My Name Is Pink: An Age Gap Dark Romance (Morally Questionable, #0.5)

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My Name Is Pink: An Age Gap Dark Romance (Morally Questionable, #0.5) Page 6

by Veronica Lancet

  "Theo?" I ask, coming to stand on the same level as him.

  "B, hi." He gives me a lopsided smile, thrusting the flowers in my direction. "For you."

  I frown. "With what occasion?"

  "I wanted to talk to you about something, if that's ok." He replies instead, leading me towards the harden.

  "What is it?"

  During his visits in the last few months, we'd engaged in some small talk and we'd gotten to know each other better. Well, he'd gotten to know Bianca Ashby. I already knew all there was to know about him.

  "I know we haven't known each other that long but..." He trails off, bringing his hand up to scratch the back of his head.

  "I talked to your father, and I asked permission to court you." He blurts out suddenly, and my eyes widen. What? "If you're agreeable, that is." He amends.

  "You're asking to date me?" I ask him to clarify, because really, this was the last thing I would have imagined he would say. A spark lights itself within my heart, and I get the urge to smile like a fool — but I know I can't. I need to keep my ruse.

  "I know this is rather out of the blue. I've esteemed you for a long time now, but I was trying to give you space to get used to me since I know you've never dated before." He adds, almost apologetic.

  "You like me?" I must sound like a broken record, but I need him to spell it out for me so I can throw an inner party and finally plan our future wedding.

  "Yes." He nods, and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, he gives me the most gorgeous smile. I almost swoon, but not quite, since I need to keep up my shy girl image. I lower my head and blush.

  "I'd like that very much." I tell him, probably the only honest thing I've ever told him. "You said my father approves?"

  "He's given me permission a few months ago, but it was my prerogative to take it slow. I don't want you to feel pressured in any way to say yes to me..."

  "No, no," I say rather quickly. "I'm not pressured. I like you too." I admit, lowering my gaze.

  I watch from under my lashes as a wide smile spreads across his face.

  "I'm curious." I start, still not looking at him. "Since when have you liked me?"

  "Since I first saw you." He answers solemnly and I hold my breath. It can't be, can it?

  I wreck my brain for the dates and realize he broke it off with Pink after that disastrous lunch. Is it possible I was the mysterious woman all along? I suddenly want to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

  I was jealous of myself.

  I school my features, centering my thoughts on the present. I slowly lift my head to gaze at him bashfully.

  "I'm glad." I whisper.

  Maybe not all is lost.

  I PUT IN A LOT OF EFFORT for our first date. After spending hours shopping and watching different tutorials to know how to comport myself, I feel like I am finally ready.

  I'd chosen a black dress that, while modest, still emphasized my curves and drew eyes to my cleavage. Theo needs to be reminded that while I am a sweet, gentle woman, I am still a sexual being and his thoughts should be focused on that. He should yearn for me, but not get me. This is all about building that anticipation that will make him mine in the end.

  I slip my feet into a pair of sandals and I head downstairs.

  Theo is already waiting for me, looking as sleek as always. Taking advantage of the fact that he has not noticed me yet, I let my gaze roam greedily over his figure. He is so decidedly attractive that I feel myself growing wet just gazing at him. All these months of celibacy haven't done me any good, and I'm one step away from pouncing on him.

  He suddenly turns, his eyes roving over my body, the darkening of his irises a good indication that he likes what he sees. By now, I'm quite familiar with Theo's cues, especially his sexual ones. And I know he's one step away from ravishing me too.

  Oh, if only he would...

  "You look exquisite." He rasps, and I give him a shy smile and a blush.

  "Thank you. You too."

  He offers me his hand, taking me to a cab and then to our restaurant. I can tell he's put a lot of thought into this. The entire setting is intimate and romantic. We are led to a small alcove, and we both take our seats.

  "This is lovely." I add, trying to break the awkward silence. I look up slightly to see Theo staring at me intently. I frown.

  "Do I have something on my face?" I ask, afraid I'd smeared some lipstick.

  "No." He shakes his head, half-amused, but he doesn't continue.

  The server comes around to bring us water and hand us the menu. Theo's eyes narrow as he follows the server's movements. It's only when he leaves that he's back to normal. Odd.

  He turns his attention back to me and smiles.

  "What are your plans after graduation?" He asks, and I internally smirk. This is what I was waiting for. I'd prepared for this, and I have the perfect answer for anything he might ask.

  On the outside, I school my features to convey uncertainty as I start my rehearsed speech.

  "I've been thinking about a project..." I trail off, "but I don't know if I can do it."

  "Of course you can. What is it?" He reaches across the table to put his hand on top of mine and I soak in the contact, almost moaning at the feel of his skin on mine.

  "I want to start a foundation for the less fortunate. I've put together a business plan, but I don't think my father is going to allow me." I lower my gaze as I whisper. "He doesn't like women working." I watch from the corner of my eye as Theo grits his teeth, that statement having the desired effect on him.

  "I can talk to him. If you want to do it, you will." He squeezes my hand and I purr in satisfaction.

  "Thank you... thank you." I return the touch, trying to convey my gratitude.

  "None of that. I want you to know I don't hold the same views as your father. While we may know each other in a professional capacity, I don't subscribe to his way of thinking."

  "I know. You're a good man." I say and blush. His eyes crinkle at the corners, and he continues.

  "What about family? Do you see marriage in your future? Children?" He goes straight to the point, doesn't he? I'd already accounted for that, seeing that Theo is quite traditional in that respect.

  "I'd like that. As an only child, I've always wanted a big family. Children..." I smile, "I'd like children." The corners of his mouth pull up and I can see he's satisfied with my answer.

  The server comes again and places the dishes in front of us. He lingers a little more than necessary in front of me, and I frown. Following the server's line of sight, I see he's a little too entranced by my cleavage. Damn! I wanted to go for classy, not trampy. I'm unsure how to react, since my usual go-to would be to beat the shit out of him, but I can't do that with Theo in front of me.

  "Eyes on me, kiddo." Theo suddenly interjects and the waiter flinches. Theo narrows his eyes at his name tag, "Owen," he starts, "I'm not a very forgiving man, especially when it comes to this lady." The threat in his tone was clear and Owen started shaking his head while mumbling an apology. Theo only raises an eyebrow at him, and Owen immediately scurries back to the staff room.

  "You didn't need to be so harsh." I say softly, trying to ease the tension I sense in him.

  "You're too naïve, little one. If you knew what he was thinking..." He shakes his head. "He needed to know you're off limits."

  "I am?" My mouth opens just a fraction, looking at him in wonder.

  "You are." He smiles confidently. "When you agreed to date me, you agreed to be mine. And I don't share."

  Good. Neither do I.

  But I don't voice that. No, I just look away, releasing a soft giggle and pretending to be embarrassed by his words.

  We spend the rest of the day discussing various topics, and while I'd prepared an entire list of answers to give him, I find that we do have a lot of things in common, like our stances on politics, religion and social reform.

  As the end of the night nears, I instantly get giddy about the thought of him kissing me.
The cab drops us at my home and I turn to him, looking expectantly.

  "I had a great time." I add, the intensity of his eyes sending a shiver down my back. Yes, this is the moment.

  He comes closer, his hand reaching out and caressing my cheek.

  "Me too, little one. I'll see you next week." He leans in for the kiss and I close my eyes, my lips ready to meet his.

  But they don't.

  Because he doesn't kiss my lips.

  He barely grazes my forehead.

  "Goodnight." He says, and then he's gone.

  What? No kiss? Where is my kiss?

  I'm left flabbergasted, looking at the spot he's just vacated, and I realize something. Maybe my shy girl pretense is backfiring. At this rate, will he ever touch me?


  I go straight to my room and I dial Vlad. I know what I have to do; I just need a little something to push him.

  "Vlad," I say the moment he picks up, "I need you to hire someone to attack us. I need it to be perfect." I start explaining what I need the attacker to do: scare me enough that I'll need to be consoled. Theo would of course save the day, and then he would have to comfort me. Ravaged by anxiety and in his arms, the entire scene would end in my much desired kiss.

  "Slow down," he drawls, "you want me to pay someone to attack you just so your suit can save you? You're crazy."

  "I'm not. Think about it! The intensity of the situation will make our endorphins run high, and one thing will lead to another and then..."

  "Yeah, I got that, but really B? That's your master plan?"

  "He kissed my forehead tonight. My forehead." I try to emphasize the gravity of the situation. "What if he doesn't think of me sexually? No, I can't have that happen."

  "B," he groans, and I can tell he's going to object more.

  "I swear if I don't get any action soon, my lips will wither and fall off. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

  "I'm not sure that's biologically possible, but have it your way. I'll find someone. If it backfires it's on you, but don't say I didn't warn you."

  "You're the best." I exclaim and send him a virtual kiss.

  My plan will work. All my plans do.

  Chapter Seven

  FOR THE MILLIONTH TIME today, I stare at her, my eyes zoning in on her lips.

  Fuck! Why did I decide to be such a gentleman?

  But then I remind myself that she's never dated before, and I don't want to pressure her to do anything she might not be ready for. Just last time she confessed that she's never kissed anyone before.

  The thought of being her first, in every way possible, fills me with such possessiveness that I never want to let her go. I already have enough trouble letting her go when our dates come to an end.

  I want nothing more than to kidnap her and have my way with her.


  I groan internally, shocked at the direction of my thoughts. I can't let my baser instincts ruin this for me. I don't want to scare her with my desires, especially when she's barely become comfortable being alone with me outside her house. I need to push everything down, and just focus on the present — on her.

  "Have you decided?" I ask when she puts down the menu.

  After our first date, I'd tried my best not to overwhelm her, but I just couldn't stay away. I'd dropped by her house the next day and I'd invited her to breakfast. And so a routine had developed. I could not get enough of her. She was like a breath of fresh air with her artless manner and her sunny disposition . And when I looked into those huge, gorgeous eyes of hers, I felt at home.

  Especially after a long week at work, these Saturdays together were all I could think of.

  "I'll have the omelet." She replies, giving me one of those sweet smiles I've come to crave more than anything.

  Who would have thought I would ever find myself in this position? I'd never imagined I would one day consider a future with someone, not with my promise to my parents still fresh in my mind.

  But I find that I can't choose one. I'll get my revenge, eventually. But Bianca.... I want her by my side when that happens.

  "I'll have the same." I add.

  "I'll quickly go to the restroom before our orders come." She gets up and heads to the back of the restaurant.

  I pull up my phone and go through some messages when suddenly a noise gets my attention. People gasping around, I look up to see Bianca slowly approaching, shoulders slumped, gaze alarmed. Behind her is a man ordering directives as he waves a knife around, settling on her neck.

  For a second I stiffen, panic unlike anything I'd experienced before settling deep in my gut. But realizing the seriousness of the matter, I force myself to focus.

  I stand, putting my hands up to show I'm unarmed.

  "Easy," I start, taking a step forward. "That's my girlfriend you're holding." I catch Bianca's eye and I can see she is terrified but trying to hold it together. "Let her go, please."

  "No!" He shouts, the hand holding the knife trembling slightly and digging into her flesh. God, I think I see some red. "It's all your fault! All of you!"

  Alarmed at the possibility that he might actually harm her; I take a deep breath and decide to deescalate.

  "Easy. Maybe I can help you. What's your name?"

  His eyes move swiftly from side to side, and for a moment I contemplate he might be on narcotics — that would make the situation even more unpredictable.

  "Jacob..." He mumbles, looking anywhere but at me.

  "Jacob, tell me what I can do to help you." I slow my words, trying to make him see me as inoffensive.

  "You can't! No one can!" He flails his arm around, his knife now pointing towards me. Seeing that it's no longer at Bianca's throat, I release a relieved sigh.

  "Maybe I can. Why don't you tell me about it?" I continue, while signaling to Bianca to make a run for it if she has the chance.

  "It's all your fault, fucking elitists. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't lose my job... or end up on the streets. My wife left me." He sniffles a sob. "She took the kids."

  "She made a mistake. You can always turn your life around. Then you can get your wife and kids back." I say and watch the emotions play on his face. Just as I think I got through him, he tightens his hold on Bianca, placing the knife at her neck again.

  "Look, man, there's still a chance to make this right. But if you continue with this..." I shake my head. "Then there's no returning, do you get me?" My eyes are fixed on Bianca the whole time, and I think of all the ways I can get her out of harms' way.

  "But you don't get me. You don't know what it's like to be me!" His voice is even louder now, and I can tell he's becoming more agitated. Not good.

  "Look, why don't you take me instead of her? I work for the police, I'm of more value to you." I hope he'll buy that. He looks at me with an angry expression, but he seems to consider it.

  "Fine! But come slowly, or she gets hurt." I do as he says, and he pushes Bianca to the floor just as I am one foot away. Seeing that she's out of his reach, I act. I go straight for the hand that holds the knife, knocking the weapon out and twisting his hand behind his back.

  Using my knee, I kick his leg and hold him down on the ground, immobilized. He's thrashing in my hold, but he won't be able to escape anytime soon.

  The police soon make their appearance and they take Jacob into custody. As soon as I am able to, I rush to Bianca's side. She's being treated by the paramedics for her cut.

  "Are you ok?" I take her face in my hands, trying to gauge what she's feeling. God, she must have been so scared... "I'm so sorry." I tug her to me and hug her tightly, mad with myself that I put her in danger's way.

  "Y-y-yes." She stammers, her small body trembling with residual fear.

  "Shh, I got you." I kiss the top of her head, and I stroke her hair. Her hands come around my waist and she holds onto me.

  "Thank you." She whispers, burrowing her face deeper in my chest.

  When we get back to her house a while later, I feel reluctant leav
ing her alone, the sight of her so vulnerable, a knife digging in her neck still engraved in my mind.

  I hold on to her hand, wanting to feel her warmth, her physical presence.

  "You scared me, little one." I admit. She raises her enormous eyes to look at me and my restraint snaps.

  Tugging her chin up, I lower my head and brush my lips across hers in the softest caress. She seems surprised, and a sigh escapes her. I part my lips slightly, and she follows my lead, her mouth opening under mine, her tongue probing hesitantly. The first contact sends shivers down my spine, the connection instantaneous.

  I growl low in my throat as I deepen the kiss, holding her closer. Her hands brush over my arms, before settling on my face, trailing soft touches all over.

  Suddenly, I take a step back, breaking the kiss. I need to put a stop to this before it gets too far — before I scare her with my passion.

  Her eyes are glazed with desire, her hair mussed, her mouth oh so very well kissed.

  My thumb grazes the swollen lips, and satisfaction fills me to the brim.

  She's mine!

  "Good night, B." I tell her, turning around and leaving.

  God, I really need to learn some self-restraint.

  AFTER THE HOSTAGE INCIDENT, things change, and not for the better. I can barely stand being apart from her, and I'm afraid my overprotectiveness may stifle her. Wherever she goes, I go. It's as simple as that. I might have even gone a little overboard, as I'd taken advantage of my vacation days to shadow her.

  I must have it bad if even work doesn't matter anymore.

  Her classes? I'm in the back.

  Her internship? I'm waiting around.

  Her home? I'm a constant visitor.

  Luckily, Martin isn't around all that much or that would have been awkward. But Bianca hasn't said anything. She seems to enjoy my presence as much as I do hers.

  It's only after one month that she pulls me aside and tells me she's worried for me.

  "Don't get me wrong," she starts, her eyes darting around, "I love having you with me everywhere I go, but I don't think your boss is going to be impressed with your absences."

  I purse my lips, realizing where this is going. I'd been entirely too wrapped up in her that my job had come second.


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