yes, I've downplayed my looks for so long because they were a hindrance in what I wanted to accomplish, that it's hard to believe they aren't anymore."

  "Well they aren't, but this is your decision. I'll support you, whatever you decide."

  "Thank you." Her frown returned. "What are you doing here so early? I thought you weren't going to shower and change until 1700."

  "Well, it seems I need to do more than just shower if I'm going to be escorting you to the banquet."

  "What?" she asked, her eyes widening.

  "It seems I'll be attending as your life mate and not Jotham's Captain."

  "Really?" The pleasure that filled her eyes was easily seen.

  "Really. So I'd better go shower and clean up if I have any hope of being worthy enough of walking beside you."

  She stopped him when he went to pass by her. "You're more than worthy enough, Nick. You are the most amazing man I've ever met, and I'm honored to be your life mate."

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Stephanie couldn't help but smile at the looks she and Nick were getting from the guards as they made their way to Jotham's private chambers. She had to admit they made a striking couple; her violet gown with black beading matching Nick's pants with the black stripe running down the outside of each leg. The snowy white jacket of Nick's dress uniform was the perfect foil for the multitude of medals decorating his broad chest. Together they perfectly represented the power and dignity of the Royal Guards.

  Entering, they found that for once they weren't the last to arrive. Jotham, Barek, and Danton were sitting in the living room discussing something while Jacinda crossed the room to them wearing a simple, floor-length gown that had been heavily embroidered with gold beading along its sides and bodice and perfectly imitated the tiara she wore.

  "Stephanie, you look beautiful!" Jacinda exclaimed extending her daughter's arms wide to get the full effect of the gown. "Absolutely beautiful."

  "Thank you, Mom," Stephanie leaned in and gave her a hug. "So do you."

  "And you, Nicholas," Jacinda's gaze turned to him. "How handsome you look. I've always liked the look of a man in uniform."

  "What's this?" Jotham asked coming up behind his life mate. "Are you saying I have competition?"

  "Never, my love," Jacinda laughed stretching up to kiss his cheek, "because while I like a man in uniform, I
love the man who wears the crown.”

  "Good come back, Mom," Stephanie smirked. "So where are Ethan and Kasmira?"

  "They are dropping the boys off in the Royal Wing," Jacinda told her as they moved deeper into the room. "They should be here soon.”

  Stephanie knew what she was referring to. Her cousins, Javiera and Leander Michelakakis had declined to attend the Royal Banquet, deciding instead to remain in the Royal Wing so they could watch over their son, Dell, the Royal children which included Kayden, Jacob, Will, Sabah, and Brett of the House of Knowledge, and Roland and Eliron of the House of Protection. Stephanie sure didn't envy them that job. While Sabah was still too young to cause any real problems, the boys were going to be a handful.

  "Sorry we're late," Kasmira apologized as they rushed into the room.

  "You're not," Jotham reassured her as he handed his soon to be son and daughter-in-law a glass of wine. "We have more than enough time before we need to leave for the banquet and even if we didn't, it could hardly start without us."

  Jotham let the laughter quiet before he continued. "But I am glad you have arrived because there's something that needs to be done. If everyone would please sit."

  Stephanie and Nick looked at each other as they and everyone else sat, while Jotham remained standing. Neither of them knew what he was referring to.

  "In preparing for this Union, Jacinda and I went into the Royal vault to pick out which tiara and jewels she wished to wear for our Union."

  "I have to say it was truly amazing," Jacinda murmured.

  "It's something I have to admit I'd never given much thought or notice to before. When there was an event, Lata would go down and choose the pieces she wanted to wear." Jotham shrugged as if he weren't discussing the jewels the House of Protection had been accumulating for generations.

  "That's because you are male, my love," Jacinda told him, "and while I'm grateful for that, the only jewels men are truly concerned about are their own."

  A stunned silence filled the room and Jacinda looked around then asked. "What? It's the truth and don't act like it's not."

  Jotham lifted his hand to his mouth and covered his smile as he coughed. "It is, my love. I just don't think your children have ever heard it expressed quite that way before, at least not by you. But what I was trying to say is that the majority of jewels in the House of Protection's vault are meant for our women, but there have been very few women in the last several generations. Now that's changed." Jotham walked over to a small desk and removed several items.

  "So I believe it's time for them to be seen again on our new Princesses." Jotham walked over to Kasmira. "Jacinda hand-picked this for you to wear tonight."

  Everyone leaned in as Jotham opened the rectangular velvet box. Inside was a stunning necklace made from a multitude of the violet jewels the House of Protection was known for, surrounded by diamonds, all set in platinum. They were accompanied by a set of matching teardrop earrings. They would go perfectly with not only Kasmira's dress but skin tone.

  "Jotham," Kasmira's gasp was barely heard. "I couldn't."

  "Of course you can, my dear. You are a Princess of the House of Protection." Jotham removed the necklace from its case and asked, "May I?"

  "Of course." Kasmira immediately stood and turned, lifting her hair out of the way to allow Jotham to place the necklace around her neck. Once it was clasped, she turned back and allowed everyone to view how it settled along her collar bones.

  "It's perfect, just like I knew it would be," Jacinda said, clasping her hands together happily.

  "I believe I'll allow you to do the earrings yourself," Jotham told Kasmira with a smile as he handed her the box, then turned to Stephanie.

  The box remaining in his hands was the same size as Kasmira's but deeper. When he opened it, Stephanie felt her breath catch for inside it was a necklace the color only the most ancient of gold could have. It had a warmth all its own and formed a wide, intricate design that surrounded violet stones that were smaller and less refined than the ones in Kasmira's necklace, but their darkness spoke of them being some of the first ever mined on Carina, making them priceless.

  Without prompting, Stephanie stood and presented Jotham with her back. She lifted her hand and held the necklace in place as Jotham worked the clasp and felt it warm instantly. Looking down at Nick, she saw his eyes flare with appreciation. Turning she let everyone else see it.

  "Oh, Stephanie, it's stunning," Jacinda murmured, her gaze taking in how the necklace perfectly followed the neckline of her daughter's dress.

  "That's because you picked it out just like you did the design for my dress," Stephanie said giving her mother a wobbly smile. "You know me so well." A special moment passed between mother and daughter.

  Jotham smiled as his gaze traveled around the room. This was how the House of Protection was always supposed to be. Filled with family, laughter, and love. If his Lata had survived, it would have been like this. Still, he believed that she would be happy that it was now.

  "Jotham?" Jacinda questioned, and he realized he'd been quiet for so long that everyone was staring at him.

  "I'm sorry," he said.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing, just enjoying this moment. It's been a long time since this Palace was filled with the love and laughter of family." He looked to Barek standing there in the finery of the Heir and knew he'd failed him. He'd shut down after Lata's death, and Barek had paid the price. Hopefully, he'd be able to make that up to him somehow.

  A knock on the outer door stopped him from saying anything more as Nicholas went to answer it and found Rin and Kort waiting. Turning back he looked to Jotham.

  "It's time."

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  During an ordinary Royal Union banquet, there was no formal schedule of the arrival of the Royals. They would filter in several hours after the actual Union and be greeted by the ruling Royals of the House. Drinks and small bites would be offered until the new couple arrived after attending the other banquets. Then the meal would be served.

  As this wasn't an ordinary banquet, it was requested that the attending Royals arrive by 1800 as the Royal Family would be arriving shortly after. During the usual banquet, the meal would be served then the new couple would go greet the ruling Royals who had attended and the lesser Royals with them.

  Tonight would be slightly different.

  "All stand for the arrival of the Royal Family of the House of Protection," the Sergeant at Arms announced.

  "Princess Stephanie and Captain Deffand."

  Stephanie's fingers tightened on Nick's arm, but her smile never wavered as she and Nick moved through the crowd and made their way to their assigned seats, even though they both heard the not so discrete whispers that ranged from comments about them being a couple to the jewels she wore.

  "Prince Ethan and Princess Kasmira," was announced next and they too made their way to their seats.

  "Prince Danton," was announced next. He had decided to attend alone.

  "Heir to the throne, Prince Barek." Barek had also chosen to attend alone.

  "King Jotham of the House of Protection and his future Queen, Jacinda."

  Jotham and Jacinda took a few steps then paused allowing everyone the chance to get a good look at them. Then they moved but not to the table where the rest of their family waited.

  Stephanie watched with the assessing eye of the Commander as Jotham and her mother moved to where the Queen and King of the House of Faith stood along with their heir, Princess Faye. They greeted them and talked for several minutes then moved on to the House of Growth. Again they greeted and spoke with the King, Queen, and their male heir.

  As they moved on to the House of Healing, Stephanie's eyes narrowed. She didn't like the way King Yusuf was staring at her mother or how Queen Pima glared at her. Stephanie had personally contacted the Queen and let her know that Woodrow had been dismissed and wouldn't be allowed to enter the House of Protection even as part of their Royal detail. She also
informed her that if it were attempted, she would make public what she'd discovered of Woodrow having the Queen's personal comm code. Pima hadn't liked that at all and had hung up on Stephanie, but Woodrow wasn't here.

  "Easy," Nick said quietly. "Kort is right there."

  "That doesn't stop the way he is leering at Mom," Stephanie hissed back.

  "No, but Jotham will." And as they watched, Jotham said something to Yusuf that had his head snapping back and face paling. Jotham and Jacinda then moved on to where Cassandra and William stood by the table closest to that of the House of Protection.

  "Queen Cassandra," Jotham greeted then smirked, "King William."

  "Jotham, stop teasing William," Jacinda reprimanded quietly. "Cassandra. William. Thank you so much for coming. I know how difficult it is to travel with young children."

  "It is," Cassandra agreed, "but we wouldn't have missed this for anything. We're so happy for you, for both of you."

  While it wasn't what they had done with the other Royals, Jotham and Jacinda turned and addressed Peter and Cyndy Chamberlain. "Thank you both for everything you've done for our family and House." Jacinda was the one who spoke.

  "It was nothing that you haven't done for ours," Peter replied. "I can't wait to see and hear my Pixie sing before an audience again."

  "They're going to love you, Cyndy," Jacinda reached out and squeezed one of the other woman's hands.

  "I hope so," Cyndy said quietly.

  "They will," Jotham reassured her, then moved them so they could take their seats so the meal could begin.

  ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

  It was an elaborate and memorable meal as was expected for a Royal Banquet, but it had some interesting choices. The first being that it was only seven courses instead of the standard twelve. The second was that while Safford had only used the finest ingredients, Jacinda had insisted he do nothing extreme with them. She wanted her family and their guests to actually enjoy their meals and not struggle to figure out what it was and how to eat it. She'd been at too many Royal events where that had happened.


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